Matyash T.P., Mekushkin A.A., Matyash D.V., Vodenko K.V. —
Images of the human within Christian culture
// Philosophical Thought. – 2019. – ¹ 8.
– P. 44 - 52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.8.30870
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Abstract: The subject of this research is image of the human within Christian culture. The author examines such aspects as the ideas of Christian theologians and Russian religious philosopher, according to whom formation of image of the human is greatly affected by religion. This implies the inner and in-depth justification by the Christian culture of images (perceptions, representations) of the human. The authors refer to the topic of religious justification of image of the human on the basis of history of the Russian religious philosophy, as well as the representatives of the modern Orthodox theology. The main research method became the hermeneutic reconstruction, when the reference to the texts of religious philosophers allows reconstructing concept of the human. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of factors, due to which the established in history Christian confessions substantiate the differentiation of specificity of image of the human, content of his spiritual life, namely related to perception of dichotomy “earthlier-heavenlier”. The authors conduct a comparative analysis the stance on earthly prosperity of the representatives of various Christian confessions; as well as analyze why the specificity of such attitude justifies the emergence of the worldview and cultural gaps between the Christian nations.
Vodenko K.V., Chernykh S.S. —
Prospects for innovation development of the Russian state: cultural determinations
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 71 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.6.23488
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Abstract: The object of this article is the cultural and worldview determinants of Russian culture that affect the process of its modernization. The subject is it specificity of interrelation of the worldview patterns of Russian culture and scientific-innovation development of the country. The goal of the research consists in examination of the genesis of national spiritual culture with its regards to the major global trends of economic, political, and scientific-technical development. The authors thoroughly analyze the institutional peculiarities of ongoing evolution of the Russian society under the conditions of state paternalism, which led to a strong dependence of the Institute of Science from the power-bureaucratic hierarchy. Theoretical-methodological basis leans on the attitudes of the “interpretive sociology of M. Weber and cultural sociology of J. Alexander, which in many ways is substantiated by the need for interpreting the worldview patterns of national culture as the independent determinants of scientific-technical progress; concepts of structural-functional analysis (T. Parsons, R. Merton, and others); and neo-constitutionalism (D. Norht, S. G. Kirdina) that allow reflecting the institutional practices, which strike all spheres of spiritual and material production; Marxist theory that are capable of infiltrating the essence of clannish conflicts in Russia and specificity of the national modernization through the analysis of revolutionary leaps. The main conclusion consists in the idea that the cultural and worldview determinants, common to the Russian culture and associated with historical memory, can form the orientation of social consciousness and affect the processes of scientific-innovation progress. It is noted that during all of the historical modernization waves, the country was in a state of certain institutional underdevelopment, justified by the authoritarian system of political control, absence of the developed institutions of civil society and private property. The prospects of Russia's scientific development are considered, taking into account the requirements for expanding civil control and formation of the country’s innovation image. Attention is paid to the fact that the innovation activity, carried out by the Institute of Science, implements a function aimed at humanization of the national culture and public consciousness.
Vodenko K.V., Ivanchenko O.S. —
Service labor within the structure of socioeconomic activities of Russians
// Trends and management. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 13 - 22.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2017.4.24285
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Abstract: The object of this research is the specificity of socioeconomic activities in Russian society. The subject of this research is the specificity of functionality of service labor in the context of development of the national model of management of socioeconomic activities in the modern Russian society. The goal of the article consists in the examination of peculiarities of the impact of service labor upon the Russian middle class, taking into account its role in development of the national model of management of socioeconomic activities. The authors reviews the cultural and historical aspects of the development of service labor, specificity of the Russian middle class and civil society in relation to the peculiarities of socioeconomic activities of Russians. The main conclusions lies in the idea that the loyalty of representatives of the middle class pertinent to the government vertical and its bureaucratic apparatus is largely substantiated by the established practices of service labor. In this regards, the middle class in general experiences the deficit of sociopolitical subjectivity, while continues to perform an essential function of supporting the social stability. It is noted that the service labor can contradict the value orientation with the middle class representatives, who wants to exercise their initiative and realize the professional functions in the conditions of market relations. Thus, the impact of service labor encourages the formation of such model of socioeconomic development of the Russian civil society, in which the value orientations of the middle class are focuses on the coexistence with government structures, rather than the struggle. At the same time, the key vector of development of the national model of management of the socioeconomic activities suggests the growth of subjectivity of the middle class and civil control due to the increase of the overall level of transparency. Because the functionality of service labor in Russian society in many ways is justified by the peculiarities of basic institutional matrix (X-matrix), its effect will continue to remain, especially for the social classes involved in civil service. In separate segments of the middle class, primarily in the groups of creative class, we can observe the trend towards the rejection of service labor that is associated with the lesser economic dependency and game rules dictated by the communal environment of the Russian society. Therefore, the further prospects of development of the national model of socioeconomic activities center around the complementary integration of the institutional practices common to the maker and redistributive social systems. The development socioeconomic activities and enhancement of the scientific innovative activity, necessitates focusing on the development of special institutional formations that establish favorable environment for realization of the creative abilities of representatives of the middle (creative) class.