Khoroshikh P.P., Nosko I.V. —
Psychological-pedagogical basis of patriotic upbringing of the senior preschoolers
// Modern Education. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 68 - 72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.2.22921
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the analysis of the structure of patriotic upbringing within the system of preschool education. The authors note that the development of patriotic feelings in the context of modern educational process acquires an important meaning. For establishment of the process of patriotic upbringing, it is proposed to lean on the developed by the authors psychological-pedagogical model, which suggests the assessment of educational process from the perspective of axiological, phenomenological and methodological elements. Axiological element implies the consideration of such value structures imbued by a pedagogue in formation of positive feelings for the Motherland. Phenomenological aspect allows revealing the content of all concepts of the patriotic upbringing. Methodological element includes such methods and approaches that are applied by a pedagogue within the structure of patriotic upbringing. All three elements are basic, and the integrated assessment with consideration of each of them, helps establishing the more complete process of patriotic upbringing. The authors conclude that the implementation of psychological-pedagogical model will allow structuring the patriotic education in the preschool facility, as well as establish the systematic process that contains the work with a child and the assessment of the results of educational process.