Zamaraeva Y.S. —
Peculiarities of Ethnic Migration in Socio-Cultural Perception (the Aanalysis of Results of the Experiment Carried Out According to the Method 'Serial Thematic Associations'
// Sociodynamics. – 2014. – ¹ 9.
– P. 63 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.9.13407
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Abstract: The subject under research is the social, sociocultural, social and psychological features of perception of ethnic migration at a host which is represented by social group of youth and students. Now processes of ethnic migration are followed by the crisis phenomena in social psychology, including xenophobia and a migrant-phobia. Specifics of the social and psychological environment accepting have to be studied and understood as the factor promoting or interfering positive welfare communications of migrants and the population of regions of the Russian Federation. Approbation of a method of associative experiment was at the same time carried out, its opportunities for studying process of ethnic migration are investigated. The main method of research - interpretation of results of empirical research on Nazarov and Sokolov's technique "Serial thematic associations". The method of the state-of-the-art review of information and expert sources, critical analysis of actual scientific researches was applied to increase of reliability of results of interpretation. Scientific novelty of research consists that the main characteristics of an image of the ethnic migrant in the youth and student's environment of the city of Krasnoyarsk are for the first time revealed. Migration is a peculiar impulse for activization of processes of cultural and ethnic identichnost at representatives of a host. Thereby migration influences not only an economic and social situation in regions of the Russian Federation, but also on the cultural and world outlook. The conducted empirical research allowed to open the maintenance of the generalized image of the modern migrant at recipients of special type - students which social structure, as a rule, reflects social structure of future Russian society