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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

The phenomenon of spirit in philosophical understanding of man

Gurevich Pavel Semenovich

head of the division at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

109240, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12, str. 1, of. -
Other publications by this author








1. Adler, A. Nauka o kharakterakh: ponyat’ prirodu cheloveka [The science of character: understanding human nature]. Moscow, 2013.
2. Buber, M. The Problem of Man, p. 148 // Buber M. Two Types of Faith. Moscow, 1995.
3. Kant, I. Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View // Kant I. Coll. works in 8 vols. Moscow, 1994. Vol. 7. P. 137-372.
4. Kant, I. Critique of Pure Reason // Kant I. Coll. works in 8 vols. Moscow, 1994. Vol. 3. P. 5-707.
5. Hegel, G.W.F. The Philosophy of Religion: In 2 vols. Moscow, 1975. Vol. 2.
6. Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences: In 3 vols. Moscow, 1977. Vol. 2.
7. Spektr antropologicheskikh ucheniy [The spectrum of anthropological doctrines]. Issue 4 / Ed.-in-chief P.S. Gurevich. Moscow: Institute of Philosophy RAS, 2012.
8. Barrow, J.D., Tipler, F.J. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Oxford, 2005.
9. Agassi, J. Towards a rational philosophical anthropology. The Hague: Nijhoff, 1977.
10. Skinner, B.F. About Behaviorism. New York, 1994.
11. Emerson, Caryl. The first Hundred Years of Bakhtin. Princeton, 2008.
12. Woolfson, M. Time, Space, Stars and Man. Singapore: World Scientific, 2013.
13. Spirova, E. M. Phenomenon of Spirit in Philosophical Anthropology // . - 2013. - 1. - C. 26 - 34. DOI: 10.7256/ 2070-8955.2013.01.4.
14. Gurevich, P. S. Status of Philosophical Anthropology // . - 2011. - 8. - C. 4 - 6.