Illarionov G.A., Mosienko M.K. —
Philosophical analysis of the causes of popularity of computer games in the context of habitual approach
// Sociodynamics. – 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 40 - 51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2018.9.26640
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Abstract: The object of this research is the computer game as a phenomenon of social life. The subject is the subjective and social substantiation of the growth of popularity of computer games. The author raises the following problematic questions: what is the cause of the rapid growth of popularity of computer games, what role do they play in social practices of modernity, what are the risks and prospects of the existence of computer game in the society? The question regarding the status of computer games concerns the more general social contexts, which justified the need for the analysis within the framework of social philosophy and allied disciplines. In methodological aspects, the research leans on the structural-functional approach, which views the computer games from the standpoint of theirs social functions and mechanism that force people to play. Structural position of the games in society is viewed through the prism of habitual approach to society, based on Pierre Bourdieu‘s understanding of the concept of “habitus”. A conclusion can be mane that the growth of popularity of computer games is explained by the manifestation of the inner intentions of a subject, which cannot be expressed in the real world. The technical improvement, when the growing capabilities of virtual environment open new opportunities for self-actualization enhance the popularity of computer games. The attractiveness of a computer game is explained by the identity of the real and possible within it. The actions do not carry an irreparable character; the flow of time is nonlinear and reversible. Moreover, the games possess a destructive and pragmatic potential; they are capable of gamifying the social existence, relieve the sufferings from the unrealized intentions of a person. However, the can turn into addiction and submerge the social life.