Egupov V.A., Loginov E.A. —
Peculiarities of Implementing the Measures of Administrative Proceedings in the Field of Customs Affairs
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice. – 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 30 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2019.2.29041
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the rules and regulations of administrative and customs law, theoretical and law-enforcement practice. The object of the research is the social relations arising in the sphere of implementing the measures of administrative proceedings in the field of customs affairs. The authors of the article describe the essence, meaning and peculiarities of imlementing such administrative measures as administrative detention, delivery, vehicle inspection, arrest of goods, temporary ban of activity and other measures. Moreover, the authors of the article demonstrate the correlation of measures of administrative proceedings. The methodology of the research includes the dialectical method, formal law, analytical, comparative law method and deduction. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors try to demonstrate peculiarities of activities undertaken by the customs authorities to implement the measure sof administrative proceedings under their jurisdiction. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1. There is an acute need to develop practical recommendations on how to implement measures for the violation of customs law as well as to provide a better mechanism of their administrative regulation. 2. Essential drawback of the regulation of implementating administrative measures for the violation of customs rules is that Article 27 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences does not have an express reference to the appealability of a particular measure which is a limitation of individual's procedural rights.
Egupov V.A., Loginov E.A., Pogrebnaya Y.K. —
Particularities of the Legal Regulation of the Currency Control in the Eurasian Economic Union
// Administrative and municipal law. – 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 10 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0595.2018.2.25739
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Abstract: The object of the research is the currency relations arising in the process of currency regulation and control in the Eurasian Economic Union. The authors of the article focus on the relationship between currency regulation and currency control as the whole and the parts and point out the main directions for currency control. They also conclude that currency control is one of the means to guarantee and defend economic intersts of the country. The authors of the article set forth the main tasks and goals of currency control at the modern stage and these are the tasks and goals that need an immediate solution. The authors also emphasize the importance of licensing as the main administrative means of control over banking activity in the fields of currency exchange operations and international economic activity. The main research method used by the authors is the dialectical approach combined with the authors' critical evaluation of imperfections and gaps in the current currency legislation. In addition, the authors have also applied the methods of comparative analysis, deduction, formal logic and others. The authors' special contribution to the topic is their description of the main tasks and targets that need an immediate solution, in particular, bringing the currency and international economic laws of the Russian Federation into compliance with the international treaties of the Eurasian Economic Unioni; preparation of a draft law on currency regulation and currency control. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer their own understanding of currency regulation and currency control as administrative measures to influence international economic relations. At the end of their research, the authors conclude that being part of state currency policy, currency control is an instrument for implementation of protective and regulatory functions of the state that guarantees economic security and economic independence of the state.