Napso M.D. —
Marginality as a characteristic of modern world
// Sociodynamics. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 63 - 69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2019.6.29957
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Abstract: The object of this research is the phenomenon of marginality; the subject is a marginal person in sociological interpretation. The article describes the concept of marginality in the views of the representatives of Chicago School of Sociology; examines the social, cultural and psychological aspects of such phenomenon; analyzes the triggering factors for development of marginal forms. Attention is turned to the processes of adaptation and integration of marginal into a new social context; the instances of assimilation and accommodation alongside the manifestation of social inequality are reviewed. The author underlines the negative and positive sides of marginalization processes. Methodology contains the dialectical principles of objectivity, systematicity, and specificity of research that allow providing an extensive characteristic to the concept of marginality. The scientific novelty consists in assertion of the thesis on the relevance and demand of the ideas proposed by R. Park and E. Stonequist concerning the social nature of marginality, factors that lead to emergence of a marginal man., marginal states, cultural hybrids, especially in the current conditions of expanding globalization.
Napso M.D. —
Education as a consumer service
// Modern Education. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 33 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.1.26289
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Abstract: The object of this research is education in the consumer society, while the subject is education as a consumer service. The author explores the peculiarities of ideology and psychology of consumerism, as well as their correspondence to the spirit of market relations. Attention is focused on the process of turning commodities into symbols, establishment of consumer culture, and formation of the phenomenon of consumerism. The trends of infiltration of consumerist orientations to the educational sphere and the negative aspects of such processes are examined. The author describes the significance of education as a social elevator, paramount instrument that ensures social mobility processes. The use of dialectic and comparative methods allowed demonstrating the problem at hand in its unity, integrity and controversy. The article contains the following elements of scientific novelty: 1) consumerization and commercialization are the attributes of the modern education system; 2) education attains the features of a consumer service; 3) education transforms into symbolic system, becoming the object of consumption in form of a sign that contains the values of success and prestige.
Napso M.D. —
Certain aspects of the problematic of nationalism
// National Security. – 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 10 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2018.5.27513
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Abstract: The object of this research is the phenomenon of nationalism, while the subject is the concept and types of nationalism. The social nature of nationalism and its theoretical interpretation is examined through the perspective of a number of Western scholars. The author explores the various approaches towards understanding of the content of nationalism; describes types of nationalism and terms of its emergence; reveals the key features of nationalism, as well as the impact of historical and cultural context upon its theoretical substantiation. The guises of nationalism as a doctrine, political activity, and combination of feelings are considered. Methodological foundation includes the dialectical principles of objectivity, systematicity and comprehensiveness of research that allow analyzing the phenomenon of nationalism. The article contains the following elements of scientific novelty: 1) nationalism is referred to a number of occurrences that are ambiguous in their social nature and consequences; 2) depending on the specificity of social context, nationalism can be used by the ethnic communities as a tool for solving multiple problems.
Napso M.D. —
Fashion as a social phenomenon
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 56 - 63.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.3.21783
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The object of this article is the phenomenon of fashion, while the subject is fashion as a social phenomenon. Fashion is presented in various aspects – as a social institution; as a factor of prestige, social differentiation and identification; as an instruments of alleviation of social inequalities; as a phenomenon that forms the image and worldview orientations. The author examines the contradictory nature of fashion, impact of the specificity of social processes and social structure upon the evolution of fashion trends, as well as traces the inclusivity, variability, and consistence of fashion, its place and role in the consumer society. The methodological basis of the article consists in ontological and gnoseological principles of dialectics, which allowed revealing the complicated nature of fashion. The scientific novelty lies in the analysis of fashion as a social phenomenon in the context of requirements of the consumer society, which “makes” fashion an extremely relevant phenomenon. The author specifies the vision of fashion as a factor of social differentiation, an instrument that mitigates the risks of social polarization. The role of fashion in formation of illusions of social equality is being examined.
Napso M.D. —
Émile Durkheim’s theory of anomie and the modernity
// Sociodynamics. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 22 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2017.2.19456
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Abstract: The object of this research is the phenomenon of anomie, while the subject is Émile Durkheim’s theory of anomie and its modern interpretation. The author examines specificity of the historical and sociocultural contexts that lead to the emergence of anomie. The peculiarities of transitional periods, instability and contradiction of which results in incompliance of the value and worldview orientations are being reviewed. The article analyzes the factors that prosper the expansion of the space of anomie, as well as traces its negative impact upon the manifestation of individual and collective consciousness. Attention is given to the connection between the anomie and deviation. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of thesis about the complicated nature of anomie and factors that lead to it. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) expansion of the space of anomie requires using the interdisciplinary approach in its research; 2) special relevance attains the study of the risks of anomie.
Napso M.D. —
Anthropological aspect of global cosmopolitan world
// Philosophical Thought. – 2016. – ¹ 11.
– P. 30 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.11.2058
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Abstract: The object of this article is the peculiarities of the global cosmopolitan world, while the subject is its anthropological aspect. The author traces the similarity and difference, positive and negative sides of the process of globalization and cosmopolitanization, the demand of the latter by the modern realities, correlation, as well as correlation between the local, cosmopolitan, and global. The work examines the influence of global values and cosmopolitan worldview upon the individual and collective consciousness and sphere of ethnicity. The author also explores the effect of the processes of unification, and standardization, homogenization upon the existence of an individual and society, as well as reveals the influence of orientations of the consumer society on the changes of anthropological nature. The scientific novelty consists in the number of positions: 1) globalization and cosmopolitism as the universal phenomena meet the demand of the modern development; 2) both, globalization and cosmopolitanism contain risks, which infuse them with ambivalence, the manifestations of which depend on specificity of the context – historical and social.
Napso M.D. —
Fashion as the “collective choice”
// Philosophical Thought. – 2016. – ¹ 10.
– P. 112 - 117.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.10.2058
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Abstract: The object of this article is the phenomenon of fashion; the subject is fashion in Herbert Blumer’s sociological concept, as well as its modern interpretation. The work examines the social aspects of fashion, role of the various actors in its production and functioning, dependence of fashion on the specificity of historical time alongside its changeability and return. This article presents fashion as the consistent and rational phenomenon, as the factor of social prestige and success, as well as demonstrates its presence in all of the segments of society. The author examines the functions of fashion and their stipulation by the social practice. The methodological foundation consists in the principles of objectivity and systematicity, which allow demonstrating fashion as an integral and controversial phenomenon. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of a thesis about fashion as the crucial social phenomenon. The problematic field of this work allows formulating the following conclusions: 1) fashion is the most important social trend and public demand; 2) the “engine” of fashion is the processes of the “collective choice” as a combination of actions of various actors.
Napso M.D. —
Cosmopolitan vision in interpretation of U. Beck
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1383 - 1387.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.10.20581
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Abstract: The object of this article is the phenomenon of cosmopolitanism, while the subject is the cosmopolitan vision in interpretation of U. Beck. The author examines the content of the phenomena and varieties of cosmopolitanism and nationalism, as well as correlation between the processes of globalization and cosmopolitanization. The attention is given to the process of formation of cosmopolitan outlook, and its correspondents to the modern imperatives. The author analyzes the social conditions and object factors affecting the process of institutionalization of cosmopolitanism. The article follows the influence of cosmopolitanism upon the area of ethnicity, reaction of national identity and national tradition to the challenges of cosmopolitanism. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the number of positions that give specific relevance to the analyzed problematic: 1) under the conditions of globalizing world, cosmopolitanism and the adjacent to it phenomena are in ideological and practical demand; 2) existing in space of the national, cosmopolitanism acts in multiple ethnical guises, encouraging its transformation into cosmopolitanisms.
Napso M.D. —
Fashion in the consumer society
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 9.
– P. 46 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.9.20130
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Abstract: The object of this article is the specificity of consumer society, while the subject is the peculiarities of fashion in the consumer society. The center of the author’s attention is fashion as the social phenomenon, its historicity and fluidity, universality and inclusivity, influence upon the public and individual consciousness, as well as demand by the consumerist worldview. Fashion is presented as a lifestyle and way of thinking, as the image, value, and symbol. The author examines the role of fashion as the factor of prestige, status, and condition for social identification and socialization. The methodological basis consists of the ontological principles of dialectics, which allowed determining the complex and controversial nature of fashion as the social phenomenon. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of a thesis on the demand of fashion by the consumer society. The following conclusion are formulated: 1) fashion is the imperative condition for the existence of consumer society; 2) establishing the adequate to consumerism lifestyles and strategies, fashion manifests as the factor of the processes of social integration and adaptation.
Napso M.D. —
Social narcissism of Gilles Lipovetsky and the consumer society
// Philosophical Thought. – 2016. – ¹ 8.
– P. 75 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.8.20128
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Abstract: The object of this article is the peculiarities of consumer society, while the subject of the social narcissism as one of its features. The author examines the essence and signs of social narcissism, its demand by the worldview ideological orientations and psychology of consumerism. Social and moral-ethnical consequences of social narcissism along with its influence upon social being, individual and group consciousness, are being reviewed. The author follows the phenomenon of social success as an attribute of social narcissism, as well as demonstrates the role of social illusions in formation of the social narcissism. The methodological base of this article consists in ontological principles of dialectics, which allowed presenting social narcissism as an integral and controversial phenomenon. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of the thesis on consumer society as the society of social narcissism. The following conclusions are made: 1) social narcissism is presented as one of the characteristics of consumer society; 2) the manifestation of social narcissism consists in the social success in its various forms.
Napso M.D. —
Guy Debord’s “Society of the Spectacle” and the modernity
// Philosophical Thought. – 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 89 - 96.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.7.19442
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Abstract: The object of this research is the peculiarities of the “Society of the Spectacle”, while the subject is the theatricality of the consumer society. The author analyzes the nature and inclusiveness of the simulacrums and simulations, the phenomenon of commodification, and the correlation of the real and symbolic. The work examines the phenomena of commodification and excessive consumption as the orientations of post-modernistic and consumerist outlook, as well as the link between consumption and system of ethical orientations. The author reviews the contrariety of the value dimensions of the consumer society; the processes of substitution of the authentic with the fictitious, real with virtual; and the role of social illusions in formation of the ideologemes. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the position about the modern society as the “society of the spectacle”. The analyzing problematics allows making the following conclusions: 1) theatricality is the attribute of the consumer society; 2) special relevance for the scientific research consists in the questions of formation of the social illusions and their impact upon the mass consciousness.
Napso M.D. —
Marginal man theory of Robert E. Park and the modernity
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 58 - 63.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.5.17979
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Abstract: The object of this article is the study of the phenomenon of marginality, while the subject is the manifestations of marginality in the modern world. The author examines the social nature of marginality as well as adjacent notions, conditions of emergence of marginal social classes, and peculiarities of marginal states. Special attention is given to the analysis of the external factors, research of the specificity of social relations and interactions, as well as their role in formation of the marginal space. The author traces the influence of objective and subjective factors upon the establishment of marginal personality and escalation of the processes of marginalization. Scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of a thesis about the complicated nature of the notion of “marginality”. The following conclusions are made: 1) the problematics of marginality is in need of a comprehensive socio-humanitarian research due to its heuristicity; 2) the contradictory realities of the modern world require an in-depth analysis of the “marginal man” phenomenon.
Napso M.D. —
Cosmopolitism and nationalism in the idea space
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.5.18321
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Abstract: The object of this article is the modern ideological concepts, and the subject is the demand for ideas of cosmopolitism and nationalism by the tendencies of global and ethno-national development. The author examines the ambivalent nature of such phenomena, the dependency of their content from the conditions and requirements of social practice. Special attention is given to the correlation and contradictory correspondence of cosmopolitical and national values to each other and to the nature of globalization, dialectics of universal and local. The author underlines their importance for the formation of global consciousness, national consciousness, and local identity. Scientific novelty consists in proposition of a thesis on the complex nature and contradictory consequences of the ideas of cosmopolitism and nationalism. Problematics of the article allows forming the following conclusions: 1) the ideologies of cosmopolitism and nationalism remain actualized by the social phenomena; 2) the ambivalent content of these ideologies is defined by the specificity of current realities which endow them with opposing traits.
Napso M.D. —
Fashion as a sociocultural phenomenon
// Man and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 9 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8744.2016.4.20129
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Abstract: The object of this research is fashion, and the subject is fashion as a sociocultural phenomenon. The author analyzes the social nature of fashion, its properties, and correspondence with the orientations of consumer society. Various aspects of fashion, its universality, timely character, fluidity, and correspondence with the socio-historical context are being reviewed. The author examines the connection between fashion and economy, impact of fashion upon public relations, as well as processes of establishment of mass consciousness and choice of behavioral strategies. Fashion is presented as a multifunctional phenomenon, as contradictory unity of the positive and negative. The scientific novelty consists in the substantiation of a thesis on the demand of fashion by the modern society. As the methodological foundation for this article, the author uses gnoseological and ontological principles of dialectics, as well as the analysis of the fashion phenomenon as an integral phenomenon. The problematic field of the article allows formulating a number of statements: 1) fashion is an imperative sociocultural phenomenon, which captures social space and the entire multiplicity of human relations; 2) consumer society endows fashion with the features of universality and individuality.
Napso M.D. —
Exclusion as a subject of socio-philosophical reflexion
// Philosophical Thought. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 46 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2016.3.17966
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Abstract: The object of this research is the phenomenon of social exclusions, while the subject is the social processes that lead to the formation of this phenomenon. The author explores the notions of social exclusion and deprivation, conducts their comparative analysis, as well as underlines their congruity and distinctive features, and the correlation between them. Special attention is given to the analysis of the effect of the social environment, economic factors (first and foremost factor of poverty), as well as of the processes of social mobility upon the emergence of social exclusion; its cultural and emotional-psychological aspects are being examined. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of the following positions: 1) increase in the number of socially excluded is the tendency of modern development, which makes this problem relevant from the perspective of theory and practice; 2)being the means of many multidirectional processes, social exclusion leads to the negative consequences for individual and collective existence.
Napso M.D. —
Marginality as a form of social alienation
// Sociodynamics. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 147 - 153.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2016.3.17950
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Abstract: The object of this article is the phenomenon of marginality, while the subject is the analysis of categories “marginality” and “social alienation” as congruent. In the center of the scientific search are the following topics: the phenomenon of marginality as a border and peripheral social position; the processes of marginalization; the notions “marginal individual” and marginal conscience; psycho-emotional components of marginalization. Special attention is given to the role of economic factors in expansion of the space of marginality. The author analyzes poverty as a socioeconomic and psychological category, as well as its impact upon the establishment of marginal structures. Scientific novelty consists in the justification of the thesis about the ambivalent essence of the nature of marginality. The problematics of the article allows making the following conclusions: 1) the notion of “marginality” is used to signify not only the transitional social position of an individual, but a position of social alienation as well; 2) marginal conscience is the general feature of marginality and social alienation.
Napso M.D. —
Risks of globalization for the national tradition
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 129 - 134.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.2.17374
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Abstract: The object of this article is the phenomenon of tradition, while the subject is the globalization as a risk factor for the development of the national tradition in its broad understanding. The author explores the specific peculiarities of the process of globalizations that affect the concept of tradition, as well as examines the tendencies of universalization, unification, diversification, and their contradictory influence upon the national tradition and the forms of its manifestation. The article analyzes the questions of evolution of the tradition, the correlation between tradition and innovation in the conditions of post-modernity, the interrelation of global and local, as well as the risks of globalization for the national-cultural identity. The scientific novelty consists in the grounds of the position of justification of tradition by the modern processes of globalization. The author substantiates the thesis on the necessity of the comprehensive analysis of the impact of the globalization risks upon the development of the national tradition, and claims that the research on correlation between the global and local becomes most demanded.
Napso M.D. —
McDonaldization as a form of rationality
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 27 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.1.16257
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Abstract: McDonaldization as a form of rationality
The object of this research is the nature of McDonaldization, while the subject is McDonaldization as a form of rationality, which is common to a post-nonclassical world outlook and in-demand by the ideology of consumerism. Basing on the types of formal rationality proposed by George Ritzer, the author analyzes the locality and universality of the process of McDonaldization, and reveals the dependency of associated with it practices with the environmental circumstances and requirements of the economic development. The content and peculiarities of the reasonable and practical rationality, correspondence of the value and targeted within rationality, limits of the rational, and irrationality of the rational are being researched during the course of this work. Scientific novelty consists in the proposition of thesis on the dependency of McDonaldization as a specific form of rationality from the peculiarities of the modern development. The problematics of this article allows formulating a number of statements: 1) thesis on the need for further research of the principles of McDonaldization and their effect upon the broad spectrum of social phenomena is substantiated; 2) problem of demand for McDonaldinized practices by the consumer society gains significant relevance.
Napso M.D. —
McDdonaldization as trend of globalization
// Trends and management. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 78 - 84.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2016.1.17429
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Abstract: The object of this article is the McDonaldization, while the subject is the McDonaldization as an attributive characteristic and trend of globalization. The author explores the principles of rationality common to the process of McDonaldization, as well as correspondence of the standardized and unified social practices with the nature of globalization. The general and distinctive aspects of globalization and McDonaldization, as well as the unity and interconditionality of the trends of localism and universalism are being reviewed. The author observes an ethnic aspect of McDonaldization, correspondence of the modern forms of rational practical activity with globalization trends, worldview guidelines of consumer society, and the orientations of mass culture. The scientific novelty consists in proposition of the statement on the dependency of McDonaldization from the specificities of globalization. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) thesis on the necessity for further research of the trend of McDonaldization, its advantages and disadvantages, is being substantiated; 2) special relevance gains the issue of determination of the place and role of McDonaldization within the global processes.
Napso M.D. —
Consumer Society and Theatricalization of Modern Life
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1214 - 1219.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.12.17375
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Abstract: The object of the present research is the phenomenon of consumerism, while the subejct of the research is the 'facade' and the 'backstage' of the consumer society. In his research Napso examines a number of features of the post-Soviet world such as theatricality which suited ideological and worldview postulates of the excessive consumption 'culture'. The researcher analyzes peculiarities of the 'performance society', its 'facade' and 'backstage', simulacrums and the phenomenon of hyperreality as well as traces back the connection between consumption and commodification process. The author analyzes the ambivalent nature of values and preferences of post-modern society, the process of substituting the reality with illusions and symbols and the phenomenon of astroturfing. The methodological basis of the article includes ontological and gnoseological principles of dialects, which allows to view the issues under consideration from the point of view of their unity and interdependence. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the researcher offers a thesis about the 'theatrical' nature of the consumer society. The results of the research allow to make the following conclusions: 1) the theatricalization phenomenon typical for the post-industrial world needs to be studied further; 2) emphasis should be made on studying the influence of the commodification process on the individual and collective consciousness.
Napso M.D. —
Adaptation of Migrants to the Conditions of the Host Party
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1026 - 1031.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.8.15112
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Abstract: The object of consideration in the present article is migration, and the subject are the specific features of migrants entering a new social and cultural context. The author examines some peculiarities of the integration of foreigners, and also traces controversy and complexity of the adaptation processes, and their dependance on different kinds of reasons. Special attention is paid to the reasons of socioeconomic and cultural nature. The author justifies the conclusion regarding the need for further research in this area due to its incompleteness, as well as for the use of interdisciplinary approaches. Methodological tools of analysis used in the article are historical, systems, dialectic approaches, as well as examining the problem in all its controversy and to a full extent. The academic novelty of the research lies in justification of a concept regarding the dependence of migration processes on the peculiarities of the host society and its typical development trends. The content of the article allows the author to draw the following theses: 1) the problems of integration of migrants into a new social context are to be systematically and comprehensively studied; 2) special attention should be paid to the account of national and demographic situation in the host society.
Napso M.D. —
The risks of nationalistic ideology
// National Security. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 892 - 899.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.6.16077
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Abstract: The object of this research is the philosophy of nationalism, while the subject is the risks that emerge upon the foundation of nationalistic ideology. The authors examine the contradictory nature and dichotomy of nationalism and ethnocentricity, which lead to risks of various type and effect. A special attention is given to the analysis of the factors contributing to the rise of nationalistic attitude and ideologemes. The work demonstrates the influence of the processes of economic stratification upon the spread of nationalism and various forms of its manifestation. The authors substantiate the demand for this issue by the scientific community and public consciousness. The novelty consists in substantiation the thesis on the nationalistic ideology’s dependence on the conditions of social practice and peculiarities of ethnic development. The main results consist in the following in the following theses: 1) under the conditions of expansion of the space of multinational world, the problem of nationalism requires research that is adequate to the socio-historical context; 2) from the perspective of threats to national security, a special importance lies in the analysis of risks and negative consequences of nationalistic ideologies.
Napso M.D. —
Anomie as a risk factor
// National Security. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 762 - 767.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2015.5.16423
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Abstract: The object of this article is the phenomenon of anomie, and the subject of this article is the risks of anomic manifestations. The author reviews the social nature of economic, social and value anomie, as well as reveals the factors that lead to the formation of the space of deprivation and the risks of anomie of diverse social content and influence. A special attention is given to the research of interdependence and interconditionality of various types of anomie, their subordination to the conditions of social practice on both, the individual and the group levels. The author substantiates the conclusion on the need for interdisciplinary study of the problem of anomie. The scientific novelty of this work consists in confirmation of the thesis about the exclusive role of social factors as the cause for appearance of anomie. The problematics of the analyzed issues allows us to make the following conclusions: 1) the position about riskogenic content and the consequences of social anomie is being substantiated; 2) the study of the risks of anomie within modern communities and social processes that affect its functioning is gaining relevance.
Napso M.D. —
The Risks of Migration
// Politics and Society. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 506 - 513.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2015.4.14948
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Abstract: The object of research in the present article is migration, while the risks arising during migrational processes act as its subject. The author considers risks of labour migration and complexities of adaptation of migrants to the host conditions. The focus is made on the consideration of economic, ethnic, emotional and psychological factors, as well as revealing of the cause-and-effect relationships making migration a riscogenic process. The conclusion about the general insufficient status of the problem and risk factors is justified, among other things, by sociological and sociophilosophical knowledge. The methodological tool is comprised by dialectic and system approaches. Scientific novelty involves the justification of the thesis regarding the dependence of the character of migration on social and cultural features of hosting society. The basic results of the conducted analysis are as follows: 1) the risk problem requires further research by modern social and humanitarian sciences, especially by the sociology of migration; 2) particular consideration should be given to the specificity of integration of migrants into the social context and determination of main trends and patterns which contribute to the successful adaptation of foreigners.