Selemeneva O.A. —
Lexical Explication and Contents of the FROST Concept in the Russian Linguistic World View of the XIXth Century
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2019. – № 3.
– P. 67 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2019.3.28597
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the means of lexical objectivization of the FROST concept in the Russian linguistic world view of the XIXth century. Selemeneva appeals to lexemes as linguistic signs of the mental phenomenon under research because means they give a full explication of the cognitive content of the communicatory relevant part of concepts. The aim of the research is to define the main cognitive signs of the FROST concept by analyzing the indivisible means of its representation in the Russian language. The research is based on data provided by the National Corpus of the Russian Language, in particular, about 1900 expressions that were taken by the researcher as examples. To systematize and describe the facts, the researcher has used the descriptive analytical and distributive methods, the method of contextual analysis and the method of linguo-cognitive analysis. The main results of the research are the following: 1) the FROST concept is represented in the Russian linguistic world view of the XIXth century as a combination of lexemes attributable to different parts of speech (nouns, adjectives, verbs, categories of state); 2) analysis of syntagmatic compatibility of defined lexemes allows to discover and describe 14 cognitive signs that form the macro-structure of the FROST concept; 3) in the concept, cognitive signs have different relations with one another (complementarity relations, independence relations, adversarial relations). The results of the research emphasize the importance of the FROST concept for the national consciousness with its many-level and rich content, the latter caused by the ambivalence of its nature as a result of preservation of archaic world perception in the Russian world view of the XIXth century.
Selemeneva O.A. —
The Structural Scheme of Sentences with the 'Frost' Semantics in the Russian Language (the Case Study of Literary Texts of the XXth Century)
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2018. – № 2.
– P. 102 - 111.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2018.2.26157
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Abstract: The object of this research is simple sentences that describe the state of frost in literary texts of Russian writers of the XXth century. The subject of the research is the structural scheme of such sentences in writing. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that the problems of structural and semantic schemes of simple sentences viewed from the point of view of the situation approach is an understued topic in Russian grammar and so is the question about classification and systematization of stative sentences in the russian language. The other cause is the fact that there is no systematic description of the fragment of the national world picture that records human concept of different states of nature. Specific features of the factual language material have made the author to apply the descriptive analytical method, method of contextual analysis and distributive method in her research. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes simple sentences that mean the state of frost from the point of view of the assymetry of their semantic cognitive nature and formal syntactical schemes. The research results have allowed to define six structural schemes that make the basis of simple sentences that mean the state of frost, to differentiate the aforesaid schemes depending on their component structure (two- and three-component sentences) and their specificity or non-specificity for the description of the state of nature (specialized or non-specialized). They have also allowed to systematize lexical and formal grammatical expressiveness of obligatory component schemes and to describe peculiarities of their speech realisation. The results of the research can be used during teaching contemporary Russian literary language, cognitive linguistics, teaching Russian as a second language.
Selemeneva O.A. —
About the Verbalization of a Non-Natural Reality. Review of the Book by Shlyakhov V. I., Saakyan L. N. The Text in the Communicative Space. M.: LENAND, 2017.
// Litera. – 2018. – № 1.
– P. 107 - 110.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2018.1.23320
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Abstract: The reviewed work is the monograph of the teachers of Pushkin State Russian language Institute V. I. Shlyakhov, Professor of the department of the theory and practice of the teaching Russian as a foreign language, and L. N. Saakyan, associate Professor of the department the General and Russian linguistics. In the book the authors describe categories of text in the semantic-structural and cognitive-communicative aspects. This approach allows to study the indissoluble unity of the surface structure of the text and its main categories and the deep structures. The monograph consists of three parts. In the first chapter «The Main categories of the text» analyzes the communicative space as a unique en-vironment, which fully manifested the meaning of the words and emo-tionally-estimated relation of man to inform. It examines the traditional text category (coherence (cohesion), temporality, modality and others) in the light of the cognitive-communicative approach. In the second chapter «The Phenomenon of the scenarist in oral and written texts» discusses modern linguistic doctrine of the text, in particular the theory of the scripts and frames, the theory of the impact of the texts on consciousness and human activity. The authors use the theory of the scripts and frames in the analysis of different types of speech activity (including such com-plex as the communication in the mode of confrontation, of domination, collaboration) and describe the stage of interpretation of scenarios of verbal interaction. The third chapter is «The Category of indirection in the texts (indirect ways of conveying thoughts and emotions in the text)» is dedicated to categories of indirection as the main features of indirect, complicated meaningful communication. The authors describe such indi-rect means of information transfer, as metaphors, irony, euphemisms, al-lusions, omissions, etc. The paper discusses a number of research techniques that can be used to identify in the texts meanings, concentrated in the deep structures of metaphors, parables, euphemisms, idioms, and allusions. Special attention is paid to explanatory techniques that reveal the deep structure of the text. The advantage of the book is the abundance of the examples of art (prose and poetry) texts by national and foreign authors with comments. The monograph has a theoretical and application nature. The authors’ material has direct access to the practice of the teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Selemeneva O.A. —
Interactive forms and methods of learning in the course of syntax of the Russian language
// Modern Education. – 2017. – № 2.
– P. 44 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.22941
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Abstract: Changes in the concept of Russian education over the recent years alongside the introduction of new academic standards dictate the implementation of interactive form and methods into the learning process, which ensure the communication among students, as well as with an educator. Despite the existence of large amount of scientific works, the question regarding the application of various interactive forms and methods in teaching grammar of the native (Russian) language in a university remains open. Therefore, the object of this research becomes the process of interactive learning in the course of grammar in accordance with the university discipline “Modern Russian Language. The goal of this work consists in the describing the particular forms of interactive learning used in the classes of syntax of the Russian language for preparation of the bachelor’s degree students, as well as determining their efficiency for development of the cognitive interest among students and formation of the skills in scientific research. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) A number of questions within the Russian philology remains discussible, and thus, the content of the course of syntax allows using various interactive forms, methods, and approaches (binary lecture, conference lecture, work in dyads, etc), the most productive of which are the discussion lecture and the dialogue lecture; 2) Interactive learning, being an active form of communication, dictates the priority in using the exercises of analytical type that activate the thinking process of the students, aimed at searching of the new knowledge, as well as ways for resolving the set goals due to formation of the own conclusions and generalizations; 3) Forms of organization of the interactive learning can contain laboratory works that guide students towards the search of facts, formulation of regularities, proposing and proving hypothesis.
Selemeneva O.A. —
The Сomplicated Simple Verbal Predicate in Ostrovsky's Plays: Formal and Substantial Levels
// Litera. – 2017. – № 1.
– P. 108 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8698.2017.1.21649
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Abstract: In this article the author analyzes the complicated form of simple verbal predicates in the plays of Alexander Ostrovsky on formal and substantial levels. The playwright actively uses the conjunctionless repetitions of lexically meaningful verbs, the combinations of verbs in the identical forms, one of them shows the purpose of action made by the subject, formations of adverbial type ending in -ом as means of complication of simple predicate. The numerous group was formed by simple verbal predicates complicated by different particles: так и, было, было вот, чуть было, чуть было не, чуть не, всё, вот всё, и, взял, взяли, возьму + да и + вот, себе, знай, словно, будто, как будто, точно, ровно, как бы, как бы не in the plays by Alexander Ostrovsky. We also refer idioms (transformed and not modified) with the syntactic indivisibility and indivisible meaning to the means complicating the structure of simple verbal predicate. The verbal idioms in the position of predicate helps the playwright to reveal the individuality of the characters, to express the author’s modality. We consider the verbal composites (such as заливается-плачет, нежит-томит) in combination with the particles (such as так, так и); the former isn’t named as complicating elements of simple verbal predicate in the linguistic literature, but always arouses interest of academics. Such complex words have common features with word, idiom and free word-combination. The complexity of the external and internal forms of the compositing formations allows us to consider them as complicated forms of simple verbal predicates. These means of complication introduce the additional shades of meaning into the simple verbal predicate. In the plays by Alexander Ostrovsky we have identified the following meanings: the meaning of the temporal extent of the action or state, the meaning of the incomplete realization of the action or state, the meaning of action that is close to realization but is not put into effect or characteristic close to the exposure, but is not revealed, the meaning of the composite action or state, the meaning of action that is revealed independently of unfavourable conditions or in spite of something, the meaning of action that the subject realize in his own interests for the sake of pleasure, the meaning of action that the subject realize with the total disregard of the external circumstances, the meaning of doubts about the truth of something or comparison with something, the meaning of assumption or possibility, probability of some events and others. Some of the meanings can be expressed by the totality of linguistic resources. On the whole the use of the complicated simple verbal predicate is a distinguishing feature of the author’s style of Alexander Ostrovsky seeking to paint the vivid domestic picture of merchant-burgher environment, create the original characters, to reveal the psychology of characters through the everyday conversational constructions.