Bryantseva L.V., Polozova A.N., Orobinskaia I.V., Maslova I.N. —
Information-Methodological Support of Analysing Tax Ability of Agroindustrial Processing Industry Enterprises
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 20 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2018.1.24576
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the parties, features, signs and relations involved in the process of legal regulation of enterprise tax ability level and analytical process of tax management of economic entities. The aim of the research is to provide theoretical grounds, methodological support and practical implementation of analytical tools that help to describe statistics and dynamics of tax obligations incurred by agroindustrial processing enterprises and used to evaluate specific features and signs of tax burden and tax take in 'tax authority/enterprise' system taking into account uncertain business environment, contradictory provisions of legal documents and guidelines, and particular objective and subjective business conditions. The methodological basis of the research includes overall dialectical, systems approach and deductive research methods. These methods are applied based on certain theoretical approaches that create grounds for legal analytical capacity and practical implementation of tax liability evaluation as an open and complex process based on the general-to-specific criterion. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors develops theoretical and methodological guidelines and provisions aimed at developing the system of tax burden evaluation taking into account specific features of economic activity of agroindustrial processing enterprises and eliminating drawbacks and contradictions of currently used standard approaches. This includes: 1) the need to differentiate between categories 'tax burden' and 'tax take' because these terms have a different meaning in the Russian language; 2) the need to eliminate aggregated standards of tax burden set forth by The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and to increase their validity and efficiency.
Bryantseva L.V., Elovatskaya T.A., Orobinskii A.S. —
The Main Problems of Selecting an Efficient Taxation System as a Mean of Providing Budget with Revenues
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 51 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2017.4.22899
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Abstract: The subject of the research is an organised combination of individual elements of the taxation system and relations between them as well as development of Russia's taxation system and the main reasons of its imperfection. The authors of the article pay special attention at an efficient taxation system that implies a high level of profitability and severe reduction of expenses caused by time, money and other expenditures when collecting taxes. The authors analyze goals of improving Russia's taxation system, the main trends of increasing its efficiency and the main problems of the Russian taxation system that need to be solved in order to find an efficient model of taxation. The methodological basis of the research involves the dialectical research method, complex approach, formal logic, historical and logical analysis and synthesis, inductive and deductive research of phenomena, financial calculation and analytical methods, comparison and statistical distribution. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the need to improve the system and methods of governing the profits of the Russian Federation federal budget under the conditions of a crisis reduction of sources and volumes of budget revenues which increases opportunities of financial support of socially important programs and incompatible with the status of a social state. The authors underline that the core of the taxation system is the mandatory payments of compulsory nature. Different types of taxes are organised differently in different taxation systems. Searching for an efficient taxation system, it is necessary to pay attention at measures that are undertaken by foreign states undergoing a similar crisis situation. For example, EU states and Pacific countries embark on a course of increasing personal income while North American countries increase corporate taxes. As it is noted by the authors, these schemes alone are very unlikely to increase efficiency of the taxation system. It would be more beneficial to use a progressive taxation scheme instead of just increasing taxes. When it comes to business, the taxation systems used in the Middle East may turn out to be in high demand. In conclusion the authors describe the main problems of the Russian taxation system that need to be solved in order to develop an efficient model of taxation.
Bryantseva L.V., Elovatskaya T.A., Orobinskii A.S. —
Execution of Tax Authorities by Municipal Units Based on the Example of the Voronezh Region
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2016. – ¹ 12.
– P. 949 - 962.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2016.12.20708
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Abstract: The authors of the present research carries out an analysis of tax revenues into local budgets of municipal units in the Voronezh Region over the period of time since 2013 till 2015. The results of the analysis demonstrate that the majority of municipal units in the Voronezh Region tend to decrease tax payments which proves the reduction of taxable bases and number of taxpayers in total. The subject of the research is the execution of tax authorities by municipal units. The object of the research is the provision of tax revenues into budgets of municipal units and urban districts. Theoretical and methodological bases of the research involve legal acts, laws and regulations issued by state authorities, researches of Russian scientists on the questions related to execution of tax authorities by municipal units. The authors of the research analyze the structure of muncipal budget revenue sources reflecting the fact that the main source is 'other revenues', in particular, non-repayable receipts from other budgets in the Russian Federation: from 40% to 80% are composed of dotations aimed at fiscal capacity alignment and dotations to maintain budget balancing measures). The authors also describe the role and place of applicable local taxes (land tax and personal property tax) in the process of developing the municipal budget and studies the degree of the implementation of taxable capacity of municipal units. As a result of analysis, it has been proved that part of the areas in the Voronezh Region improved their taxable capacity as a result of efficient supervisory activities conducted by the Federal Tax Service authorities.
Bryantseva L.V., Orobinskaya I.V., Polozova A.N., Maslova I.N. —
Principles of Developing Corporate Tax Accounting Policy
// Taxes and Taxation. – 2016. – ¹ 7.
– P. 537 - 541.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-065X.2016.7.18725
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the economic relations arising in the process of tax accounting of corporate fiscal effects. According to the authors, it is necessary to acknowledge the independent rights of accounting and fiscal (tax) accounting. It should be also noted that tax accounting is aimed at providing relevant information for both consumers and state authorities. The main objective of the accounting policy for taxation purposes should be to create an adequate system of tax accounting which would consider technological parameters of an enterprise. The methodological basis of the research implies fundamental concepts represented in Russian and foreign researches, legislative and regulatory acts of state authorities, federal laws, Decrees of the President and Government Resolutions as well as materials of research and practice conferences. In their research the authors have applied abstract-logical, monographic, statistical-economic and other methods of economic research. The main conclusions of the research provide an overview of tax accounting policy based on the two aspects. On the one hand, it is a system of tax accounting methods applied by an enterprise, on the other hand, it is a document containing the desciption of this system. This creates alternative versions of tax accounting and the need to choose particular methodological approaches to accounting process. The authors describe the main principles of developing tax accounting policy such as the accounting continuity and the accrual principle (temporarily determined business operation items).