Napolskikh D.L. —
The development of innovation clusters in Volga Region economic space
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 99 - 130.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2021.1.35620
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Abstract: The object of this research is the spatial boundaries of innovation clusters in the Volga Region economic space. The subject of this research is modeling of the processes of innovation transformation and the zones of distribution of externalities of cluster development. Innovative clusters are viewed as an advanced form of territorial organization of production and the foundation of socioeconomic development of the region in the current context. The formation and development of innovation clusters in the Volga Region is analyzed within the framework of its impact upon transformation of the economic space. The key aspects of transformation of the economic space are determined. Special attention is turned to heterogeneity of the distribution of externalities of clusterization processes in the Volga Region. The conclusion is made on signigicant unevenness of the distribution of clusterization processes in the Volga region economic space. Volga Region has territories with one or several centers of clusterization of the economic space (the Republic of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Ulyanovsk Oblast). The author reveals the territories that are influenced by clusterization of the neighboring regions. The main result of the conducted research lies in definition of spatial boundaries of the processes of clusterization of production in the Volga Region. The author's contribution consists in identification of spatial zones of innovation clusters, such as the core, the center of the cluster and its periphery, based on transport accessibility.
Napolskikh D.L. —
Assessment of innovative development potential of a macroregion within the multilevel clustering model
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 144 - 161.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.4.34517
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Abstract: The object of this research is the potential of innovative development of Volga Region. The subject of this research is assessment of the processes of innovative transformation of economic systems of Volga Region. Special attention is given to the analysis of peculiarities of spatial distribution of the potential for the development of innovative economy in the context of cluster policy. The author examines the dynamics of cluster formation in the Russian Federation and Volga Federal District, as well as the level of institutional development of the clusters formed in the Volga Region. Based on the previous research, the geographical zones of Volga Region are classified by the author into macroregions, districts, and interregional clusters; on each level of the proposed multilevel model can be determined the leading region and lagging regions. For assessing the innovative transformation of economic systems of Volga Region, the author developed the methodology for comprehensive analysis of innovative development potential of the regions. The outcome Index of innovative development potential of the region (IRIDP) is formed on the basis of four subindexes: index of economic potential of innovative development (IEP-1); index of human resource potential of innovative development (IHRP-2); index of financial potential of innovative development (IFP-3); index of scientific and technological potential of innovative development (ISTP-4). In the course of analysis of the processes of clusterization of the economy of Volga Region, the author determined a significant differentiation of economic space from the perspective of institutionalization of clusters. Nonuniformity of distribution of the clusters by regions, as well as differences in the level of their development, are substantiated by the objective economic-geographical prerequisites and by the performance regional authorities within the framework of federal cluster development projects. The formulated conclusions can serve as the foundation for the formation of spatial contours and vectors of a new stage of clusterization of the economy of Volga Region; its implementation of should consider the complementary nature of innovative and cluster activity of the regions.
Napolskikh D.L. —
Spatial aspect of development of the economic clustering model of Volga Region
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 28 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2020.2.32676
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the internal and external boundaries of Volga Region as a macroregion applicable to the task of development economic clustering model of its regions. The object of this research is the correlation between administrative-territorial boundaries of Volga Region and its economic zoning. The author examines the historical and other prerequisites for emergence of the set of contradictions between economic zoning, defined by the economic-geographical factors, and administrative-territorial division. Special attention is paid to the theoretical concepts and practice of economic zoning in the territory of Volga Region, presenting the results of clarification of the categorical apparatus applicable to the topic of research. The main conclusions of the conducted study consists in presence of the basis for formation of economic space of the Volga Region, as well as Volga – Pre-Urals vector of economic integration. The article also determines the instability of spatial boundaries of Volga Region as a macroregion during the XX – XXI centuries and highlights the key contradictions. The author’s contribution into research of this topic consists in determining two main approaches towards spatial selection of interregional clusters of economic integration within Volga Region.
Napolskikh D.L. —
Modern regulatory practices of the clusterization processes and innovation development of regional economic systems
// Trends and management. – 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2020.1.32733
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Abstract: The object of this research is the processes of clusterization of economic systems of Russian regions, particularly Volga Region, in the conditions of establishing innovation economy. The subject of this research is the modern successful practices of regulation of the clusterization processes and innovation development of regional economic systems. The author explores such aspects of this topic as peculiarities of economic development of sectoral and territorial segments of innovation clusters, and integration of production within the framework of cluster formations. Special attention is given to the innovation clusters – leaders in investment attractiveness on the global scale, being members of a priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is made that each of the examined clusters form their own trajectory of development that is based on unique competitive advantages, while maintaining orientation towards the general model of cluster development. The author’s contribution lies in systematization of the successful cluster development and determination of common elements of the model of formation of innovation clusters on regional level.
Napolskikh D.L. —
Analysis of the dependence of state support of joint project in the context of the Russian industrial clusters and results of cluster development
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 90 - 101.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2019.4.31372
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Abstract: This article explores the problems of state support of the development of multi-cluster formations on the bases of mechanisms of production integration within the frameworks of joint projects of industrial clusters. The goal of this research consists in analysis of the dependence of the size of federal subsidy for implementation of joint cluster projects upon the achieved and planned indicators of cluster development within realization of the project, as well as determination of the correlation between cluster development factors. Analysis is conducted on 38 industrial clusters across regions of Russia. The work presents results of the study of interdependence of state subsidization of joint projects in terms of the Russian industrial clusters and indicators of cluster development. The author determines the innovation-technology vector of state support of joint projects of the participating industrial clusters; as well as underlines lack of strong link between the indicators of cluster development and the amount of federal subsidy for realization of joint projects, excluding the indicator of “quantity of conversions in the technological cluster chain”. The conclusion is made on the absence of strong link between the size of federal subsidy and the indicators of realization of joint projects within the framework of industrial clusters.
Napolskikh D.L. —
Methodological approach to optimization of placement of businesses of the regional industrial clusters
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 170 - 180.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2018.3.27347
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Abstract: The object of this research is the theoretical-methodological grounds of the placement of industrial cluster businesses in the Russian regions. The subject of this research is the improvement of methodological instrumentarium for solving the problem of spatial localization of industrial clusters in the region. The goal of this work lies in development of the economic-mathematical model of clusterization of the economy, which expands the methodological potential of optimal placement of cluster initiatives within the Russian economic space. Special attention is given to the peculiarities of cluster development process that determine the initial conditions for finding an optimal placement and long-term growth of industrial production in the cluster. The article applies the modern approaches towards economic-mathematical modelling, as well as systematization of geostatistical methods. The author considers the problems of optimization of placement of the new alongside the development of already existing production facilities in the process of realization of cluster initiative; generalizes the approaches to economic-mathematical modelling of the process of formation and development of industrial clusters. The article also formulates the criteria for optimal placement and prospective development of the cluster businesses.
Napolskikh D.L. —
Economic and mathematical modeling of territorial development based on the formation of cluster of rational environmental management
// Trends and management. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2018.3.27348
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Abstract: The object of this research is the conceptual grounds of the formation of clusters of rational environmental management. The subject of this research is the methodological tools of economic development modeling based on the formation of clusters of rational environmental management within the framework of regional territory. The goal of the work lies in formulation of the economic and mathematical model of the formation of clusters of rational environmental management that expands the methodological potential of forecasting and planning of territorial development. Special attention is given to peculiarities of the process of multi-cluster development in the area of rational environmental management, which determine the initial conditions of articulation of the considered scientific problem. The author presents the approach towards solution of the tasks of economic development and modernization of economic systems of the Russian regions on the basis of the model of prospect development of the clusters; as well as suggests separating multi-clusters of environmental management as an adequate mode of economic modernization for majority of the old industrial regions of Russia. The article identifies the specificities of economic and mathematical model of the formation of multi-cluster of rational environmental management; and formulated articulation of the task for optimization of economic development of the territory based on the formation of multi-cluster of rational environmental management, as well as limitation of indexes of the desired variables.
Napolskikh D.L., Furin A.G. —
Construction of Data Monitoring Network for Spatial Modeling of Regional Industrial Clusters
// Theoretical and Applied Economics. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 136 - 143.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2017.3.24260
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Abstract: The subject of the research is adaptation of the methodological tools of geostatistics to the tasks of modeling the development of regional industrial clusters. Particular attention is paid to the categorical apparatus and economic interpretation of approaches to analyzing spatially distributed data within clusters. The main aspects of the scientific problem of constructing a data monitoring network for modeling clusters are systematized. A mathematical description of the economic space of the region is presented from the point of view of the geostatistical analysis of clustering processes. Approaches to the solution of the problem of coordinate binding of the development processes of regional industrial clusters in the economic space of the region are considered. The main result of the study is the refinement of the basic elements of geostatistics with respect to the problem of modeling the development processes of regional industrial clusters: space metric, network for monitoring data, and data declarations. Based on the results obtained, the author gives an assessment of the possibilities of practical application of methods for visualizing the data monitoring network and its cluster structure.