Kurbanov R.A. —
The international organization of La Francophonie (Francophonie)
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2017.3.23176
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/mpmag/article_23176.html
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the activities of the International organization of La Francophonie, the history of its establishment, institutional structure, acts and regulations, developed within its framework. IOF is a specialized international regional organization aimed at the development of social and cultural aspects of foreign policy of Francophone States. IOF Member States do not belong to one particular region of the world, and are scattered almost all over the globe. IOF is undoubtedly reputable specialized international and regional organization aimed at the development of social and cultural aspects of foreign policy of Francophone States. Member States MOF does not belong to one particular region of the world, and are scattered almost all over the globe that enables organizations to develop and maintain their socio –linguistic space in almost all continents of the world. It appears that the essential mission of La Francophonie is not only to maintain and strengthen the status of the French language, but also in the realization of geopolitical interests of France, through the promotion of linguistic culture, the creation of a Francophone social space.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Integration Processes within the framework of Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa
// International Law. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 30.
DOI: 10.25136/2644-5514.2017.3.23177
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/wl/article_23177.html
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA), history of its establishment, functionality, institutional structure, normative acts, as well its impact upon the national law of the organization’s member-states. The author thoroughly reviews various levels of interaction in the context of this union. The presence in such sub-regional organization of the secondary law testifies to the high level of integration processes. The conducted analysis of the work of UEMOA gives grounds for claiming that this organization is one of the most “advanced” not only in Africa, but also worldwide. The examined integration organization has an extensive institutional structure that includes the Court of Justice, Accounts Chamber, Central Bank of West African States, West African Development Bank; also is established the West African Accounting System, in the context of which formed the Guild of Auditors and Chartered Accountants, National Council of Accounting, Accredited Centers of Administration, West African Council of Accountants, Permanent Council on the questions of accounting profession. Such well-structured institutional system indicates the high level of development of the integration processes within the framework of the Union.
Kurbanov R.A. —
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2017.2.23090
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/mpmag/article_23090.html
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Abstract: The article discusses various aspects of the organization Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL), its institutional structure, history of creation, the impact of its activities on the national legislation of member States, key projects which were already implemented. The Economic Community of Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL) is a sub-regional organization, in which cooperation concerns the issues of economic and social integration, security of member States. The parties shall coordinate and harmonize their activities in different spheres of financial and commercial activities, interaction in science, education, culture and tourism. CEPGL includes countries with different energy resources. For example, the Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire) is rich in resources, while Rwanda and Burundi are characterized by their absence. A similar ratio can be observed in many other areas of life (natural resources, arable land, etc.). Research methods are scientific methods of cognition: dialectical, analysis, synthesis, comparison and analogy, as well as methods.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Commission of the Indian Ocean basin Countries : history of development, the institutional framework and scope of activities
// International Law. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 19 - 30.
DOI: 10.25136/2644-5514.2017.2.23091
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/wl/article_23091.html
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Abstract: Indian-Ocean Rim Association: history of development, institutional framework, and spheres of activity
This article examines the international sub-regional organization – Indian-Ocean Rim Association, its institutional structure, history of establishment, impact upon national legislation of the member-states, key directions of activity, and projects. Cooperation of countries within the framework of the Indian-Ocean Rim Association was originally initiated due the need for resolving certain of issues (food shortage; provision of security; financial, energy, and environmental resources), and at current stage does not cover the general issues of economic integration, but rather touches upon the sectoral regional cooperation (for example, protection of ocean resources, etc.) realizes in the context of specialized programs, as well as in form of direct cooperation between the separate member-states. Efficiency of the work is limited by the low budget of the organization, which mostly consists of investments of the third parties (countries of the European Union and other international or regional organizations). Peculiarity of this sub-regional organization lies in the fact that since the moment of establishments of the Indian-Ocean Rim Association, it has always worked with the system of the United Nations, but the traditional partnership has developed only in recent years, which results in the work of the Association with almost all specialized institutions of the United Nations.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Eurasian law in law system of the Russian Federation
// International Law. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 45 - 65.
DOI: 10.25136/2644-5514.2017.2.23145
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/wl/article_23145.html
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Abstract: At present time, the transition to multipolarity and failure of the idea of unipolar world is an undisputable fact. Under such circumstances, the regional integration process acquire special importance, becoming an intrinsic part of evolution. Due to the intensified geopolitical competition, rapid creation of the new regional economic, social, military political, and legal spaces alongside the multi-format organizations, Russia inevitably faces the task of reconsideration and correlation of the existing directions of regional cooperation, development of the new multi-vector policy, primarily in the Eurasian space. Crucial role in the process of achieving the set goals belongs to law, which manifests as a regulator of the relations at the national and multinational levels. In such context, the universal concept of Eurasian law is the key instrument that reflects various aspect in development of the integration process in Eurasian region. The article represents the author’s concept of formation of the Eurasian law based on the analysis of doctrinal approaches that reveal the theoretical legal grounds, genesis, main features and peculiarities of the Eurasian law as a part of international law. The development of Eurasian law will undoubtedly conduce the promotion and propaganda of Eurasian values around the world and increase of the role of Eurasian pole on the international arena.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Scientific and technological cooperation within the Eurasian space in the historical-legal retrospect: experience of the socialist countries
// Politics and Society. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 626 - 643.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2016.5.18929
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the examination of experience of socialist countries pertaining to the interstate cooperation on the questions of scientific and technological development during the existence of USSR. It is underlined that the interstate relations of socialist countries in the area of science and technology covered the exchange of scientific and technological ideas and experience, execution of scientific research and construction projects based on the various forms of cooperation and labor division, personnel training in the scientific field, etc. The author reveals the peculiarities of classic interaction in the reviewed sphere and cooperation of the socialist countries within the framework of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon). Special attention is given to the direct interaction (both, bilateral and multilateral) between the scientific academies of the socialist camp countries in the area of fundamental natural and social sciences. The article analyzes the main agreements enacted in the scientific and technological sphere, as well as examines the institutional specificities of the created scientific facilities and joint authorities. The author concludes that by 1980 an international institutional structure of scientific cooperation between the scientific academies of socialist countries has been formed within the Eurasian space.
Kurbanov R.A. —
The Liptako-Gourma Authority Organization
// Legal Studies. – 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 24 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.4.18784
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lr/article_18784.html
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Abstract: The article considers the African organization the Liptako-Gourma Authority, the history of its foundation, the institutional structure, the spheres of activity, and the peculiarities of its functioning as compared to other African regional organizations. The author comes to the conclusion that LGA is a sub-regional organization, ant its activity is aimed at the harmonious and integrated development of all its member-states, at the development and joint allocation of resources. In spite of the fact that the organization’s area of activity covers such strategic spheres as industry, energetics, agriculture, telecommunications, etc., the issues of struggle against poverty, food security, and isolation overcoming (access to the sea) are the key directions of its work. We can hardy speak of an intensive development of integration processes within the LGA nowadays due to the high level of poverty, dependence on external donors, unfavorable ecological conditions in the sub-region and the absence of a developed infrastructure necessary for integrated development of the member-states’ economies.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Intergovernmental Authority on Development as an integration organization of the East African region
// Law and Politics. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 341 - 360.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2016.3.18348
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Abstract: Integration processes at present stage of development has swept entire world. African continent is not an exception; there is a significant number of regional organizations, many of which have existed for decades, and African states are often members of several organizations. This article is devoted to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the history of its creation; functioning; institutional framework; regulations developed within it; and the impact that it has upon national law of member-states of the organization. Special attention is given to the integration role that can be played by this organization. The article explores specific projects undertaken within the framework of cooperation of the member-states on the platform of this organization. IGAD is still at the level of coordination and harmonization among the member-states and has yet to reach the stage of integration in the form of, for example, a free trade zone. The author also emphasizes the complexity of the work of the organization associated with the duplication of projects in the region due to the overlapping duties of the two regional organizations of IGAD and COMESA.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Intergovernmental Authority on Development as an integration organization of the East African region
// Law and Politics. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 341 - 360.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2016.3.42933
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Abstract: Integration processes at present stage of development has swept entire world. African continent is not an exception; there is a significant number of regional organizations, many of which have existed for decades, and African states are often members of several organizations. This article is devoted to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and the history of its creation; functioning; institutional framework; regulations developed within it; and the impact that it has upon national law of member-states of the organization. Special attention is given to the integration role that can be played by this organization. The article explores specific projects undertaken within the framework of cooperation of the member-states on the platform of this organization. IGAD is still at the level of coordination and harmonization among the member-states and has yet to reach the stage of integration in the form of, for example, a free trade zone. The author also emphasizes the complexity of the work of the organization associated with the duplication of projects in the region due to the overlapping duties of the two regional organizations of IGAD and COMESA.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Integration processes within the Senegal River Basin Development Organization
// Legal Studies. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 50 - 60.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.2.18116
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lr/article_18116.html
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the Senegal River Basin Development Organization, the history of its creation, its functioning, institutional structure, and regulatory acts. The article discusses the objectives and main directions of the organization's activities, the projects implemented within the Senegal River water resources development activities. They include the projects in the environmental and navigational areas, the spheres of fishery and agriculture, construction and infrastructure. This organization has wide experience of cooperation of its member-states, which can be an effective example of the river basin management organization and a successful example of sub-regional cooperation.Cooperation within this organization is narrow-purpose, and applies only to the projects of development and utilization of water resources (including agriculture and transport). In the process of its development, the organization's objectives had been transformed from the economic orientation in water resources development to the sustainable utilization of water resources by the member-states.
Kurbanov R.A. —
The African integration: historical aspects
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 69 - 79.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2016.1.18062
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Abstract: This article reviews the processes of the regional integration in the African continent and explores the political-legal foundations of the African integrational processes, history of their emergence, factors affecting the development and stagnation of the integrational processes. The impact of the colonial past upon the consolidation of the integrational processes is being analyzed. The author also examines the political prerequisites and the influence of the decolonization upon the integrational processes. This research illustrates the examples of separate integrational formations that have played or continue to play a significant role in the integration of the African state; the impact of geopolitical factors is also being reviewed. The article presents the analysis of the integrational processes in the African continent from the historical perspective; a comparative analysis of the regional coalitions within the continent demonstrated significant differences in the level and intensity of regionalization. It is noted that the history of regional formations in Africa has achieved certain results, however the extremely low level of economy of the majority of the African nations and a constant political crises within the countries do not comprise favorable circumstances for achieving considerable results in the process of the regional integration.
Kurbanov R.A. —
The legal regulation in the sphere of production, transportation and consumption of oil and gas in Mexico
// Law and Politics. – 2015. – ¹ 7.
– P. 913 - 917.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2015.7.15459
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Abstract: The article analyzes the Mexican legislation regulating the production, transportation and consumption of oil and gas.The relevance of the analysis is that, on the one hand, Mexico is a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and a major exporter of energy to the United States of America. On the other hand, state regulation covers almost all areas of the energy sector. This feature of the energy sector in Mexico adversely affects not only the investment climate and the development of modern technologies in the energy sector, but also in the integration processes of all of North American continent. Currently, all mineral resources are owned by the government, and preserve the state monopoly on oil and on certain types of activity in its initial processing. At the same time, private companies carry out the processing, transportation, storage and sale of the oil.
Kurbanov R.A. —
The legal regulation in the sphere of production, transportation and consumption of oil and gas in Mexico
// Law and Politics. – 2015. – ¹ 7.
– P. 913 - 917.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2015.7.42775
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Abstract: The article analyzes the Mexican legislation regulating the production, transportation and consumption of oil and gas.The relevance of the analysis is that, on the one hand, Mexico is a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and a major exporter of energy to the United States of America. On the other hand, state regulation covers almost all areas of the energy sector. This feature of the energy sector in Mexico adversely affects not only the investment climate and the development of modern technologies in the energy sector, but also in the integration processes of all of North American continent. Currently, all mineral resources are owned by the government, and preserve the state monopoly on oil and on certain types of activity in its initial processing. At the same time, private companies carry out the processing, transportation, storage and sale of the oil.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Regional integration in Africa: Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (CIMA)
// Law and Politics. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 507 - 514.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2015.4.14841
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Abstract: This article examines the functionality, institutional structure, work and main types of normative acts of CIMA. The author reviews the correlation between this organization and national insurance organizations of the African member-states, as wells as analyzes the impact of its work upon the legislation of the member-states. The author notes that this organization is a supranational regional organization, as it deeply integrates the legislation of the member-states with the supranational law developed by this organization. The article highlights the fact that the deep integrational processes that we can observe within the framework of this organization are limited only by a separate sphere of legislative cooperation between the member-states – the insurance industry.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Regional integration in Africa: Central African Customs and Economic Union
// Legal Studies. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 120 - 131.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2015.4.14843
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lr/article_14843.html
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Abstract: Integration processes are now the integral part of global development. Virtually, all modern states are participating in at least one regional association, and often in several at once, depending on the objectives pursued by the organization.The African continent is not an exception, where the history of the integration process accounts for decades. Initially, the regional associations had been created among the countries in the basins of the rivers. Later the associations covered the entire regions of the continent - Central Africa, Southern Africa, West Africa etc. Finally, the currently existing African Union includes virtually all states of the African continent.Many of the previously created associations are not existing now, but their experience and achievements can serve for the efficient development of the existing regional organizations.One of those organizations was the Central African Customs and Economic Union, created in 1964 and existed until 1999.The analysis of UDEAC activity is important for two reasons. Firstly, it is the first successful example of regional association on the African continent. Secondly, it has become the base for the most successful African regional organization - the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC).
Kurbanov R.A. —
Regional integration in Africa: Inter-African Conference on Insurance Markets (CIMA)
// Law and Politics. – 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 507 - 514.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2015.4.42725
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Abstract: This article examines the functionality, institutional structure, work and main types of normative acts of CIMA. The author reviews the correlation between this organization and national insurance organizations of the African member-states, as wells as analyzes the impact of its work upon the legislation of the member-states. The author notes that this organization is a supranational regional organization, as it deeply integrates the legislation of the member-states with the supranational law developed by this organization. The article highlights the fact that the deep integrational processes that we can observe within the framework of this organization are limited only by a separate sphere of legislative cooperation between the member-states – the insurance industry.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Regional integration in Africa: Inter-African Conference on Social Insurance
// Law and Politics. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 319 - 326.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2015.3.14673
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Abstract: Issues of global integration and regionalization are becoming more and more relevant. There is a large number of regional institutions located across different continents, dealing with various aspects of integration. A special place among them take the organizations that work within the legal sphere. This article focuses on the Inter-African Conference on Social Insurance, the main activity of which is to harmonize the laws of the member-states in the field of social insurance. Inter-African Conference on Social Insurance is a narrow profile African regional organizations operating within the framework of the franc zone states. This article describes the history of its creation, functioning issues, institutional structure, the regulations developed thereunder, as well as the impact that it has upon the national law of the member-states and the aspects of integration in the field of migrant workers’ rights on a regional scale.
Kurbanov R.A. —
International regional law: concept, subject, and system
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 254 - 286.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2015.3.16209
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Abstract: This article presents an original concept of establishment of international regional law as a branch of international law at the present stage of social development. The legal system is constantly being updated with new branches and sub-branches of law, institutions, and norms, which makes it more efficient overall. The study of integrational processes within Eurasian territory in the conditions of development of geopolitical competitiveness, active formation of new regional economic, social, and military-political spaces, demands mobilization of not only political, social, and economic resources, but also legal. A complex analysis of integrational processes within the framework of current regional formations allowed the author to determine a number of signs such as fusion and interconnection of national interests, which ensures balance of national interests of the member-states of regional formation on one hand, and the interests of the regional formation itself on the other. The author substantiates the conclusion that creation and functionality of such regional formations is impossible without presence of international regional law, the element of which can possess certain level of autonomy with regards to both, national law of the member-states, as well as the international law.
Kurbanov R.A. —
Regional integration in Africa: Inter-African Conference on Social Insurance
// Law and Politics. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 319 - 326.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2015.3.42713
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Abstract: Issues of global integration and regionalization are becoming more and more relevant. There is a large number of regional institutions located across different continents, dealing with various aspects of integration. A special place among them take the organizations that work within the legal sphere. This article focuses on the Inter-African Conference on Social Insurance, the main activity of which is to harmonize the laws of the member-states in the field of social insurance. Inter-African Conference on Social Insurance is a narrow profile African regional organizations operating within the framework of the franc zone states. This article describes the history of its creation, functioning issues, institutional structure, the regulations developed thereunder, as well as the impact that it has upon the national law of the member-states and the aspects of integration in the field of migrant workers’ rights on a regional scale.
Gurbanov R.A. —
The European Judicial Network and Eurojust as basic means of the cooperation of EU Member States in the area of criminal justice
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 206 - 215.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2015.2.13385
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Abstract: This article considers the cooperation between Member States of the European Union in the area of criminal justice. Two important institutions which encourage the cooperation in the way that Member States are organized, are the European Judicial Network and Eurojust. Such aspects as the organization, the history of the creation, functions, powers and activities of Eurojust are considered.The author concludes that Eurojust, as a European Law Institute, which will provide the basis for establishing a European Prosecutor in future (Article 69 of the Lisbon Treaty), is nowadays the most advanced contributor to the cooperation of Member States in the field of criminal justice. However, the author notes that in such an area as criminal justice, where the loss of sovereignty of member states of EU is experienced the most strongly, Eurojust stays an authority, in the way EU member states’ tribunals are organized, but it is not the European supranational institution. That is why it should be considered as a tool of interaction between the tribunals of EU member states, and not as an institution controlling the interaction between the judicial authorities of Member States and the EU justice system.
Kurbanov R.A. —
African Regional Intellectual Property Organization and integration processes in Africa
// International Law. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 91 - 109.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-9899.2015.2.14676
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/wl/article_14676.html
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Abstract: This article analyzes the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization; created by English-speaking countries of Africa, it is considered the institutional framework; the story of its creation; the functioning of its institutions; and the impact of its activities on the national legislation of the Member States. The author concludes that the organization remains poorly integrated regional structure. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in its order can still identify a number of elements supranationality. For example, there is an institute, which has the right to issue patents in force in the territory of all Member States, as well as a body whose functions are quasi-judicial (Arbitration Chamber and the Office of ARIPO). Moreover, this part there is a general patent law. Of particular note is the task of harmonization and coordination of laws and the activities of the participating countries in the field of protection of industrial property.African Regional Intellectual Property Organization is a narrow profiled organization, since it applies only to the activities of intellectual property rights, and not the integration process in general, which are often related to, if not all, then most spheres of human life, society and the state. Action decisions of this organization may be suspended under the rule of law one of the Member States' national authorities of the State concerned.
Kurbanov R.A. —
// International Law and International Organizations. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 147 - 158.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2015.2.14678
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Abstract: This article is dedicated to the project that unites France and a number of African nations, particularly the “Franc Zone”. The mechanisms implemented in the Franc Zone are rather unique and have proven their ability to adapt to the economic changes of the member-states since its inception in 1939. The article reviews the history of its creation, issues of functionality, institutional structure, and the normative acts developed within its framework, including the influence that it imparts upon the national law of the member-states of the organization, as well as development of such integration unions of Africa as West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) and Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC). The author analyzes the impact of the Franc Zone upon the economic integration of the member-states, and development of customs union and relations within the European Union. Despite that fact that the doctrine has a split opinion on the fact that the UEMOA and CEMAC do not represent the optimal monetary zones due to the weakness of the domestic trade, the author concludes that this monetary union is a highly integrated regional union with prospects for further development, and can become the model for development of integration processes in other African regions.
Kurbanov R.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1877 - 1887.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.12.14003
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Gurbanov R.A., Gurbanov R.A., Gurbanov R.A., Gurbanov R.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1888 - 1892.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.12.14004
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Kurbanov R.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1877 - 1887.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.12.42572
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Gurbanov R.A., Gurbanov R.A., Gurbanov R.A., Gurbanov R.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1888 - 1892.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.12.42573
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Kurbanov R.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1151 - 1158.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.8.11632
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Kurbanov R.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1151 - 1158.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.8.42439
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Kurbanov R.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1024 - 1032.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.7.11633
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Kurbanov R.A. —
// Law and Politics. – 2014. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1024 - 1032.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0706.2014.7.42438
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Kurbanov R.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 5.
– P. 533 - 540.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.5.11631
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Kurbanov R.A. —
Legal regulation in the sphere of renewable sources of energy and environmental protection (Mexico).
// Legal Studies. – 2014. – ¹ 5.
– P. 92 - 106.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2014.5.11634
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/lr/article_11634.html
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Abstract: The article concerns the issues of legal regulation in the sphere of renewable sources of energy and environmental protection in Mexico. This is a topical issue for Mexico as well as for the other states, as are currently the issues of the subsoil mineral resources and, more specifically, energy carriers, as well as the issues of environmental protection. The analysis of Mexican legislation in this sphere allows one to say that the energy policy of Mexico is aimed at improvement of the energy efficiency and energy saving, development of the renewable sources of energy. However, the measures aimed at achieving compliance with the environmental legislation were taken only in the middle of 1990s, which was due to Mexico joining the NAFTA. A number of measures in the sphere of regulating water, soil and air pollution was taken by the Mexican legislator after the Kyoto Protocol was signed. Starting from the second half of the 1990s the measures were taken in order to form the special legal basis in the sphere of environmental protection, and special institutional bodies were established. The further improvement of the Mexican environmental legislation in this sphere depends upon the tempo and level of the integration processes between Mexico and the North American states.
Kurbanov R.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 445 - 451.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.4.11630
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Kurbanov R.A. —
// Politics and Society. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 258 - 267.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2014.3.11629
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