Sokolova E.S. —
On the supra-estate (class) trends of the political-legal course of Catherine the Great: ideology, legislation, ceremonial practices (second half of the XVIII century)
// Law and Politics. – 2018. – ¹ 8.
– P. 93 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2018.8.43177
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the representative strategies aimed at the political-legal establishment of the supra-estate (class) status of the supreme sovereign power during the reign of Catherine the Great. Special attention is given to the ideological support of the dominant position of the empress, in the state legal system of Russia during the second half of the XVIII century. In the transformation of the supra-estate legislation into an efficient instrument of ruling the society, legitimation of the absolute monarchy was taking place based on the doctrine of common good, which contributed to strengthening of the conservative beginning of state paternalism and development of the supra-estate content. The novelty of this research consists in determining the key vectors of the domestic politics course, which through the political-legal representations ensured targeted influence of the supreme sovereign power upon the society in the course of implementation of the paternalistic model of relations of the citizens.
Sokolova E.S. —
On gnoseological potential of the personal worldview factor in the historical legal research of supra-state problematic: on the example of political legal realities of the late XVII – early XVIII centuries
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 7 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.7.25905
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the estimation of gnoseological importance of identification of the determinant role of the Russian political elites of Modern Time in terms of institutionalization of the Russian autocracy and establishment of the supra-estate political regime of authoritarian type. Based on the synthesis of the political legal, sociocultural and micro-historical approaches towards studying the carriers of legal information of the period of the state legal reforms of Peter the Great, the author is able to trace the evolution of his theoretical views upon the nature and concept of the nominal decrees. The author believes that the focus of Tsar aimed at activation of the regime of lawfulness was a result of interaction between the “patrimonial” traditionalism, penetration onto the Russian soil of the theoretical-legal constructs of the European Enlightenment based on the doctrine of state paternalism, and the pressing need of political practice in establishment of the model of the professional legal consciousness of officialdom founded on the ideal of the “public good”. On the example of reconstruction of the doctrinal bases underlying the separate decrees of legislative character, aimed at modernization of the political legal and administrative practice of the Russian State of the studied period, the conclusion is made their paternalistic orientation was mediated by the idea on the absence of legal limitations of the will of autocratic monarch, common to an old-Moscovian[WU1] legal consciousness affected by a set of historical and sociocultural factors. Thus, the pragmatic interest of the ruling elite towards the consolidation of law and lawfulness encouraged not only the exaltation of monarch over the nationals and formation of the supra-estate model of authoritarian political regime, but also the contributed to the development of legal nihilism at the various social levels, which by the beginning of 1720’s got tired of the costs of Peter the Great’s modernization and the cause by it crisis of the political system of Russian Empire.
Sokolova E.S. —
Autocratic ideal in supra-national strategies of Miloslavskys and Naryshkins: to the question on representative essence of some policy-making initiatives of the end of XVII century
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 55 - 84.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2017.2.17810
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Abstract: This article examines the problem of formation of the autocratic ideal of supreme tsardom in Russian legislation of the XVII century. Based on hermeneutic interpretation of the broad range of legislative-legal acts of the period of dynasty crisis of the 1680’s – beginning of the 1690’s signified by the strong political rivalry between Miloslavskys and Naryshkins, the author makes a conclusion about the fragmentarity of a number of legislative initiatives in the area of legitimization of the principle of monocracy. Their vividly expressed representative potential mostly pursued the narrow-pragmatic goals in the field of strengthening of the international legal status of the Russian State and creation of the solid social foundation under the conditions of weal legal support based on the value orientations of the medieval traditionalism. In particular, the primary attention of the political elite of the XVII century was attracted by the search of the legal means for overcoming various diplomatic conflicts, which constantly emerged due to the unwillingness of the majority of European states to adhere in ceremonial practice to the principle of equality of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the Holy Roman Empire. Despite the popular in historiography opinion about the gradual formation of the Russian autocratic paradigm across the XVII century, the author underlines the spontaneous character of majority of the new laws in the area of legitimization of monocratic supreme authority. Their representative importance significantly increased in the conditions of the race for power and cancellation of the work of Zemsky Sobor on the background of retention of the remaining manifestations of Zemstvo activity during the breaking moments of the existence of the Russian State. The succession of Romanovs’ legislative policy aimed at the legal support of autocratic ideas, takes its roots not only in its doctrinal-ideological foundation, but also sociocultural conditions of the state-legal routine, which also retained their political-legal importance during the periods of reforms of Peter the Great.
Sokolova E.S. —
The cult of Apollo in the Greco-Roman political and legal tradition of the origins of the solar mnemonic semantics of the European monarchies of early modern
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 420 - 447.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16407
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Abstract: Abstract: This paper examines the key mnemonic images of the Apollonian cult with which formed the political and legal aspects of the Greco-Roman world view, including the idea of human nature, society, and the ancient polis as a reflection of the universal cosmic Logos. Reconstruction of the semantic meaning of a number of religious practices is based on the hermeneutical analysis of the ancient narrative and mytho-poetic tradition to identify memorial of codes by which the visualization of the dualistic concepts of the Greek-Roman ontology underlying the concepts of ancient intellectuals about ordering universal beginning and its coordinating role in the civil life of the polis community.Particular attention is paid to the problem of modeling strategies for text natural landscape gardens and other temples dedicated to Apollo, the ancient shrines in their visual representative context that existed as an integral part of the political and legal culture of the ancient citizen. Physical environment associated with the sacred representations of Greco-Roman intellectuals of the interdependence of solar, life-affirming incarnation of "radiant" of God and his usual dark chthonic forces, discussed in terms of its potential as a mnemonic materialized image of the eternal Logos. The author concludes that with the strengthening of monarchical principle Greco-Roman state polysemantic beginning Apollonian worship gives way to solar symbolism, which has played a crucial role in the creation of visual representative "scenarios" legitimation of the sovereignty of the supreme power in the European monarchies of early modern times.
Sokolova E.S. —
On the role of ceremonial legitimation strategies in Russian autocracy (XVII – the first quarter of XVIII century)
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 36 - 83.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.4.15331
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of identifying the historical and legal capacity of historical anthropology and some of the mnemonic structures of the modern Humanities research methodology. Examines theoretical, historical and institutional Foundation of legal and historical reconstruction representational strategies ceremonial text, which was carried out modeling the semantic codes of the ideology of autocracy in the Russian state of the seventeenth and the first quarter of XVIII century. The author analyzes the cultural, historical and political-legal framework of the coronation ceremony and other forms of visual mnemonic of self-representation of the Supreme power. Ceremonial text is treated as an integral part of the legal discourse aimed at the legitimation of the dynasty of the Romanovs and the formation of legal consciousness of Russian subjects, the Imperial paradigm of thinking. Along with the recreation of the mythological component of the representational strategies specified period provides an overview of major forms of broadcast mnemonic codes of the Supreme power to a mass audience. Analyzes the representational function of normative legal acts was developed as the legislative support of the ceremonial aspects of the legal policy of the Russian autocracy. On the basis of a wide range of official legal texts, reflecting the continuity of a number of myths-oriented modeling autocratic ideal, the author makes a conclusion about the active role of the Russian government elite in the adoption of collective images of "historical memory" as at the legislative level and in part mediated by the legislation of the political space of autocratic Russia.
Sokolova E.S. —
The law as it is fortecia truth": on the theoretical and practical foundations of the legislative policy of Peter the Great
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 345 - 366.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.15151
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of identifying the basic concepts of legal strategy Peter I in the field of rule of law. Peter's model of legitimacy for a long time was estimated in historiography as the uncritical borrowing of educational traditions of German Protestantism excluding old legislative realities that took place in lawmaking the first Romanovs. Shows the relationship between the legislative ideas of Peter's time with government initiatives of the preceding period, aimed at strengthening the socio-political image of autocratic power. Contrary to the opinion of the mediated mode of legality in the first quarter of XVIII century Northern war legislative policy of Peter I is seen as a means of filling institutional voids", which created an obstacle to the effective implementation of autocratic paradigm of Supreme power. Special attention is paid to the question of the degree of influence of the old traditionalism to regulate the relations of nationality in Petrovsky variant "legitimate monarchy". On the basis of a comparison of a number of inscribed decrees of the turn of the XVII – XVIII centuries, followed by the legislative strategy of Peter the great, providing an overall obligation to it's personal orders, the conclusion about the presence of pronounced imbalances between the ideologeme of "state interests", "particular" needs of estates and formal test of the rule of law in favor of the personal will of the Emperor-autocrat.