Korolev A.A., Koroleva L.A., Mol'kin A.N. —
On the Question About Stages of the Dissident Movement in the USSR
// Sociodynamics. – 2014. – ¹ 3.
– P. 43 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0158.2014.3.11152
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/pr/article_11152.html
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Abstract: The authors of the article analyze various options of the foreign ("Dissidents in the Soviet Union: policy, ideology and people") and domestic (A.A. Danilov, I.A. Romankina, M.R. Melnik, V. N. Sergeyev) classifications of stages of the dissident movement in the USSR. Authors connect a start of motion with the post-war period or Khruschev's "thaw"; allocate a turning point - crisis of oppositional movement in 1964-1965; recognize the "Helsinki" period (an exit to the international level; a final boundary of movement carry to 1985-1987. The Teoretiko-metodologichesky basis of research is made by the principles of: a) objectivity; b) historicism; c) systemañity, d) the full account social and subjective in an object of research and the greatest possible neutralization of the prejudiced relation of the scientist at interpretation and an assessment of the facts. Owing to opportunities, the principles of social and psychological approach and the principle of a correctness and sensitivity in an assessment of the actual material as feature of movement of dissidents I was strong moral and ethical a component of its participants were used.Besides the methodological principles in research the special and historical principles were applied: updating, diachrony, comparative-historical, problem and chronological; and also general scientific principles such as the principles of classification, statistical, structural and systems principles. Scientific novelty consists actually in statement of a question of the analysis of various options of a periodization of dissident movement in the USSR. The epoch-making dates in all periodizations are post-war years or the Khrushchev's "thaw" when the dissident movement only started to form; in 1964-1965 - crisis in opposition development; "Helsinki" period and gaining access to the western society; and the end of the movement in 1985-1987.
Korolev A.A., Mol'kin A.N., Vazerova A.G. —
Activity Performed by the Soviet Evangelican Christians and Baptists in the Second Half of the 1940 - 1960th (the Case of the Penza Region)
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 106 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.2.10321
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/hr/article_10321.html
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Abstract: Object of research is the functioning of the religious organizations of evangelical Christians and Baptists andinteraction between the government and associations of the Evangelican Christians and Baptists Union in the second half of 1940 - 1960 in the Penza region.Territorial framework of research is defined by the Penza region, typical regional formation of the Central Russia. The main tendencies in activity of confessional associations, as a whole, evangelical Christians and Baptists, in particular, foldings and developments of the relations of the state and religious formations in scales of all country are rather accurately traced on the example of the Penza region, having thus the specifics. Besides, this territorial framework corresponds to borders of the modern Penza region. As a teoretiko-methodological basis of research the principles of objectivity were chosen; historicism; the systemacities, the full account social and subjective in an object of research and the greatest possible neutralization of the prejudiced relation of the scientist at interpretation and an assessment of the facts. The principles of social and psychological approach and the principle of a correctness and tactfulness in an assessment of the actual material as feature of religious practice of evangelical Christians baptists I was rather strong moral and ethical a component of its participants were as far as possible applied. Novelty is that activity of religious associations of evangelical Christians and Baptists in the Penza region in the 1945-1960th in various directions - involvement of new believers is for the first time studied, increases in commission of cult ceremonies, improvements of personnel structure of presviter, expansions of material base of communities, activization of administrative practice, etc.; the mechanism of relationship of power structures and groups of evangelical Christians and Baptists in a sotsioistorichesky foreshortening is studied.Conclusions:- activity of religious groups of evangelical Christians and Baptists of the Penza edge reflected the characteristic regularities inherent in confessional practice of the USSR in 1945-1960: strengthening of social and material positions during the post-war period, deterioration of position of evangelical Christians and Baptists in the late fifties, etc.;- regional religious communities of evangelical Christians and Baptists in all measure felt on themselves pressure of state and church policy during the studied period – a rigid regulation of activity of religious associations, large-scale scientific and atheistic work, control of observance of performance of the legislation on cults, restriction of financial activity of religious groups, etc.
Korolev A.A., Koroleva L.A., Mol'kin A.N. —
Pentecostal Movement in the USSR. 1950 - 1980
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2013. – ¹ 6.
– P. 125 - 131.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2013.6.9378
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/hr/article_9378.html
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Abstract: In article the provision of a pyatidesyatnichestvo in the USSR in the 1950-1980th is analyzed. In 1944-1945 Pentecostals were combined with baptists, but the part the pyatidesyatnicheskikh of communities refused to obey to this "project".The geography of distribution of Pentecostals in the USSR covered Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia.Some Pentecostals followed the doctrine "nonresistance to the evil" and refused to take in hand the weapon, for what were exposed to persecutions in the USSR.From the second half of the 1960th fight for emigration becomes the main content of oppositional activity of Pentecostals. Till 1974 the Soviet management at all didn't consider the application of Pentecostals on emigration as there were no calls and visas. Pentecostals used in the fight as the main means, - appeals to the international organizations, to specific officials; besides - hunger strikes, press conferences, unauthorized penetrations into foreign embassies, attempts of illegal emigration, etc. However it should be noted that unlike baptists, activity of Pentecostals didn't meet a wide resonance in the West. The Moscow human rights activists tried to give real help to Pentecostals.In 1979 in the USSR "Council of churches of Pentecostals" was created. In 1980 the human rights group of evangelical Christians Pentecostals of RSFSR was formed.Since the end of the 1980th in the state and confessional relations there is a change. Now on the territory of Russia operate the Russian church of Christians of Evangelican Faith; United Church of Christians of Evagelical Faith and Russian Union of Christians of Evagelical Faith.