Prokhorov M.M. —
Imitation of truth and nature of philosophy
// Philosophical Thought. – 2018. – ¹ 11.
– P. 16 - 30.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2018.11.27943
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the nature of philosophy. It is proved that in identifying the nature of philosophy, one must consider exceeding the boundaries of cognition; then, the truth, lie and delusion ad the forms of knowledge are opposed to stimulation and imitation of truth. The author analyzes the concepts of the national and Western thinkers interpreted in the context of the antipode of truth and its imitation, which clarifies the nature of philosophy in the context of ontology, gnoseology and ontognoseology. Such approach allows getting an extended idea on the history of philosophical thought. The significant historical-philosophical material for the research of the nature of philosophy are the concepts of G. Berkley, B. Russell, K. Jaspers, J. Ortega y Gasset, M. Heidegger, as well as substantial positions of Russian philosophers interpreted not only in the context of truth and lie, but also the antipodes of truth and its imitations. It is stated that viewing the knowledge only in dynamic of correlation between truth and lie/delusion is insufficient. In revealing the nature of philosophy, it is necessary to consider exceeding the boundaries of cognition. Then the forms of knowledge are contradistinguished to simulation, imitation of truth, and perception of the history of philosophy becomes fuller.
Prokhorov M.M. —
Ontology, gnoseology and ontognoseology
// Philosophical Thought. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 22 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8728.2017.4.22418
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Abstract: The subject of analysis is the relationship between ontology and gnoseology. The purpose of the study is to discover the unity, their mutual influence as the fundamental for the philosophical worldview. In the first chapter, the origins and development of philosophy are studied taking into account its interrelations with mythology and religion, which makes it possible to detect a trend towards ontognoseology as a unity of ontology and epistemology, which becomes fundamental precisely in philosophy. The second chapter reveals their relationship in the form of the basic question of philosophy. The third chapter describes the relationship between ontology and epistemology as a problem of modern domestic philosophy, in which the reduction of philosophy to ontology or to epistemology is preserved. Recently emerged, shown in the fourth chapter, the concept of existential materialism, reanimating, the author shows, the mythological worldview. The fifth chapter explores dualism, reductionism and dialectical models (abstractions) of the relationship of ontology and gnoseology, which are empirically (factually) supplemented by the restoration of mythological syncretism.As a basic method of research, the principle of objectivity and the unity of the historical and logical are used.
Prokhorov M.M. —
Being and/or mystification
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 5.
– P. 629 - 649.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.5.18515
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Abstract: The subject of this research is being and its reproduction in various worldview forms, ant/or its mystification. The research is divided into four key problems. The first one is the combination of being and its mystification on the example of the works of V. A. Kutyrev: recognizing being, he denies the ontological meaning of dialectics which represents a so-called second layer in determination of being, expressing it in the system of universal categories that form an “attributive model of any object”. The second – is an analysis of the attempts of imagining “technologization” (emerging from theory into practice technocratic reasoning) as an exit beyond the boundaries of posing and solution of the main question of philosophy. The third – is the examination of differences in the foundations of mythological, religious, and philosophical beliefs, which determine the specificity of each of the stated forms, predestining their ability or inability towards reproduction of the characteristics of being, in other words their mystification. The fourth one restores the ontological content of procedural categories and their methodological importance. Special attention is given to the principle of unity of the historical and the logical. The author believes that currently the fundamental values of dialectical-materialistic methodology are put behind by the conjuncture circumstances, the applied value of the falling under the authority of the capital and officialdom of knowledge, which becomes a commodity. Scientific novelty is characteristic to all four parts of the article and consists in the following:
The ontological content of dialectics as a second layer in determination of being becomes restored; history of humanity is considered to be the third level of determination of being in its highest form;
The philosophical foundations of technologization and technocratic thinking, shifting from the theoretical level into practical level are being defined;
An analysis of the qualitative differences within the foundations of mythological, religious, and philosophical outlook is being presented.
The connection of technologization with the religious and idealistic beliefs, enclosed in the principle of transcendence, is being revealed.
Prokhorov M.M. —
The ontology of being
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 3.
– P. 320 - 336.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.3.16849
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Abstract: The subject of this research is the process of being. The article examines the four key problems. The first consists in the clarification of the philosophical concept and meaning of the “ontology of being”, its universal character, comparable to the fundamental philosophical category of being, as well as the concrete specificity of ontology in each sphere of being. In the second aspect the author reveals the ontology applied to all types of human-world relationship, and illustrates its various “projections”. Such connection is demonstrated in analyzing Hegel’s concept of ontology. The third aspect is detected in researching the content of the main categories that emerged in the history of philosophy: movement, development, activity, creativeness, and game. Each of them has its own content and volume. In this article the author suggests a generalized picture of the ontology of being, which is based on these categories. The fourth aspect is determined in the plane of being of actual human, his history, in which take place the current process of globalization, the establishment of the “global society”. Its central problem is a so-call problem of the “end of history”. The author believes that today the fundamental values of the dialectical-materialistic methodology are pushed back by the applied value of the knowledge that falls under the authority capital and officialdom, and becomes a commodity; scholars and thinkers turn into hired employees who produce this commodity; the values of fundamental science and philosophy are replaced by the growth number of whose who carry out a pragmatic-conjunctural orders. Scientific novelty consists in the revelation of such characteristics of ontology that lie in the foundation of the main types of human-world relationship and are determined by the variety of this relationship.
Prokhorov M.M. —
The fundamental abstraction of the theory of creativity
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 34 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2016.1.16348
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Abstract: The article highlights three types of extreme abstraction: first, in terms of the basic forms of relations traditions and innovations; second, in the plane of man's relationship to the world; thirdly, in axiological aspect. In the foreground are identified and described anti-interactionism, reductionism and dialectical relationship of tradition and innovation; shows the presence of the growth of their interaction, given categorization of traditional and technological cultures.In a second aspect explicated abstraction contemplative, activist and co-evolutionary type of creativity. They come in a generalizing model of man's relationship with the world; dictate the nature of the very broad sense of creative activity. Traditions and traditional culture corresponds to the contemplative type of attitudes toward the world, of fabricated - an innovative form of creativity and activist type of man's relationship to the world. Dialectical relationship corresponds to a co-evolutionary model of man's attitude with the world. A contemplative and activist opposed to creative types, but have the same ontological basis of antagonism as the conflict with the dominant "struggle of opposites." The co-evolution type of creativity dominated "unity of opposites", dialog with the relationship of man and the world.In axiological terms of creativity explicated as the opposite of simulation. They are rooted in the development of reality as opposed to progress and regress. The ascending branch of the being generates creativity, as its internal determinant of ensuring its existence and prolongation; in the context of degradation, there is a degeneration of thought and creativity, creativity is simulated, it is transformed into simulation as a means and function degeneration. They are connected "law of specular": the imitation of social laws are "mirror" of their action on the ascending branch of evolution.
Prokhorov M.M. —
The Need for a System-Based Transformation of the Russian Cultural Environment
// Philosophical Thought. – 2014. – ¹ 6.
– P. 49 - 156.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2014.6.12389
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Abstract: The article is focused on the analysis of events of social dynamics in Ukraine which gained resonant value in evolution of Russia and all world community (elimination of a mode of Yanukovych, a referendum in the Crimea on March 16, 2014, reunion of the Crimea with Russia, formation of the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics, the armed opposition in the southeast of Ukraine, aspiration of the authorities of Kiev to "natsification" of all country, etc.) . Return of the Crimea to Russia was supported within the country: passed numerous meetings in many cities, the humanitarian assistance, etc. gathered. Events show communication with events of "reorganization" of the USSR, intention of Russia to leave an object state to the subject status. As methodology in article the materialistic dialectics acts. The traditional dialectics and its principles are supplemented with the provision on alternativeness of dialectics positive and negative as to a new historical form of contrast of dialectics and metaphysics. In such context the author offers the special methodology of research combining dialectic and system approaches. It is used at disclosure of alternatives of "economy" and "economism", as an analog of "mechanical philosophy' in the sphere of social dynamics, a political subsystem of social system and "Machivellianism", as kinds of a reductionism in a political subsystem of social dynamics. It is shown that the most important line in finding of subjectivity is finding of the last eventually each member of society, and not just the head of state when freedom and "sovereignty" belong, in the spirit of east monarchy, only to one or limited number of persons. This process correlate with inevitability of system change of the Russian culture in spheres of economy and socio-political system, ideology and education, a family and other social subsystems. In a context of social dynamics it is proved that described events appreciably are connected with events of "reorganization" of the USSR, its positive and negative lines, up to known revision of its results.
Prokhorov M.M. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 67 - 78.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2014.1.10457
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Prokhorov M.M. —
Principle of Unity of Being and History in Philosophical World View
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 12.
– P. 1 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.12.524
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Abstract: The author of the article raises a question about renovation of philosophical world view. This question can be solved through implementation of the principle of unity, i.e. interdependence of being and history as the grounds for creating a philosophical picture of the world, human and human attitude to the world. The article is composed of the three parts. The first part is devoted to interpretation of philosophical world view and its structure. The second part represents the results of research of historical forms of opposition between dialectics and metaphysics. The third part describes the 'being and consciousness' and 'being and history' relations from the point of view of philosophical anthropology.
Prokhorov M.M. —
Meaning and Value of the Human-And-World Relationship Model
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 7.
– P. 136 - 240.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.7.369
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Abstract: Article is the sixth in a cycle begun by article «Being and history: interrelation and definition». In introduction prejudices of the modern concept of dual true reveal, as deduces to a theme of given article. Chapter 1 begins with the being and consciousness characteristic as the knowledge problems which decision is possible only in a context from the man with the world, at the account of the basic typesman-world the relation and generalizing model man-relation. Last covers herself contemplate, activism and co-evolution types of the relation of the man with the world. Corresponding abstractions are capable to describe all variety of real-being relations of the man and the world. The second chapter of article is devoted already to research of an origin of the basic question of philosophy as relations of being and consciousness in the course of world outlook development on the basis of the account of history and logic of transition from mythological to religious and, further, to philosophical outlook. Distinctive features of mythological and religious view on the validity, criteria of their differentiation, specificity of philosophy in a context of its relation with religion and a science are opened. Article comes to the end with the general conclusions.
Prokhorov M.M. —
Truth and Reality
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 293 - 387.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.6.333
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Abstract: Article is a heel in a cycle begun by article «Being and history: interrelation and definition». In introduction the essence and background of a question on true reveals. Chapter 1 is devoted research of true and the concept of a modality of I.Kant subjected the critic by Hegel, communication of understanding of true with a classical, nonclassical and postnonclassical science, and also the problem of borders of applicability of true is analyzed. In the second chapter the knowledge and true are investigated in the conditions of a modern postnonclassical epoch and an ideal of a postnonclassical science. In the third chapter two main prejudices concerning true in the modern literature reveal, the method of their overcoming by an establishment of borders of action of categories of true, lie and error is offered. In the fourth chapter of article it is analyzed «real concerning being» and true that enters true into a context correlation «being and essence» to which there corresponds the philosophy and science union. In the fifth chapter of article the true is investigated as property of knowledge over which concepts of true and its criteria are built on; their unity and variety reveals. Article comes to the end with the general conclusions.
Prokhorov M.M. —
Ontology: «Existence and Non-existence» or «Being and Essence»?
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 102.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.5.284
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Abstract: Paper is the fourth in a series of "Being and history: the relationship and determination." It is devoted to the justification of not "being and / or non-existence," and the correlative of 'beings and things, "is the basis of all the other problems in the study of philosophical ontology, that of him, to play with the relationship-being and existence, formed a correlate of philosophy and Science, which reflects the reality of a being and existence.In the first chapter examined and explicated meaning correlativity categories of being and existence, is reflected in the correlation with the relative philosophy and science. It is shown that the reality can not be disclosed separately either science or philosophy. She played in the mind only their correlate or co-relation. In the second chapter of the article reveals the history and logic of relation of philosophy and science. Isolated and characterized the main types of relations, the dialectical interaction of philosophy and science. The author believes that all relevant to these types of "concepts" reproduce the co-relation of philosophy and science, but the concept of each match, so to speak, its own reality relationship of philosophy and science. Some are "on the surface", while others go in depth, up to the essence of the deepest order. Three types of relation of philosophy and science: antiinteraktsionizm, reductionism (two species) and the dialectical model of interaction. The third chapter of the characteristic of the philosophical foundations of science, in the fourth - The essence of the "philosophy of science". Finally, given the conclusions of the article.
Prokhorov M.M. —
// Philology: scientific researches. – 2013. – ¹ 4.
– P. 324 - 334.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2013.4.10086
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Prokhorov M.M. —
Existence and history: interrelation and definition
// Philosophical Thought. – 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.2.113
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Abstract: Summary: This article explores the interrelation between and the definition of categories of existence and history. Special attention is given to the culture of the definition of existence. The author analyzes the relationship between existence and history, describes the law of communication between history and existence, and delves into the substantive level of definitions of existence and concomitant prejudices. The article explains that the substantive level of existence correlates to an inherent historical level, at which existence appears in the form of human activity. The correlation of tendencies to cephalization in the history of the evolution of animals and to humanization in the history of people is explored. Discrepancies in human history are investigated, as is the necessity to bring together the various strands of its emerging evolution.
Prokhorov M.M. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2013. – ¹ 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2013.2.7269
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Prokhorov M.M. —
Attributive Definition of Being: the Third Historical Form of Contrast of Dialectics and Metaphysics
// Philosophical Thought. – 2012. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 100.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.5.244
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Abstract: The present article is the third article in a series started with the article «Being and history: relation and definition». The present article is devoted to the attributive level of definition of 'being'. The first part of the article is the introduction that contains general provisions. These provisions are followed by an explication of an essence of attributive level of definition of 'being' in terms of such ontological categories the thing, property and relation. The following part of the article describes historical forms of contrast of dialectics and metaphysics and analyzes the philosophy of Russian cosmism as it is presented by the contemporary follower of Russian cosmism. In addition, the history of post-Soviet Russia is presented as the evidence of existence of the third historical form of contrast of dialectics and metaphysics, i.e. positive and negative dialectics. The other part of the article contains the research of rarely quoted works of Jacque Derrida about Hegel. The article is ended with a very important description of particular historical properties and features of the modern age.
Prokhorov M.M. —
Historical Definition of Being
// Philosophical Thought. – 2012. – ¹ 2.
– P. 99 - 165.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2012.2.189
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Abstract: The present article continues the topic started in the article "Being and History: Relation and Definition". The article focuses on the historical definition of being. From this point of view, being is viewed as human history, i.e. human activity aimed at reaching certain goals and targets. The author of the article describes contradictions of historical being that are presented as the confrontation between humanism and inhuman manifestations in history and touches upon humanistic concepts developed by Socrates, Marx, Solovyev and Jaspers. At the same time the author of the article traces back the opposite trend leading to the "sunset" or "the end" of history. In this regard the author describes existence of the mankind "under boundary conditions". One of the forms of such 'boundary existence' is the phenomenon of liminality that has passed all the way from ancient initiation rites to the Nazi forced labor camps. Particular section of the article is devoted to the analysis of the radical constructivist attitude towards being.
Prokhorov M.M. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2012. – ¹ 2.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2012.2.5281
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Prokhorov M.M. —
// Philosophy and Culture. – 2011. – ¹ 5.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0757.2011.5.6303
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