Skoropad A.E. —
Anti-Religious Activity of Komsomol as an Element of the Soviet System of Political Control (1918 - 1929)
// Sociodynamics. – 2014. – ¹ 8.
– P. 112 - 131.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.8.12774
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Abstract: Interference of formation of the Soviet system of political control and antireligious activity of Komsomol in 1918-1929 is shown in article. The address of political control towards antireligious activity of Komsomol the author recognizes expedient. Since this activity had not simply scientific and educational character and was one of the main directions of political activity of the mass youth organization involved in the sphere huge masses not only allied youth but also the population of all age, the state was obliged to exercise political control in this sphere. Experience of activity of Komsomol first of all is estimated by the author from the state positions. The author, as well as other members of the school of sciences which developed at the Tambov state technical university "History of the youth movement in Russia", adheres to the theory of nationalization of Komsomol according to which the Komsomol is considered as peculiar 'ministry of youth", the link between the state and youth. It is also shown that in the mid-twenties political control as a kind of management in the youth environment, was carried out in the spiritual sphere quite successfully. The author claims that increase of efficiency of implementation of political control on places was promoted by development by the central Soviet bodies of "Programs of inspection of the village (settlement)". Objectively estimating all studied period, the author recognizes that political control in the spiritual sphere was directed not so much against extremist actions of Komsomol members or, on the contrary, believers, how many against dissent as that. Practice of implementation of the state function of political control had mainly repressive character.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
Everyday Life and Leisure Time of Komsomol Members in the Sphere of Political Control in the RSFSR of 1918 - 1929
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 78 - 105.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.2.10710
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Abstract: The object of research is made by the main directions, forms and methods of realization of the open political control exercised concerning everyday life of members of the Komsomol organizations in 1918-1929. In article various aspects of influence of political control on a life and leisure of communistic youth are studied.Territorial framework is limited to the territory of RSFSR. In a number of plots regional localization of research on the basis of materials of the Tambov province that promotes more detailed studying of juvenile history is used, allows to correct some conclusions drawn on the basis of the analysis of materials of the central bodies of party and Komsomol. In studying of this subject sources of a personal origin — correspondence of Komsomol heads of different level, rabselkor, letters and complaints in party and Komsomol bodies, editorial offices of newspapers (as classical ways of political communication), memoirs and memoirs were of great importance. The two-week magazine "Smena" in which letters of readers and reviews from places were of special interest became very representative source. Authors came to a conclusion that political control gained more and more total character. Everyday life of youth became one of the main objects of political control. On the one hand, politicization of control of everyday life unambiguously conducted to activization of fight against the negative phenomena. On the other hand, negativity was defined very konjyukturno, depending on tastes and addictions of those who possessed the political power (at least in local scale). As these addictions didn't differ uniformity, is very inconsistent the orientation of political control in this sphere looks also. But thus all of them were united by aspiration completely to regulate everyday life of youth, considerably to change traditions. The youth was disoriented by statements contradicting each other and estimates of communistic leaders and the propagandists who were at the same time approving actually incompatible norms of daily behavior. It still more increased thirst of youth for searches of all extravagant forms of everyday life.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
Open external political control over the Komsomol (the Young Communist League) organizations in the RSFSR (1918-1929).
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 12.
– P. 97 - 123.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.12.1070
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Abstract: The object of studies includes the basic directions, forms and methods of implementation of open external control over the Komsomol and specific members of the Komsomol organizations. The chronological period of studies is between October of 1918 and 1929. The first date has to do with the formation of the Russian Young Communist League. The end of period has to do with the significant changes in social and economic policy of the Soviet state. In a number of issues the author uses regional localization of studies based on the Tambov province materials, which facilitates the more detailed studies of the juvenile history, allowing to correct some conclusions made based upon the analysis of the materials of central Party and Komsomol bodies. When studying the problem the authors follow the position of N.A. Volodina and understand political control as an immanently present quality of any state, which is a complex of power-related measures aimed at the control of individual behavior, all social groups and at the formation of the worldview and behavior of the majority of the population based upon the established ideological requirements and practical needs of the regime. The political control is then divided into public an dsecret forms. The use of archive documents of the Russian State Archive of Social and Political History (and its Youth Filial Division in particular) played an important role in the studies of the problem. The priority was given to the studies of the documents of the Central Komsomol Committee Foundation (F.M-1) RSASPH, which provides complete picture of the mechanism of open political control over the Komsomol. As a result of its evolution within the relevant period the situation was formed, when the Komsomol was allowed to take part in the political activities, but it was under the control of the Communist party and within the strict limits defined by the Party. A powerful instrument of the political control within the studied period was the movement of workers and rural correspondents. While the main target for the activities for the rural worker correspondents was the inefficient officials, the article shows that they were also used for the control over the youth communist organization.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
Institutionalization of Komsomol as a State Authority
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 185 - 208.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.4.462
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Abstract: The article describes theoretical grounds of institutionalization of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (Komsomol) as a state authority. First of all, the authors of the article draw our attention at the process of formation of Komsomol as a political control authority. Noteworthy that Komsomol is shown both as an object and subject of political control. Soviet state institution was the system of power not limited by any formal laws, therefore the authors of the article do not study official legislation of those times but mostly study decisions of Communist Party's forums and what its leaders said about principles of communication between Communist Party and Komsomol as well as Komsomol and Government.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
The implementation of political control over Soviet youth through the regulation of Komsomol institutions: Stage One
// Sociodynamics. – 2013. – ¹ 3.
– P. 366 - 420.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2013.3.348
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Abstract: This article deals with a particular form of political control over Soviet youth, one which was not directly connected with the techniques characteristic of police surveillance, and whose purpose was to regulate the composition of Komsomol institutions. The article highlights the forms and methods of control of Komsomol institutions from 1918 to 1929, their effectiveness in the Soviet system of political control, and their impact on the evolution of the political situation and the legal consciousness of Soviet youth.
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E. —
Initial Stage of Development of the Soviet System of Political Control in Modern Researches
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2013.1.492
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Abstract: The authors of the article describe the main targets, methods, achievements and unresolved issues in historical and legal researches at the initial stage of development of the Soviet system of political control. Being an essential function of the government, political control is being developed as the social life becomes more complex. According to the authors of the article, today we can talk about a new scientific field where historical, legal, political and social researches are combined. The authors agree with the point of view that the main purpose of political control is to provide the government with valid information about political attitudes of the population. The authors also describe the role of V. Izmozik, V. Krivoruchenko, N. Volodina, S. Dianova, A. Katkov, R. Nikulin T. Goryaev, N. Ofitserov, S. Maysheva, A. Demina and E. Lapatukhina in developmet of the Soviet system of political control.