Lapina M.A. —
On the Need to Systematize the Measures of Government Coercion in the Sphere of Legislation of the Russian Federation
// Financial Law and Management. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 114 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0765.2015.2.15647
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Abstract: In her article Lapina examines provisions of different branches of law that regulate social relations in the financial and economic sphere. The article is devoted to the content and nature of state coercion and peculiarities of the classification of administrative enforcement measures as a form of state coercion. The example of budget, banking and securities market legislations demonstrated the lack of a unified system of measures of state coercion in the Russian Federation. The researcher emphasizes the need for the integrated improvement of the system of measures of state coercion in all spheres and areas of public administration including finances. In the process of writing this article the following methods were used: hermeneutical approach, systems approach, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law research and other methods that are usually used in legal research. According to the researcher, such improvement should involve the entire system of Russian legislation, i.e. not only sectoral legislation that contains field-specific measures of state coercion but also unified laws that establish different kinds of legal responsibility and describe the system of associated measures (forms) of punishment (criminal, administrative, disciplinary, etc.) for violation of law.
Lapina M.A., Karpukhin D.V. —
Application of Measures of State Coercion as an Independent Type of Administrative and Jurisdictional Proceedings
// Financial Law and Management. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 261 - 266.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0765.2015.2.15846
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Abstract: The last decade was marked by the rapid development of the financial and real sectors of the Russian economy. This fact led to the development of administrative and legal regulation of industry, agriculture, finance, banking and securities market. While forming a legal space of interaction of subjects of these spheres of life the government greatly expanded the segment of administrative-preventive, administrative-preclusive and administrative-punitive measures of administrative coercion. Recent measures are concentrated on various regulations such as laws and subordinate acts and are applied through out-of-court or in-court procedures which causes numerous difficulties in the doctrinal justification of a particular place of administrative proceedings in the system of administrative process. The present article is devoted to analysis of mentioned problems. In the process of writing this article the following research methods have been used: hermeneutical approach, systems approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law method and other methods that are usually used in legal research. The authors of the article conclude that along with other administrative and jurisdictional proceedings such as complaint management, disciplinary and administrative proceedings there is an independent type of administrative and jurisdictional proceeding on application of state coercive measures conducted by executive authorities on an extrajudicial basis.
Lapina M.A. —
Optimal legal methods which provide the harmonization of the system of legal sanctions of administrative and criminal legislation
// NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 57 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9945.2015.2.15900
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Abstract: The subject of the article is a range of legal and organizational problems of administrative-legal regulation of administrative sanctions. The author carries out the theoretic and legal analysis of administrative sanctions. Legal sanctions, provided by the Code of Administrative Offences and the Criminal Code, don’t correlate with each other from the viewpoint of optimal measures of state coercion which should provide the restoration of justice in the relations between the participants of economic activity and economic interests of the state. The existing sanctions, taking into account the increasing number of economic and financial offences, don’t provide special prevention in relation to economic offenders and general prevention on the part of other economic subjects. The main attention of the author is paid to the definition of principles of harmonization of the system of legal sanctions in administrative and criminal legislation. The author offers the following methods of harmonization of criminal and administrative sanctions: administrative collateral estoppel, the “linkage” to sectoral legislation, for some economic cases – nonalternative sanctions, etc. The article presents the author’s ideas about criminal responsibility of legal entities. The methodology of the research is based on the recent achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods (formal-logical) and the methods, used in special sociological research (the statistical method, expert assessments, etc.). The author concludes that currently it is necessary to enhance the forms and methods of administrative-legal influence on the state and the private sectors of Russian economy in order to provide law and order in the economic sphere. The author states that it is necessary to reduce the quantity of sanctions and to increase the quantity of encouraging norms both in criminal and administrative legislation.
dy, is that at the present time to ensure law and order in the housekeeper needs to improve forms and methods of administrative-legal influence on state and non-state sector of the Russian economy. The author concludes about the necessity of reducing the number of types of sanctions, of an increased incentive and in criminal and administrative-tort legislation.