Citations count: 4
Egorov S. —
Evangelical theological education in the context of Russian legislation and confessional norms
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 10.
– P. 78 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.10.27517 URL:
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The subject of this research is the representations on the scope and content of the systems of Evangelical theological education recorded in the current Russian legislation, as well as the establishment of religious organizations of Evangelical denomination. In Russia, the theological education is simultaneously regulated by the two Federal Laws – “On Education” and “On the Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”. Dual subordination stipulates the emergence of the conflict of laws, as well as defines the specific vector of development of the sphere itself and the state-confessional relations. The expansion of participation of the religious organizations representatives in the area of higher education, as well as the consolidation of the specialty “Theology” in the national educational standards, determines the relevance of the active examination of this problematic. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the Russian legislative norms regarding the regulation of theological education, including preparation of minister and religious personnel, undergo systemic analysis, considering the position, interests and practice of the representatives of educational organizations institutionalized by the Evangelical churches. The author demonstrates such aspects of law enforcement practice that reflect the positive aspects of state norms, as well as those, in which the Evangelical believers prefer using the precepts of religious organizations, and avoid the secular norms and rules when possible.
Citations count: 4
Kosorukov A.A. —
Digital management model in theory and practice of the modern public administration
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 14 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.24142 URL:
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The subject of this research is the digital management model that replaced the preceding Weber’s model, “progressive era” model, and new public management model. Within the framework of the indicated model, the author reviews the peculiarities of implementation of the digital technologies into the practice of public administration abroad and modern Russia. Using the example of information platforms and mobile applications, the author highlights the benefits of the digital management model, associated with the reduction in economic costs in realization of administrative operations, practice of “repeated use” of the set of government data, increase of transparency of the work of the authorities, improve of the quality of rendering public services, as well as underlines the need for protecting personal data of the citizens and digital sovereignty of the state. Methodology of the study includes the historical and analytical methods that allow tracing the history of evolution of the public administration models, a well as determine the key peculiarities of the digital management model in the digital era. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on examination of the contemporary empirical sources and foreign experience, were explored the innovation practices of application of the digital management model in public administration, including the implementation of the open data, open information platforms and mobile applications, crowdsourcing in rendering the public services.
Citations count: 3
Koyshina E.A. —
Youth parliamentarism in the Arctic region: sociological analysis (on the example of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.4.25925 URL:
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One of the key vectors of the state youth policy is the development of the youth self-governance, which allows attracting young people to active participation in country’s activity, as well as increase the efficiency of implementation of the youth policy in general. An important place in activation of the youth self-governance belongs to the youth parliamentarism. The article examines the conception and development of the youth parliamentarism in Arctic region of the Russian Federation. The author demonstrated the experience of the youth parliamentary structure under the legislative and executive authorities of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, as well as at the municipal level. Using the method of survey conducted in terms of monitoring, is realized the assessment of activity of the youth self-governance structures from the perspective of youth themselves. Analysis of the activity of the youth parliament and youth government of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug along with the youth agencies under the authority of municipal institutions, illustrated that the region creates the conditions for development of the youth parliamentarism and increase of the social activity of young people. However, at the current stage, the actual system of youth self-governance in the Arctic region has not been formed.
Citations count: 3
Litvinova T.N. —
Political orientations of Moscow student youth
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 63 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.9.27029 URL:
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The subject of this research is the political orientations of Moscow student youth, which manifest as the factors of inclusion of young people into the sociopolitical processes. The object is the student youth of the capital – those, who most likely will join the ranks of the political, economic and cultural elite of the country. The author describes in detail the key theoretical approaches towards studying the political orientations and social attitudes of the youth in foreign and national literature. Special attention is given to the research results of political activeness and social landmarks of the young people in various countries: United Kingdom, United States, China, and Russia. The dependence of the political views and activeness of the youth from their social environment is determined. The empirical base for this work served the online survey conducted among the university students of Moscow (n=384); methodological foundation includes the approaches of G. Almond and S. Verba: the identification of cognitive, affective and value levels of political orientations of the youth. The scientific novelty lies in the empirical proof that the capital students are characterized by the low interests in politics, weak political activeness, loyalty to the government, and low level of protest moods. Among the ideological-political orientations prevails the adherence to the principles of social justice, while the free market principles share less than a quarter of the respondents.
Citations count: 3
Khimichuk E. —
The system of registries of the state and municipal services and their role in infrastructure of the electronic government
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 69 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25272 URL:
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This article demonstrates the system and content of the registries of state and municipal services, as well as analyzes the prerequisites for the transition to registry model of rendering state and municipal services and its advantages. The author underlines the special relevance of such transition for the purpose of formation of the e-government infrastructure. The data on the citizens’ use of the state and municipal information resources is provided. The publication mostly carries methodological character and illustrates the structure of registries, their elements and interrelation between them. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive approach to examination of the system of registries of the state and municipal services. The author summarizes the interim results of digitalization of the state and municipal services. In conclusion, the article suggests the legal mechanisms that allow using the information and telecommunication technologies in rendering the state and municipal services more effectively.
Citations count: 3
Milaeva O.V., Siushkin A.E., Androsova L.A. —
The model of “electoral powerlessness”: to the question about absentee behavior of Russians at the elections
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 28 - 41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.7.20831 URL:
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The object of this article is the motivation of electoral behavior of the Russian voters, while the subject is the motivation of absentee electoral behavior. The influential factors in terms of the subject of research are the following: level of trust to the political institutions and procedures; impact of institutional changes in the electoral process; abilities to affect the situation in the country through the democratic procedures (elections); influence of the Russian political culture; trends of destruction and archaization of the political consciousness of Russian society (hypothesis). The main method of this work consists in the secondary analysis of data of Russian Public Opinion Research Center (WCIOM), Levada Center, Research Holding Romir, results of the 2015 online polls of Penza Regions, etc. Among the main conclusions are the following: fixation of the cumulative negative trends of absenteeism on the background of the growing alienation of society and authorities, actualization of irrational models of electoral behavior, indifferent attitude to political process and democratic procedures in mass consciousness, trends towards archaization of political consciousness and lack of assurance in the conceptual value of democracy, absence of orientation of a Russian voter towards the new information and communication technologies that develop the active forms for expanding the civil participation in administration, as well as control mechanisms over the government institutions.
Citations count: 3
Maximova S., Morkovkina A. —
Interpersonal and institutional trust as the social capital of civil society in regions of the Russian Federation with different socio-economic development
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 121 - 133.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.19848 URL:
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The subject of this research is the peculiarities of interpersonal and institutional trust indicators in six Russian regions. Trust is the main condition of establishment of social ties, enhance social harmony and maintain a significant cooperation of social institutions and groups. Maintaining the integrity of the society, sustainable social order is based on trust. The research of trust of people to each other, to government, to legal and public institutions contributes to the creation of more accurate idea of what existing in this area problems are priority. The research methodology is based on the principles of systematic and integrative approaches, allowing to consider the formation of trust in the formation of civil society. The primary data collection was done by a questionnaire in six Russian regions: the Altai Territory, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Kemerovo Region, the Omsk Region, the Orenburg Region (total sample size amounted to n=2400, the age of the respondents was from 18 to 70 years). The novelty of the research is to obtain new data of state of institutional and interpersonal trust as a factor of formation of institutions of civil society in different socio-economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation. Based on the data obtained conclusions about the moderate level of generalized interpersonal trust in modern Russia were made. The social institutions with the highest trust level are the institution of presidency and the Russian army, the institutions with the lowest level are political parties. The trust level to the institutions of civil society is average. Among the studied regions, the highest levels of both interpersonal trust and confidence to social institutions were founded in the Jewish Autonomous Region, the lowest trust levels for many government entities and non-profit organizations are in the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Kemerovo Region and the Omsk region.
Citations count: 3
Vei V. —
Socioeconomic cooperation of Russia and China: problems and prospects
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 6.
– P. 26 - 38.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.6.26407 URL:
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The object of this research is the processes of socioeconomic cooperation of Russia and China at the present stage. The subject is the peculiarities of socioeconomic cooperation of the bordering regions of the Russian Far East and Northeast China under the current circumstances. In the course of this research the author examines the works of the foreign, Chinese and Russian scholars in the area of sociology and political science. The goal is to study the socioeconomic problems in Russia-China cooperation. Special attention is given to the integration of Russian regions into the Asia-Pacific Region. The author meticulously reviews such aspects as the socioeconomic situation of both countries, focusing on cooperation between them and providing recommendation on increasing the living standards of the population. The scientific novelty lies in the authorial formulation of an important paradigm of China-Russia cooperation, which will result in a beneficial cooperation. The drawn conclusions form the specific measures aimed at further development of the Russian Far East as a transboundary region capable of taking the country onto the new level of relationship with the countries of the most rapidly developing region of the world. The author determines the key characteristics of the integration process of Russia into the Asia-Pacific space, as well as gives recommendations on improving the investment climate in the Russian Far East.
Citations count: 3
Ivanov O. —
Information warfare as a factor of development of the Russian civil society
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 21 - 30.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.22783 URL:
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This article provides a critical analysis of the development of civil society institutions in Russia, as well as the peculiarities of civil society. The author examines the impact of information warfare upon the activity of the civil society institutions in Russia and abroad. The trends of development of the Russian “third sector” are analyzed through the prism of information warfare. The role of Internet is also being reviewed. The author comes to the conclusion that the information warfare is a factor that significantly influences the development of civil society institutions in Russia. The article explores the destructive potential of civil society that is used as a tool of information warfare. It is claimed that the state and society have a right to apply the preventative measures, which limit such destructive potential. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the modern civil society in Russia is obviously at the stage of establishment of the key institutions, and at the same time functions under the conditions of the active information warfare that substantially influences the dynamics of their development. In addition, the civil society in Russia forms in the context of the generally completed transition to the information society. Combination of the external factors affecting the civil society institutions alongside the level of impact of each of these factors represent a scientific interest. The author formulates the regularities and underlines the signs of influence of the information warfare upon the civil society institutions in Russia, corresponds them with the existing sociological data and global challenges of modernity, as well as makes a conclusion on the need for active work regarding the protection of Russian civil society from the influence of the third countries.
Citations count: 2
Popandopulo O. —
The problems of adjustment of an individual towards the current social-legal changes in modern Russian society
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 70 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.21031 URL:
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The subject of this research is the legal socialization of an individual in modern Russian society. The subject is the social adaptation as a combination of particular framework properties that allow an individual to build his legal behavior in the state and society. The author determines that the problem at hand requires interdisciplinary approach because it will contribute into considering the entire complex of factors and effects upon the statistical and dynamic characteristics of the individual socializing process that forms a model of lawful behavior. The scientific novelty consists in specification of the ontological status of social adaptation of a developing person in the context of the problem of its legal socialization. As a result of the theoretical study, the author expresses a though about the need for purposeful formation by the agents of legal socialization of a particular type of interaction, relation between an individual and social-legal environment that resolves contradictions emerging between them during interaction.
Citations count: 2
Zelenkov M. —
Politico-legal aspect of polysemy approaches towards the essence and content of the category of “extremism”
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 57 - 75.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.8.23858 URL:
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The object of this study is the category of "extremism". The subject of this study is the scientific, political, and legal approaches towards the nature, structure, and content of this definition contained in the domestic and foreign theoretical and specialized works. The source base leans on the most popular academic dictionaries and encyclopedias, as well as scientific articles, conference theses and dissertations. The article proves that the ambiguity of interpretations of the category of "extremism" significantly reduces its practical application in the course of pre-investigation, investigative, and judicial activities. The result of the study lies in determination of the marked in the politological and juridical literature general theoretical characteristics and particular features of extremism as a political-legal phenomenon, which will assists to the law enforcement agencies and judicial bodies in adequate qualification of the crimes of extremist nature.
Citations count: 2
Sokolova M.V., Petrosyan D.I. —
Social-labor mobility of migrants from the former Soviet republics (based on the sociological survey data of Vladimir Region)
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.7.26724 URL:
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The subject of this research is the social-labor mobility of migrants from the former Soviet Republics on the territory of Vladimir Region. Adaptation of the newcomers in the Russian Federation is one of the paramount socioeconomic problems. The annual reduction of labor resources in majority of the Russian regions leads to the need for workforce replenishment by the means of outsourcing. Within the framework of this study, the author considered the following questions: adaptation of the newcomers to work and residency in Vladimir Region; main information sources on the future labor activity; level of content with the provided work conditions and prospects of realization of the social-labor mobility in the region. The analysis of statistical indexes and questionnaire-based survey were applied in the course of this research. The sociological survey in form of questionnaire captured the work migrants from the various countries of post-Soviet space that legally resided in the region. The acquired data allows concluding on the presence of fairly well organized channels of attracting the migrants, because the majority of them come to an already prepared job place. Despite the experienced difficulties, most of the respondents are satisfied with the social-labor conditions and demonstrate a desire to continue working in the region.
Citations count: 2
Khimichuk E. —
Digital inequality and inequality in numbers
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 44 - 49.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.25222 URL:
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This article analyzes the definition and conceptual characteristics of digital inequality as a complicated, multicomponent phenomenon. The factors of emergence alongside the consequences of digital inequality are demonstrated. Special attention is given to the political legal consequences of the phenomenon at hand. The author underlines that disregard of such problem as digital inequality will lead to the establishment of “electronic elite”, while the majority of citizens will become out of touch with the infrastructure of e-government and e-democracy. The article provides the data of various ratings, including the rating of development of the e-government of the United Nations that allow assessing the place of Russia within the global information space. The scientific novelty consists in using the system approach towards examination of the digital inequality. The indicated category is covered in the context of cause-and-effect relation. In conclusion, the author suggests the legal methods for elimination of the digital inequality in the conditions of Russian realities. It is noted that the full support of the information rights of citizens becomes one of the priority tasks of the state.
Citations count: 2
Litvinova T.N. —
Confidence in government as a prerequisite for public consensus (on the example of North Caucasian republics of the Russian Federation)
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 35 - 51.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25690 URL:
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The subject of this research is the degree of trust of the population of North Caucasian republics of the Russian Federation in government authorities of various level, as well as citizens’ attitude to parties and electoral institution. The object of this research is the political trust that is viewed as an essential factor for the effective democratic administration. The author reveals in detail the key approached towards examination of the phenomenon of political trust in foreign and national science. Particular attention is given to the dependence of trust in government authorities of population of the republics of North Caucasus from the economic indexes in the region and level of citizens’ content with their financial situation. Methodology includes the economic-statistical analysis based on the data of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, as well as analysis of the results of sociological surveys conducted by separate scholars of political sciences and research groups among the population of North Caucasus over the period of 2010-2016. The scientific novelty is defined by the empirical proof that in terms of worsening of their financial situation, the citizens are not willing to trust the regional government authorities and administration. The republics of North Caucasus demonstrate the significant underrun in majority of socioeconomic indexes from other regions of Russia. The results of sociological surveys emphasize the higher level of trust in federal government authorities, particularly the institution of the President of the Russian Federation, rather than the regional political structures.
Citations count: 2
Trofimova I.N. —
The problem of training academic staff in the context of priorities of Russia’s socioeconomic development
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 39 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.5.26250 URL:
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The subject of this research is the dynamics and structure of training academic staff in the context of priorities of Russia’s socioeconomic development. As a hypothesis, is provided a thesis on the deficit of academic staff and weak coupling between the science and the branches of an actual production sector, which impedes the modernization and innovatization of the country’s economy. The goal of this work is the determination of the cause of shortage of academic staff, as well as low efficiency of their engagement in the development and promotion of innovations in the various economic branches. The theoretical-methodological base of research lies in the set of regulations that consider scientific capital as the key concept for analyzing the relations in academic sphere. A conclusion is made that the influx of highly-qualifies personnel encourages the growth of labor productivity in economic branches. The author underlines the importance of ensuring conditions for gradual development and realization of academic competencies and academic capital throughout the entire education period, professional training and further professional activity.
Citations count: 2
Kalabekova S.V. —
Hedonism and “compulsory happiness” of consumer society
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 17 - 24.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.7.26659 URL:
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This article examines the phenomena of happiness and hedonism as the paramount characteristics of consumer society and the ways of human existence. The author describes the impact of the ideology of excessive consuming upon the emergence of the phenomenon of “compulsory happiness” and the formation of the value of hedonism. The work explores the so-called “hedonism effect” and its influence on the mind and behavior of individuals. The author analyzes the factors that create a hedonistically oriented person, as well as demonstrates how the ideology of materialism imparts the features of simulacrums to the paradigms associated with the achievements of happiness and hedonism. The scientific novelty lies in the following statements: the contemporary society with its focus on success creates the conditions of the emergence of hyperhedonism and the phenomenon of compulsory happiness; hedonism in consumer society attains the features of ethical imperative; “materialistic” happiness becomes the meaning of life for a contemporary person.
Citations count: 2
Artemenkov V.K. —
Goal setting as a forming criterion of nongovernmental organization
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 25 - 34.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.24279 URL:
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The subject of this research is the nongovernmental organization as a system integrity, the forming factor of which becomes the goal setting. The author sets a task to analyze the content of the indicated category, as well as comes to a conclusion that it reveals in the following provisions: coordinated and mutually conditioned need of the individuals in joint nonprofit activity; legal means that contribute to exercising legal standing of the nongovernmental organization; methods of practical actions on connecting one with the other. It is proven that goal setting of the nongovernmental organization as a legal entity is specified depending on its organizational-legal form that regulates the structural elements (will of each of the incorporated citizen), as well as determines the key parameters of its functioning. Relevance of this study is substantiated by a special place of the nongovernmental organizations within the institutional basis of civil society; this, the understanding of their concept and organization of activity is the foundation for establishment of the consistent legal regulation of their status in practice. Theoretical importance consists in extension of the scientific representation on the nongovernmental organization as a collective subject of law, which is capable of operating within legal reality through the communicative and dialogical activeness of the volitional elements (people that comprise the volitional foundation of the nongovernmental organization).
Citations count: 2
Kosorukov A.A. —
Algorithms of search engines and social networks as a factor of establishment of the digital public sphere
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 23 - 31.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.2.24734 URL:
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The subject of this research is the algorithms of search engines and social networks that underlie the establishment of communication space of the digital public sphere. An important element of the subject of research is the practice of implementation of algorithms for personalizing the flows of search and news information tailored profile of a specific user that depends on the universal information platforms (Google, Facebook, Twitter and others), which due to the latent algorithmic mechanisms allow realizing the political-administrative and corporate control in the Internet. Particular attention is paid to the manipulative potential of the algorithms, integrated into the information platforms of new media and affecting the social interactions between the users alongside their political preferences. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that based on consideration of the contemporary sources, the author researched the innovative practices of algorithms application, including generation of the natural language, practice of “robo-journalism”, and implementation of robots for scanning and producing the information message, as well as impact upon the results of political elections and social interactions.
Citations count: 2
Gladkov I.A. —
Communication foundations of political power in modern society
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 10 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.4.25992 URL:
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The subject of this article is the phenomenon of communication power as the foundation of political power in modern society. Informatization of public relations, caused by the implementation of information and communication technologies, leads to transformation of the political sphere of society. Escalation of the role of mass media in the political process puts forwards the problem of establishment and realization of the forms of governance based on communication and information. The author analyzes the content of the notion of political power, as well as reviews the communicative interpretations of the political power. Communication power, associated with the formation of social norms and values and structuring of representations on social reality, is the method of stabilization of the relations between power and supremacy, as well as one of the fundamental forms of governance in modern society. Due to the growing role of communication in the society, are developing the various methods of control over the information environment. The author concludes that the political struggle shifts towards the sphere of media politics, while the organized political communication becomes the key method of distribution of political power in the society. The article determines the dependence between the communication capabilities of the political subject and its competitive ability in the process of distribution of the political power. The author underlines the in the process of distribution of the political power in society, one of the defining factors is the possession of communication power than consists in ability of influencing the information social space, within the framework of which establish the opinions, values, and representations about the world at the public and individual levels. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the question about the reproduction of relations of political power in the society as a process based on the social communication.
Citations count: 2
Baikov M.D. —
The connection of religiosity and political preferences: the experience of foreign and domestic research
// Politics and Society.
– 2024. – ¹ 1.
– P. 7 - 15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2024.1.68945 EDN: PKGOIN URL:
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The subject of the study is the relationship between religiosity and political preferences of the voter; the object is actual statistical and scientific research on the problems of electoral behavior in Russia, Eastern Europe and the United States of America. The article summarizes the most popular research approaches in the study of the influence of religion on politics, the author presents a brief summary of the materials of influential scientific papers, on the basis of which he makes his own conclusions. The article presents a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the study of the relationship between religion and politics. The author notes that foreign studies in this area have a more extensive database, thanks to a long study of the problem of the relationship between religiosity and political preferences. Nevertheless, Russian researchers also continue to develop this topic and emphasize the increasing role of the religious factor in the politics of the modern Russian Federation. The results obtained by the author are achieved through the use of the methodology of review and critical analysis of statistical research and scientific literature. It is concluded that religiosity and political preferences in the United States and European countries have an impact on the final electoral field. In Russia, scientists recognize the insignificant influence of the religious factor on the general trends of political behavior. Nevertheless, among the believers of Russia, the connection between their religiosity and preferences exists and differs depending on the degree of this very religiosity. It is important to note that the use of data from polling stations and in-depth interviewing in the Russian reality can significantly distort the databases of sociological data. These features of the Russian research field create understandable limitations that are often ignored by researchers, and therefore the data are incomplete. In the conclusion of the article, the author notes the possibility of interaction of religiosity and political preferences through the construct above them.
Citations count: 2
Popova S.M. —
From managerialism to “slow science”: what use can be gained from the experience of Netherlands?
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 41 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.31714 URL:
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This article demonstrates the results of study of the relevant experience of Netherlands with regards to management of scientific development. The subject of analysis is the valuable practices applicable for transfer. It appears that the search of effective balance of the instruments of national scientific policy can and should take into account experience of the countries, which have undergone such stages that are currently getting adapted by the Russian Federation, since the mistakes of others help to avoid the irrational use of resources. In particular, there has established the idea of counterproductivity of managerialistic approaches, when the main criterion of management efficiency becomes the maximum reduction in response time of the managed system. It is underlined that the experience of Netherlands may be useful for the Russian Federation as an example of successful involvement of the entire society and the key stakeholders into determination of the priorities of “scientific agenda” alongside the priorities of scientific and technological development. Special attention is given to the Dutch principles for assessing the efficiency of scientific research that suggest shifting the emphasis from the formal scientometric indicators to consideration of social importance of the acquired results.
Citations count: 2
Negrov E.O. —
Specificities of the discourse of politically active subjects offline and online: the experience of empirical analysis
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 55 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.12.24990 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of peculiarities of the collective and individual discourses of the politically active subjects in comparative aspect of public presence in the Internet resources Web 2.0 and public activity “offline”, in other words, through the traditional methods of mass information. The author examines the phenomenon of political activeness, demonstrates the substantial differences between the political actors as the subjects of action and decision-makers, and politically active subjects that not quite always have sufficient powers and real authority. The peculiarities of individual discourse of the politically active subjects alongside their representation within the virtual space are being determined. Methodology implies the elements of discourse analysis within the framework of normative and institutional approaches, as well as historical and comparative methods, critical discourse analysis, cognitive analysis of political discourse, linguistic discourse analysis, and content analysis. In conclusion, the author reveals the similarities and differences between the presentation strategies within the real and virtual public space. The empirical base for this research lies in the cumulative data on representativity of the politically active subjects in TOP-100 of the leading social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, YouTube, and Instagram).
Citations count: 2
Shugurov M.V. —
International scientific and technical cooperation with Russia's participation in the space sphere under sanctions: results and prospects
// Politics and Society.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 14 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.69123 EDN: TRMNTP URL:
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The article analyzes the anti-Russian sanctions regime imposed by Europe and the United States in the field of space cooperation. As a result, space became involved in a geopolitical confrontation, which was not observed during the Cold War. The purpose of the article is to understand the features and consequences of the sanctions regime in relation to international scientific and economic cooperation with Russia's participation in the space sphere. The article claims that the sanctions regime in the space sphere of international cooperation is characterized by specifics. It consists in supplementing Western sanctions with measures that Russia has taken on its part to withdraw from some international scientific and technical projects. Special attention was paid to the study of the negative consequences of sanctions, which consist in complicating the synergy of efforts so necessary to make a cardinal breakthrough in the space sphere in the interests of all mankind. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization were used. This made it possible to move from diverse empirical data to theoretical generalizations about the nature and models of sanctions regimes against the Russian space industry and space science. In addition to this, a comparative approach was used, as well as a modeling method and a forecasting method. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that in it the event analysis of the confrontation in the context of the "sanctions – counter-sanctions" bundle is built in the context of the theory of sanctions in the field of science and technology. In addition, the problems of Western sanctions in relation to Russia's participation in international cooperation are shown against the background of an objective trend of fragmentation of international cooperation in the field of space.
The main conclusion of the work is the position on the radicalism of Europe in severing ties with Russia and the cautious approach of the United States. It is demonstrated that considering the current situation through the prism of the concept of scientific and technical isolation of Russia in the space sphere is an exaggeration. The study showed that the damage caused by sanctions and counter-sanctions in relation to the Russian space industry, as well as in relation to world cosmonautics and space science is not catastrophic. At the same time, the current situation stimulates Russia's proactive scientific and technical policy at the national and international levels.
Citations count: 2
Shoshina S.I. —
Specificity of the Russian club at various historical stages. Evolution of the notion of «club»: from self-organized cultural and leisure community towards artificially created club of loyal customers within the commercial organization
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 166 - 175.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.19809 URL:
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This article explores the definition of "club" in various historical periods of Russia: tsarist times, Soviet era, and post-Soviet time from the perspective of evolution of the notion – from self-organized cultural and leisure community towards specifically created club of loyal clients under the commercial organization for inciting the consumer activity. Studying the clubs and club activity, the author defines the possible spheres foe realization of creative potential of a particular person along with the possible vectors of their activity. Special attention is given to transformation of the notion and shift to the economic field in the XXI century. The recent 15 years manifested as the turning period for the Russian, as well as global society. The sequence of economic crises washed out the life orientations of a modern Russian, having originated the feeling of dismay and loneliness in this immense world. Under the conditions of social tension in modern Russia, special relevance gains the finding of place and role of a person within the micro-cultural space, as well as attainment of ability to realize their creative potential. The choice of clubs and their activity is not coincidental, as they belong to the historical sphere of daily life, where the reality manifests as a wholesome lifeworld of a person.
Citations count: 2
Manevskii E.V. —
E-democracy as a trend of modern sociopolitical development: concept and basic models
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 21 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.2.21861 URL:
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This article examines the development of democratic regimes in the conditions of implementation of the new information and communication technologies. The subject of this research is the theoretical models of e-democracy and their implementation in global practice. The phenomenon of e-democracy, its structure and definition are considered. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the models of e-democracy, proposed by other authors. The article also explores the classical system of the models of democracy – direct, representative, deliberative, as well as suggests a new perspective upon paradigm of the models of e-democracy. All of the proposed models are analyzed from the standpoint of implementation of the new information and communication technologies along with their influence on the modern democratic architecture. The scientific novelty consists in structuring of all the vectors of realization of e-democracy from the perspective of classical system of models. Having considered the examples of global practice and critical studies of other scholars, the author concludes on the existence of a set of problems on the path of development of e-democracy. The author presents an original outlook upon the future development of e-democracy.
Citations count: 2
Mikhalev A.V. —
Russian world on the outskirts of Asia: policy in terms of institutional asymmetry
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 10.
– P. 53 - 64.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.10.27617 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the problem of establishment of the institutions that pursue the Russian world policy in Mongolia. The goal of this research lies in analyzing the institutionalization of the Russian world policy in Mongolia based on the three key components: Russian diaspora, Russian language and Orthodoxy. The subject of this research is the process of establishment of the institutions of Russian diaspora in the historical context. An important place in this article belongs to the problematic of functional asymmetry of the indicated institutions. The author makes an assumption that the overcoming of such asymmetry will allow increasing efficiency of the institutions of Russian presence. The study is based on the methodology of historical institutionalism. In this context, the institutions are viewed as the structures that distribute power, and remain in a state of struggle within themselves, as well as with the historically preceding institutions. In light of this paradigm, the author analyzes the institutions in the context of their historical evolution. The article is first to trace the succession between the public diplomacy institutions of the Soviet period and the institutions former in the 2000’s. Herewith, the beginning of 2000’s is considered as a critical fork, in other words, the period that mark the emergence of new norms and deactualization of the old ones. The author believes that namely the institutional succession with the preceding period is the cause for double burden on the modern institutions of the Russian world policy. The main conclusion underlines that the overall performance of institutions that implement the Russian world policy in Mongolia is negatively affected by the functional asymmetry.
Citations count: 2
Shuneyko A., Chibisova O. —
Transformations of information flow in the regional press (using the example of newspapers of the Khabarovsk Region)
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 50 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.23505 URL:
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The subject of this article is the analysis of the specify of delivering of the relevant information to society in the regional newspapers, and particularly how it deforms compared to the materials of central press. The authors analyzed the peculiarities of covering by central and regional press of a remarkable information occasion – Navalny’s March of March 26, 2017. In the course of this study, the authors questioned to what extent the presentation of information in the regional press differs from its broadcast in the central press. This research leans of the following scientific methods: thematic analysis of the text, which allows identifying the maximal amount of topics covered in publications; 2) semantic analysis, which allows detecting the differences in covering the same topic. The scientific novelty consist in revealing the new perspectives in examining the specificity of the existence of regional press, types of information representation, and character of emergence of the empty sets. The results of the analysis prove that the information policy of regional press is aimed at lowering the magnitude, importance, and political component of the event. This is realized through a series of tendencies discovered by the authors, which combined can lead to the decline of trust in the regional press.
Citations count: 2
Gorbunova A.A., Borisova O.V., Maksimova S.G. —
Social security of border regions of the Russian Federation
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 36 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.1.28634 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of population assessment of the risks and security threats in the following regions of the Russian Federation: Altai Krai, Amur Oblast, Astrakhan Oblast, Volgograd Oblast, Tyva Republic, and Khabarovsk Krai. In the course of this study, the authors determine the main threats to social security of the Russian State, as well as the key social issues of separate regions; acquire the population assessments of personal security and content with the different aspect of life. Special attention is given to identification of the peculiarities of perception of personal security in the context of socioeconomic wellbeing of the territory. The main research methods are the analysis of statistical data and questionnaire-based survey conducted in 2018 in six regions of the Russian Federation. According to the acquired data, the state of security is determined on one hand by the threats to social security of national scale, typical to all subjects; and on the other hand – the specific problems of social security of a particular region, substantiated by its unique geopolitical and socioeconomic status. The materials can be applies in forecasting and modelling of the social risks and security threats in the modern Russian society.
Citations count: 2
Dogaev P. —
Slacktivism as a form of sociopolitical engagement during the “post-truth” era
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.8.23906 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of evolution process of the practices of civil and political participation, particularly, the new form of sociopolitical engagement of citizens that is called Slacktivism. The author attempt to determine whether such type of activity can be considered as an actual form of civil and political participation, or it rather initially suggests the null result an is reduced to the imitation of sociopolitical activity. Such problematic is viewed in the context of representations about the “post-truth”, which suggests that at the present stage, the objective factor produce lesser effect upon the establishment of public opinion rather that referring to emotions and personal persuasions. The article reveals the essence of the phenomenon at hand, as well as introduces various approaches towards interpreting Slacktivism as a form of participation. Based on the example of creating the specific sociopolitical campaigns, activeness of citizens in social networks, signing of online petitions, and spread of social commercials, the author reveals the specificity of practical realization of such phenomenon. Conclusion is made that Slacktivism is not just an act of symbolic participation, but can also have real consequences. It is demonstrated that besides the common to Slacktivism low level on engagement into the process, there can occur the lack of critical perception of information, leaning on which a Slacktivist adopts a decision.
Citations count: 2
Maleev A. —
The national language as a tool of Russian soft power
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 143 - 148.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22079 URL:
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The object of this research is the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of soft power. The subject is the use of the Russian language as an instrument of increasing the country’s soft power abroad. In modern realities, the cultural influence of the nation is one of the most important factors of soft power. The paramount part of cultural influence lies in the impact of national language abroad. Therefore, its proliferation is the task of utmost importance, which is executed by such governmental structures RSMD and Rossotrudnichestvo. During the course of this research, the author conducts a comparative analysis of the successful experience of France, Germany, Great Britain, China, and Spain in this field of similar activity, as well as reviews the situation in Russia, considering the “Russian World” concept that creates ideological foundation for such activity. The main conclusion is consists in the need to enhance activity in this direction, which includes the author’s concrete proposal on this matter. It is suggested to expand the financing if Rossotrudnichestvo, and make the basic courses of Russian language for foreigners free. Another suggestion consists in the use of resources of the state mass media for teaching Russian language to the foreigners through Internet, as in Great Britain and Germany. Combination of the proposed measures can strengthen the international cultural influence of Russia, and, hence, increase its soft power. The relevance of this research lies in the importance of soft power of the actors in the modern international arena.
Citations count: 2
Koshmarov M., Trubetskoi A.Y. —
The evolution of propaganda. Some aspects of political practice
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 8.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.8.26962 URL:
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This article examines the evolution of propaganda since the ancient times until the present stage, as well as the ancient protopropaganda. The authors analyze the transitioning processes from the ancient times to early Christianity from the perspective of state ideology. The article also studies the emergence of Protestantism and its role in development of Capitalism and establishment of the economic system of the XX century, which the authors call the economic model of Keynes-Barnays. The newest propagandistic opportunities and the potential for processing big data is reviewed. The article explores the phenomenon of the recent decade – the social networks as the new instrument of propaganda. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the propagandistic opportunities of Hollywood and the analysis of the potential of big data processing, new terms of implementation of the future consumption, implementation of the behavioral templates, information capsule, description of the postwar economy as the Keynes-Barnays model. A conclusion is made on the singularity of propaganda and the need for further research of this phenomenon.
Citations count: 2
Demenchuk P.Y. —
Political realm of the idea of multinational university
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 46 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.12.24894 URL:
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The subject of this research is the idea of multinational university in the context of political impact of the globalization processes of higher education. The author examines the prospect of expansion of the international impact of the states exporting educational services that became the centers of development of multinational educational institutions, as well as increase of their economic and scientific potential in terms of reduction of political control and volume of economic resources of the states exporting the educational services. The article points at the key aspects of establishment and approaches to overcoming the educational inequality of the states by the developing countries. Methodology includes the historical-philosophical approach, socio-philosophical analysis, method of consideration of political processes within the framework of “center-periphery” model. The scientific novelty consists in examination of multinational university as the means of international political impact that can significantly affect the societies of other states. The main conclusion lies in the statement about the emergence and development of educational inequality, the overriding of which requires great effort from the developing countries.
Citations count: 2
Trofimova I.N. —
Multi-literacy as social value and development factor of the modern society
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 16 - 25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25735 URL:
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The question of literacy in modern Russian society holds a special place due to appearance of the new processes and phenomena in the sphere of education, as well as lack of their study. It is referred to the increase of requirements to the level and quality of the obtainable knowledge and skills of their practical application. Examination of the problem at hand allows determining the role of multi-literacy as social value and factor of social development. Based on the results of representative sociological survey, the article analyzes the attitude of the Russians to the presently existing state system of education as well as characterizes the practices of self-education and additional education. The theoretical-methodological base includes the complex of regulations focused on the activeness and motivation of students, individual preferences, and practical purposefulness of educational programs. It is demonstrated that despite the high level of reading and mathematical literacy, there exists a problem of functional literacy, particularly the low skills in solving the tasks. A conclusion is made that the distribution of multi-literacy considerably depends on the level of engagement of population in practices of self-education and additional education.
Citations count: 2
Suprun Y.I., Kozlova A.M. —
Practical and theoretical problems of legal regulation of surrogacy
// Politics and Society.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.1.35608 URL:
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The subject of this research is the legal norms applied to the surrogacy program as an independent institution that requires a separate place in the system. The object of this research is the social relations arising in the sphere of surrogacy procedures for future parents, as well as protection of the rights of a child born from artificial insemination. Special attention is given to such aspects as the surrogacy contract, registration of a child born to a surrogate mother, court opinion on the refusal to register a child born to a surrogate mother, and right of a single father to register a child born to a surrogate mother. The novelty of this article lies the analysis and examination of case law dedicated to the practical and theoretical problems of using surrogacy. The definitions are provided to the concepts of surrogacy and surrogate mother. Recommendations are made on the amendments to family and civil legislation by introducing norms that would regulate and determine the legal nature of surrogacy contract, norms on the child’s registration by the genetic parents who are not legally marries, as well as norms that to regulate the rights and responsibility, legal status of the father of a child born to a surrogate mother.
Citations count: 2
Prokhoda V. —
Assessment of the national healthcare system by residents of Russia and other European countries
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 10.
– P. 65 - 77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.10.27654 URL:
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This article considers the problem of assessing effectiveness of the national healthcare systems. The author notes that the assessment of healthcare system as a complicated scientific-practical task must carry holistic character. Reference to the materials of sociological surveys allows significantly complementing the statistical dada with information on population’s perception of affordability and quality of healthcare. It is underlined that in examining social effectiveness of healthcare it is important to consider differentiation of assessment of the various population groups. The author reviews the statistical indexes of development of healthcare system of the European countries; points at specificity of situation in Russia, where the relatively high indexes correspond with the most pessimistic assessments of the population. The results of the eight wave of the comparative cross-country research “The European Social Survey” is analyzed. It was conducted in 2016 in the European countries in accordance with the population representative sample. It is stated that the European countries are differentiated based on the population’s assessment of the national healthcare system. It is determines, that the Russian demonstrate most pessimistic attitude with regards to assessment of healthcare if compared to residents of other countries that participate in the project. The author highlights that the Russians show strong, by European standards, differentiation in assessments depending on the income, age, retiree status, self-evaluation of health condition. In the context of affordability and quality of medical services it testifies to the existence of vulnerable population categories. It is revealed that the respondents’ overall assessment of healthcare depends on the scale of its funding. The author examines the causes of negativism in assessments of the Russians, including the low quality of medical services, facts of corruption in healthcare system, low affordability of medical services. A conclusion is made that the existing system of healthcare does not fully meet the needs and requirements of the Russians.
Citations count: 1
Solomatina E.N. —
Modern theoretical approaches to the settlement of conflicts
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 42 - 48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22602 URL:
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The subject of this research is the main theoretical approaches to the settlement of modern conflicts. The article reveals the methodological principles of the termination, resolution and transformation of conflicts. Particular attention is paid to the basic characteristics of contemporary social conflicts, conflict behavior and to the creation of new social norms and institutions with high level of conflict management. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the following: it is proven that conflict transformation is a central process in the contemporary conflict resolution field. There is the core idea that constructive conflict approach is the most effective way for studying the dynamics of modern social conflicts within conflict transformation field. A special role in the conflict resolution process is assigned to the conceptual capabilities of existing intermediary technologies.
Citations count: 1
Roslyakova M.V. —
Urban communities as an object and paramount resource of municipal administration
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 8.
– P. 42 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.8.27143 URL:
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The subject of this research is the urban communities. The goal is to determine the scope and sphere of activities of urban communities of a particular city, and reveal their resource potential in the socioeconomic development of the territory. In the process of municipal administration, the self-governing bodies influence the municipal formation, interact with various objects for improving the living standards using the available resources. The author assumes that the existence of multiple communities in a city testifies to the accumulation of social capital that can be used for solution of municipal issues. The materials covered in the research educe that social capital is a resource influencing the economic growth, quality of social services an institutions of public administration. Citizens’ involvement in the communities is viewed as an indicator of social capital. There is no systematized information on the unregistered urban communities that manifest themselves in the city of Ivanovo, which affects the effectiveness of administrative decision-making. The author conducted monitoring of social networks searching for information about the urban communities, analysis of secondary sociological information on the topic, materials of the open Internet sources and literature. As a result, the author was able to determine the scope of activities of urban communities, as well as confirm that the united by social ties city residents are ready for collective actions and participate information of social capital. This work with complement the research on the impact of social capital upon the effectiveness and quality of municipal administration and broaden perspective on possibility of participation of the communities in the development of the territory. Further formulation of practical recommendations on increasing the efficiency of interaction between the self-governing voided, communities and city residents is required.
Citations count: 1
Akhverdiev E.A. —
Form of government through the prism of systemic approach
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 12.
– P. 10 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.12.28337 URL:
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This article examines the questions pertinent to the theoretical category of the form of government. Currently, within the national legal literature prevails the elementary approach that suggests distinguishing the form of government and the political regime. The author determines the need in updating such approach. The political-legal processes demonstrate the increased correlation between the indicated elements of the forms of government, which no longer allows considering them as the independent substances. Therefore, the theory of state and law must implicitly shift towards systemic approach, which takes into account the interaction of the categories and answers the questions on the concept of the form of government, principles of classification and principles of the structure of public authority. The author carefully examines the types of relation between the form of government and the political regime, as well as proposes the new classification of the governments into monocratic and polycratic.
Citations count: 1
Noyanzina O.E., Omel'chenko D.A., Goncharova N.P., Maximova S.G. —
Institutional factors of activity and role of the national cultural public organizations in realization of state national policy in the region (on the example of Altai Krai)
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 84 - 98.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.7.20597 URL:
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The subject of this article is the assessment of institutional factors of activity and role of the national cultural public organizations in realization of state national policy in the Altai Krai. The authors reveals the peculiarities of ethno-cultural situation in the region alongside the specificity of activity of the government bodies with regards to realization of state national policy. Leaning on the sociological survey data, the article provides the expertise results of the role of national cultural public organization in implementation of the policy, assessment of their inclusion into the cross-sectoral connections, as well as evaluates certain conditions for realization of activity of the national cultural nonprofit organizations. The research is conducted through the method of personal interview with the heads of registered in Altai Krai national cultural public organizations based on the structured questionnaire. The authors introduce the results of dispersive analysis and application of the procedure of scaling the expert assessments of the factors for functioning of the national cultural nonprofit organizations. The following conclusions were made: among the population of Altai Krai there is a vivid desire to unite aimed at protection of their national interests, as well as the need for preserving and developing of the cultures of diverse nationalities that populate the territory of the region. Along with the harmonious cross-national relationships between the population and national cultural nonprofit organization, there authors highlight the trusted connections, when the national cultural public organizations are open for cooperation and constructive interaction with the local community. The expert analysis also determined the insufficiently fair distribution of benefits and various positions for any of the nationalities; lack of efficiency and openness in the dialogue between the state, ethnic diasporas, and national minorities in adoption of important decisions. The most coordinate expert assessment were noticed with regards to the indexes of successful resolution of conflicts in the area of interethnic relations, control over compliance with the laws in the field of the state national policy, work of the government bodies in realization of the Russian Federation National Policy Strategy until 2025, establishment of dialogue between the state, ethnic diasporas, and national minorities in adoption of crucial decisions, supports of the national cultural public organization, and efficiency of the system of administration over the implementation of state national policy in the region.
Citations count: 1
Vorontsov S.A., Mamychev A.Y., Ponedelkov A.V. —
Elites as the driving forces of political processes in modern Russia: based on the materials of sociological (field) research
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 119 - 131.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22032 URL:
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The object of this article is the political process in modern Russia, while the subject is the role, place, and qualitative characteristics of the modern Russian federal and regional elites as the driving force of sociopolitical processes. Based on the sociological (field) research, the authors examine the general perception of the Russian elite; systematize the ideas on the dynamics of elite; as well as assessment of its qualitative state within the post-Soviet political processes. Special attention is given to the measures that encourage the development of interaction between the elites, and forms of the quality improvement of political leadership in modern Russia. The work applies the result of the panel expert surveys conducted during the preparation for the First All-Russian Elitological Congress (2013) and Second All-Russian Elitological Congress (2016). The theoretical-methodological vector of this work consists in the following: 1) generalization, systemic examination, and sociopolitical interpretation of the overall comprehension on the Russian elites and its perception by the expert community; 2) generalization of the system of evaluation of the dynamics of qualitative changes within the elites, and determination of the complex of measures that in the experts’ opinion must encourage the development of interaction between the elites, as well as development of the political leadership. The article carries out the political modeling of the general sociopolitical trends, which manifest and develop within the current ruling class. Based on the acquired empirical and analytical data, the author confirms the prevalence of certain stereotypic ideas about the political and business elite. At the same time, it is demonstrated that the public and expert opinion still give low assessment namely to the elite capital of the modern ruling class. The article concludes that within the political process of modern Russia, we can observe the trend towards estrangement of the elite groups, their desire to preserve the ruling positions and commercial preferences, as well as the overall reduction in mental activity of the elite groups and individual leaders, value of the national interests, problems of national security and sociocultural integrity of the Russian society. The authors also discuss the forms, directions, and measures that are called to correct the negative trends in modern elitogenesis.
Citations count: 1
Gorbunova A.A., Maksimova S.G. —
Interrelation of the ethnic, civil, and religious components of the identity of personality in modern Russia
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 127 - 134.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.7.20748 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of various components of the identity of population of modern Russia. The problem of correlation of separate types of identities, as well as the search for the explaining mechanisms of their formation and manifestation is one of the central discussions of the socio-humanitarian knowledge at the present stage. The goal of this article consists in examination of the specificities of identification culture of the population of Russia’s bordering regions. Special attention is given to the interrelation of ethnic, civil, and religious components of the identity of personality, as well as the impact of actualized ethnic identity upon the formation of other types of identification. The article provides the results of empirical research of population of the nine regions of Russia conducted in 2015 through the method of survey. The results testify to the high level of importance for the residents of these regions of social differentiation by various grounds. The authors note that currently that the identification of population with the citizens of the country and local community gains crucial importance for the dwellers of the examined regions. At the same time, the actual ethnic identification of population does not impede the establishment of the Russian national civil identity. It is underlined that at present stage the religious factor is a less important ground of identification than the ethnic or civil affiliation. The conclusion is made that the diverse types of identity are not competitive or mutually exclusive, but rather manifest as the foundation for integration of a person into the multiple social groups formed in accordance with various grounds.
Citations count: 1
Podshibyakina T.A. —
Implicit cognitivistics in political science: methodological opportunities for studying ideology
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 76 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.9.27089 URL:
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The object of this article is the implicit cognitive processes; the subject is the methodology of application of implicit cognitivistics in political science. The goal of this work consists in conceptualization of the research method of the cognitive-ideological matrices using the scientific approaches of implicit cognitivistics. Analysis of the theories of implicit cognitivistics and narratology from the classical to postclassical allows generalizing the methodology of research of the implicit phenomena and processes, as well as assess its heuristic potential and restrictions in application. Special attention is given to the insufficiently studies, both in Russia and abroad, topic of the implicit cognitive processes in the subject field of the political science. The provided original methods of research of the implicit cognitive processes were examined from the perspective of their possible use in the area of studying ideologies. The result of the work became the conceptualization of the new integral approach based on the implicit-cognitivist and narrative methodology that allows operationalizing the concept of “cognitive-ideological matrices”, and the assessment of its potential application in the political practice. The acquired scientific results are valuable in the area of studying the ideological identity, determination and quantification of its individual and group characteristics, as well as the analysis of attitudes and political orientations of various actors, based on the subjective perception of social and political phenomena and processes.
Citations count: 1
Noyanzina O.E., Maximova S.G., Omel'chenko D.A., Molodikova I.N. —
Policy with regards to transit migration: European Neighborhood Policy and securitization of migration
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 29 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.2.27671 URL:
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The goal of this article lies in the analysis of migration policy of the EU member and candidate states, including with regards to transit migrants. The authors examine such aspects of the topic as the advancement of NATO and European Neighborhood Policy, highlighting the factors of securitization of definition of the key characteristics of transit countries. An assessment is conducted of the EU policy and separate transit countries pertinent to migrants from European and Asian countries, on the example of Greece and illegal transit migrants. The materials for this research contain the official documents of EU member states, mass media publications and scientific works in the area of international migrations, Eurostat statistical data, UNHCR and European Commission (2010-2016). A conclusion is made that transit countries deal with a large migration flow; some of the transit countries play a role of a “buffer zone”, form regional transit migration flows. The changes in national migration policy can serve as the foundation for emergence of the new transit migration flows already of international level. The authors suggest dividing transit migrants into two groups: the first one – labor and other migrants; the second one – refugees. The latter are prone to continuous migration, while labor migrants seek multiple ways leading to the European Union, and look for better opportunities. Prolonged stay of migrants in transit countries can be a result of the intended acts of the governments, increasingly concerned about the fact that transit migration undermines the relations with neighboring countries, which are a desirable destination for migrants.
Citations count: 1
Maslanov E.V. —
On typology of the Internet communication platforms
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 10 - 17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.1.28685 URL:
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The subject of this research is the analysis of functioning of the Internet communication platforms. Special attention is given to possibility of building typology of the Internet communication platforms. The author assumes that the meticulous analysis of their functioning mechanism and ways of interaction of the users can help structuring a fairly precise typology. Therefore, the author examines such topics as the specificity of Internet platforms, methods of creating behavioral rules, and specificity of identities presented on the Internet. Methodological foundation is Niklas Luhmann’s concept of social systems and methodology of case study that allows analyzing functionality of the Internet communication platforms. The main conclusion of the conducted research consists in possibility of structuring the typology of the Internet communication platforms based on consideration of the production mechanism and functioning of communication rules on the platforms, and mechanism of formation and presentation of identity. The four types of communication platforms are determined: 1) high level of the rigidity of formal rules, strict binding of virtual identities to the offline; 2) low level of the rigidity of formal rules; fairly strict binding of virtual identities to the offline; 3) low level of the rigidity of formal rules; moderate binding of virtual identities to the offline; 4) high level of the rigidity of formal rules, moderate binding of virtual identities to the offline. Communication platforms of the 1st, 2nd and 4th types are tied to the offline reality, and thus manifest as its addition. Communication platform of 3rd type stands against the offline reality and may enter into a conflict with the latter, which can lead to degradation of personality.
Citations count: 1
Letnyakov D.E. —
Soviet as imperial: an attempt of problematization
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 62 - 71.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.25409 URL:
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The “national question” relates to such spheres of social life in which the October Revolution demonstrated the most drastic gap with the “old order”; the Soviet government has acquired the anti-colonial, anti-imperial language of self-description. However, the academic studies of the recent twenty five years mark the prevalence of representations on the imperial natural of the Soviet State (image of USSR as the “last empire” has become ingrained in the academic discourse; the post-colonial studies apprehend the post-Soviet space as a legitimate sphere of their scientific interest). The author sets a goal to problematize such approach, thus analyzes the very concept of the “empire”, examines separate aspects of the history of Soviet period, and reconstructs the identity of a Soviet person. A conclusion is made that in a number of cases, the application of the imperial paradigm in describing the Soviet realities rather impedes the adequate comprehension of the latter, because the practices of dominance and administration in USSR, language, cultural, and economic policy, identities of people and their everyday experience cannot be reduced to the imperial and colonial.
Citations count: 1
Shamakhov V.A., Kovalev A.A. —
“Peace-War” opposition as a phenomenon of hybrid political reality
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 25 - 39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.7.26736 URL:
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The goal of this research is the problem of hybridism on the example of “peace-war” opposition and its dualistic nature reflected in the works of the prominent scholar of the past and modernity. This goal is specified by the following tasks: 1) to determine hybridism in its political aspect and connection with governance and civilized identity; 2) to examine the hybrid concepts of war in the fundamental for social philosophy and political science texts; 3) to consider the hybrid concepts of the world in classical works of the military theoreticians; 4) to study the problem of the dynamics of military conflicts and their renewal. The “peace” and “war” are the closely related, transitioning into one another phenomena of political reality of hybrid nature. The thinkers of the past and modernity came to the valid and still relevant conclusions on the nature of war, same as the military theoreticians left behind multiple valuable observations on the nature of peaceful existence. In the era of civilizational antagonism and possible civilizational conflicts, the border between the state of peace and war becomes vague, including as a result of escalation of the unresolved in the past geopolitical and sociocultural problems.
Citations count: 1
Ivanov O. —
Typology of social protests in the subjects of the Russian Federation in 2019
// Politics and Society.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 37 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.1.32019 URL:
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The subject of this article is the dynamics of protest activity of citizens in the regions of Russia following the results of the I-III quarters of 2019, the typology of protests, their causes and prospects, forms and mass character, as well as the impact of such protests on the formation of public demand and the policy of the federal authorities in 2020. There are such categories of protests as political, social, environmental and urban planning, as well as labor protest. The most typical examples of protests in each category are given. The research methodology is based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of sources, primarily publications in federal and regional mass media. The main conclusions of the article are the constructive reaction of the federal authorities to the public request expressed in the civil protests of 2019, while previously such requests usually remained unanswered. In particular, the President stated the need for fundamental changes to the Constitution of the country, primarily related to the system and procedure for the formation of state authorities.
Citations count: 1
Chernyaev S.E., Ryzhov I.V. —
The peculiarities of political modernization the Arab republics (Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq) in the early XXI century
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 7.
– P. 42 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.7.22734 URL:
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The subject of this article is the peculiarities of political process in the Arab republics of Near and Middle East. The article conducts an analysis of the process of reformation of the political systems in a number of Arab states with the republican form of government, as well as reviews the key directions in improving the governing models in Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iraq. The specificity of the subject required the use of a set of general scientific and special methods. The methodology of this work applies a complex of scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparative analysis, as well as institutional approach that demonstrates that the examined political processes are tightly connected with the political and social institutions. The scientific novelty lies in establishment of the role and place of the developing civil society as a full-fledged institution of political life in the Arab republics. The article determines the specificity of the impact of foreign policy factors upon the political modernization processes in Arab states of the Near East. Particular attention is paid to the fact that due to the unwillingness of political elites, practically in all of the Arab state to release from control the main political powers, the most effective reforms take place in economic and social spheres, however, without the quality changes in political regimes.
Citations count: 1
Kim H. —
Analysis of stateness of Kyrgyzstan using the Fragile States Index
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 60 - 70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.6.23104 URL:
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The goal of this article is the stateness of Kyrgyzstan at intrastate level within the framework of the Regional security complex theory of Barry Buzan. It claims that the binding ability of stateness is the fundamental condition of intrastate security, and the inadequate level of stateness usually shifts the state into the category of pre-modern, fragile, weal, and failed states. Among five countries of the Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan apparently is one of the most fragile, as evidenced by the serious of bloody conflicts that took place throughout the period of 1990-2010: Osh Riots in 1990, Tulip Revolution in 2005, and second Osh Riot in 2010 with the subsequent sedition. This article attempts to examine the level of stateness of Kyrgyzstan using the methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. The data necessary for qualitative analysis is borrowed from the article “Fragile State Indexes. For qualitative analysis, the author applies the interpretation of discourses. The inner fragility of Kyrgyzstan is significant: the level of stateness has not been noticeably improved over the 10 years, and such factors as disagreements, activity of radical Islamists, and especially, clannish character of politics, decreased the level of Kyrgyzstan’s stateness. Being a country without a stable source of material wealth, institutional control, and strong ideological unity, it is necessary for Kyrgyzstan to improve the sociopolitical cohesion leaning on the economic development and stronger institutional control.
Citations count: 1
Sokolova M.V. —
The impact of 2014-2015 crisis on the social and labor mobility of population of Vladimir Oblast (the opinion poll data)
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1 - 7.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.11.27249 URL:
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The subject of this research is the social and labor mobility of population of Vladimir Oblast in the conditions of 2014-2015 crisis. The introduction of sanctions, devaluation of the Russian ruble led not only to escalation of the international climate and actual drop in personal income, but also the job market instability. The article examines the impact of crisis on the people’s professional fulfillment, determines the rate of negative influence on the quality of people’s life in form of the loss of employment, and earnings reduction. The main research method is the public opinion polling, which involved residents of different age and gender in majority of the municipal formations of the region. The acquired results allow making a conclusion on the prevalence of negative impact of the crisis on the social and labor mobility of population of Vladimir Oblast, as well as identifying the age group that suffered the most from the economic downfall. The age range of this population group is fairly wide – from 25 to 55 years old. The analysis of gender specificity underlines that the male population faced salary reductions more often and had to seek additional earnings, while the females were willing to take the lesser paying jobs. Although, on some part of the population the crisis had a positive effect. The male population demonstrated bigger chances to top up their qualification and get a higher-paid job than the female population or the age group from 25 to 34.
Citations count: 1
Chernenkova E.I. —
Subsidization of social projects in the system of state aid of the socially oriented nonprofit organizations of the Republic of Karelia (2012-2015)
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 72 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.5.20241 URL:
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The object of this research is the system of state aid of the nonprofit organizations; the subject is the regional system of allocation of the federal and regional budget for supporting the project activity of the socially oriented nonprofit organizations. Main attention is given to the analysis of procedures of organization of the competitive selection, its results, problems of transparency and information support of the executive authorities and social organizations – recipients of the subsidies. The author determines the impact of the all-Russian trends, as well as the regional specificity of functionality of the system of state aid of nonprofit sector. The article analyzes the norms of federal and regional legislation, departmental acts, statistical data, electronic resources of the federal institutions, regional authorities and administrations, and information resources of the nonprofit organizations. In accordance with a number of positions, the author pursues correlation between the parameters of subsidizing the socially oriented nonprofit organizations through the Ministry of Economic Development and grant financing within the framework of Presidential programs. An attempt is made to define the positive effects and problem zones within the formed system of state aid of the socially oriented nonprofit organizations from the regional perspective. The article demonstrates the capabilities of the system of state stimulation of the work of socially oriented nonprofit organizations in the area of ensuring societal security, development of interethnic and Interconfessional dialogue, establishment of sociocultural environment and development of human capital. The author underlines the need for realization of the principles of openness and transparency in the process of competitive selection and information supports of the system of state aid of the nonprofit organizations, as well as modernization of the departmental and public assessment of results of the use of state subsidies by the nonprofit organizations.
Citations count: 1
Shamakhov V.A., Kirilenko V.P., Kovalev A.A. —
Security of modern Europe: between goals and reality
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 10.
– P. 43 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.10.27169 URL:
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In light of the recent international legal documents, this article examines the paramount aspects of the problem of European security on the example of the gap between the EU strive for implementing independent policy and the strategic reality. In order to achieve this goal, the author explores the factors that affected the new paradigm of European security and escalating tension in the international policy; provides assessment of the European Union Global Strategy on foreign policy and security policy determines opportunities of the EU as an independent actor in foreign policy; and considers the possible scenarios of the current situation. The effective protection of EU requires the application of international law and political power in all of its forms. For reducing the gap between the fraught with risks reality and political intentions, the European Union must develop and adopt the integrated program of European defense oriented towards its own resources or further dependence on the United States. Creation of the European military power under these conditions is an extremely difficult task due to the strategic discrepancies between the partners, and as a result of the ability of the state to adjust to the evolution of complicated foreign political situation in terms of civilizational opposition.
Citations count: 1
Da Costa Santos J. —
New era of uncertainties: COVID-19 and its impact on Brazil
// Politics and Society.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 82 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2020.4.34267 URL:
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This article is aimed at the analysis of social and economic consequences on the novel COVID-19 in Brazil. Brazil has faced multiple problems in fighting pandemic that negatively affected millions of people around the world. The goal of this research lies in determination of the problems that were illuminated by the pandemic in Brazilian society. Analysis is conducted on the consequence of pandemic for Brazil, namely with regards to minorities that rely on the government aid, and the system of public healthcare overall. The article also indicates the mistakes made by the current authorities during pandemic, when due to lack of organization, multiple institutions could not render basic help to reduce the consequences of the chaotic situation faced by the country. As the largest country in South America, Brazil struggled the most in the region; therefore, studying the impact of COVID-19 upon the socioeconomic system of the country is a relevant topic. The article explores the official database and media materials to acquire information on the responsive measures of the government in such sectors as employment, education and healthcare. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of information that demonstrate the impact of pandemic upon the lives of millions of people in Brazil.
Citations count: 1
Fedotova V.A. —
Trust in Power among Modern Russian youth: the role of Values and ethnic identity
// Politics and Society.
– 2022. – ¹ 2.
– P. 14 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.2.37327 EDN: GGEBUZ URL:
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Leading Russian and foreign scientists have repeatedly noted a decrease in public confidence in the government and most political institutions. The loss of citizens' trust in the government has also affected Russia. The purpose of the presented research is to study the phenomenon of political trust in the aspect of value orientations and ethnic identity among modern Russian youth. The study conducted diagnostics of the younger generation of Russians living in different regions of the Russian Federation, aged 18 to 34 years. The study sample included representatives of the cities of the Russian Federation: Perm, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and rural areas. The following methods were used in the empirical study: the scale of political trust, the methodology of J. Finney, measuring the severity of ethnic identity and Schwartz's methodology for determining the value structure.
The level of trust in the authorities is at a fairly low level, which indicates a tendency to social cynicism rather than political trust. The ethnicity of modern youth is also at a fairly low level. The results of the regression analysis demonstrated that ethnic identity has an impact on the overall level of trust in the authorities. Values such as "Reputation", "Universalism: tolerance" and "Benevolence: a sense of duty" have the strongest influence on trust in the authorities. The value of material goods negatively affects the formation of trust in the authorities. The scientific significance lies in the fact that for the first time the problem of the formation of political trust in the aspect of personal values and ethnic identity was studied.The practical significance lies in the fact that the results of this study can serve as a basis for the development of recommendations in the field of building political trust among Russian youth.
Citations count: 1
Manevskii E.V. —
Factors of development of e-democracy in modern society
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 15 - 20.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.2.21852 URL:
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This article examines the development of democratic regimes in the conditions of implementation of the new information and communication technologies. The subject of this research is the factors and causes of emergence of the new phenomenon of e-democracy within the political space. The author refers to the existing in scientific environment theories that explain the transformation of modern regimes towards e-democracy. Special attention is given to the works of Pippa Norris, who made a theoretical and empirical contribution to the establishment of an original scientific model, as well as systematizes the theories of genesis of e-democracy. Other theories of foreign researchers are also considered in the course of this study. The author analyzes all concepts of the development of e-democracy, verified on the basis of empirical data received from Sweden. The conclusion is made on feasibility of the scientific paradigm of P. Norris. The author examines which of the paradigms – the theory of industrial society, technological determinism, democratic theory, or others – presents empirical significance and affects the establishment and development of e-democracy in practice. The results may be valuable for further research on e-democracy, as this article covers and empirically tests all of the key theories of foreign scholars.
Citations count: 1
Maximova S., Omelchenko D., Noyanzina O., Goncharova N. —
Psychosemantic models of perception of ethnic images in evaluations of population of the Altai region and the Republic of Altai
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 76 - 94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.8.22136 URL:
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The subject area and the key goal of this research is associated with analyzing the problems of social perception of ethnic images in the context of establishing national identity of the population in the Russian bordering regions. The article describes the approaches towards analysis of the category of “image” within the humanitarian knowledge, as well as substantiated the difficulties in the use of classical theories of perception, formulated within the frameworks of general psychology studying the social images in sociological science. Examination of the images of “the other” that reflect the existing attitudes regarding the ethnic groups, required referring to the theories, which allow depicting the formation and content of the present in individual and public consciousness mental representations of social phenomena and objects. The authors provide the results of psychosemantic experiment carried out in the two Russian regions, which is oriented towards studying the representations of image of “the other” in the consciousness of Russian population. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the characteristics that are of top priority in assessing the ethnic groups, but notable for bigger variability and differences in socio-demographic categories of the population. Besides the mainstream characteristics that define the perception of ethnic groups, the author revealed the secondary criteria that activate only the certain circumstances. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the identified differences are explained not just by the specificity of ethnic composition of the regions and activity of separate ethnic groups, but also justify the nature of interethnic relations, and reveal the potential sources of conflicts or prospects of ethnocultural cooperation.
Citations count: 1
Semina T.V. —
Escalation factors of the social conflict between medicine and population in the conditions of transformation of the society
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.24291 URL:
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This article examines the factors of occurrence of social conflict between medicine and population in the context of transformation of the society, economic and legal reforms. The author highlights the objective reasons of emergence of the social conflict, which escalate under the influence of the factors of external and internal environment. The key factors imply the modernization and economic reforms in healthcare, impact of the world globalization, social stratification, information technologies, depreciation of individual value orientations, affordability of medical services, and degraded status of a physician in modern society. The article reveals a subject field of dynamics of the sociology of conflict in the area of medicine, as well as carries out a systemic analysis of the objective factors of macrosphere and microsphere that contribute into its development in the Russian society. The author determines the genesis of causal connections of the occurrence of social conflict and driving factors of its development during the period of transformation of the society. Preventative measures on reducing the escalation of social conflict between medicine and population are being proposed. The topic at hand is relevant because the rapidly progressing social conflict between medicine and society concerns each individual, and health of the nation is the foundation of wellbeing of the Russian society. The emergence of social conflict reduces the quality and promptness of rendering medical help to the population. Low quality of medical services, rudeness, neglect, and corruption in medicine cause particular alarm of the population. All of the above leads a sick person to self-treatment. Medical community also experiences crisis, which is reflected in the downgrade in prestige of the profession and inadequate motivation of labor in the conditions of social stratification.
Citations count: 1
Podolskiy V. —
Individual and the society: modernization of British nation perceived through British political novel of the XIX century
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 126 - 142.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.6.23416 URL:
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The subject of this research is the British political novel. The bject of this research is the British individualism. The article examines perception of British society in political novels, impact of the political novels on society and social changes in XIX century Britain. Novel as a subject of the research presents a unique possibility to analyze social and political processes perceived through personal judgement. The article covers four novels, which encompass the entire XIX century. These texts allow to track the pace of modernization of the British society, to study the transition of an individual's place within the society and to examine changes of an individual's perception of his mission towards the society. Among the main conclusions are the following statements: 1) British political novel had a profound impact on the formation of British identity; 2) British political novel carries elements of a cultural code within itself, decryption of those allows to present a qualitative analysis and prognosis considering political processes in Britain; 3) British political novel contains valuable conceptual elements, fit for reception and interpretation within the framework of other political and philosophical cultures. Scientific novelty of the research lies in the following: 1) Complex analysis of the novels reviewed in their relation to social modernization has been performed for the first time; 2) Political meaning of two of the four novels reviewed has been evaluated in Russian literature for the first time; 3) Several foreign sources on the problem have been introduced.
Citations count: 1
Fomina N. —
The focus of using information for shaping public opinion as an instrument of demographic policy implementation
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 11.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.11.24539 URL:
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The subject of this research is the impact of information with the use of information technologies upon the improvement of demographic situation in the Russian Federation. The object of this research is the tasks of demographic policy, the implementation of which is one of the directions of public administration. Special attention is given to the criteria of assessing the existing demographic situation among the multiple factors affecting the demographics, such as the total fertility rate. The author examines and generalizes the similar problems of modern demographic situations in the Russian Federation and countries of the European Union. Using the analytical study, the article analyzes the impact of information as an instrument of public administration in the area of demographic policy implementation upon the demographic situation over time. The author’s special contribution consists in proposition on using the separate instruments of information technologies as the method of improving the existing demographic situation in the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty lies in suggesting as a scenario of the process of influence of information upon women for further understanding by the government of providing the new or modified information for the purpose of increasing the birthrate. The main conclusion lies in the statement that the realization of systemic and target demographic policy upon the shaping of public opinion with the use of information technologies will affect the improvement of demographic situation in the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 1
Pashkovskaya I.G. —
Framework strategy of the European Energy Union
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 53 - 61.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.4.26107 URL:
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The subject of this research is the formation by European Commission of the basics EU’s activity in the area of energy. The object of this research is the presented by European Commission in February 2015 Message to the European Parliament, EU Council, and European Economic and Social Committee, Regional Committee and European Investment Bank about the EU Energy Package. The framework strategy for the solid European Energy Union with the promising policy concerning the climate change. Particular attention is given to examination of the five synergistic and interrelated estimations of the activity of European Commission in the context of the European Energy Union. The main conclusion lies in the thesis that the purpose of the European Energy Union lies in satisfaction of the demand for energy products of each consumer of the European Union from the standpoint of choice, volume, quality and affordable price through the establishment of a single domestic energy market. The scientific novelty consists in determination of regulations of the framework strategy of the European Energy Union affecting the interests of Russia, which indicate the need for preparation by the European Commission by May 2018 of model agreement between the EU member-states and the third countries on the energy issues.
Citations count: 1
Vei V. —
Socioeconomic stratification of Russian and Chinese society: the definition of middle class
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 6.
– P. 74 - 82.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.6.26934 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of establishment and development of middle class in China and Russia at the present stage. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of socioeconomic development of middle class in China and Russia under the current conditions. Any crisis occurrence, within or outside the country, affect the society and lives of separate individuals. The creation of social structure of middle class is essential for maintaining stability of economic development and ensuring the need for conducting socioeconomic reforms. In the course of this research, the author leans on the works of foreign, Russian and Chinese scholars in the area of sociology and political science. The comparison of middle class in two countries is demonstrated. The main criteria of affiliation to a social class are determined. The author examines the economic approach in determination of qualification criteria for the middle class in accordance with the size of income and structure of expenses. The scientific novelty consist in the need for the development of state policy for creating a fair socioeconomic structure of the society in the indicated countries.
Citations count: 1
Chertkov A.N. —
Territorial organization of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation due to the novelty of federal legislation
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 20 - 28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.4.31285 URL:
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The subject of this research is the system of administrative structures of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, including territorial organization of the local self-governance, administrative structure and particular territorial units, its legal regulation and practical reforms. The object of this research is the social relations related to the territory and territorial structure of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is turned to correlation between the administrative and municipal-territorial component of territorial organization of the regions. The author also examines the questions of formation of the specific territorial units, considering the Soviet and foreign experience. In the course of this research were determined the gaps in federal and regional legislation pertinent to regulation of the questions of territorial organization of the Russian regions. Using the dialectic approach along with the general and special methods of cognition, such as system-structural, formal-logical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, historical-legal, axiological, teleological and a number of other, the author explores the problems and prospects of the development of territorial organization of the Russian regions. Based on the novelties of the current federal legislation, the author suggest the vectors, stages and particular forms for improvement of the regional legislation, including the introduction of a new type of municipal formation – the municipal districts. The article analyzes the prospects of formation of the supra-district territorial units of the regions, as well as expansion of the practice of formation of administrative units of municipalities. The author recommends the federal legislative regulation of the general principles of administrative-territorial structure of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as provides the key elements of such regulation.
Citations count: 1
Sevostyanova E. —
Charity and donations in the cities of Zabaykalsky Krai during the World War I: interaction between society and the government
// Politics and Society.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 24 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2020.3.33992 URL:
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During the World War I, due to the grand scale of mobilization, it would have not been possible to provide assistance to families of the soldiers without help received from charitable organizations, local authorities and individuals. Public and private charity became a part of supporting those in need. The object of this research is charity and donations during organized during the World War I. The subject of this research is the cooperation between the government and the public in the area of charity and donations. The forms, methods and specificity of such interactions are viewed based on the example of a remote administerial peripheral region – Zabaykalsky Krai, with consideration of the overall trends and regional peculiarities. The main forms and vectors of the work are described. Four key trends can be highlighted in interaction between the government and the city residents: 1) the organization of support for the families of mobilized soldiers (both, legal who received state rations, but also had the opportunity to use charitable support, and civil, who did not have the right to receive state rations); social assistance to children; aid to the refugees; collecting donations for the military needs (air fleet, Red Cross, mobile military infirmary, provision and shipment of things for the army). The author notes that due to a wide variety of charitable organizations (local and nationwide), secular and religious patronages, committees (established upon the local initiative and departments under the aegis of the Romanovs family), the composition of active participants often overlapped: same people were the members of several organizations. An important role in all organizations was played by the government officials; however, their motivation requires additional attention. Largest charity fundraisers were the events that received organizational and information support from the local authorities, or mass actions that became a part of public space of the cities.
Citations count: 1
Kosorukov A.A. —
Electronic civil society in public space of the political regime
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 114 - 126.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.22072 URL:
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The subject of this research is the peculiarities of historical evolution of civil society within public space of the political regime; impact of the new media upon the expansion of political participation and establishment of the electronic civil society that intensifies the external and internal challenges of destabilization with regards to the hybrid political regimes worldwide; development problems of the electronic civil society in Russia as a factor of activation and institutionalization of the public political participation (on the example of electoral cycle of 2011-2012). Methodology of the work contains the application of historical and comparative methods, analysis of statistical and expert data with further graphic comparison. The scientific novelty consists in development of the theoretical model of establishment of civil society and hybrid political regime that allows evaluating the possible conflict between the diverse elements of political system, caused by the increased potential of new media in the area of mass political mobilization.
Citations count: 1
Lebedev S. —
Pressure groups and regulation of financial markets
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 104 - 110.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.22271 URL:
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The object of this research is the financial markets pressure groups, in other words, associations of influential financial experts and industrialists that attempt to affect the regulatory rules established in the financial markets. The subject is the motivation of pressure groups towards limitation of the financial development, tools applied for introduction of the anti-market legislation, as well as the political climate used for adoption of laws that restricts the financial development of one or another country. Global statistics demonstrates that the financial sector manifests as one of the most “regulated”, which substantiates the relevance of this work. Theoretical base of the research contains the political economy paradigm alongside the rational choice theory that view the political actors as economic agents that maximize their value. The article explains why the restriction of financial development can be profitable for the large industrial and financial corporations. The author systematized the theoretical positions of the rational choice theory in application to the pressure groups. Based on the example of the Japanese financial markets, it is described the precise mechanism of the pressure groups used to constraint the financial development.
Citations count: 1
Sudorgin O.A. —
Legal grounds of federal electronic government of the United States
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 4.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.3.25720 URL:
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The subject of this research is the federal electronic government of the United States. The article examines the diverse initiatives (development plans, concepts), as well as the federal normative acts of legislative level that regulate various aspects of electronic (digital) interaction of the United States citizens with the federal government authorities. The author considers the institutional framework of regulation of the electronic government in the United States (agencies, offices), which area of work includes the regulation of multiple aspects of electronic government. The achievements in the area of electronic government alongside the separate specificities of legal regulation of these questions at the federal level are observed. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the block of normative and program acts of the United States federal government with regards to electronic government. The author determines the key directions in development of the federal legislation in the area of regulation of the various aspects of digital interaction of the citizens with the federal government authorities. A number of institutions (administrations, departments, offices, commissions) that directly affect the policy in the area of electronic government, as well as the cooperation of federal government authorities in terms of the indicated questions are examined.
Citations count: 1
Lukarevskaia E. —
Ideology of Seymour Martin Lipset’s “end of ideology”
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 5.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.5.26189 URL:
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The object of this research is the theories of deideologization and reideologization. The subject is S. M. Lipset’s concept of the “end of ideology”. The author analyzes the evolution of this concept on the example of the book by S.M. Lipset “Political man: the social bases of politics”, as well as considers the works of other representatives of deideologization theory. Special attention is given to the nature of the indicated concept and its origins, analyzing the factors of decline of the total ideologies, as well as the features of American society, which according to the opinion of deideologization theoreticians are natural for the open democratic society. The theoretical importance of this work is defined by the analysis of S. M. Lipset’s concept of the “end of ideology” as a product of the expert-ideological community. Examination of the specificity of works of the deideologization representatives encourages the more profound comprehension of the methods and key motives of foreign policy of the United States and European countries at the present time. One of the drawn conclusions implies that the deideologization theory was aimed at the criticism of value orientations of total ideologies.
Citations count: 1
Ovcharov A.O., Ovcharova T.N. —
Complex paradigm of social management
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 130 - 143.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.8.21137 URL:
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The subject of this research is the specificity of management of the social relations and processes. For the modern theory of management, the question of comprehending the nature of social management (its object, structure, area of implementation, etc.) remains open. The article demonstrates that the objective foundation of the complex paradigm of social management lies in the systemic character of the object of management, represented by the society in unity of the constituent elements – subsystems. It is substantiated that the complex approach towards management does not limit the social management by exceptionally social sphere, however, namely within the social sphere, forms its fundamental characteristic – the axiological orientation towards human. Social management extends beyond the social sphere, as well as captures with the management influence the social aspects of all spheres of the society. It is proven that the major role in the complex implementation of target function of the social management is called to be played by the state. Special attention is turned to the institutional environment in the context of ensuring management, place of trust within the institutional environment, and dual role of trust in social management. In studying the problem of trusts as indicator of efficiency of the social management, the work applies the statistical methods of processing the results of sociological surveys. The scientific novelty consists in formulation of the theoretical grounds of complex paradigm of social management, which methodologically ensures the structural and functional reliability of the management. The place of social management in economic, political, social, and cultural subsystems of the society is determined. The authors suggest an original model of the system of state social management, define its parameters, as well as formulate the target function of social management that lies in the support of integrity of the society, its sustainable development considering the human interests. A conclusion is made about the importance of trust, on one hand – as indicator of efficiency of the social management, while on the other – as a social resource, relied upon by the administration in order to produce results.
Citations count: 1
Dubovik O.L. —
Scientific research of the relevant problems of modern world: fusion of politics, law, sociology, philosophy and natural sciences (experience of Germany)
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 37 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.4.30106 URL:
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The subject of this research is the relevant problems of ensuring peace and security through the use of various types of armament; conflicts emerging die to its export to the third countries; as well as the questions of financing the modernization of armed forces and manufacturing of new armament. Information is provided on the positions of German scholars of political science and experts in the field of international relation, formulated in the course of the 5th Seminar on Philosophy in the Center for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Bielefeld. The following conclusions were made: despite the fact that the concept of peace, security, collective security, deconfliction and disarmament are reflected in multiple international documents and national legislation, there is a need for their revision and clarification, since their content defines the policy of the international community and separate countries. Arms trafficking, along with human, environmental and drug trafficking, yields high profits and often contributes to the emergence and escalation of armed, interethnic and religious conflicts. Tightening control over the production of armament is the relevant scientific and practical task.
Citations count: 1
Avatkov V.A. —
The crisis of Turkish identity
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 96 - 103.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.19718 URL:
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The subject of this research is the identity of a modern citizen of Turkey. The article examines the key peculiarities of establishment of Turkish identity and factors that affect its formation in the context of the conducted in the country reforms of domestic and foreign policy, as well as changes taking place in the region and international political arena. Special attention is given to the main political trends and their impact upon the transformation of the subject to disintegration over the recent years identity of Turkey’s citizen, who faces new challenges in search for his place in the country and the world. The main conclusion is based on the analysis of historical and political facts and consist in the following: as a result of internal and external identity crisis, the Republic of Turkey will either move to a new level, having determined its own way of development and preserving territorial integrity, or will face a large crisis.
Citations count: 1
Sokolovskiy K. —
Topical issues of the revival of religiosity in Kazakhstan: the state, confessions, and society
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 102 - 109.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.6.23257 URL:
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Rapid modernization of Kazakhstan’s society at the brink of the XX – XXI centuries became the cause for the unique “religious renaissance”. However, the spiritual revival highlighted the issues, which have never been faced before. The article examines the peculiarities of religious revival in the Republic of Kazakhstan over the period of 1990’s – 2000’s. An attempt is made to analyze the reasons of large-scale desecularization, unprecedented growth of the supporters of one or another confessions (including the new religious movements), as well as identify the challenges of statehood in this regards. Attention is also given to the question of impact of the government executive authorities upon confessions in the context of the declared separation from of church from the state, as well as the implemented measures by the authorities pertaining to the establishment of the system of state-confessional relations under the conditions of dynamic expansion of religiosity of population and broad polycultural field.
Citations count: 1
Popov E.A. —
The role of national textbooks on sociology in conceptualization of the sociological education
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 87 - 95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.9.24101 URL:
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This article analyzes the role of textbooks on sociology in development of the professional sociological education. The author determines certain scientific and pedagogical peculiarities in creation of the textbooks on sociology, as well as demonstrates its impact upon the formation of necessary competencies of the future sociologists. The article establishes the conceptual approaches that affect not only the distinctness of the textbooks on sociology, but also the achievement of the key goals of sociological education. It is underlined that the textbooks of the late XX – beginning of the XXI centuries introduce their own concepts that reflect the dynamics of sociological science, distinct style of presentation of the material, as well answer the established by the federal standard of higher education purpose regarding the training of future sociologist. Accent is also made on the issues and certain didactical difficulties of using the textbooks on sociology in the educational process. The author demonstrates the role of textbooks on sociology in conceptualization of the modern sociological education; analyzes the key trends in development of sociology reflected in various textbooks on sociology; notes the complicated issues associated with the preparation of textbooks on sociology and their application within the educational process.
Citations count: 1
Fedorov V.M. —
Climate policy and national security questions of the Russian Federation
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 80 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.12.24888 URL:
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The subject of this research is the scientific substantiation of the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation. The problem of global climate change, primarily its temperature characteristics, is relevant for the modern science and practice. It is defined by the need for forecasting of consequences of the climatic changes for the natural environment and society. The crucial in examination and forecasting of climate change is the question about the factors causing such changes. The basis of the Russian climate policy lies in the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation that includes the acknowledgment of capability of the anthropogenic factor to influence the climate system of the Earth. The publication leans on the analytical studies of the conducted by the author calculations of the impact of solar radiation upon Earth, results of geophysical research, and analysis of the normative documents pertinent to the climate policy of the Russian Federation. It is demonstrated that the global climate change are determined by the natural factor, the key of which is the shift in the angle of Earth’s axis. Due to receiving of new data about climate, the accepted as a scientific substantiation position on capability of the anthropogenic factor to influence the climate system, appears to be erroneous and constituting a threat to sustainable development and security of the Russian Federation. Thus, necessitates making corrections in the scientific substantiation of the Climate Doctrine of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 1
Sudorgin O.A. —
The concept and prospects of development of e-government in France
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 9 - 13.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.1.25348 URL:
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The subject of this research is the e-government in France. The article examines the various initiatives (development plans, concepts), as well as normative legal acts of legislative and bylaw levels that regulate the different aspects of electronic (digital) interaction of citizens with the French government and local authorities. The author consider the institutional frameworks of regulation of the e-government in France (departments, committees) responsible for controlling the various aspects of e-government. The main prospects of development of the e-government in France are described. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the section of normative and program acts of governmental power of France in the area of e-government. The author determines the key prospects of development of the French legislation in the sphere of regulation of the various aspects of digital interaction of citizens with the state and local authorities. A number of institutions (administrations, departments) that directly affect the policy in the area of e-government are subjected to examination.
Citations count: 1
Kosorukov A.A. —
Public policy within the system of state administration
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 62 - 68.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.4.26029 URL:
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This article examines the theoretical-methodological content of public policy, its place and role within the system of state administration. The author analyzes the research approaches towards the essence of the current public policy in the context of activity of government authorities, as well as under the conditions of development of the modern information technologies of state administration. Special attention is given to releasing the key stages of public policy development in modern Russian since 1993 until the present time, emphasizing the priority vectors of the current Russian public policy. The research methodology contains the historical and analytical methods that allow tracing the peculiarities of establishment of public policy within the system of state administration. The scientific novelty consists in systematization of the key approaches towards comprehension of public policy leaning on the study of modern sources, identification of its most essential characteristics, as well as examination of the priority vectors of the modern Russian public policy, including the initiatives in the area of building the information society and electronic government.
Citations count: 1
Baykov M.D., Pavlov N.M. —
The Religious Factor in the Electoral Behavior of the Voter on the Example of Municipal Elections in Moscow in 2022
// Politics and Society.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 12 - 29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2022.4.39597 EDN: EBOQGP URL:
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The subject of the study of the influence of the religious factor in the electoral behavior of Muscovites. The purpose of the study is to assess the motivation of political choice and the participation of the electorate in the 2022 election campaign in Moscow from the point of view of the religious factor. We have considered aspects of electoral behavior, the significance of the religious factor, and conducted a characteristic of municipal self-government elections in the city of Moscow. The main analytical base of the article was collected as a result of a sociological survey conducted in August 2022, the data of which were obtained through a remote survey via the VKontakte social network, as well as through personal surveys of respondents.
The voter's personal religious beliefs, which formed his attitude to the candidate, as well as the declared religiosity of the candidate himself, affecting his image, were established as a source of forming attitudes towards the candidate. Our research allowed us to form an opinion on the impact of the religious factor on the political sympathies of the electorate. Often, the political choice depends on the ethical and moral ideas formed by religion, with the help of which the program and the candidate's image are evaluated. At the same time, the electoral behavior of the voter is not dependent on his religiosity. We hope to continue our research to further understand the value of a religious resource in creating motivation for political participation among the electorate.
Citations count: 1
Goncharov V.V. —
On some questions related to definition of the concept of social control over government in Russia: constitutional-legal analysis
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 8.
– P. 65 - 74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.8.27190 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the constitutional-legal analysis of some questions related to definition of the concept of social control over government in Russia. The author examines the genesis of the concept of social control over government in philosophical and legal literature since the moment of its origination until the present stage. Analysis of the concept of social control is conducted through the prism of the definition of power in a broad sense (as a philosophical and general sociological category), as well as in a narrow sense (as a legal category). The following methods were applied in course of this research: comparative law; historical; formal-logical; statistical; sociological studies. Based on the analysis of current legislation, the author considers and classifies the forms of exercising the government and municipal authoritative powers by the nongovernmental organizations. The work substantiates and provides original definitions to the concepts of power as a philosophical and general sociological category, as well as legal category. The author formulates the concept of social control over government.
Citations count: 1
Egorov S. —
Legal Regulation for Ensuring the Integrity of the Russian Scientific Certification System
// Politics and Society.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 46 - 58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2023.4.43802.2 EDN: PYXLPH URL:
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This article is devoted to the issue of preserving the integrity of the Russian state system of scientific certification in the context of the growing diversity of regulatory and legal acts, as well as practices for awarding academic degrees. The recent expansion of the autonomy of a number of scientific and educational organizations raises a number of doubts, primarily related to the ability to ensure equal rights and opportunities for applicants for academic degrees in different parts of the system. This article provides a comparative analysis of state acts and regulatory acts of organizations that carry out procedures for the independent awarding of academic degrees. In the course of this study, three subsystems were identified that operate according to comparable rules but provide different rights and opportunities. The first subsystem is dissertation councils under the leadership of the Higher Attestation Commission and Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science. There, a place is occupied by special dissertation councils, in which the applicant avoids the publication of articles and the text of the dissertation, as well as other publicity requirements. The second subsystem is formed by scientific and educational organizations found on a special list. Similar norms and requirements apply within the framework of their local regulations, but there are also noticeable differences. These include reducing the number of dissertation councils, including candidates of sciences in them, the possibility of defending a candidate's thesis in the form of a scientific report, etc. The third subsystem includes spiritual education organizations awarding theological degrees. The ambiguity of the attitude toward such degrees remains at the federal legislation level. Theological degrees are recognized along with other academic degrees during state licensing and accreditation procedures, but their holders are not guaranteed mandatory surcharges, apostille affixing, etc. The analysis made it possible to identify indicators that are important for checking the integrity of the system and determining the direction of its improvement.
Citations count: 1
Rudenkin D. —
The specificity of response of youth audience to the reflection of social problems in video blogs: the case of the video “HIV in Russia” on YouTube channel “Vdud”
// Politics and Society.
– 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 53 - 67.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.2.36242 URL:
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This article discusses the peculiarities of the response of youth audience to coverage of relevant social problems in popular video blogs. The characteristic trend in the development of video blogs of recent years is the content that addresses socially significant problems, rather than carries entertaining connotation. The emergence of such trend raises the question of how the audience that is accustomed to view video blogs as the source of entertainment responds to such serious content. The author seeks the answer to this question by referring to the analysis of a specific case of reflecting the socially significant problem in a video blog – release of the film “HIV in Russia” on YouTube channel “Vdud”. The main results consists in revealing the specific features of the response of youth audience to the reflection of important social problems in video blogs. The analysis demonstrates that the reflection of such topics in video blogs may cause numerous curiosity among youth, which encourages young people to watch the corresponding video. Moreover, watching such video may form not only the basic representation of social problems, but also a desire of young people to learn more about such problems. The analysis also indicates that the effects of watching such content can be local and short-term: interest in new information vanishes quickly, rather than leads to serious changes in assessments and behavioral patterns of young people.
Citations count: 1
Khelik A.S. —
Ideological sources of the Russian sociopolitical publicism of the late XV – early XVI centuries
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 149 - 154.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.3.19532 URL:
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The subject of this research is the Russian sociopolitical publicism of the late XV – early XVI centuries. The article makes an attempt to analyze the content of several key monuments of this phenomenon, as well as determine the main sources, which the Russian bookmen leant upon during composing their works. Ideas contained in the examined texts, became the foundation for establishment of valuable and influential fort the ideology of the Muscovite State ideals and images, as well as political concepts. Analysis of such texts as “Message to Ugra of Vassian Rylo”, “Message of the Elder Philotheus”, “Message on Monomakh’s Gifts” (“Message of Spiridon Savva”) prove the high value of the biblical text as a source of principal ideas and images of the publicism in the brink of the XV-XVI centuries. Based on the biblical text and its interpretations, the compositions contained a number of spiritual-political images and concepts that later have been applied in structuring of the ideological concept of government of Tsardom of Muscovy, which has not been previously examined within the framework of political science.
Citations count: 1
Zubkov S.A. —
The experience of global federations of trade unions in solving the social dumping issues
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 11.
– P. 63 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.11.24567 URL:
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The subject of this research is the opposition of global federations of trade unions that are an industry branch of the world trade union movement to the practice of implementation by the multinational corporations of precarious work and other forms of social dumping, which represents a threat to exercising of the socioeconomic rights of employees. The object of this research is the world trade union movement as a participant of international relations. The author analyzes the experience of holding by the International Transport Workers' Federation – the leading global federation of the transport workers of campaigns against the “flags of convenience” as a form of counteracting the social dumping in the branch of maritime traffic. The article also examines the evolution of applied forms and methods of work throughout over 50 years of experience in holding the campaigns. The main conclusion lies in the need for expanding the range of countermeasure of all branches of the world trade union movement against social dumping considering the acquired experience. The author’s special contribution consists in generalization of practice of opposition of the International Transport Workers' Federation in the course of running campaigns against the “flags of convenience” to the forms of social dumping by the multinational corporations.
Citations count: 1
Gasanov O.S., Ryzhov I.V. —
The current state of Russian-Azerbaijani relations.
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 6.
– P. 32 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.6.22701 URL:
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The subject of the study is the current stage of Russian-Azerbaijani relations at the interstate level. The authors examined and analyzed the main spheres of cooperation between the two states, such as economic, energy, military-political, humanitarian and cultural, in order to track the evolution of the Azerbaijani-Russian relations from the moment of their formation, and also to show the transition to a new, higher-quality level of development , Reflected in the foreign policy strategies of the two states, in addition, the authors give a brief description of the state of bilateral relations in the post-Soviet period. The authors used general scientific methods, namely: analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis as the main method of studying specific foreign policy initiatives of Azerbaijan and Russia, as well as the principle of objectivity, which helped to identify the main trends in the development of bilateral Azerbaijani-Russian cooperation. Using the system-analytical method, the concrete results of the agreements on strategic partnership in various fields have been evaluated. Combination of these methods allow identifying that beginning from 2000's, Russia and Azerbaijan have systematically reached the level of strategic partnership. The importance of interstate cooperation is supported by the corresponding statements the leaders of both states, intergovernmental visits and meetings at the highest level, as well as particular foreign policy steps. Assessing the full extent of cooperation in various fields, it can be said that Russia and Azerbaijan have a good reserve for further development of bilateral relations, even despite some problematic areas.
Citations count: 1
Anisimov R.S., Kombarov V.Y. —
Right-wing authoritarianism in Modern Russia in the conditions of the “state of emergency”
// Politics and Society.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 17 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.4.33876 URL:
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This article is dedicated to examination of the phenomenon of right-authoritarian personality (RWA), or more specifically, the theoretical, methodological and applied use of this concept within the framework of Giorgio Agamben’s concept of the "state of emergency". This study reveals the intolerance and lack of flexibility of an increasing number of people in modern Russia as deliberately cultivated by the state apparatus for the more effective ideological and hybrid military confrontation with many countries of the world. This provision is interpreted as the "state of emergency", in which according to the theory of Giorgio Agamben, punitive measures can be applied against the citizens bypass the law. Personality is viewed through the prism of actualization by the situation of the "state of emergency" of the authoritarian right-wing traits within its structure that contribute to the maintenance of totalitarian tendencies in the society. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the role and nature of the impact of social transformations defined as emergency upon actualization of the right-authoritarian traits in the structure of personality. Verification of the hypotheses is carried out in the course of empirical research with the use of various questionnaires for determining certain preferences in the cultural and social spheres of life, as well as what can be perceived as the social threat by right-wing authoritarians in the conditions of the “state of emergency”. Particular attention is given to the mechanism of actualization of right authoritarian tendencies in a person, as well as to the analysis of Giorgio Agamben’s concept of the “state of emergency”. Examination of this concept from sociological perspective is a long-run objective. The are no similar studies in the Russia science; thus, it is of particular interest to consider the results of analysis based on certain peculiarities in Russia.
Citations count: 1
Alasheev S. —
Color perception in mass consciousness
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 8.
– P. 117 - 129.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.8.21664 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the problem of color perception in mass consciousness, as well as provides the results of representative sociological research on the question of selecting the preferred color by residents of one of the typical provincial cities of Russia. The author reviews the peculiarities of color selection for various socio-demographic, political, and socio-psychological groups. The acquired results are interpreted from the perspective of different methodological approaches towards the assessment of color perception: physiological and psychological. Semantic explanation of the phenomenon of color perception in the context of reasoning of Pavel Florensky is suggested. Methodology of this research is structured upon the application of general logical methods of scientific study alongside the method of interpreting the obtained data in various theories of color perception. The author attempts to illustrate that articulation of the color preferences manifests as one of the characteristics of social self-consciousness. Color palette of the preferences (triad blue-red-green) is immanently presents in any of the statistically important group of the respondents. Thus, color perception is the original element of mass consciousness that manifests as a ethno-cultural specificity of population.
Citations count: 1
Osipov E.A. —
Primary election in the French Fifth Republic
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 5.
– P. 38 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.5.23071 URL:
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In November of 2016 and January of 2017, the two largest party of France – the Republicans and Socialist Party, held the open primary election for nominating their candidate for the presidential elections. The article analyzed the causes for holding the primary election, as well as their consequences for the French political system. The author comes to a conclusion that despite the number of obvious advantages that are common to such event in various countries, it led to negative results in France by discrediting the future of the two major political powers and existence of the system of Fifth Republic. Method of this research consists in the analysis of just-completed presidential campaign in France. Leaning on the central French news media, the author examines the impact of prime election upon the final result of the presidential elections of 2017. The recently ended presidential campaign in France became unique for the Fifth Republic. There is yet no published material on this matter in the Russian or foreign historiography, which defines the scientific novelty of this article.
Citations count: 1
Shiryaeva Y.S., Petrova O.V., Patino J., Pertseva L.N. —
Assessment of performance of the local self-governance in the context of considering public opinion: the experience of Nizhny Novgorod Region
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 11.
– P. 35 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.11.24584 URL:
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The subject of this research is the methods of assessing performance of the local authorities and consideration of public opinion in terms of implementing such method. The authors examine the indexes of assessment of performance of the local authorities and their correlation to the criteria of population content with the organization of activity of the population of municipal formation. The article observes the experience of Nizhny Novgorod Region in the area of assessment of performance of the local authorities and organization of the population opinion poll with regards to their content with the work of the authorities. The materials of the contemporary authors on this matter are being examined. During the course of this research has been determined the discrepancy between the calculated rate of the performance of local authorities and the population content. Thus, the district of Navashino and Tonshaevsky hold the leading position, while the urban districts of Shakhunya holds the outsider position upon two indexes. The urban district Sarov and Volodarsky district have the completely opposite rating upon the indexes under consideration. The work identifies the possible reasons of discrepancy of the analyzed indexes.
Citations count: 1
Lomova A. —
Phenomenon of humanitarian security in the policy of European Union
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 12.
– P. 35 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.12.25032 URL:
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The subject of this article is the phenomenon of humanitarian security. The author examines its evolution, theoretical implications, and practical implementation on the empirical material of the European Union. Hypothesis of this work consists in the fact that EU due to the reason of normative character of its political essence in foreign policy strategy and solving the domestic issues and crises, first and foremost focuses on the policy of humanitarian security. The author argues that humanitarian security has a significant potential for development of the political narratives of the European Union. The principles of humanitarian security are considered in the EU official documents, works of the European experts, as well as EU foreign policy in the area of security and development. The author comes to a conclusion that in various interpretations, the main content of the humanitarian security concepts lies in concentrating attention on the individual as the prime object of security. Such approach has become the standard of policy, marker for the European diplomacy and Common Security and Defense Policy. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the EU policy through the prism of ensuring humanitarian security becomes the subject of special political analysis in the national science for the first time.
Citations count: 1
Eremina N., Konfisakhor A.G., Solonnikov D.V. —
Liberal democracy in evolution of the Euro-Atlantic geo-civilization (prior and after election of Donald Trump as the President of the United States)
// Politics and Society.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 18 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2019.1.27568 URL:
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The subject of this research is the factor of election of D. Trump in the development of Euro-Atlantic community; the object is the evolution of Euro-Atlantic geo-civilization. The authors examine the characteristic features of the Euro-Atlantic community, principles of the so-called Euro-Atlantic solidarity, theoretical views upon the problem of globalism of liberal democracy, distribution of liberal democracy and decrease of its influence, foreign policy strategies of the United States, their practical implementation, cooperation of the states belonging to the Euro-Atlantic geo-civilizational circle, as well as the states regarded to the various geo-civilizational realms. The study is based on the geo-civilizational approach for comprehensive analysis of the external and internal characteristics of the large territory (geo-civilizational realm), which comprise the sustainable elements of its evolution and allow demonstrating the interdependence of the sociopolitical development upon the establishment of international formats of cooperation between the “affined” from geo-civilizational perspective countries and shift of the internal liberal-democratic ideology outwards. The following conclusions were made: liberal ideology is reflected in the approaches of liberal hegemony; the so-called liberal values predetermined the formation of the unified liberal-democratic world, the affiliation to which depends on their recognition; currently, there can be observed not only the emergence of the new hybrid form of liberalism, but also the revival of the ideas of nationalism and traditionalism; the future of liberalism in many ways depends on its positions with the United States after the election of D. Trump as the Presidents, who already started amending its interpretation, mostly within the framework of foreign policy. The scientific novelty lies in the statement that the problem of liberal-democratic globalism is examined through the prism of geo-civilizational approach.
Citations count: 1
Atlaskirov A.R. —
The problem of establishment of All-Russian identity in multinational regions of North Caucasus
// Politics and Society.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 26 - 32.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2021.1.34728 URL:
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The dissolution of the Soviet Union actualized the problems of seeking the spiritual guidelines for further development of the country in the nascent civil society. The “new” elite that separated from the yesterday’s Komsomol workers, saw itself as part of the rich and progressive West. However, building the single social, economic, and cultural community with Europe did not turn out successful. Therefore, the processes of seeking spiritual grounds and establishing an integral, unique, All-Russian identity became particularly relevant. The research carried out among youth on the national and regional levels, demonstrate different citizens’ assessments of their identity: All-Russian and regional. If All-Russian identity is more characteristic to the residents of large cities, then the majority of young residents of the national republics of North Caucasus prioritize their regional identity. The expert survey conducted in the Kabardino-Balkar Republic reveals that in the expert community, All-Russian and regional identities are equally important. It is also noted that some regions of North Caucasus are characterized by proliferation of the ideas of consolidation around the ethnic identity of closely related peoples residing in different regions of Russia and the world. For example, the sociopolitical environment of Turkic-speaking peoples indicates the political and cultural movement of Pan-Turkism, which is focused on consolidation of all Turkic peoples. In the central and western regions of North Caucasus prevail the Circassian social movements, which promote consolidation of the scattered Circassian communities in the regions of southern Russia.
Citations count: 1
Ivanov O. —
Russian legislation about the public supervision and management of sociopolitical conflicts
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 10.
– P. 37 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.10.24325 URL:
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This article examines the intrinsic side of people’s interaction in the society – conflict, particularly the sociopolitical conflict. Representing a social process, the sociopolitical conflict is characterized by manageability, in other words, susceptibility to the external organizing beginning. The contemporary Russian society is exemplified by the gradual increase of the amount of citizens who actively expresses their discontent with the forms and methods of government’s response upon the social requests. This work is an attempt to analyze the relevant state, main trends, and most probable development prospects of the existing sociopolitical conflicts. The author examines the specificity of relationship between the state and civil society in modern Russia in the context of their participation in the political management. It is demonstrated that the conflict state of society is a results of realization and understanding of the surrounding social environment, a distinct form of the response of population upon the activity of the government. Legislative recognition of the priority of human rights and establishment of state responsibility for their protection does not ensure the actual discharge of constitutional obligations by the government authorities. The scientific novelty and practical importance of this research consist in systemic analysis of the social and political conflicts and their interconnection pertinent to the modern Russian reality, as well as the analysis of the status of institution of public supervision, application of its potential in managing the sociopolitical conflicts. The author indicates that Russia has created an essential legislative base, but the authorities attempts to institutionalize the sociopolitical conflicts, develop and implement the new managing methods. At the same time, the legitimate status of the institutions of public supervisions as a whole, including their functions in managing the sociopolitical conflicts, does not correspond with the established relations and expectations of the society. Thus, if the government will not actively develop the alternative institutions for managing the sociopolitical conflicts, the existing level of protest moods in Russia can significantly increase and create a perceived threat to the sustainability of the acting government.
Citations count: 1
Karpovich O.G. —
Conceptual framework and evolution of domestic policy of the Russian Federation in North Caucasian Federal District
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 70 - 88.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.4.18694 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the examination of framework of domestic policy of the Russian Federation in a particular administrative formation – North Caucasian Federal District, and primarily the strategic goals and tasks resolved by the federal center in the region at present stage. The tool for resolution of these tasks lies in the plan of unification of the North Caucasian subjects in the context of new formation – North Caucasian Federal District, with establishment of specific architecture of administration, vertical and horizontal connections. It is underlined that such administrative decision is adjusted to the certain conditions, specificity, and peculiarities of North Caucasus, considering the polycultural, polyconfessional, ethnic diversity of the region, as well as presence of various forms of the subjects – national republics, and exceptionally territorial subject Stavropol Krai. The author notes that evolution in relationship between the federal center and regional authorities of North Caucasian Federal District had two main sources. On one hand, the activity of competent representatives of the President in the district, the most ambitious of whom was Dmitry Kozak. On the other hand – revision of the approach towards solution of the problems of North Caucasus at federal level that resulted in creation of the Ministry of North Caucasus Affairs in 2014. It responsibilities included the formulation of the projects of government programs on development of North Caucasus, coordination of the work aimed at implementation of these programs in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 1
Gromoglasova E.S. —
Challenges of forced migration through the prism of concept and practice of global management
// Politics and Society.
– 2017. – ¹ 11.
– P. 82 - 95.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2017.11.24126 URL:
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The subject of this research is the most recent trends in development of the legal, institutional, and financial instruments of the international response policy upon the challenges of forced migration. The goal of this work is to determine whether the global management had expanded onto solution of the issues of involuntary displacement of the large groups of people. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the phenomenon of forced migration has been analyzed as a planetary problem. The article leans on the principles of historicism and objectivity, as well as historical-genetic method. Based on the analysis of decisions of several international forums and conferences, it is demonstrated that forced migration that expands beyond national boundaries or stays within, is more often recognized as a global issue. Such realization is a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of all-encompassing and involving all interested sides process of global risk management caused by forced migration. However, due to a number of factors, mostly because of the “sensitivity” of the questions on the domestic forced migration for the national states, the global management in such problem-thematic direction remains at the initial stage of establishment. Nevertheless, activation of the process of searching the general answers to the unprecedented in scale and complexity challenges of forced displacement, increases the relevance of conclusions of the conducted research about the gradual occurrence of the new spheres of global responsibility applied not only to refugees and individuals looking for asylum, but also the domestically migrated persons.
Citations count: 1
Osipov E.A. —
Secular education in the conditions of the advancement of religion: the example of France
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 66 - 73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.2.25463 URL:
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This article demonstrates the factors of the advancement of religiosity in radical forms among the youth in outskirts of large French cities, as well as the impact of this process upon the development of education system in the country. The author minutely analyzes the issues experienced by the teachers in secular schools and colleges under the conditions of actual penetration of the religious questions and dogmas into educational process. The article also presents the possible ways out of the crisis of national and religious identity that has developed in France. This work is prepared based on the contemporary French literature and primarily the recently released book “Director of College or Imam of the Republic”, which rapidly gained popularity in France. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the text provides an “inward glance” upon the problems of the French secondary education. Considering the popularity of religious organizations among youth worldwide, the presented in the article solutions to the problem carry universal character and are suitable not only for the Fifth Republic.
Citations count: 1
Bolnitskaya A.N. —
Social work in the north region
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 9.
– P. 53 - 62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.9.26641 URL:
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This article demonstrates the process of evolution of social work in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The content of social work is revealed through the main development trends of the system of social services of population in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The author conducts a theoretical overview of social work applicable to a separate region with its territorial peculiarities – low population density, isolation of rural localities from the center of the republic, which influences the extent of exercising the social rights of the citizens residing in remote districts of the republic. The author reviews the role of social policy of the government in advancement of social work and nongovernmental forms of social services. The theoretical-methodological foundation includes the institutional and systemic approaches; the empirical base is the results pf questionnaire survey and statistical analysis. The analysis of development trends of social work in the northern region is presented within the framework of the course of government social policy, particularly, the involvement of nongovernmental organizations into rendering social services. The research materials may be practically valuable for the specialist and educators in the area of social policy and social work.
Citations count: 1
Ralevic D. —
Conceptual framework of “soft security” of the European Union in Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy
// Politics and Society.
– 2018. – ¹ 11.
– P. 29 - 36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2018.11.27948 URL:
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The subject of this research is the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy until 2016. The object of this research is the “soft security” of the European Union as the new form of security in the XXI century due to deviation from the traditional understanding of security exclusively in the military aspect and emergence of the new nontraditional aspects that significantly affect security – economy, energy, migration, cybersecurity, terrorism. The article provides the analysis of conceptual framework of “soft security” in the context of Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy until 2016. The method of induction allowed shifting from separate factors to general positions; content analysis of the EU Global Strategy until 2016 helped to determine the importance of “soft security” for the modern European system of security. The author analyzes the EU perspective on “soft security” for the modern system of European security, as well as draws conclusion on the substantial changes in the security environment of the European continent, significance of development of the new mechanisms, tools and vectors of ensuring soft security in the pan-European realm.
Citations count: 1
Shugurov M.V. —
New era of uncertainties: COVID-19 and its impact on Brazil
// Politics and Society.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 50 - 81.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0684.2020.4.34137 URL:
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This article is aimed at the analysis of social and economic consequences on the novel COVID-19 in Brazil. Brazil has faced multiple problems in fighting pandemic that negatively affected millions of people around the world. The goal of this research lies in determination of the problems that were illuminated by the pandemic in Brazilian society. Analysis is conducted on the consequence of pandemic for Brazil, namely with regards to minorities that rely on the government aid, and the system of public healthcare overall. The article also indicates the mistakes made by the current authorities during pandemic, when due to lack of organization, multiple institutions could not render basic help to reduce the consequences of the chaotic situation faced by the country. As the largest country in South America, Brazil struggled the most in the region; therefore, studying the impact of COVID-19 upon the socioeconomic system of the country is a relevant topic. The article explores the official database and media materials to acquire information on the responsive measures of the government in such sectors as employment, education and healthcare. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of information that demonstrate the impact of pandemic upon the lives of millions of people in Brazil.