Tsydypova L.S. —
Russian Starozhily of Barguzin Baikal region: historical-geographic analysis of local aspects of resettlement and ancestry of the early XX century
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – ¹ 7.
– P. 29 - 38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.7.29161
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_29161.html
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Abstract: This article presents the results of studying Russian population of Barguzin Baikal region, examines its establishment, and evolution of relationships within the local groups in the early XX century. The role of sociopolitical changes in formation of the indigenous ethnic communities is demonstrated. The research leans on the archival and literary sources, and field materials of the author. The historical-geographical approach allows identifying the peculiarities of formation of population structure and ancestry within the Russian local communities of Barguzin Baikal region, confined to agricultural and farming areas. Research methodology considers the specificities of communication inside the local group, and presents the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of population. The author determines the factors of formation of ethnic groups, as well as socio-cultural development of the territory. The article also explores the role of migrations, natural conditions, and economic specificity of the new population settlements, successiveness, geographical and social mobility of the Russian population, demographic development in the localities of Barguzin Baikal region, reflected in the archival sources.
Tsydypova L.S. —
The names of gold mines of Barguzinsky District in the late XIX – early XX centuries: typological aspect
// Man and Culture. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 91 - 97.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2019.6.31295
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ca/article_31295.html
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to analysis of the names of gol dmines of Barguzinsky District in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Based on the archival records of Barguzinsky District, the author examines over three hundred names, considering their location, area, owner information and registration date for the plot. The study of the names of gold mines of Barguzinsky District is conducted in the context of typological tradition of cultural geography. The author carries out the classification of names, determines the differentiating factors of nomination of sociocultural space in private gold mining; examines the interrelation between the subject of gold mining through the prism of the names of mines. The characteristic features of naming the mines in the context of cultural landscape are demonstrated. The growth of mining sites alongside the expansion of types of their nomenclature is noted. The analysis of the names of mining sited underlines the importance of gold mining with regards to strengthening increasing the size of the Barguzin Jewish community, as well as the growing role of gold industry in life sustenance of the Jewish and Russian peasants. The increase of their number reflects the expansion of gold mining areas and is directly related to migration process of the late XIX century. The repletion of name indicates massive increase in the number of the owners of gold mines and their role in the formation of toponymy. The system of creation of new names borrowed the native toponymies of the region to a lesser extent. Majority of them emerged as a result of reinterpretation of the name by a native speaker.
Tsydypova L.S. —
To the question of impact of transformation of Barguzin Buryats’ lifestyle in 1930’s – 1960’s upon the specificities of national costume
// Man and Culture. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 40 - 46.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2018.2.25451
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ca/article_25451.html
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Abstract: This article examines the reflection of transformation of lifestyle in everyday clothes of Barguzin Buryats. The process of formation of new daily routine provided for new type of livelihood; a new type of interaction between human and the environment. The external peculiarities of traditional clothes of the ethnos organically correlation with the internal cultural-worldview representations and constants. Changes in the external look of traditional clothes of the ethnos, in turn, characterize the level of adjustment to the external environment. An important role in formation of the traditions of manufactured clothes has played the type of natural landscape. Qualitative method of research of the traditional clothes during the period of transformation gives an idea about the origins of one or another form of separate components of clothes. The analysis of informative interview allows understanding the organization of internal structure of the ethnic community during the considered timeframe. The objects and elements of socioeconomic relations of inoethnic groups of the territory find reflection in the process of transformation of the traditional clothes; multiple elements of design and décor have been borrowed. Mechanism of transfer and functionality of the cultural traditions allowed researching the meaning of the space-time ties in the traditional ethnic apparel. As one of the key sources of the work were used the field materials related to the time of Soviet reforms in the lifestyle of Barguzin Buryats.