Kletskin M.V. —
Hermeneutics of Aristotle as onto-logics
// Philosophical Thought. – 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 45 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.9.24733
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fr/article_24733.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the hermeneutics of Aristotle and apprehension of the place of modal logics within the structure of fundamental ontology. The author determines the difficulties and contradictions that faces the interpretation of Aristotle’s concept of the logics of nature, analyzes the correlation between the modal categories of “necessity”, “opportunity”, “truth”, and “reality”, as well as suggests the praxeological model of their unification. The reality implies materialization and necessity, but necessary is not always true, as it can also mean something compulsory outside the actual existence. It is also stated that without the temporal characteristics of the modality of existence are irrelevant, as the veracity of modal reasoning about anything is always viewed in present “as it is”. The author comes to a conclusion that the truth reveals the essential as valuable and always from the value (practical) perspective. Having analyzed the foundations of the modern analytical philosophy, the article demonstrates that the representations of logicians are defined by their ontological orientations. If in “Hermeneutics” Aristotle spoke about the existence as a whole, the logicians-analytics imply the existence of a particular sensual thing, i.e. the actual being, which narrows down the area of application of their “modal” logics.
Kletskin M.V. —
Psychological aspect of realization of the value relation
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2017. – ¹ 11.
– P. 45 - 53.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2017.11.22549
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/fkmag/article_22549.html
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the role of unconscious reasoning in the process of cognition and realization of the value relations. The author thoroughly examines the “ontological function” of the unconscious as an interlink between the existing and its conscious in form of the actual being, as well as the term “unconscious” in teachings of Freud and Aristotle. The author reveals the ontological grounds of understanding world that surrounds a human. Attention is focused on the formation of psychological motivation in realization of the value relation. The article substantiates the need for considering the psychological factors in establishment of the scientific image of the world. Based on the analysis of philosophical concepts of the unconscious thinking, it is determined that the unconscious being can be interpreted as a mediating link in ontological perception of the existing and its apprehension. Concept of the unconscious allowed clarifying the ontological structure of formation of the surrounding world from another perspective, as well as give a crucially new explanation to the psychological nature of value relation.
Kletskin M.V. —
The interpretation of value relation in ancient history and modern era
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1654 - 1663.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.12.18120
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the understanding of the category of “good” in philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, and Stoic Zeno. The author examines the establishment of praxeological perception of the value relation in philosophy of the modern era. Realization of the new task of the research suggest resolution of the question regarding nature and essence of the value relation, as well as place of the unconscious reasoning in formation of the existential being. It is necessary to illustrate the causes for establishment of the peculiar ancient perception of good as the highest “idea” of being overall, as well as formation of the content of the notion of “value” in the New European philosophy. The main conclusion consists in the following position: in ancient worldview, a man did not create the world around himself, but rather God, nature, and logos through the man, who instead of consolidation of his authority over nature, was forced to subordinate to the compulsion of necessity. The author also presents the idea that value is the attribute of any subject of existential being, because the soul embodies its immanent demands within them, as well as creates them as the tool for realization of telos.