International law and international organizations interaction
Svetskiy, A.V. (2023). The role of WMO in the legal regulation of the use of modern technologies for processing meteorological data and forecasting. International Law and International Organizations, 3, 1–12.
The author examines the activities of the international community in the field of climate and weather forecasting on the example of the activities of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), whose members are more than 180 states, including the Russian Federation. The goals of this organization are determined, as well as the main activities to date, including the main projects in the field of climate forecasting. WMO projects such as "GROKO", WMO Information Systems included in strategic plans implemented by the organization within a period of 4 years are being considered. The interaction of WMO with Member States, as well as with other international organizations, for example, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), was considered. The author analyzes the activities of the WMO and examines the last World Meteorological Congress, held from May 22 to June 2. The key points that were put up for discussion are reviewed. Conclusions are drawn on the updated WMO policy, taking into account the statements made by the congress participants. The author also discusses the role of modern technologies in weather forecasting, as well as artificial intelligence (AI) in particular. Examples and possible legal problems of the use at the international level of various means of obtaining information about various climatic phenomena and natural disasters throughout the planet Earth are given.
natural phenomena, remote sensing, artificial intelligence, modern technologies, legal regulation, WMO, UN, environment, weather, climate
Duben, A.K. (2023). Experience of international cooperation in the field of information security: problems and prospects. International Law and International Organizations, 3, 13–26.
The article discusses the international experience of legal provision of information security. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the totality of problems of legal provision of information security are of priority importance for the legal doctrine and legislation of each state having its own national interests and interested in maintaining peace, international and national information security. An overview of the existing international agreements that contribute to the development of legal regulation of international cooperation in the field of information security is given. Particular attention is paid to the processes of formation of international experience in the field of information security within the framework of the functioning of international organizations regulating these issues. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that, given the lack of a coherent system of international information security, the inconsistency of the models currently formed, it is advisable to develop international legal cooperation based on the convergence of the Eurasian and Euro-Atlantic systems of international information security with the active participation of Russia, taking into account the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, while a significant place should be given to issues of personal security in the information sphere, including countering undesirable information and psychological effects. The conclusion is made about increasing cooperation, strengthening allied and partnership relations with foreign countries, while a tendency should be formed to conclude agreements on mutual protection of classified information in the field of information security with a more detailed description of the list of such information, as well as a mechanism for resolving disputes related to violations of the provisions of these agreements.
national legislation, harmonization, problems of cooperation, national security, international organizations, information security, international security, international law, international cooperation, legal order
Malichenko, V.S., Gadzhieva, A.O. (2023). Access to healthcare technologies in the context of sanctions and unilateral restrictive measures. International Law and International Organizations, 3, 27–41.
The object of the study is public relations arising from the interaction of international intergovernmental organizations, government agencies, transnational corporations and non-state actors in the framework of ensuring human access to health technologies in the context of unilateral restrictive measures and sanctions. The subject of the study is international legal norms, documents of international organizations, as well as acts of domestic law that form guarantees of ensuring the human right to the highest attainable level of health and access to healthcare technologies. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the practical significance of the application of international legal and domestic mechanisms aimed at minimizing the humanitarian consequences of sanctions and unilateral restrictive measures and expanding access to vital health technologies. The methodology of the study is based on the general scientific method of cognition, including the formal logical and situational method and private law methods, such as comparative, historical and formal legal methods. The article presents an analysis of the importance of health technologies in achieving international goals in the field of development and human health protection, as well as priorities in the implementation of national health strategies. The theoretical aspects of access to healthcare technologies in the context of unilateral restrictive measures are consistently considered as an important element of ensuring international guarantees of human rights protection. The authors present the differences in the normative content of the concepts of "sanctions" and "unilateral restrictive measures" in accordance with international law, as well as a legal assessment of the legitimacy of their application. The article systematizes the consequences of the application of unilateral restrictive measures on the availability of healthcare technologies in various regions of the world, as well as the practice of applying the norms of international and domestic law to overcome them.
transnational companies, sustainable development, humanitarian exceptions, unilateral coercive measures, access totechnologies, right to health, sanctions, health protection, medicines, TRIPS
Bezborodov, A. (2023). Legal Uncertainties in Interpretation of the Term ‘Consumer’ in the Legislation of European Union and the Practice of European Court. International Law and International Organizations, 3, 42–54.
The subject of the study is the harmonized norms of European legislation on consumer protection. In particular, the author is interested in the problems of interpretation of the concept of "consumer" in European law as a basis for understanding the essence of relations involving individual consumers. For the purposes of the study, the legislation of the European Union was chosen, as a legal system combining legal differences in the norms of different states, and perceiving and interpreting various legislative norms of the member states. The author analyzes both legislative norms and judicial practice in order to identify gaps in law enforcement and the practical applicability of the study. The author is interested in both the doctrinal component of the formation of the concept of "consumer" and the conclusions drawn in this regard by judicial practice. The author reveals the criteria formed in judicial practice for determining the activity of an individual as commercial, and also reveals the approach of the European legislator to the purpose of the consumer contract. In his research, the author uses methods of analysis and synthesis to clarify the essence of the concept of "consumer" used in various normative legal acts and judicial practice, as well as to form conclusions about the formation of the concept of "consumer" in European law. The main conclusions made in the course of the study are the conclusion about the criteria formed for the qualification of a person as a consumer and their possible components, and the approach is also defined, according to which the activity of an individual can have a dual character, depending on the purpose and substance of the contract that the consumer enters into.
protection of weak party, professional activity, case study, trader, law of European Union, consumer law, commercial activity, European Court of Justice, contract law, consumer
Kolobov, R.Y., Ditsevich, Y.B., Cherdakova, L.A., Suvorova, A.V. (2023). Features of protection of transboundary objects of the world natural heritage: Russian and foreign experience (Part 2). International Law and International Organizations, 3, 55–66.
This article is a continuation of the analysis of the fulfillment by Benin, Niger and Burkina Faso of international obligations and the application of national law norms for the protection of the transboundary object of the V-Arly-Panjari Complex, as well as the implementation by Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands of a set of measures for the protection and conservation of the Wadden Sea. The authors identified the main provisions for the protection and management of the outstanding universal value, considered the foundations for the formation of systems of bodies that perform the functions of protecting objects, analyzed the main measures for coordinating the actions of national authorities to eliminate the main threats and maintain the state of unique natural transboundary objects in order to fulfill obligations under the Convention. The novelty of this study is predetermined by the fact that at the present time there are practically no legal studies of the practice of protecting World Heritage sites in general and transboundary (transnational) sites in particular. The analysis leads the authors to the conclusion that the extrapolation of the main provisions to the current situation in the field of conservation of such Russian transboundary natural objects as the Ubsunur basin and the Landscapes of Dauria gives rise to the need to develop appropriate individual adjustments in the legislation of our country, regardless of the relevant UNESCO measures. The authors make proposals to improve the situation in the field of ensuring its protection of a Russian transboundary natural objects.
World Heritage Committee, intergovernmental agreement, management plan, environmental law, legal protection, international law, world heritage, Landscapes of Dauria, Uvs Nuur Basin, specially protected areas