Matiukhin I.V. —
Polygraph Testing of Clients Suffering from Panic Attacks
// Psychology and Psychotechnics. – 2015. – ¹ 9.
– P. 964 - 971.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0722.2015.9.16290
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Abstract: In his article Matyukhin describes the process and results of an original psychological test that was developed as a response to medics' request to analyze whether there are objective changes of psychophysiological parameters demonstrated by clients with the anxiety disorder and panic attacks when they subjectively experience uncomfortable sensations. The research was conducted using the special applied psychophysiological method and the technology of creating a computer-based profile through polygraphic registration of vegetative reactions demonstrated by repondents. The researcher has built the situation model of manifestation of the anxiety disorder and has described the two dominating types of sympathetic nervous system reactions as well as specific profiles of changes in their indicators. The results of the research show statisfically significant changes in psychophysiological indicators, in particular, cardio channel, pneumo channel, galvanic skin reaction channel and plethysmographic information channel. Thus, the research has allowed to discover distinct changes in objective psychophysiological parameters that are synchronized with uncomfortable sensations and thus complete the clinical picture of the manifestation and unfolding of a panic attack both at the subjective and objective levels. The researcher also provides classifications of different types of vegetative reactions as part of the psychophysiological research conducted upon the clinical request.
Matiukhin I.V. —
Influence of Psychometric Adaptability Diagnostics on the Self-Determination Factor
// Psychologist. – 2015. – ¹ 6.
– P. 116 - 131.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2015.6.16061
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Abstract: Developed self-concept should include acknowledge of personal resources through existing cognitive methods. At the moment the most developed psychological methods are psychometric methods in the form of questionnaires and tests. Results of such questionnaires and tests can be considered to be an important part of psychoeducation and self-determination of personality. Therefore, it seems appropriate to study the influence of the psychoeducation component on assessment of personality and self-determination through diagnosing a particular personal quality, describing the research results, retention of time and repeated diagnostics of the same quality. This allows to trace back the influence of the cognitive component on the diagnosed quality after diagnostics. In this research Matyukhin carries out diagnostics of adaptability. Severe disadaptation may cause pathological processes, failures in the academic or professional activity and antisocial behavior. The adaptation process is extremely dynamic. Successful adaptation depends on a number of objective and subjective conditions, functional status, social experience, attitude towards life, etc. People may have different attitudes to the same events and one stimulus may provoke different responses from different people.
Matiukhin I.V. —
Personality of a Psychologist in Terms of Performing Diagnostic Tasks
// Psychologist. – 2015. – ¹ 5.
– P. 56 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2015.5.15589
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the theoretical review and the analysis of the identity of the psychologist in terms of space-estimated tasks. Need of the accounting of diagnostic data on the basis of the studied typical manifestations of signs and properties is emphasized. Integrated, differential and eclectic approaches in research of the identity of the expert are described and also specifics of system "the diagnostician — a task — efficiency" are revealed. The main diagnostic inquiries of educational, clinical and corporate spheres are listed. The size of efficiency of the solution of tasks as an applied point of intersection of multiple-valued communications between the personality and a task is designated. And also structural components of efficiency such as the accuracy, decision speed, power consumption applied the technician and techniques and katamnestichesky effect are described by analytical deductive methods. On the basis of inquiries the directions of further priority researches both compound personal characteristics of the psychologist, and dynamics of the personality as integrity are precisely defined. The main tendency of article is emphasis of applied character of the theoretical analysis of these and forthcoming empirical researches.Possibility of expansion of typical fixings of the diagnostic plan is presented.
Matiukhin I.V. —
Examination of the types and causes of the reactions of people who perform publically
// Modern Education. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 92 - 113.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.4.16308
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Abstract: It is a no secret that performing publically is tedious work, often putting people into awkward situations and forcing them to be persistent in self-improvement in order to not feel the intense pressure that is felt by those who perform publically. Each person experiences a different level of anxiety due to different internal apperceptive reasons. This research is conducted via targeted observation of various people who performs publically. The author presents the theoretical analysis of the reaction of anxiety as the modification of an alarming manifestation of personal or situational nature, and also analyzes the interconnection between nervousness and social factors, including ways of avoiding the feeling of anxiety. The main types of people’s reactions during performing publically are being detected by the significant and evident external and behavioral characteristics. The article also presents the points of view of successful pedagogues on the topic of the art of public performances.
Matiukhin I.V. —
Loneliness in a metropolis
// Urban Studies. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 54 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2310-8673.2015.2.16413
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Abstract: The growing relevance of research on psychological states of residents as a factor impacting the development of megacities and towns has inspired researchers to seek qualitative and quantitative indicators for varying states of solitude. This article offers the analysis and results of an original psych diagnostic study conducted in the context of dependence in modern urbanization. The author offers an analysis of the problem of solitude as a theoretical, psychological construct, and its co-relation with the development level of habitats. Using psychometric methods of "differential questionnaire for solitude experience", the author measures and illustrates the state of qualitative and quantitative expression of the state of solitude in a metropolis such as Moscow, and on the samples of smaller towns, such as Suvorov. The author offers comparative description charts and percentage histograms, outlines the main theses of the test method within the structure of chief indicators. The article also shows the semantic manifestation of solitude as a dualistic psychological phenomenon that doesn’t only consist of the dysphoria caused by the lack of psychological intimacy, but also offers a positive resource for self-realization and self-actualization.