Ilinskaya S., Sirina E.A. —
Different logics of social and political analysis
// Philosophical Thought. – 2023. – ¹ 10.
– P. 138 - 151.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2023.10.68757
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Abstract: The article is a detailed consideration of the poststructuralist concept, which is developed in the work "Logic of Critical Explanation in Social and Political Theory" by D. Glinos and D. Howarth, and will arouse the interest of all those engaged in discursive research. In the work of professors of the University of Essex, the forces of social and political philosophy carried out a deep study of the discursive paradigm, first conceptually outlined in the work of S. Mouff and E. Laclo "Hegemony and socialist strategy", which has not yet been translated into Russian. The "new ontology" proposed by Mouff and Laclos became the basis for the original scientific school. The reviewed monograph is presented as a new round of development of this research direction. Based on the ontological attitudes of the discursive paradigm, Glinos and Howarth propose a postpositivist model of social sciences based on abduction, a problem-oriented approach (problematization), the need to take into account both the "hermeneutic" and "materialistic" components, both the objective and subjective sides of the social. The schemes they form for socio-political analysis seem analytically valuable. Of course, there are alternatives to them, but one of the key consequences of the discursive paradigm is the installation not on the competition of ontic approaches, but on their unification, since it is important to rely on what one or another approach brings to social knowledge, and not what it contradicts to another approach.
Ilinskaya S. —
Local-civilizational research and social constructivism: points of intersection
// Philosophical Thought. – 2021. – ¹ 11.
– P. 105 - 118.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2021.11.36798
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Abstract: This article represents a polemical response to the critical of poly-civilizational research article by D. E. Letnyakov, who offers to shift away from the essentialist attitudes in the context of studying the phenomenon of civilization, and rather focus on the mechanisms of formation of civilizational identity. In contradiction of the aforementioned point of view, the author of this article argues the inferiority and one-sidedness of the attempts to limit the multi-paradigm vector of research to a single methodological approach, substantiates the philosophical grounds of such multi-paradigmality, and on the example of gender studies, indicates the discrepancies that emerge due to neglecting the essential approach by the researchers. The subject of this article is the methodology of civilizational research. The author does not intent to refute the provisions of social constructivism completely, since its adherents made a considerable contribution to social knowledge, but rather demonstrate that in a number of multi-paradigm vectors (to which civilizational research belong to), this methodological approach cannot be limited to just one. It is substantiated that for philosophy, the criticism of civilizational theory from the perspective of social constructivism, is the phenomenon similar to refutation of Lobachevsky’s geometry from the standpoint of Euclidean geometry, or the laws of quantum mechanics based on the Newton laws. These are different worlds, different set of coordinates, with fundamentally different laws effective therein.
Ilinskaya S. —
Manipulated person (political instability as an expected result of the modern educational technologies)
// Philosophical Thought. – 2019. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.11.31441
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Abstract: This article focuses on the fact how the test system of knowledge control of a student became of one of the factors contributing to aggravation of mosaic mind of the modern Russian youth, making it more susceptible to manipulation. Using the specific examples, the author demonstrates nonconformity of the established by federal standard methods of assessment with the specificity of socio-humanitarian knowledge, as well as the consequence of their application for the political sphere. The accuracy of this research is substantiated by the fact that the author is not only a scientific associate, but also a university professor, having experience in preparing high schoolers for the Unified State Exam on Social Studies. For illustrating the results of educational reforms, the selection of the Republic of Kalmykia is no coincidence, since the author had an occasion to study and work in the region, and be a part of its political life. The research carries an interdisciplinary character. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the consequences of conducting state exams in the socio-humanitarian sphere in form of tests through the prism of destruction of the classical way of thinking coupled with the technical capabilities of network mobilization. In situation of multiplicity of discursive fields, it seems merely impossible to trace and control the competing with the state agents of influence and the channels they use. This is why the disruption of logical connection in thinking process, aggravated by the forms of control implemented into the Russian school system, threatens to turn into the mass political protests.
Ilinskaya S. —
Ethical choice of a modern Russian family as a political decision
// Philosophical Thought. – 2019. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2019.10.31419
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Abstract: Mundane lifestyle puts modern Russian families in the situation of having to make a number of decisions with extremely significant implications for the society and the state; this is why this question requires separate attention from the worldview and politological perspective. The goal of this work consists in proving that some private intra-familial strategies are so crucial for harmonization of the Russian society and preservation of the Russian state that this circumstance exalts them to the status of a political choice. Leaning on the methods of critical analysis of social reality, the authors reviews each direction of the possible strategies of Russian family as an individual task. This leads to the conclusion that some of them are crucial not only for strengthening the Russian statehood, but even for preservation of human species and “reboot” of the history of mankind in the context of implementation of the multiple local and global catastrophic scenarios. The operative motive of every Russian family in committing their marginal (from the standpoint of consumer logics) choice each time is its strict moral criteria.