Moskvich Y., Galbadrakh S. —
Dominant motivations for achieving success among students of the School of Technology of the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (city of Darkhan)
// Sociodynamics. – 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 21 - 34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.6.26628
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Abstract: This article examines the motivations for achieving success among the students of Mongolian University of Science and Technology, located in the city of Darkhan, which are significant in monitoring the development of soft skills competencies of the students and improvement in the quality of education. Primary attention is given to the establishment of dominant motivations and their correlation with the overall value worldview. The author analyzes the existing gender differences among the male and female students, hierarchy of motivations for achieving success in the diverse categories of success, as well as the dominant value orientations for achieving success. The article applies the psychological diagnostics of motivations for achieving success among the university students, which was recently proposed by S. A. Pakulina. It determines the nine key categories of success: material success; success as luck; success as recognition; success as power; success as result; personal success; success as mental state; success as overcoming; success as calling. The survey consists of 36 questions that determine the preferences towards each of the category of success, with participation of 225 students. It is established that important for the great majority of students of the School of Technology is the inner personal success: success as a result of personal activity, personal success, success as a mental state, success as overcoming of obstacles, and success as calling. Realization of personal potential and serving the supreme goal also considered important by the respondents. The least attractive motive for successful activity for the majority of student is the external success: control and influence other people, make decisions for them. The acquired results can be used in development and implementation of the modern educational curricula and practice in terms of creation of the effective environments for the career and personal activities.
Moskvich Y. —
Diverse, and flexible strength of a changing world: the purpose and evolution
// Sociodynamics. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7144.2015.4.15047
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Abstract: The article analyzes the global challenges and possible responses to them. Discusses the new adaptation mechanisms to global change such as "flexible consciousness", "flexible skills", "flexible cooperation", "flexible / soft power" to resolve the existing global problems. Explores the nature of innovation and the importance of "flexible strength" conducive to its creation. The process of formation of an innovative society as a basis for a new global flexible force, preventing the negative effects of the accelerated development of the non-linear world.
Moskvich Y., Feklistov A.G. —
Comparative Research of Progressive Development Values Among University Students of Humanities
// Sociodynamics. – 2014. – ¹ 10.
– P. 60 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.10.1342
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Abstract: Research of valuable installations of students of universities of Krasnoyarsk and students of Branch of Moscow State University of culture in the city of Zhukovsky in model "progressive" and "static culture" is conducted. It is established that for most of students all valuable installations of "progressive culture", except the value of decentralization and horizontal position of communications are significant. The analysis of the received results on each of valuable installation is given. Regional differences of valuable installations of students depending on geography of accommodation and study are revealed.Estimates of chances of successful modernization in Russia are given.The main method is a survey of student's groups, graduate students and experts. The received results were discussed and interpreted according to a research subject. The conducted researches of opinions of students and experts of the city of Krasnoyarsk and city of Zhukovsky allowed to receive some important results. Unlike the occurring ideas of unavailability of the population of the country to modernization the received results speak about other. It is established that most of students humanists regardless of geography of training divide values of "progressive culture" of the countries which made successful modernization and are guided by them in the practical activities. The positive valuable installations which are available for most of students in general form at them needs for updating and modernization of the country, form ideas of high chances of successful modernization of Russia and importance of processes of modernization of consciousness of the population for realization of these chances.