Antropov R.V., Antropova N.A. —
Legal education of the Third Reich: “under the gun” of Nazi ideology
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 30 - 40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.8.21915
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Abstract: The subject of this study is the legal education of the Third Reich: its content, aims and objectives, as well as specific features as an addition to Nazi propaganda machine. The research is based on the detailed examination of the sources of German educational law of the period of German State (1933-1945) that have not been previously translated or published in the Russian science, and include educational standards, decrees of the Ministry of Education along with other departments, as well as scientific material of the German authors on Nazi doctrine, which contain commentaries to the situation established within the system of training of the lawyers throughout the period of dominance of the National Socialism. Russian scientific literature reviews the questions of legal education of the Third Reich era only in conjunction with the education in general or the system of justice. Thus, the authors attempted to eliminate the existing gap and saturate into the “Nazi stage” within the history of German legal education. The law «On the Transfer of the Administration of Justice to the Reich» of February 16, 1934 unified the legal education throughout the entire German land in the context of implementing the National Socialist principle of autocracy «the Fuhrer». Its goal consisted in upbringing of the young “law enforcement officers” as the fanatic adherers of the new regime, which is alien to the human values and preaches the racia superiority of the German nation. Such objective was reflected in the developed by Nazi ideologists new educational standards for training the lawyers in 1934 and 1939, in which nothing reminded of the old-pattern lawyer. Only after the fall of Fascism, the German system of legal education was able to return to the principles established in the era of liberalism and remained relevant to this day.
Antropov R.V., Antropova N.A. —
Academic heritage of the German higher school: reference to the Prussian model of preparation of lawyers
// Politics and Society. – 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 101 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.5.20290
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Abstract: This article examines the question of preparation of specialists for juridical services in Prussia in the late XIX – early XX centuries. Based on the comprehension of texts of the separate legal sources, including those published using the Gothic script, the authors are firsts in the Russian literature to introduce into the scientific circulation the results of fundamental studies of the German legal scholars directly concerning the historical legal development and reorganization of the system of juridical education in Germany. The scientific novelty of this work consists in determination of the substantial impact of Prussian tradition of preparation of legal personnel upon the formation of the German nationwide system of juridical education, the modern structure of which is characterized as “dual-phase”, consisting of the “university education” and “legal Referendariat” (i.e. preliminary service). Such conclusion will be valuable or the Russian specialists in the field of educational law, who pay due attention to the modern comparative studies, as well as others interested in trends and issues of modernization of the Russian and foreign juridical education.
Antropov R.V., Antropova N.A. —
Prussian model of legal personnel training as the foundation of the modern legal education in Germany
// Law and Politics. – 2016. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1533 - 1538.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2016.12.16987
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of establishment and development of legal education in Germany coupled with the cultural-historical and political-legal factors; impact of the Prussian tradition of legal personnel training upon formation of the all-German system of legal education; peculiarities of the extramural practical education of lawyers in legal clerkship (Referendariat); final exam on eligibility for judges seat; ways of insertion of the Western system of legal education and German jurisprudence into Russia; as well as structure of the existing German traditional legal education. The results of this work consist in the following: determination of the main prerequisites of emergence and historical reorganization of the system of German legal education; demonstration of the dependence of professional training of legal personnel upon the changing demands of German state and society; revelation of the historical roots of the German law school; examination of specificities of evolution of the forms and methods of lawyers in organizational-legal and informative aspects; introduction of the original works in the area of German legal education in historical retrospective into the Russian scientific discourse. The author highlights the positive experience of the German system of traditional training of legal personnel under the conditions of the so-called “Bologna Process”. The main conclusion lies in the thesis that namely Prussian system of preparation of highly qualified legal personnel comprises the foundation of the modern German legal education, which Germany is unwilling to abandon even in the conditions of «Bolonization» and integration of the European higher school.
Antropov R.V., Antropova N.A. —
Prussian model of legal personnel training as the foundation of the modern legal education in Germany
// Law and Politics. – 2016. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1533 - 1538.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2016.12.42875
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of establishment and development of legal education in Germany coupled with the cultural-historical and political-legal factors; impact of the Prussian tradition of legal personnel training upon formation of the all-German system of legal education; peculiarities of the extramural practical education of lawyers in legal clerkship (Referendariat); final exam on eligibility for judges seat; ways of insertion of the Western system of legal education and German jurisprudence into Russia; as well as structure of the existing German traditional legal education. The results of this work consist in the following: determination of the main prerequisites of emergence and historical reorganization of the system of German legal education; demonstration of the dependence of professional training of legal personnel upon the changing demands of German state and society; revelation of the historical roots of the German law school; examination of specificities of evolution of the forms and methods of lawyers in organizational-legal and informative aspects; introduction of the original works in the area of German legal education in historical retrospective into the Russian scientific discourse. The author highlights the positive experience of the German system of traditional training of legal personnel under the conditions of the so-called “Bologna Process”. The main conclusion lies in the thesis that namely Prussian system of preparation of highly qualified legal personnel comprises the foundation of the modern German legal education, which Germany is unwilling to abandon even in the conditions of «Bolonization» and integration of the European higher school.
Antropov R.V. —
The German legal education in historical aspect
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 311 - 321.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16346
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Abstract: The modern classical legal education in Germany is a legacy of the Prussian model of judicial training, which in its development has repeatedly transformed, reflecting the political changes and the mood of German society according to the chronology of the historical development of the state. The importance of the study of the German legal education is predetermined by high achievements of the German legal culture, long-standing university traditions and huge intellectual potential of the German historical schools of law, it is impossible to ignore the reformatting of policy of Russia towards the European educational standards.However, for foreign publications, regarding the history of the German legal education, the certain deficiencies and fragmentariness are characterized, and the works of historians of law and comparativists of our country touch on this aspect only in very small degree. The author offers the reader the historical reliability representation about the system of judicial training in Germany in dynamics of its development, built on the basis of use of special historical methods (historical-comparative, historical-systematic, retrospective, synchronic and diachronic analysis and others).The results of the study can be estimated with a number of positions: historical-legal, political, academic and scientific-methodical.
Antropov R.V. —
The History of the development of legal education in Germany: the essence, models and stages of evolution
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 251 - 264.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.4.14496
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the genesis of legal education in Germany, changes in the structure and content of university training of legal personnel at various stages of community development of German, taking into account the concrete historical situation. A review of the problem starts with the XIX century, notably since the rule of Prussia in the internal and external political processes of the German Empire, which had an impact on legal education. The closing date of the study is 2003, marked a new chapter in the history of legal education of modern Germany in connection with the adoption of the Law on the reform of legal education in 2002. Methodological basis of research is represented by a set of approaches and methods developed modern historiography, which is based the principles of historicism and science, as well as the historical-comparative method and structural-functional analysis. The study relies heavily on the German-language materials, both published and unpublished (electronic) to allow a full picture of the changes taking place in the field of legal education in Germany and giving the key to understanding the sources and essence of the modern model of judicial training in the Federal Republic, as well as as to why Germany rejected the introduction of tools of the so-called «Bologna process» in the classical legal education.
Antropov R.V. —
The social legislation of Germany in the second half of the XIX century: special features, evolution and the role in the history process
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 280 - 291.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.15172
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Abstract: The German social legislation of the second half of the XIX century or the so-called «social laws» were an attempt of responding of the first Reichschancellor of the German Empire Otto von Bismarck on disastrous situation of the working class during the industrialization in the past century. Scientific novelty of research consists in its issues, in the historical context of the times, in presenting topical issues of history of formation and development of social legislation in Germany based on the German legal and theoretical sources as research subjects. For assessment and analysis of the evolution of social legislation in Germany in the second half of the XIX century the author used general scientific and specific scientific methods of knowledge: a systematic analysis of the studied phenomena, synthesis of research results, historical-legal, comparative legal, formal logic and other methods. The application of these methods allows you to form a thesis that Bismarck made a political decision of explosive force aimed to overcome the extreme social contradictions and, most importantly, on the deprivation ofnutrient solutionfor unrest of social democracy. The founder of the German Reich failed to prove the young German nation, that the state can offer much more than just the representation of the working class in politics. With the use of new approaches Germany became world-renowned pioneer in the construction of the state system of social protection of working citizens on the principles of joint participation of workers and employers in the financing of social insurance. Bismarck created a model that was soon adopted by many other countries, and to this day forms the foundations of the modern social state. Arose mainly from the cold calculations the «social laws», along with the German unification, are the greatest political achievement of Bismarck and a unique example of European history of that time. Just so a modern historiography evaluates the services of the «Iron Chancellor».