Glebova L.N.
Vectors of development of educational activities in general education institutions on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71088 EDN: PYIAGX URL:
The article considers a modern approach to the organization of educational activities in educational institutions on the example of the organization of such activities in the Nizhny Novgorod region of the Volga region. A feature of the modern education system is a high level of sensitivity to changes in the educational process: the content, forms and methods, assessing the relevance of events, responding to what is happening in the experience of actions, the evolution of teaching teams, those communities that deal with children outside school, are engaged in achieving effective educational activities. The urgency of the problem is associated with significant changes in the activities of all specialists and employees of educational institutions in Russia who participate in the educational process in one way or another. There is an urgent demand in Russian educational institutions for competent personnel in the field of education of the younger generation, which is due to the request of the state, becomes a prerequisite and one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the educational organization. The experience of training the personnel potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Volga Federal District, Russia) confirms the expediency of creating platforms for the exchange of experience in different areas where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum platforms for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and specialists of educational authorities in charge of education issues in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The experience of training the personnel potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Volga Federal District, Russia) confirms the expediency of creating platforms for the exchange of experience in different areas, where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum sites for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and management specialists educational institutions responsible for issues of education in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
children, employees of educational institutions, children's public organizations, teaching staff, the educational process, education, educational institutions, educational activities, human resources potential, education program
Simankova A.A.
Features of the organization of research activities in a general education institution on the example of the Lyceum "ISTEK"
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 16-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71886 EDN: QTUIJS URL:
The article provides a theoretical analysis of the features of research activities in a general education institution. The system of research activities of the Lyceum "ISTEK" is described. The subject of the study: the organization of research activities in the Lyceum "ISTEK". The goal is to improve the system of scientific research activities at the Lyceum ISTEK. The involvement of students in scientific activities is a necessary condition for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary general, basic general and secondary general education (dated 02/22/2024). This sets the formation of cognitive interest in educational activities and readiness for self-development and continuing education. The organization of research activities should be an integral part of the educational process at school. Research activities contribute to the formation of general cultural and scientific values among students, forms a system of subject skills and personal qualities that meet the requirements of the standard. The work uses theoretical research methods (forecasting, comparison, analysis of concepts and terms, literature analysis) and empirical (observation, testing, questionnaires). A survey of students in grades 7-11 was conducted in order to identify the predominance of cognitive motives for learning and, as a result, involvement in research activities. During the theoretical analysis of the literature, it was revealed that research activity is defined in modern research as a condition for the personal development of a student, an indicator of individuality, creativity, readiness for self-realization and growth, it contributes to the development of cognitive needs and interests of students; forms a worldview; develops creative research skills; activates knowledge acquisition; promotes the development of the personality of the subject exercises, etc. The conducted research proved the need to implement a systematic approach in the organization of research activities at the ISTEK Lyceum. The main advantages of a systematic approach to the organization of research activities at the ISTEK Lyceum: – The development of intellectual abilities of students. – Formation of interest in science. – Preparation for future professional activity. – Development of students' creative potential. – Success in the future. This approach is an important element of successful learning and contributes to the development of the student's personality.
practical skills, cognitive activity, search interest, a systematic approach, research skills, intellectual abilities, creative activity, educational institution, research activities, forms of scientific research activity
Innovative methodology and technology
Pasholikov M.S.
Development of the ecosystem of educational activities and youth policy of the University based on an event-based approach
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 26-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72051 EDN: ZYTVIU URL:
The formation of a youth policy at the university is an important criterion for the development of a student's personality. Modern higher education requires not only a simple transfer of knowledge, but also the formation of values, skills and competencies among students. Educational activities and youth policy of the university play a special role in this process. One of the key aspects of this process is the creation and development of an appropriate ecosystem - a set of interacting elements that provides optimal conditions for the development of students as individuals, citizens and professionals. The basis for the successful functioning of the university ecosystem of youth policy and educational activities can be an event-based approach, which involves the creation of a continuous stream of activities that can involve students in various activities, contributing to their personal growth and development. The use of educational events to develop students' skills is widely used today in educational institutions of various levels around the world. At the same time, the process of developing social engagement of modern students is inextricably linked with the process of improving the professionalism of teachers, namely, the development by the teacher of new ways and forms of interaction with students in the organization of educational and extracurricular activities. The rapidly changing demands of modern society on the professional competencies and qualities of a teacher pose the task of higher education institutions to create effective training and education programs for specialists. In this context, the event approach is an innovative methodological concept based on experience, reflection and socio-cultural analysis. The event-based approach contributes to the development of professionalism of future teachers and the formation of their readiness for difficult situations that they may encounter in their professional activities.
digital ecosystem, educational ecosystem, teachers training, pedagogical university, professional education, educational activities, youth policy, event-based approach, ecosystem approach, project activities
Person and personal development
Rizhkov A.A.
Features of the value of a safe lifestyle of adolescents with deviant behavior
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 42-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72133 EDN: CBBUSZ URL:
The subject of the study is the value of a safe lifestyle of adolescents with deviant behavior. The author reveals the essence of the value of a safe lifestyle through related values, safety, lifestyle, and safe behavior. By the value of a safe lifestyle of adolescents, the author understands a subjective attitude to safe behavior, reflecting socio-cultural values, as well as norms and rules concerning a safe existence that must be observed in various life situations. The author defines the components of the value of a safe lifestyle: cognitive, motivational, and regulatory. Social disadvantage leads to the deformation of the image of teenagers, the emergence of deviations, with which they try to change the world around them. The implementation of deviant behavior is becoming more and more spontaneous, without a stable motive and planning. The methods of researching the value of a safe lifestyle were testing, questionnaires, a survey method and a method for diagnosing situations, methods of statistical data processing (2 – Pearson criterion). The novelty of the study is the concretization of the concept of the value of a safe lifestyle, the structure of the value of a safe lifestyle of adolescents is empirically confirmed, the features of the value of a safe lifestyle of adolescents with deviant behavior are revealed. Based on empirical data, the peculiarities of the formation of the value of a safe lifestyle for adolescents with deviant behavior have been established: adolescents with deviant behavior have insufficiently formed knowledge about safe life, the value of safety is more represented at the level of beliefs, the orientation of motivation to study safe behavior is represented by external positive and negative motives, they do not comply with safety norms and rules in their life. They do not lead an active lifestyle, have bad habits, volitional self-regulation of which is characterized by impulsivity and instability of intentions, low self-control of behavior in various life situations.
value orientations, adolescents, safety rules, the value of security, a safe lifestyle, lifestyle, safe behavior, safety, value, deviant behavior
Values and goals of education
Skorokhodova S.I.
On the issue of worldview and values in the context of teaching the course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood"
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 57-70.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72044 EDN: JHPKFE URL:
The purpose of the study is to consider the ideological principles and value orientations of Russian civilization in the framework of the course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" (ORG). The novelty lies in the fact that the third section ("Russian worldview and values of Russian civilization") is considered as the ideological core of the new discipline. In addition, the special role of teachers in the protection of common cultural identity is emphasized. The tasks are to reveal in ORG classes the originality of the Russian worldview, which harmoniously combines a practical orientation with a spiritual and moral basis; to form the idea that the learning process cannot take place completely without discussions of philosophical and socio-historical topics, since teachers influence the course of the history of the people and are responsible for the fate of his Fatherland. According to the author, it is important to give a philosophical understanding of values in lectures so that students perceive them not as an installation, but as a manifestation of our historically developed holistic worldview. The article compares the Russian and Western worldview models. It is shown that the accusation of our Fatherland of aggression was used as information propaganda: the plans of world domination are alien to the Russian idea. It is noted that the question of Russia's survival lies in putting forward its own Russian-centric ideology, which should be determined by the "soil". The methods used in the course of the research are historical, comparative, hermeneutical, and analytical. The author of the article concludes that the Russian worldview is creative, it is original and includes religious, scientific, philosophical and artistic components in its unity. Spiritual and moral constants are manifested in the integrity of thinking and semantic imagery of the Russian language, which has played an important role in the formation of Russia as a state-civilization, being a tool for expressing the identity of different peoples, contributing to the preservation and development of the cultural diversity of the country. Russian philosophy's key center is the idea of the "contemplative heart". Our national worldview is tinged with life-affirming pathos, permeated with faith in the salvation of the world, and has a Messianic basis. The author is convinced that pedagogical activity should restore and strengthen the socio-cultural and spiritual foundations of Russian civilization, the strength and viability of which has been proven historically: only on this foundation can the sovereignty of the country be ensured.
the Russian-centric ideology, Russian civilization, education, the Russian idea, The foundations of Russian statehood, patriotism, traditional values, national worldview, identity, a sovereign State
Developing pedagogical technologies
Marinina Y.A., Latukhina A.L.
Continuing education courses as a segment of the model of organizational and methodological support for teaching the Russian language in the Republic of India
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 71-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72362 EDN: VPULWX URL:
The article presents an analysis of the demand for additional education courses in the Russian language among students and teachers of universities in the Republic of India. The study is based on the experience of working at the Center for Open Education in Russian and Russian Language Teaching of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, opened by the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after K. Minin on the basis of the Chaudhary Charan Singh University in Meerut. Surveys of students and teachers of universities in India showed a high interest in learning the Russian language, the respondents' expectations can be divided into two blocks: acquaintance with the Russian language and culture in a group of students who are just beginning to learn Russian, and the desire to improve their speaking and writing skills in Russian, and improve their teaching methods in a group of master's students, postgraduates, and teachers. The demand for courses in the study of the Russian language and Russian culture, their high rating by students indicates the effectiveness of using this teaching format. In connection with the introduction of the New Education Policy (2020), the status of the Russian language is changing in the Republic of India. The Russian language, along with other foreign languages, is included in the training program for schoolchildren. Consequently, the need for Russian language teachers at various levels of education is growing – both in universities and in schools. Short-term courses of additional education addressed to different categories of students, and advanced training courses for Russian language teachers are capable of filling the educational gaps that arise with the increasing interest in the Russian language and culture among Indian citizens.
methods of teaching Russian language, methodological support, teacher of Russian language, communicative competence, professional competencies, Center for Open Education, additional education courses, educational intensive, Russian as a foreign language, educational model
The communication process
Gur'yanchik V.N.
Latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant youth behavior
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 86-96.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72780 EDN: XTTETI URL:
The aim of the research is to study latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant behavior of young people in the digital environment. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the manifestation of hidden forms of deviation in the digital environment. The methodological basis of the study is the sociocultural approach, which considers the priority of generally accepted norms and patterns of behavior in a particular social group. An online survey questionnaire was used as the main research method. The questionnaire included 23 questions aimed at studying the personal perception and understanding by young people of manifestations of deviant behavior in the digital environment and the model of responding to such manifestations. The content-semantic and behavioral aspects of the respondents' attitude to the object under study predetermined the structure of the questionnaire and the content of its questions, namely: the degree of involvement of students in digital communications, the presence and characteristics of the target audience's experience. 350 students from 19 universities in the country, located in 12 regions, took part in the survey. Among the respondents, 88 men (25.1%) and 262 women (74.9%). The average age of the survey participants was 20,136 years. Secondary processing of the data obtained during the study was carried out using correlation analysis (the r-Spearman correlation criterion). The scientific significance of the results obtained lies in rethinking existing ideas about norms and deviations from them in the context of digitalization, which allows for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of formation of latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant behavior in the digital space and its connection with changes in the social environment.
prevention, students, global childhood, youth, latent forms of deviation, Internet-mediated forms of deviation, deviant behavior, digital deviation, digital socialization, digital space
Educational psychology
Bochkina E.V.
A folk tale as a way of developing ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world of preschoolers
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 97-112.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72287 EDN: YFKATQ URL:
The subject of the study is the concepts of time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world of preschoolers. The object of the study is the level of development of ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world of preschoolers. The purpose of the research is to develop ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world using fairy tales. This article is devoted to the study of the influence of purposeful activities based on fairy tales on the development of ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world. The first part of the article analyzes the psychological, pedagogical, philosophical and medical literature devoted to the problem of research. In the process of theoretical analysis, it was revealed that the picture of the world is considered as an integral pedagogical category, which reflects the degree of understanding of the world and the events taking place in it at the level of systematization and generalization of knowledge previously acquired by a person. The concepts of time and space are a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world. These ideas are among the first to develop in a child. For children of early and preschool age these ideas are unconscious. In order for them to become conscious, it is necessary to carry out their purposeful development. Based on the theoretical analysis, we have identified the methodological basis of our research and compiled its design. A complex of formative classes based on fairy tales was conducted with children of senior preschool age during one school year. The result of the conducted formative classes was the revealed effectiveness of formative classes in the experimental group. Children have become better able to navigate in time intervals and determine spatial directions. Ideas about the world have expanded. The ability to set and solve search tasks has appeared. This is justified by the fact that children from the experimental group increased the level of development of ideas about time and space as a subsystem of a holistic picture of the world by 30% and 25%, while in the control group these indicators increased by 5% and 4%, which is a minor change.
representations, preschool development, a holistic picture of the world, folklore, space, time, fairy tale, older preschoolers, preschool age, social time