Varfolomeeva Y.N. —
Classification of Verb Predicates of Visual Perception in Colloquial Description
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 98 - 104.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.3.26931
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Abstract: In her research Varfolomeeva offers a semantic classification of verb predicates used in colloquial description. The object of the research is descriptive texts that can be heard in colloquial speech. Taking into account the fact that a descriptive text is a priori designated to verbalize the space, verb predicates that constitute the 'constant' of the descriptive structural-semantic model verbalize spatial parameters. The subject of the research is the semantics of verbal prediates that express the locative semantics in a description. Analysis of semantics of verb predicates used in colloquial description implies their classification. The researcher offers her own classification of lexical-semantic groups depending on an identifying seme and differentiating semes. The researcher analyzes the material from the point of view of synchrony. One of the main research methods used by the author is the semantic-contextual method that is based on the analysis of semantic particularities of verb predicates in terms of colloquial description. In addition, the author also applies the quantitative analysis method that implies calculation of productivity of using lexical-semantic groups of verb predicates in colloquial descriptions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher refers to description in general because earlier researches focused on analyzing literary and academic texts. Colloquial description may use two groups of verb predicates that define the spatial location of objects: 1. Predicates that define spatial parameters of an item in relation to another item (geometrical arrangement, position, coverage of an object, space filling, space boundaries, directions, spatial relation between objects); and units that define spatial characteristics of an object (shape of an object, characteristics of flat surface, position of objects within pace; and 2. verb predicates that describe an observer's spatial features (based on light/color characteristics).
Varfolomeeva Y.N. —
Typology of Descriptive Texts (Comparative Characteristics of Visual Description and Feature Description)
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 28 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2017.1.20739
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the integral and differential properties of two types of descriptive texts, visual and feature descriptions. The object of the research is the descriptive texts of artistic and scientific styles. The research material included untranslatable literature of classical and contemporary authors in the Russian language. In some cases when there was a need to present the material in a more illustrative way, the author applied the method of constructing text fragments according to the model. In her research Varfolomeeva has analyzed the principles that allow to define a number of semiotic features for the two types of descriptive texts. In the course of her research she has applied the methods of linguistic observation and description of language facts, the method of language analysis, comparative method, the method f modelling examples according to the sample. Functional semantic types of speech is still of great interest for scientists even though they have already become the matter of many researches. In particular, it is important to define subtypes within each type of speech as well as to clarify their differentiation criteria. The main criteria for differentiating between visual description and feature description include the function of a speaker's substitute, principles of temporality or regularity of features of an object being described; observability or non-observability of features attributable to the object; localization or non-localization of described features in time. In addition, to differentiate between visual description and feature description, it is also necesary to carry out an analysis of substantives, adjectives, lexical-semantic groups of verbs, space or time indicators as well as syntax features of sentences constituting a descriptive text.
Varfolomeeva Y.N., Lenkhoboeva T.R. —
Specific Features of Media Texts (on the Basis of Journalistic Texts of Online Newspaper VSGUTU-Online)
// Litera. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 50 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.20827
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Abstract: The article discusses the features of journalistic texts on the Internet. The authors have actualized the phenomenon of such a media text which includes the verbal layer close to the traditional format and non-verbal layer that consists of illustrations, infographics, and audio-video materials. In the course of their research the authors have analyzed the site of the student newspaper "VSGUTU-online», its structure, design, and media texts which have been published in the student newspaper. Based on the material represented that included more than 50 articles, the authors cover such characteristics of media texts as its compositional structure, lexical and syntactic structure, availability of multimedia, interactive and hypertextual tools. When working on the article, the authors have used the methods of linguistic observation and description as well as the method of the language analysis. On the Internet media texts acquire new features and therefore becomes a 'unique phenomenon' as some researchers call it. Firstly, mediatexts consist of interchangeable layers, verbal and non-verbal. Secondly, there is an evident change in the verbal 'traditional' layer of the text, first of all, due to transformation of the textual structure which is required to become more fractured. Thirdly, a separate role is given to multimedia, interactive and hypertextual tools.
Varfolomeeva Y.N., Kharanutova E.I. —
Criteria for Assessing the Quality of Media Texts (on the Basis of PR-Texts)
// Litera. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 101 - 107.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.20921
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Abstract: The article deals with the concept of PR-text and genre varieties of PR-texts. At present, the theory and practice of public relations do not fully cover the genre system of PR-texts and genre characteristics and genres groups are not defined. In addition, in linguistics there is no uniform classification of properties for assessing the quality of PR-texts. Based on the analysis of different assessment criteria, the authors have defined 21 information-structural, 8 communicative and 6 aesthetics characteristics of PR-texts which can be used to assess the effectiveness of the quality of PR-texts. The authors have used the method of language analysis to study the quality of PR-texts. In addition, they have also used the methods of linguistic observation and description of linguistic facts as well as the comparative method. Information-structuarl assessment criteria include information capacity, response efficiency, presence of a topic, specificity, coherence and integrity, depth of contents, logical structure, readibility and understandability, importance of information, credibility and accuracy of information (presence of concrete facts), dividedness, openness/closedness, completeness of a text, accurate heading, correct use of quotations, textual composition, syntax parameter (sentences with an easy structure and textual rythm), lexical parameter (simple words, absence of slang words, paragraph length). Communicative features of PR-texts are realised through publicity of a text, communicative orientation, presence of a basic PR-subject, initiation from the basic PR-subject, optimal content, authorship type, references, and selectability. Aesthetics characteristics include spacial-time discreteness, references to an official site of an organisation in a PR-document, use of infographics, highliting of actual information, providing references to other resources, and giving contant information about responsible individuals.