Suroven' D.A. —
About chronology of reigns of Okinaga-tarahsi-hime (empress Jingu) and Homuda-wake (emperor Ojin)
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 1 - 226.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16206
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Abstract: In this article materials about chronology of reigns of empress Okinaga-tarashi-hime (Jingu) and emperor Homuda-wake (Ojin) are analyzed. At the end of the XIX century researchers realized that time of reigns of the first sovereigns of Yamato are excessively extended. The reasons of it were found out by the Japanese scientist of Naka Michiyo. After that attempts of revision of chronology began. The most significant results are analysed in this article. Histori-ans, having compared materials of Japanese chronicles with the Korean and Chinese sources, found out that the second half of the Jingu’s regency and the most part of Ojin’s reign fell on the second half of IV – the beginning of the V centuries. Unresolved was a problem of time of the beginning of Jingu’s regency and a problem of the end of Ojin’s reign. In article results of the solution of these problems on the basis of comparison of materials of Japanese, Korean and Chinese sources are yielded. It is found out that reign of emperor Chuai came to the end in a year of the Korean campaign of empress Jingu which in the Korean sources is dated 346 AD. The period of the regency of empress Jingu falls on 347-389 AD, and reign of Ojin – on 390 – the end of 414 / beginning 415 AD.
Suroven' D.A. —
To a question of chronology of the establishing of Yamato dynasty and reign sovereign Jimmu
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 136 - 220.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.14752
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Abstract: In this article, data of Japanese sources on East campaign the sovereign Jimmu and the establishing of a Yamato dynasty and state in the Central Japan in comparison to results of archaeological researches of the ancient Japanese monuments of material culture of the late yayoi period and the early kofun period for the purpose of definition of chronology of the establishing of Yamato are analyzed. Also materials of the Korean chronicles for the purpose of detection of the indirect evidences allowing to date the time of foundation of Yamato state of are analyzed. Besides materials of Chinese dynastic histories about the establishing of the state in the Central Japan are provided.Results of archaeological researches allow to correct chronology of ancient Japan, and, on the basis of cyclic designations of a 60-year cycle from the ancient Japanese written sources, give the chance to offer the corrected datings of time of East campaign to Jimmu and his reigns as the first sovereign of Yamato.The main result of this research is the conclusion that, on the basis of results of archaeological researches and indirect evidences of the Korean sources, East campaign of Jimmu was carried out at the end of the III century AD (294-300), and foundation of Yamato dynasty and state occurred at the beginning of the IV century (in 301 AD). Sovereign Jimmu ruled during 16 years (301-316 AD).