Fando R.A. —
L. D. Liozner’s school of sciences: at the dawn of studying regeneration
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 116 - 127.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.6.29984
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Abstract: The subject of this research is L. D. Liozner’s school of sciences in the area of reparative regeneration of organs and tissues. The object of this research is the results of scientific works of Liozner and his mentees, as well as the key historical stages of origination and development of this school of sciences. In the 1930’s, when the first schools dedicated to studying regeneration appeared in Russia, L. D. Liozner meets L. Y. Blyakher and M. A. Vorontsova, who introduced him to the research in the field of experimental embryology. Methodology is based on the comparative-historical, biographical, historical-scientific, and retrospective methods of research. The phenomenon of L. D. Liozner’s school of sciences was analyzed in various aspects: substantive-logical, psychological, and sociocultural. The author convincingly demonstrates that only after 1956, at the time of becoming the head of the Laboratory of Growth and Development in the Institute of Experimental Biology of L. D. Liozner, he began consolidating the scholars in the area of reparative regeneration of organs and tissues. The author reveals the team members and the main vectors of activity of the school. The scientific novelty consists in the detailed analysis of scientific heritage of the mentees of L. D. Liozner. He brought up en entire pleiad of prominent scholars, including V. F. Sidorova, Z. A. Ryabinina, A. G. Babayeva, L. K. Romanova, S. S. Raytsina, and E. A. Efimov. It is underlined that the studies on regeneration, conducted by the students of L. D. Lizoner’s school of sciences, continue to this day, considering the recent scientific achievements.
Fando R.A. —
Nicholas Sergeevich Obraztsov (1906-1966): life journey of the forgotten scholar
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2018. – ¹ 8.
– P. 50 - 57.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.8.26780
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Abstract: The object of this research is the Russian scientific emigration to the United States. The subjects is the biography of the prominent entomologist Nicholas Obraztsov, who emigrated during the Great Patriotic War from the Soviet Union to Germany, and later the United States. His life journey is an illustration of a challenging fate of the Russian native, who happened to live in a foreign country, and was condemned to oblivion on his motherland. Referring to the scholar’s biography allows filling the gaps in the history of Russian natural science, which appeared due to a longtime suppression of the achievements of Russian emigrant scholars. The biography of N. S. Obraztsov is viewed with consideration of the psychological, sociocultural and thematic-disciplinary aspects. The main results lies in reconstruction of the life journey of the famous entomologist. The author analyzes the scientific contribution made by Obraztsov to the development of morphology and systematics of various groups of insects, publishing of scientific and reference literature, as well as creation of museum collections. The absence in the national historiography of the works and scientific activity of N. S. Obraztsov underlines the novelty of the presented material.