Moreeva S. —
The Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation in Strategic Planning Documents of the Goal-Setting and Programming Levels
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice. – 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2018.5.27911
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Abstract: In her article Moreeva presents an analysis of the hierarchy of strategic planning documents aimed at the regulation of the Arctic zone development. The article is based on the research devoted to the development of methodological and legal approaches to further construction of the contour of strategic planning and its integraton with the contours of programming and budgetary management carried out by The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (The Presidential Academy, RANEPA) in 2017. The Arctic macro-region has been selected due to its specfic features such as geographical location, climatic conditions and strategic importance. In the course of the research the author has applied both general research methods such as dialectics, systems approach, comparative anlaysis, synthesis, analogy and deduction and traditional law methods such as formal law, comparative law, etc. Based on the results of the research the author states that today there has been a number of strategic planning documents adopted, however, this sphere still lacks a systems approach: not all documents that are necessary have been issued, and current acts do not always correspond to the strategic planning laws. The conceptual analysis of the acts allows to make the following conclusions: so far, the borders of the Arctic zone have not been defined either geogrpahically or cocneptually, thus leaving the problem of the Russian Arctic zone unresolved. There are certain inconsistencies between Arctic zone strategic planning documents of the goal-setting and programming levels, existing documents do not focus on the development of the macro-region and territories within the Arctic Zone equally. In addition, there is insufficient legal regulation which does not take into account specific features of aforesaid territories.
Moreeva S. —
Analysis of the foreign trade activity of Russia since beginning of the World War I until lifting of the economic blockade
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 61 - 72.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2017.5.20554
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Abstract: The subject of this research (carried out based on the results of scientific research work on the topic “Economic and legal aspects of foreign trade activity of Russia since the beginning of the XX century: past, present, and prospects”) is Russia’s foreign trade over the period from the mid 1914 until the early 1921. The author analyzes the transformation of the Russian foreign trade policy and transactions associated with the country’s participation in the World War I, as well as domestic events of the following years, trade and "golden” embargo of Soviet Russia from the side of the Western countries. The work traces the sequential changes in state regulation of the foreign trade activity: transition from the limited meddling of the government into foreign trade activity, towards the prohibitive-permissive system of regulation with the further establishment of state monopoly in foreign trade right after the October Revolution. Using the acquired statistical data, the author demonstrates how the participation in the WWI alongside the following domestic events affecter the trade balance of the country, volume and structure of export and imports, as well as the list of Russia’s trade partners.