Osipova T.Y. —
Theoretical Grounds and Features of the Author's Communicative Creativity Inventory
// Psychologist. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 57 - 69.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2016.3.19549
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/psp/article_19549.html
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Abstract: The object of the research is the creative abilities of a person. The author analyzes theoretical approaches to this phenomenon. The subject of the research is the communicative creativity as a combination of flexible thinking and behavior, communicative competence and a number of personal traits (self-regulation ability, sense of humour, etc.) along with the motivation for communication success which allows to 'go beyound the limits' of established styles, behavior patterns and perception stereotypes and to find an individual approach to the partner. In this article Osipova systematizes approaches to communicative creativity in Russian pedagogics and psychology. The researcher also analyzes creativity inventories and notes that none of these methods allows to diagnose communicative creativity. The author's special contribution to the topic is the creation of her own 'Creativity Inventory'. The Inventory has solid theoretical grounds, satisfactory construct validity and a sufficient degree of reliability. These features as well as the procedure of standartization conducted allow to use The Creativity Inventory for research purposes during both individual and group diagnostics of communicative creativity.