Alperovich V. —
Subjective "world'image" at the stage of early adulthood: comparative analysis of conceptual models
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 104 - 117.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2023.4.68726
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Abstract: The research purpose was to conduct a comparative analysis of conceptual models reflecting the stability and variability of the individual “world'image”; secondly, to consider various examples of interpretation of everyday social reality, incl. situations of interaction with “one’s own” and “other people’s” communication partners, in personal narratives. The research hypothesis is formulated that the personal “world'image” as a phenomenon that is both stable and changeable can be studied by referring to speech forms, incl. to metaphors and narratives about interaction with different communication partners. A comparative theoretical socio-psychological analysis of activity-based, psychosemantic and other approaches to the study of the “world'image” phenomenon is used, as well as an interpretation of the results of some empirical studies of biographical narratives. In accordance with the hypothesis put forward, it is shown that a personal “world'image”, which is both stable and changeable, can be studied by referring to speech forms: a person’s interaction with communication partners in various categories is reflected in his metaphors and narratives. The scientific novelty and originality of this article are as follows. A comparative analysis of conceptual models of the “world'image” is carried out. The author's narrative model for analyzing interaction with other people in the “world'image” at the stage of early adulthood is presented. The possibilities of narrative analysis of the subject’s ideas about other people in his “world'image” are revealed using the example of various empirical studies.
Alperovich V. —
“Congenial people”, “dissonant people” and “image of the word” of a mature person
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 54 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2020.3.33852
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Abstract: This research is dedicated to the problem of correlation between perception of other people by a subject and phenomenon of the “image of the world”. This topic is relevant for scholars of humanities in different countries in conditions of aggravation of various macrosocial conflicts. A theoretical study is conducted on correlations between the phenomena of “image of the world”, “worldview”, “model of the world”, and approaches of the Russian psychology towards them. The author explores the results of empirical study of the “image of the world”, reflected in drawings, through the prism of metaphorical representations of a mature person on “congenial people” and “dissonant people”. The goal consists on carrying out a comparative analysis of peculiarities of the “image of the world” among persons differing in metaphorical representations on “congenial people” and “dissonant people”. The subject of this research is the metaphors of "congenial person” and “dissonant person”, the basic principles of a person and types of the “image of the world” depicted in drawings and verbal characteristics. The scientific novelty lies in the development of additional parameters for the analysis of the “image of the world” of a person, reflected in drawings. This article is first to determine correlations between different types of metaphors of “congenial person” and “dissonant person” as communication partners, and parameters of the “image of the world” of a person depicted in drawings. The conclusion is made that attribution of positive metaphorical socio-psychological characteristics to “congenial people” and “dissonant people” is associated with positive assessment of the objects of surrounding world. Stereotypization of images of other people as communication partners correlates with such of the “image of the world” in consciousness of a subject. The research results indicate that perceptions of “congenial people” and “dissonant people” by the subject affect their “image of the world”. The presented materials can be used in socio-psychological counseling for elaboration of the programs of correcting the system of relations of the subject to themselves and other people.
Alperovich V. —
Metaphorical representations of difficult life situations and coping strategies of pregnant women
// Psychologist. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 52 - 63.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.31560
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Abstract: The presented research is based on the Russian concept of coping behavior. It is dedicated to the problem of pregnancy as a predictor of the dynamics of coping strategies of adult women. The goal consists in conducting a comparative analysis of coping strategies and metaphorical representations on the difficult life situations among pregnant and non-pregnant women. The subject of study became the coping strategies and metaphors of difficult life situations among pregnant women, women who have children, and women who do not have children. Content analysis of the metaphors, testing, and methods of mathematical statistics (H-criterion of Êruskal-Wallis, and regression analysis) are applied. The scientific novelty consists in determination of differences in the coping strategies of pregnant women, women who have children, and women who do not have children. A comparative analysis is conducted on their metaphorical representations of difficult life situations. The author establishes the impact of these representations upon the women’s choice of rational and adaptive coping strategies.
Alperovich V. —
The Metaphors of 'Friends' and 'Aliens' in the Perception of People with Different Ethnocultural Appearance as Representations of Various Ethnic 'World Views'
// Psychologist. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.26751
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Abstract: This study is devoted to the problem of differences in metaphorical ideas about people with a different ethnocultural appearance as representations of various ethnic “world images”. The purpose of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the metaphors of "friendly" and "alien" people with different ethnocultural appearance in persons with a similar ethnocultural appearance. The subject of the research was the metaphors of "friendly" and "alien" people with a "Slavic", "Caucasian" and "Asian" appearance in persons with a "Slavic" appearance. The following methods were used: content analysis of metaphors, correlation analysis. The method developed by the author for the study of the metaphors of "friendly" and "alien" people with different ethnocultural appearance is applied. It was first established that the metaphorical images of “alien” people and “enemies” with an “Asian” appearance are more positive than the metaphorical images of “alien” people and “enemies” with a “Caucasian” appearance. Respondents perceive “friendly” people with “Caucasian” appearance as having more similarity with them than “their” people with “Asian” appearance. It was concluded that the images of "friendly" people with different ethnocultural appearance in the subjective perception may have a similar structure, may be mediated by the same criteria for categorization of surrounding people in the "own" continuum - "alien", and the images of "alien" people with different ethnocultural appearance can be structurally different. Stereotypical metaphors of communication partners with different appearance indicate the impact of ethnocultural codes on ideas about other people from different ethnocultural groups.The results of the research can be applied in applied social psychology of conflict and discrimination.
Alperovich V. —
Metaphors of 'Friends' and of 'Aliens' with Different Ethnocultural External Appearance in Connection with Stratificational Characteristics of Adult Persons
// Psychologist. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 88 - 104.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2017.3.22570
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Abstract: In this research Alperovich focuses on the problem of distinctions between representations about 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearance reflected in metaphors and narratives. The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of metaphors of 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearance of persons with different stratificational characteristics (gender, age, level of education). The subject of the research is the metaphors of 'friends' and 'aliens' developed by men and women with incomplete and complete higher education at their early and middle ages.
The author has used the followign methods: content analysis of metaphors, methods of mathematical statistics (cluster analysis, quartiles, nonparametric tests such as Mann–Whitney U test and Kruskal–Wallis H test). Based on the cognitive concept of metaphors, the author elaborated methods for studying metaphors of 'friends' and of 'aliens' presented by people with different ethnocultural external appearance. For the first time in the academic literature the author has discovered, that, towards early and middle ages, the tendency to attribute positive psychosocial features to 'aliens' with Slavic ethnocultural external appearance and to 'friends' and 'aliens' with 'Caucasian' ethnocultural external appearance intensifies. We start to perceive others in a more differentiated way. Respondents with incompleted higher education attribute negative psychosocial features to 'friends' and 'aliens' with Caucasian and Asian ethnocultural external appearance, evaluate negatively their roles in communication more than respondents with complete higher education. Male respondents emphasize differences from 'aliens', particularly from members of other ethnocultural groups, more than female respondents. The author describes four interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearance. These repertoires differ in whether people attribute positive or negative social and psychological characteristics to 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearances as well as whether they view such interlocutors as competitive or cooperative. The author develops the empirical model of interconnections between metaphors of 'friends' and 'aliens' with different ethnocultural external appearance and personal stratificational characteristics. The results can be used in researches about conflicts and discrimination.
Alperovich V. —
Interpretative Repertoires of Perception of 'Friends' and 'Aliens' in Metaphors of Different Types and Narratives Used by Adults
// Psychologist. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 30 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2017.2.22123
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Abstract: The research is devoted to the problem of metaphorical and narrative foundations of such phenomena as 'discrimination' and 'hate speech'. The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of 'friend' and 'alien' metaphors and narratives about interaction with them that reflect different interpretative repertoires of perceiving the other person as either a «friend» or an 'alien'. The author has used both qualitative and quantitative research methods such as categorical analysis of metaphors, analysis of characteristics of representations about an Enemy and a Friend, narrative analysis of situations about interaction with 'friends' and 'aliens', methods of mathematical statistics (cluster analysis, quartiles, nonparametric test). The author has discovered that different interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' are connected with various expression levels of adopting the discriminatory practices towards others. The author has analyzed four interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' with various 'friend' and 'alien' metaphors, the particularities of narratives about interaction with 'friends' and 'alien' persons and the characteristics of representations about an Enemy and a Friend. The author has defined two interpretative repertoires with distinctions of 'friends' from 'alien' persons and with stabilized attribution of psychosocial features to them. The author has also discovered two interpretative repertoires with various features of 'friends' and 'alien' persons, non-stabilized in personal perception depending on interaction with them. It is quite evident that communication partners may actually become either friends or alients depending on the social-psychological environment they are in at present. For the first time in the academic literature the author has offered the given empirical model of interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' people expressed in biography narratives related to descriptions of 'aliens' and 'friends' and integrated metaphors of 'friends' and 'alients'. The results of this research can be of use in researches about conflicts and discrimination, in solving the applied tasks in psychology of conflicts, in psychological consulting and tolerance training.
Alperovich V. —
'Friends' and 'Aliens' Metaphors as the Representations of the Personal Image of the World in Russian Psychology
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 51 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2017.1.22407
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Abstract: The author focuses on the problem of influence of the personal «image of the world» on the perception and categorization of other people. The purpose of this theoretical research was to analyze interconnections between 'friends' and 'aliens' metaphors and the phenomenon of the 'image of the world'. 'Friends' and 'aliens' metaphors and characteristics of different types of a personal 'image of the world' are the subject of this theoretical research. Results of the empirical research of 'friends' and 'aliens' metaphors in various interpretative repertoires of their perception are demonstrated. The author of the article has used such methods as categorical analysis of metaphors, narrative analysis, and methods of mathematical statistics. For the first time in the academic literature the author conducts a comparative analysis of interconnections between different interpretative repertoires of perceptions of 'friends' and 'aliens' and personal 'images of the world' of various types. The model of metaphors of various types in interpretative repertoires of perception of 'friends' and 'aliens' as representations of personal 'images of the world' has been explored on the base of the cognitive conception of a metaphor. The results of this research can be of use in solving the applied tasks in psychology of the social cognition, in researches about mechanisms and process of the construction of the images of partners of communication as 'friends' and 'aliens' by an individuals and a group.
Alperovich V. —
Metaphors in Interpretative Repertoires of Images of "Friends" and "Aliens"
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2016. – ¹ 6.
– P. 502 - 509.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2016.6.19988
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Abstract: The problem of differentiation between communicative partners as «friends» and «aliens» is touched by the author in this article. Alperovich discusses the role of metaphors in perception of the others as «friends» and «aliens» as well as criteria for their categorization in communication and interaction. Interconnections of metaphors of «friends» and of «aliens» with interpretative repertoires (dispositive, conative, normative, mythologic etc.) of perception of the others as «enemies» and «friends» constitute the subject of the present research. The author elaborates a classification of metaphors of «friends» and of «aliens» based on the cognitive conception of metaphor in psychology including antropomorphical metaphors, artifact metaphors, abstract metaphors, zoomorphic metaphors, naturomorphic metaphors and magic metaphors. The author has discovered that metaphors of different types form different interpretative repertoires of images of «friends» and of «aliens». Antropomorphical metaphors are means of dispositive repertoire. Artifact metaphors are means of normative repertoire. Zoomorphic metaphors and naturomorphic metaphors are means of mythologic repertoire. «Magic» metaphors are means of fatalistic repertoire.
Alperovich V. —
Representations about an Enemy of persons with different self-efficacy and self-relation
// National Security. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 294 - 299.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2016.2.15608
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Abstract: Abstract: Problem of influence of the self-relation on personal representations of Other as Enemy is touched by us in this article. Research goal was the comparative analysis of psychosocial characteristics of the representations about an Enemy of persons with different characteristics of the self-relation and of the self-efficacy. Psychosocial characteristics of the personal representations about an Enemy, the personal self-relation parameters (intensity of the self-esteem, of the self-sympathy, of the waiting of the Others' positive relation, of the self-interest) and levels of the self-efficacy were the research subject. We applied qualitative and quantitative methods: tests, categorical analysis of representations, statistics (frequencies, cluster analysis, nonparametric test). The results of the study prove that: respondents, perceiving the Enemy as aggressor, manipulator, demonstrate the low levels of the self-efficacy, of the self-interest, of the self-sympathy, of the self-esteem, of the waiting of the Others'relation; respondents, perceiving the Enemy as the subject with alien cognitions and values, demonstrate the upper levels of the self-efficacy, of the self-interest, of the self-sympathy, of the self-esteem, of the waiting of the Others' positive relation. Data supported the hypothesis about the distinctions of personal representations of Enemy depending upon characteristics of the self-relation and of the self-efficacy. The results can be applied to the psychosocial consultation, to the programs of the tolerance’ trainings in the antiterrorist activity.
Alperovich V. —
Metaphors of Enemy and Friend in Connection with Personal Metaphors about the Subject of Personal Life Path
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1137 - 1145.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.11.16770
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Abstract: The pilot empirical research in this article is about the relationship between the metaphors of Enemy and Friend and metaphors about the subject of life path at the stages of emerging and middle adulthood. Cognitive predictors of the 'discrimination' and 'hate speech' phenomena presented in personal representations of Enemy, its metaphorical and narrative bases are our research problem. Pilot research goal was to determine features of the metaphors of Enemy and Friend demonstrated by persons with different metaphors about the subject of the life path. Metaphors of Enemy and Friend and metaphors about the subject of the life path at the stages of emerging and middle adulthood were the pilot research subject. The author has applied the qualitative method (category analysis of metaphors used by A. Bochaver in 2010). The results of the study prove that: within the framework of this research, adults have had different metaphors about the subject of life path. The researcher has discovered that different metaphors represent different attitude of a person to his subjective role in life and ability to make his own life. For the first time in the academic literature the researcher discovers that metaphors demonstrated by people who firmly believe that they make their own life relate to polar attitudes to Enemy and Friend, intensified positive features of the image of Friend and reinforced negative features of the image of Enemy. Metaphors with less prominant borders between the subject and his social surroundings relate to ambivalent images of Enemy and Friend and attribution of both positive and negative features to Friend or Enemy. The results of the research support the hypothesis that people with different metaphors about the subject of personal life path have different metaphors of Enemy and Friend. The results of the pilot research can be applied to solving problems in psychology of conflicts, psychology of personal safety and psychology of antiterroristic activity.
Alperovich V. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2014. – ¹ 7.
– P. 681 - 691.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2014.7.12139
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Alperovich V. —
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2013. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1005 - 1011.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2013.10.9177
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