Chik S. —
Peculiarities of parental education in Russia (USSR) (1980s to present time): historical and pedagogical analysis
// Pedagogy and education. – 2025. – ¹ 1.
– P. 29 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2025.1.73283
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the pedagogical education of parents in Russia (USSR) (1980s to present time). The purpose of the article is to present in chronological order the main pedagogically significant events and facts, to identify key ideas and features of the implementation of pedagogical education of parents in different periods. There are three periods of parents education: the Soviet (from the 1980s to 1991), the post–Soviet (1992 - the end of the 2010s) and the modern (the end of 2010 to the present time). It is shown that the pedagogical education of parents in Russia has evolved from pedagogical universal education, popularization of Westernization, opposition to Westernization and traditional approaches, to familiarization with traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. Research methods: theoretical analysis of sources, comparative analysis, generalization. Research sources: normative legal acts in the field of education, upbringing, and the development of family relations, the works of teachers, psychologists, and publicists, the journal for parents "Family and School." During the Soviet period, official pedagogical universal education with a formal approach and party postulates, and separate practices based on Western ideas (attention to the feelings of the parent and positive child-parent communication) coexisted. The specific psychological and pedagogical knowledge needed by the parent did not fit well with the communist ideology. Testing and adapting Western ideas to the Soviet reality was difficult. In the post-Soviet period, educational programs implemented in schools and social protection institutions rely mainly on a traditional approach with a passive and often indifferent parent, but influencing the child. Western practices have not been fully understood and accepted by educators and psychologists. The modern period is characterized by the development of unified methodological and substantive approaches: the All-Russian conferences on family education and parental education "School of Gifted Parents" are held annually, the All-Russian competition of best practices in parental education, a project is being implemented in all regions of Russia to provide psychological, pedagogical, methodological and counseling services to parents, university psychological services are being created that provide psychological education of parents. Information and methodological support are being created, unified education programs for parents and specialists are being developed.
Chik S. —
Pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (ser. 1950s - 1980s): author's approaches and party work
// Pedagogy and education. – 2024. – ¹ 3.
– P. 39 - 56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.71657
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the study of the pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (ser. 1950s – 1980s). It is argued that the author's approaches and party work coexisted in the pedagogical education of parents. The author's approaches were based on a humanistic attitude towards parents and partial independence from the state and ideology. Party work with parents was dictated by the state and determined by communist ideology. Historical and pedagogical analysis makes it possible to detect positive and negative moments of the past, to identify significant aspects for modern practices. The author's approaches and party work are analyzed in detail. The author's works are represented by the activities of the parent university at Moscow State University (V.N. Ivanov, D.B. Elkonin, N.F. Talyzina and others), the works of L.V. Pisareva, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, S.A. Amonashvili, B.P. and L.A. Nikitins, S.L. Soloveitchik, V.E. Khrapov. Party work includes: staff training at Parents' universities, the main areas of work (the parents' committee at school and the council for family and school assistance at work). The main research methods are the study and analysis of normative legal acts in the field of education, upbringing, development of family relations, the works of teachers, psychologists, the magazine for parents "Family and School". The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the holistic practices of educating parents in the USSR are described. The liberalization of all aspects of the country's life has raised hopes, including for improving the life of the family. The pedagogical education of parents was seen as a solution to the problems of family problems. Author's approaches to educating parents appeared, while party work with parents developed at the same time. It is shown that the author's approaches address various aspects of education related to the needs and interests of parents; that the party work was conducted centrally and ignored the opinion of parents. It was characterized by formalism, boredom, petty control, alienation of parents from the education system, and devaluation of author's approaches. The professional activity of teachers was replaced by public influence, family assistance and understanding of the causes of problematic behavior of parents – public condemnation, repressive measures against parents and children.
Chik S. —
The ideologization of pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (1930s – mid-1950s): historical and pedagogical analysis.
// Pedagogy and education. – 2024. – ¹ 2.
– P. 26 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.2.70233
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the study of the ideologization of pedagogical education of parents in the USSR (1930s – mid – 1950s). It is argued that family life was subordinated to the institutions of power: education of children in the spirit of communism. Ideologization led to the saturation of the transmitted information with certain material showing the advantage of the Soviet government: a new happy world, a Soviet family, the upbringing of a new person, Soviet pedagogy. The historical and pedagogical analysis makes it possible to identify the peculiarities of the education of parents in the conditions of totalitarianism, to highlight the dangers of the ideologization of education. The author analyzes in detail the books for parents by A.S. Makarenko, M.V. Sarycheva, K.A. Arkin and others. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the nature of work with the family. The following forms of pedagogical education of parents are highlighted: work at school, at the place of residence, parent universities. The main research methods are the study and analysis of normative legal acts in the field of education, upbringing, development of family relations, the works of teachers, psychologists, the magazine "Family and School", books for parents. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the education of parents is considered in the context of ideological influence. It is shown that in the conditions of a totalitarian regime, in the absence of empirical studies of parenthood, the isolation of the country, the education of parents was ideologized. The ideal family was represented by an economic team with a regime, order, and unquestioning discipline. The forms of work with the family were at the same time the control over the behavior of the family. Ideologization assumed the upbringing of conscious discipline in children and was supposed to develop "correct" parenting techniques from parents and stimulate the ideological growth of the parents themselves, allowing them to counteract Western influences and educate children with the highest qualities necessary in the construction of communism. The result of the ideologization of parents' education was the spread of disrespect for the child, increased authoritarianism of parents, ignoring feelings, and disruption of communication between parents and children.
Chik S. —
Pedagogical Conditions to Correct the Consequences of Child Abuse
// Modern Education. – 2023. – ¹ 3.
– P. 8 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37651
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the correction of communication disorders in children who have been subjected to abuse in the family.
The study was based on the assumption that anxiety and hostility are psychologically dominant in such children. Timely work with the child emotionally and correction of the sphere of communication can correct negative influences. The author examines in detail the implementation of pedagogical conditions: conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process, involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults, and having children participate in field events to develop positive emotions.
The study's novelty is that the pedagogical conditions for correcting communication disorders have been experimentally tested. The author comes to the following conclusions: 1. Conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process helps them express their feelings, activate communication between a child and an adult, form various means of communication, and develop dialogic speech. 2. Involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults allows an adult to manifest themself as an assistant and defender with whom a child can communicate without fear, jointly achieving their goals. 3. The participation of children in field events aimed at the development of positive emotions increases the social context of communication of the child and expands the circle of adults with whom the pupil would interact.
Chik S. —
Pedagogical Conditions to Correct the Consequences of Child Abuse
// Pedagogy and education. – 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 127 - 136.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37651
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the correction of communication disorders in children who have been subjected to abuse in the family.
The study was based on the assumption that anxiety and hostility are psychologically dominant in such children. Timely work with the child emotionally and correction of the sphere of communication can correct negative influences. The author examines in detail the implementation of pedagogical conditions: conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process, involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults, and having children participate in field events to develop positive emotions.
The study's novelty is that the pedagogical conditions for correcting communication disorders have been experimentally tested. The author comes to the following conclusions: 1. Conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process helps them express their feelings, activate communication between a child and an adult, form various means of communication, and develop dialogic speech. 2. Involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults allows an adult to manifest themself as an assistant and defender with whom a child can communicate without fear, jointly achieving their goals. 3. The participation of children in field events aimed at the development of positive emotions increases the social context of communication of the child and expands the circle of adults with whom the pupil would interact.
Chik S. —
“Proletarization” of adolescence in the conditions of drastic reorganization of secondary education in Soviet Russia (1917-1930)
// Pedagogy and education. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 74 - 92.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.1.28291
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the determination of leading ideas of drastic reorganization of secondary education and its impact upon students, which allows analyzing the peculiarities of adolescent age as a cultural-historical phenomenon. The reorganization was conducted in two directions: all existing educational institutions were transformed into the Uniform Labor School; an alternative to middle school for in-service education was created – school for working youth or factory-apprenticeship school. The Uniform Labor School replaced the old one and carried “bourgeois vestige”, which were intensively fought against, violating the traditional cirrucul and implementing “working processes”. School for working youth or factory-apprenticeship school, on the contrary, were considered a new type of class school and developed general educational character. The author examines the measures taken with regards to the two types of schools. Special attention is given to studying the peculiarities of adolescents from the Uniform Labor School and working youth from factory-apprenticeship school. The novelty consists on examination of peculiarities of adolescent age in the conditions of drastic reorganization of secondary education in the early period of Soviet Russia. It is claimed that the conducted reform led to “proletarization” of adolescence among second-levelers of the Uniform Labor School, while a working teenager from the School for working youth or factory-apprenticeship school was an underage adults deprived of childhood.
Chik S. —
Problematic nature of adolescence (the last third of XIX – early XX century) as a result of the Tolstoy – Delyanov high school counter reform
// Pedagogy and education. – 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 68 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.1.27630
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Abstract: The subject of the study is the identification of leading ideas of educational protective and discriminatory policies and its influence on students, which allows analyzing peculiarities of formation of adolescence as a cultural and historical phenomenon. Liberal Charter of 1864 posed a threat to the regime, as it prepared a growing man for great independency, which gave a chance to social mobility for all layers of the population, opened new career prospects. Secondary education counter reform, instead, restrained accessibility of education, toughened the educational process, led to the problematic nature of adolescence. The content of the Charter of grammar schools and progymnasiums of 1871, the Charter of the non-classical secondary school of 1872, the rules and penalties for students, circulars of Ministers, efforts to change educational policy is observed. Special attention is paid to the study of the impact of protective and discriminatory policies on the distortion of the course of adolescence. The main method of research is the historical and pedagogical reconstruction of adolescence. Private research methods are the study and analysis of normative legal acts in the field of education, scientific and pedagogical articles, historical and pedagogical works, psychological and pedagogical studies of childhood. The novelty of the study is that the problematic nature of the course of adolescence is considered as a result of protective and discriminatory policies. It is claimed that the suppression of the most important needs of adolescence, such as self-knowledge, self-search, the development of emotional-volitional sphere, focus on the future led to a lack of self-understanding and manifested in emotional exhaustion, demotivation to activities and/or deviant behavior of students.