Mit'ko A.E. —
To the question on the modern social mission of the Church: practical aspect
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 7 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.6.29742
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the organization of social ministry in the eparchies of the Russian Orthodox Church. The article analyzes the concept of social mission as a particular type of church ministry formed at the intersection of missionary activities and social work. The unity of target of missionary activities and social work allows determining this type of ministry. The institutionalization of the target of social mission is conducted through application of various criteria. Special attention is given to the role of the diverse forms and methods of social mission as the additional criteria for segmenting the target of social mission. The research is carried out via the methods of hermeneutics as the foundation of missiological methodology. Within the framework of this research, the author analyzes the regulatory documents of the Russian Orthodox Church. The scientific novelty lies in segmentation of the destination field of social mission. For the first time, the categories of social work recipients are presented as the target of social mission. This article reveals the prospects for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of missiology and social diaconia. Social ministry of the Church is viewed in the context of missiological goal setting.
Mit'ko A.E. —
The problem of substantiation of missiology as a research objective
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 32 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2019.5.29687
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Abstract: The systematization of theological knowledge is a results of the reception of creedal content of Revelation in historical experience of the Church as a unique institution with a right for legitimate indoctrination, as well as authentic interpretation. The only source of this right is the Revelation itself. Correspondence of the results of such procedures with theological axiomatic is determined primarily by its succession and doctrinal intactness. The article examines the need in formation of the news mission strategies in modern world, which is a definitive motive for interpretation and systematization of the missionary aspects of Revelation. Namely the Revelation defines the method if reception, interpretation and systematization of the genuine content. At the present stage, the actualization of missionary aspects of the Revelation is preceded by a short, but extremely important process of the emergence and development of Orthodox missiology. This process carries an incomplete character, and its relevant results are interval, and this controversial. Therefore, the modern Orthodox missiology is in the stage of intense problematization of its research field and method. The paramount obstacle in development of this process is the ambiguous understanding of the role and theoretical-methodological status of the Orthodox missiology within the system of theological knowledge.
Mit'ko A.E. —
Mission Actor's Research Field
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.5.29688
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Abstract: The renewal of Orthodox Missiology in late XX - early XXI centuries happened mainly as an academic discipline. Along with that, results, obtained in the process of practical missionary ministry, cumulative integrated into theoretical mission studies. A gradual accumulation of empirical results took the Missiology to the qualitatively new theoretical level of research work. The need for a missiological actualization of ecclesiological problems of theology is associated with a high degree of dynamics of missionary service as going out the boundaries of the Church. In the article, the example, characterizing the specifics of the given process, is observed - actively used in this period, the concept of the missionary field, which precedes the transformation of the subject area of missionary activity in the research field of missiology. The subject-object relationship model is not applicable to missionary service, as it is implemented rather in the subject-subject paradigm. This determines the choice of the terminology of this study. The subject of the mission is expressed by the concept of the actor, and its object by the concept of the addressee of the mission, which determines the configuration of the research field of missiology.