Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
Peculiarities of the Political and Legal Orientation of the Social Democratic Movement in Russia
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2014. – № 2.
– P. 22 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.2.10668
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Abstract: The main aspects of social democracy taking into account modern relevance of political and legal views of movement are considered. Special value for social democracy has refusal of the Marxist economic concept of a socialism. The private property has the right for protection to means of production so far as it doesn't interfere with development of a fair social order. The market economy, free competition and free enterprise initiative admit modern social democrats as fundamental instruments of economic growth, economic efficiency and social justice. Exactly thanks to the thesis of equality, solidarity, justice of party of social democratic orientation arise practically on all continents. Thanks to a historical method we can track social democratism genesis at all stages of its development. In conditions, when in the world at the beginning of the XXI century. new collision – now not on ideological (totalitarian and democratic modes) is observed, and on a civilization basis (first of all between the western individualism and east traditsionalizm, the most otstaivayemy Islamic fundamentalism), to lot of social democracy falls a link role, first of all for the reason that its valuable installations incorporate both individualist, and the collectivist beginnings.It is necessary to emphasize that all main principles of a socialism – equality, justice, solidarity – remain and in a new socialism, providing its continuity with past sotsializm. But these principles are realized in a new way, gain new lines, providing a place to a socialism and in new, post-industrial society.
Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
The Soviet-Chinese relations in 1920s-1930s.
// World Politics. – 2014. – № 2.
– P. 86 - 181.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.2.10775
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Abstract: The article concerns role and place of the Soviet Union in the foreign political strategy of the Kuomintang. The trouble spot of the civil war in Manchukuo remained for a very long time. The Russian population was divided into the opponents of the Soviet rule and those supporting it. The financial situations differed, which caused passive opposition. The lack of rights, economic dependency, unemployment made the Russian emigrants opposed to the Soviet citizens, causing them to join the military political anti-Soviet organizations. These organizations posed a serious threat to the Soviet Union, especially at the early time of its existence. the "white" military immigration was watched by the Soviet intelligence services very attentively. The counteractions to the undermining activities of the "white" emigrants, which was often aimed at the downfall of the Soviet rule took a lot of effort. The tensions between two groups of former Russian residents in the territory of Manchukuo often involved victims. It was especially obvious in the conflict for the Chinese Eastern Railway in 1929. The article used comparative method, allowing to compare the positions of China and Russia within the framework of their bilateral relations. The authors worked with the large quantity of literature, materials, and based their article on these materials. In the last decades a lot was done. The fundamental studies were published, as well as analytical articles, and the historical issues were often discussed at the scientific conferences. Special attention should be paid to the issuing of documentary series, which are mostly based on archives and other materials, illustrating the sources base for the Soviet studies, and there were also additional publications of certain archive documents in the Soviet journals. The documents, which were published, usually attracted attention of the general public. Currently, there is a new stage in casting light upon the past, including the foreign political history of the years before the war. It relates to the restoring of the scientific connections between the scientists in the USSR and the PRC, accessibility of the archive materials in Russia. For many years, the Russian studies of China gave priority to the Soviet policy in the Soviet-Chinese relations.
Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
Social and anthropological fundamentals of the relations between the church and the state in the modern Russia.
// Sociodynamics. – 2014. – № 2.
– P. 41 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.2.10777
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Abstract: This article concerns the interactions between the church and the state in the modern Russia, as well as the possibility for the dialog between religion and science. The situation of religious freedom in Russia, which was for a long time demanded by all of the religious organizations has formed a very rich and varied confessional space. This religious freedom makes any Russian person, having religious needs (especially concerning those turning to faith for the first time), face a difficult choice, and the religious organizations have to compete vigorously to attract these people. The multi-confessional relations in Russia need a new impulse in the new conditions, when any people, culture, religion should have an opportunity to show its authentic identity and potential in harmonious unity with the Russian society as a whole. The authors make the following conclusions: 1. When organizing, holding and methodologically supporting the studies of any practice of religious studies in the Russian secular educational institutions, the specialists of administrative institutions in the sphere of educations, heads of educational institutions and lecturers should not violate the legislation on education. 2. The religious studies in secular education institutions should not be artificially limited, since such limitations contradict the norms of both the international law and the Russian legislation. 3. There is need to guarantee advancement of legal culture of workers in the sphere of education. 4. There is need to intensify theoretical and applied studies on the issues of interactions between the church and the state in the sphere of education, and it is necessary to form for this purpose regional scientific research institutions and centers.
Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
The problem of semiosophy of noosphere reality.
// Philosophical Thought. – 2014. – № 1.
– P. 65 - 112.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2014.1.10670
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Abstract: The authors interpret noosphere development as a consciously managed nature oriented co-development of Human Being, Nature and Society, when the satisfaction of needs takes place with no harm for the Universe and later generations. The role of education today is like it has never been before. It may become a leader for the noosphere transition, and the link, by moving which one may resolve other problems of human society. Noosphere education does not deny previously existing systems, rather it takes the best of what humanity has developed and suports the education with the knowledge of patterns of development of the noosphere system. The authors formulate and substantiate the concept of semiotic representation of noosphere universum according to the teachings of hte V.I. Vernadskiy on transition from the biosphere to the noosphere. The problems of noosphere universum are analyzed within the context of correlation of categoreis of "semiotics", "semiology", "fundamental noosphere law", "universal semiotic law", "language conscience", "semioconscience", "semiosphere", "infosphere", "biogeochemical energy", "noogenous biochemical energy", etc. The philosophical and methodological analysis of the semiotic representation of the noosphere (noosphere reality) allows to suppose that the modern semiotic knowledge facilitates the formation of the new syntetic semiotic discipline - universum (noosphere) semiotics or semiosophy by developing within the lines mentioned by V.V. Ivanov and Y.S. Stepanov. Currently it is fair to speak of environmentalization of the world view, which is the form of humanization of knowledge. Environmentalization serves the goal of spiritual and practical development of nature in order to form the system of "nature society", functioning "under control" (first of all technical and technological) of the people. The process of transition from the biosphere to the noosphere viewed through the prism of semiotics and knowledge of the signs of the Universe turns out to be adequate to the cluster of principles of the modern natural sicence, allowing for understanding and explaining of the ways of development of the human civilization within the framework of the modern civilization processes. Semioconscience and semiotic thinking of Vernadksiy allow one to go outside the limits of scientific and religious understanding of noosphere to find symbolic and sign-oriented understanding of noosphere, guaranteeing the in-depth forms of noosphere discourse. The semioconscience may provide assistance for the deeper understanding of the processes of noosphere formation and the noosphere itself as an incomprehensible matter within the contexts of both the XX and the new XXI centuries.
Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
The Russian Language of the Emigre Community of the 'First Wave' as the Method to Preserve National Self-Identification
// Man and Culture. – 2014. – № 1.
– P. 31 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1618.2014.1.10686
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the Russian immigration speech of the 'first wave' that reflect profound changes in the Russian language and national identity of their descendants at the end of the XX century.
Today many researchers speak of a certain gap in conceptual grounds and emphasize the need for reconsideration and new undestanding of the old conceptual approaches to the analysis of the phenomenon 'Russian immigration'. First of all, this is the question about what terms and categories the cultural and historical phenomenon of the diaspora should be described in. Should it be described in terms of national history and/or collective memory or in terms of trans-national history being developed nowadays? Their desire to return to Russia predetermined the constant and varied in form and method battle of the Russian migration for preservation of their national identity. Culture had the primary importance in this battle. Attempts of the Russian diaspora to preserve their ethnocultural identity created grounds for the idea of the national rebirth. That was the idea about the revival of the previous, prevolutionary Russia and entailed a strong socio-cultural dominant including the concept of the national unity (Sobornost in Orthodoxy), service to the community (immigration community understood as the 'small homeland'), sacrifice and protection of the previous national and cultural traditions.
Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
Economic and legal forms for the cooperation between the Soviet Russia and Germany in 1920s.
// World Politics. – 2014. – № 1.
– P. 21 - 63.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.1.10705
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Abstract: The article concerns the process of rapprochement between the Soviet Russia and Germany within the concession policy framework. The author establishes the causes for the rapproachment of two states. The separate peace treaty, which was concluded between the Soviet Russia and the German coalition states in March of 1918 in Brest-Litovsk caused great economic damage to the state. Additionally, the Brest peace treaty served as an excuse for the Allies to introduce the economic isolation regime against Russia. The attention is paid that cooperation continued, while the states were interested in each other. The documents from the Russian archives, which were lately declassified, prove the presence of contradictions and frictions between the USSR and Germany at that time, which lowered the efficiency of the Rapallo spirit in the mutual trade and economic, political, and military technical connections. At the verge of 1926-1927 there was a rapture in the Soviet-German cooperation. The Germany joined the League of Nations and there was a granite scandal showed the real limit to the cooperation, which was reviewed by 1927 and changed. With the transfer to the legal forms of cooperation, the military and technical contacts between the parties declined. When the active forefathers of such cooperation (Lenin, Trotskiy, Wirth, Seeckt) were gone, the Soviet government began to doubt the viability of strenghenting the defence potential of hte Soviet Union with the financial and technical support of Germany. When Germany and the USSR entered the global politics, both parties had the opportunities to use alternative partners, and they started trethinking the bilateral relations in military, political, trade and economic spheres. The pragmatic approach of Berlin and Moscow to the mutual cooperation challenged the entire Rapallo course, which lost its political and practical significance for both parties by the late 1920s.
Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
Subjectivity as the Integral Mental and Philosophical Characteristic of Human
// Psychologist. – 2013. – № 9.
– P. 51 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.9.10671
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Abstract: In this article the term "subject" is understood as the person, the carrier of such qualities as autonomy, a protivopostavlennost to the world as to object, self-determination, activity, internal integrity and indivisibility. Strictly speaking, such understanding is fair only for the European new temporary model of the subject, only within which became possible появлениетермина "subject" and attributing to it values habitual to us today. In medieval outlook couldn't appear neither such category, nor similar interpretation of the person.Compliance of Cartesian interpretation to current trends of philosophical thought is disputable also: after all already I. Kant the "Copernican turn" introduces considerable amendments in this model. In early works of the nonclassical period of philosophizing the Cartesian model of the subject is exposed to sharper criticism. And, at last, the statement for "death of the subject", for the first time explicitly formulated by M. Foucault in work "Words and things. The archeology of the humanities" (1966) and become some kind of slogan of post-modernist philosophy, raises a question of refusal of the category "subject". So, each historical era "creates" the own subject, filling with new meanings the same Cartesian category "subject". Moreover, in "прокрустово a bed" this category we try to squeeze also ideas of the person, for example, eras of Antiquity or the Middle Ages.Thus, the category "subject" only with great reserve can be used for the characteristic of other eras or cultures. However, if we also can't call rightfully, for example, the Christian of an era of the Middle Ages "subject" in modern sense, whether we can claim, what it at all didn't possess to some extent "subject qualities"? Obviously, isn't present – perhaps, it would mean that he wasn't also a person. Thus probably it is necessary to talk not about insolvency of the category "subject" in general, but it is rather about transfer of research interest from the static category "subject" fixing concrete historical type of "subject", on the category expressing a certain quality – "ability to be the subject". And this quality can already be to some extent inherent in the person of any historical era. In this role the category "subjectivity" also can act. Such approach will allow to reflect rather correctly historical dynamics of the category "subject", designating not "subject", but degree of expressiveness of a certain quality in different historical периодыили in different cultures.The statement about that somebody possesses quality "subjectivity", doesn't give any instructions on that, about the subject in what understanding there is a speech. If to accept an assumption that subjectivity is the immanent characteristic of the person, and its form (types, paradigms) can change in historical and geographical prospect, it can be presented as variable, nominally inherent in any culture or an era, but actually accepting different values.
Shchuplenkov N.O., Shchuplenkov O.V. —
Empirical Exterritoriality of the Literature of the 'Youger Generation' of Russian Emigrants in the 1920 - 1930th
// Litera. – 2013. – № 4.
– P. 136 - 180.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-1596.2013.4.10687
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Abstract: Exterritoriality is the concept most fully generalizing all options of extra findability of the writer in relation to a native locus and the culture. In application to the creative subject at it two levels corresponding to two plans of literary life: empirical (historical, household, geographical, etc.) and the transempirical, covering plan of art consciousness.Empirical exterritoriality is all possible forms free, at own will, and not free, owing to need, movement from the space in others. On the one hand, cultural pilgrimage, temporary departures, expatriation; with another – expatriation, an izgnannichestvo, dispatch, flight, etc. Transempirical exterritorialityis imaginative stay in others space which can be realized in images imagined, as though real movement or not to be made out in any way, appearing in the form of free movement of the imagination and thought. From the told follows that transempirical exterritoriality is a universal form and a condition of cultural and art development, whether concerns it the writer living in native space and making imagined attacks in other edges, or it is a question of the emigrant, the pilgrim, the exile who of others locus by all means comes back memory to the territory, to the culture.In both options exterritoriality means the change of "creativity zones", assuming crossing of cultural and civilization contexts, transition to other semantic field, other system of existential values, cultural and the everday life "codes" and other chronotope. Change minimum is teh two-running movement "there and back", while in real life creativity is the continuous swaying of "pendulum" of art consciousness.