Anikin D.A., Konakov D.N. —
Securitization of the Past in a Risk Society: a socio-philosophical analysis
// Sociodynamics. – 2022. – ¹ 10.
– P. 20 - 30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2022.10.39128
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Abstract: The article examines the concept of securitization from the point of view of social philosophy, determines the need to abandon objectivism or extreme constructivism in the analysis of this concept. The prerequisites for the formation of the security value are analyzed, as well as the main forms of securitization common in modern risk society, in particular, military, political, social, economic and environmental securitization. Special emphasis is placed on the study of the social conditions for the implementation of the securitization strategy. The object of the study is the phenomenon of securitization as a socio-philosophical phenomenon, and the subject of the study is mnemonic securitization as a new form of addressing the problem of security in a modern risk society. The author introduces the concept of securitization as a social practice based on the willingness of the community to perceive a certain natural or social phenomenon as an objectively existing threat. Mnemonic securitization is considered as a fundamentally new type of securitization, which presupposes the desire to present symbolically significant images of the past as an object of influence from ideological opponents. A special contribution to the problems of research is determined by the identification of links between the processes of transformation of collective communities and the emergence of risks of collective identity, which is expressed in the formation of ideas about the need for ontological security and the delegation of powers to protect this form of security by political actors, primarily the state.
Anikin D.A., Ivanova D.D. —
Viewer as a subject of post-secular era: theoretical-methodological foundations
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2021. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2021.5.36211
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Abstract: The goal of this research lies in examination of the phenomenon of viewer, as well as in the attempt to give its definition within the framework of post-secular era. Based on the conditions of human existence and worldview, definition is given in the context of hermeneutical approach, revealing the traits of a viewer through post-secularity, and clarifying his connection with such the socialization process. The peculiarity of the subject of research consists in the fact that post-secular society changes the requirements imposed on a viewer, adding a so-called religious prism to the events unfolding on the screen, which raises the question on the specificity of such prism. The scientific novelty of this work lies in examination of the phenomenon of a viewer in the socio-philosophical context, as well as analysis of a viewer in the post-secular era. It is proven that the viewer of post-secular era faces the clash of religious and non-religious worldviews, which leads to the formation of unstable system of value orientations. The article substantiates that the specificity of post-secular situation is to provoke an internal conflict in a viewer, which would affect the perception of cinematographic plotlines based on compliance with certain moral-ethical norms or preservation of the entertainment principle. Resolution of this conflict is possible in case of creating a specific cinematographic product with quasi-religious content, but enclosed in the entertainment shell.
Anikin D.A. —
Religious community in modern cultural space: transformation of identity and memorial practices
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 36 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2020.3.32440
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Abstract: This article discusses the problem of transformation of memorial practices of religious community in the context of modern cultural space. The subject of research is the memorial practices of religious communities, while the main goal is to determine their specificity in terms of intensification of post-secular trends and individualization of culture. The author reveals the initial correlation of religious community with the processes of maintaining collective identity and the ways of preserving collective remembrances; and later analyzes the process of their changeability, highlights the development stages and fundamental characteristics of religious communities. Based on functional approach proposed by E. Durkheim, M. Halbwachs and D. Hervieu-Léger, the article analyzes the situation of transformation of functions of collective memory and ways of referring to it in the context of spatial dynamics. The author’s main contribution consists in determination of transformation stages of the cultural space (culture of canon, culture of trauma, culture of dialogue), which allows indicating the prerequisites for secularization of memorial practices, as well as possibility for their studying in the context of post-secular trends. The conclusion is formulated that in modern culture, the religious community is established on the principles of individualization, homogenization and migration, which implies the refusal of presumption of continuity of collective memory, and transition towards its interpretation as a configurable element of the identity of religious community. The emerging gap between the need in religious beliefs and affiliation to the tradition creates a social request for the formation of local religious communities.
Anikin D.A. —
Symbolic politics in modern Russia: main vectors and risk factors
// Conflict Studies / nota bene. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 95 - 100.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0617.2019.4.31453
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Abstract: The object of this research is the symbolic politics and its internal structure. The subject of this research is the politics of memory as an element of symbolic politics, its specificity in modern Russian society, and prerequisites for the emergence of conflicts. A question is raised on the need for determining the interrelation of symbolic politics and politics of memory, as well as on specificity of similar relationship within the modern Russian political space. Emphasis is made on the fact that symbolic politics is directly associate with the level of political participation, since the demand for the formation and translation of certain political symbols is defined by the drive for legitimation of the existing order. Research methodology leans on the communication model of symbolic politics of Ulrich Sarcinelli, as well as process-relational methodology of studying the politics of memory of Jeffrey Olick. Separate aspect of research is Ulrich Beck’s concept of “risk society” from the perspective of transformation of structure of the political space. The author’s main contribution lies in substantiation of thesis that the risks of symbolic politics are related to changes in the roster of political actors, which leads to dissolution of the symbolic consensus within the society. The author believes that the deficit of development strategies and associated images resulted in centralization of symbolic politics exclusively in the sphere of images of the past, which became a substantial risk factor provoking conflicts around the interpretation and reconsideration of the particular “spots of memory”. The desire to minimize such risk consists in withholding problematic questions of the past, which leads to the absence of public discussion mechanisms, localization and regionalization of the vectors of symbolic politics.