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Pedagogy and education

Application of functional all-around methods based on kettlebell sport training tools in the process of physical training of cadets and students of educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs

Kolesnichenko Dmitrii Aleksandrovich

PhD in Economics

Senior Educator, Department of Physical Training, Vladimir Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Ryazan Branch)

390043, Russia, Ryazan region, Ryazan, Krasnaya str., 18, office 114
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that it is possible to ensure the development of physical qualities of students of educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs at the level required in the professional activities of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a short time, in conditions of limited space and material and technical support, based on the use of functional all-around methods. With the correct construction of the training process based on such methods, the corresponding indicators increase quite significantly compared to the traditional approach to the physical training of students. The subject of the study is the functional all-around methods based on kettlebell lifting training tools, adopted for implementation in the educational process with cadets and students of educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (using the example of the Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot). The author draws attention to the fact that the development of physical qualities of students in educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system is characterized by qualitative specificity, caused by the need for comprehensive physical development, both in terms of strength, endurance, speed and agility, and in relation to mastering the skills of tactical and technical training. At the same time, the normatively established requirements for the level of physical development and the procedure for checking the degree of formation of the corresponding physical qualities are often interpreted as a means of limiting the methods used to solve the corresponding problems. It is substantiated that such an approach is neither strictly mandatory nor meets the needs of physical development of police officers at the present stage.


functional all-around, crossfit, physical qualities, professional training, police officer, kettlebell lifting, training complexes, training programming systems, learning efficiency, physical training

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The education of physical qualities among cadets and trainees studying in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is characterized by qualitative specifics due to the need for comprehensive physical development, both in terms of strength, endurance, speed and dexterity, and in relation to mastering the skills of tactical and technical training. The presence of such skills acts as a prerequisite for the lawful use of physical force by an employee of the internal affairs bodies (hereinafter referred to as ATS) (in particular, fighting techniques). For this reason, the teaching staff of the departments responsible for physical training faces a special task, which is to ensure the harmonious development of not only the physical, but also the tactical qualities of students.

It should be noted that the mechanism for solving this problem is laid down in the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 44 dated February 02, 2024 "On Approval of the procedure for organizing personnel training to fill positions in the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation", the content of which sets out the types of physical exercises aimed at developing the physical qualities necessary in the professional activity of an employee of the Department of Internal Affairs. Since checking the level of physical development of students is carried out in accordance with this regulatory legal act, the main attention in the educational process is traditionally given to the physical exercises mentioned in it. It seems, however, that limiting the means of physical education of cadets and trainees of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to standard physical exercises is neither strictly mandatory nor meeting the needs of the physical development of police officers at the present stage.

On the contrary, the scientific substantiation of such approaches to the organization of physical training, which could combine modern programming options for the training process, ensuring a high interest of students in the development and improvement of physical qualities, and regulatory requirements for the quality of training of police officers, is of particular relevance today. It is important to keep in mind that in order to diversify the training process, it is not always necessary to resort to complex logistics (equipment). In particular, a sports equipment such as a kettlebell can be considered one of their accessible and effectively used for the development of physical qualities. Currently, the field of its practical application is not limited to kettlebell lifting, in particular, a significant number of training complexes (systems) using kettlebells have been proposed in functional all-around [2, p. 396]; [12, p. 90]; [15, p. 425]. A classic kettlebell can have the following weight characteristics: 16, 24, 32 kg.

From the point of view of opportunities for physical education of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the use of kettlebells as a sports equipment has a number of advantages. In particular, this projectile is compact, its use in the training process does not require special organization of space, the list of equipment used is minimal – it is enough to have at your disposal a crossbar, a platform 10 by 10 meters long and, accordingly, paired kettlebells weighing 16, 24 and 32 kilograms.

Considering the above, the purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that ensuring the development of the physical qualities of students in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the level necessary in the professional activity of an interior Ministry employee is possible in a short time, in conditions of limited space and logistical support based on the use of functional all-around techniques based on kettlebell training equipment. sports. With the correct construction of the training process based on such techniques, the corresponding indicators increase significantly compared to the traditional approach to physical training of students. The object of the research is the process of developing and improving the physical qualities of students in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subject of the research is the methods of functional all-around based on kettlebell training equipment, adopted for implementation in the educational process with cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (using the example of the Ryazan branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot).

Research methodology

In the course of the research, methods of observation, generalization of independent characteristics, study of advanced pedagogical experience, experiment, generalization, concretization were applied. The result of the work is a set of indicators confirming the effectiveness of using functional all-around programming systems with elements of kettlebell lifting for the development of strength qualities and endurance of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Two groups of students were formed to conduct the study – Group A and group B.

Group A trained according to the kettlebell program, which was based on the principles of programming the training process in the functional all-around. In group B, physical training classes were organized in accordance with traditional methods of developing the physical qualities of police officers.

In group A, the students performed the following special tasks:

Task 1. Complete 3 rounds:

1.1. 20 squats with a kettlebell on the chest of 16 kg.

1.2. 40 lifts of the body on the press lying on the floor.

This task involved extensive work, in which it was allowed to break up the repetitions until the required amount was set in the movements. The task was to work in the same high-speed mode. The weight of the kettlebell in this assignment was chosen heavy (taking into account the level of training, weight and well-being of the trainee).

Task 2. Complete 6 laps:

2.1. 7 burpees with a 24 kg kettlebell swing.

2.2. 10 pushes of a 24 kg kettlebell.

It was necessary to perform this task in one high-speed mode, without maximum effort. The weight of the kettlebell varied depending on the training, weight and well-being of the trainee.

Task 3. Complete 3 rounds, during which a total of 120 repetitions are scored - mahi kettlebell.

As part of this task, it was necessary to work all three rounds without putting the kettlebell on the floor, while changing hands at random. The weight of the kettlebell is light.

Task 4. Complete the ladder for the time 11-10-9-8-7...1:

4.1. Burpees.

4.2. Mach weights 24/32 kg.

Task 4 was a milestone control and was carried out at the beginning of the experiment and at its end (see the results in appendix No. 1).

Special tasks in group A were performed either at the end of the lesson or in its main part, along with the development of complex technical actions, such as fighting techniques.

In the second part of the experiment, training process programming systems developed in the functional all-around were used, such as: AMRAP (from English "As many rounds as possible" – "As many as you can complete"), EMOM (from English - "Every minute on the minute" - "Every minute during minutes"), Metcon (from English – "Metabolic conditioning workout" - training in metabolic conditioning).

Special tasks in group A in the second part of the experiment included:

Task 1:

Perform AMP for 5 minutes.

1.1 Demonstration of fighting techniques of wrestling – 1 technique (depending on the topic of the lesson).

1.2 10 kettlebell thrusts (5 with the right and 5 with the left hand without placing the kettlebell on the floor).

The goal of this task was to gain as many kettlebell thrusts as possible in 5 minutes without losing quality in performing combat techniques.

Task 2. Complete EMOM 10:

2.1. Demonstration of fighting techniques of wrestling – 1 technique (depending on the topic of the lesson) + 6 kettlebell swings (3 with the right hand, 3 with the left hand).

Task 3. Tabata 20 rounds:

3.1. Speed fighting techniques (depending on the topic of the lesson).

3.2. Jerk the kettlebell with your right hand.

3.3. Jerk the kettlebell with your left hand.

3.4. Push with the left hand.

3.5. Push with the right hand.

The results of the study and their discussion

Table No. 1. Group A boundary control tests

1 Boundary control testing (lead time)

2 Boundary control testing (lead time)

Subject 1



Subject 2



Subject 3



Subject 4



Subject 5



Subject 6



Subject 7



Subject 8



Subject 9



Subject 10



Subject 11



Table No. 2. Comparative analysis of the intermediate certification of groups A and B

No. p / p


Group A (scores in three standards strength, speed, endurance)

Group B (scores in three standards strength, speed, endurance)

Percentage difference in progress



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Analyzing the data from the experiment, it should be noted a significant increase in both the strength qualities and endurance of the students of group A compared to the students of group B according to Table No. 1. In the experimental group, there is also an increase in the quality of the application of technical actions, and, consequently, a higher level of development of such physical qualities as speed and coordination (Table No. 2). It should be assumed that the detected positive effect is due not only to the effectiveness of functional all-around systems in comparison with traditional methods of developing physical qualities in general, but also to the fact that the variety, visibility and simplicity of the organization of the training process, qualitative improvement of body structure in a short time additionally motivate cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to targeted physical improvement..

Comparing the results obtained with other approaches proposed in doctrinal sources, it is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that in recent years very significant attention has been paid to the application of functional all-around techniques in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the same time, the use of elements of the training process programming systems developed in this sport is recommended as a means of educating a harmoniously developed student's personality [1, p. 115], forming psychological stability, creating conditions for independent physical improvement and maintaining the necessary level of physical fitness [5, p. 7]; [7, c. 105]; [8, p. 247]. At the same time, when arguing for the need for such use, specific training complexes are either not given at all [6, p. 218], or they are justified with meaningful content that does not take into account the regulatory requirements for the activities of police officers (including their level of physical fitness and the procedure for verifying compliance with their position in this part), organizational and technical conditions of activity of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

For example, for physical training classes with cadets and trainees, it is recommended to use training complexes that include barbell exercises performed individually by each student, exercises using a rowing machine, etc. [3, p. 75]; [9, p. 136]; [11, p. 24]; [13, p. 322]. Another problem is the availability of numerous recommendations for the implementation of complex coordination exercises in the process of independent work of students. In particular, we are talking about the elements of weightlifting (push, jerk, etc.), gymnastics (forceful exits, hand walking), etc. exercises that require lengthy preliminary training under the guidance and supervision of a personal trainer [4, p. 106]; [10, p. 219]; [14, p. 85]; [16, p. 333]. Such recommendations, although they correspond to the idea of functional all-around as a complex sport that includes elements of a number of different sports disciplines, are practically impossible in terms of safety requirements, lack of opportunities for individual monitoring of each student in the process of independent work, as well as the need to develop, in addition to physical qualities, special skills. skills and abilities in the field of application of combat techniques of wrestling.


Considering the above, it should be concluded that the private methodology presented in this article, which has been tested in the educational process and has proven to be highly effective, compares favorably with other proposed options. With its help, achieving the goal of developing physical qualities at the level necessary in the professional activity of an internal affairs officer becomes possible in conditions of a limited budget of time allocated to the development of physical qualities of students (compared with the time allocated to mastering combat techniques of wrestling), and with a minimum amount of special equipment. The novelty of the research is determined by the content of the proven methodology and the justification of the effectiveness of its application in the given conditions. The obtained results also allow us to identify a number of areas for further research, including: substantiation of options for using elements of the training process programming systems AMRAP, EMOM, Metcon in the educational process with cadets and students of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia based on existing physical education and sports equipment (its individual varieties); evaluation of the effectiveness of such use in terms of regulatory requirements for the level of development of individual physical qualities of police officers (strength, speed, endurance).

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The presented article on the topic "The use of functional all-around techniques based on kettlebell training equipment in the process of physical training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" corresponds to the subject of the journal "Pedagogy and Education" and is devoted to an actual study. The article includes the subject, the purpose of the research, as well as scientific novelty. In the water part of the article, the authors pay attention to the hypothesis that ensuring the development of physical qualities of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the level necessary in the professional activity of an employee of the Department of Internal Affairs is possible in a short time, in conditions of limited space and logistical support based on the application of functional all-around techniques based on kettlebell training equipment. This research issue is relevant. In the article, the authors refer to the regulatory framework, namely: order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 44 dated February 02, 2024 "On approval of the procedure for organizing training for positions in the internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation", the content of which enshrines the types of physical exercises aimed at developing physical qualities necessary in the professional activity of an employee ATS. As a scientific novelty, the authors indicate the content of the proven methodology and the justification for the effectiveness of its application under specified conditions. The practical significance is clearly justified and lies in the justification of the effective use of such a sports equipment as a kettlebell in the process of developing the physical qualities of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Currently, the field of its practical application is not limited to kettlebell lifting, in particular, a significant number of training complexes (systems) using kettlebells are proposed in the functional all-around. The volume of the article corresponds to the recommended volume of 12,000 characters. The style and language of the presentation is quite accessible to a wide range of readers. The authors of the article conducted an analytical review of Russian literature. The disadvantages include the following points: the object of research is not formulated; the article is not structured (introduction, internal division of the main part, conclusions or conclusion are not highlighted). It may be advisable to add a brief review of the history of the issue to the water part of the article in order to summarize the current state of affairs and substantiate the relevance of the problem under consideration. It would also be advisable to add about the prospects for further research. It also makes sense to briefly analyze the best foreign experience in the issue under consideration. It is recommended to formulate the object of research; structure the article (highlight the introduction, internal division of the main part, conclusions or conclusion). The article "The application of functional all-around techniques based on kettlebell lifting training tools in the process of physical training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" requires further development according to the above comments. After making amendments, it is recommended for reconsideration by the editorial board of the peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The article "The application of functional all-around techniques based on kettlebell training equipment in the process of physical training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" is submitted for review. The work contains a statement of the problem, a theoretical review and presents the results of an empirical study. The subject of the study. The author focuses on testing the hypothesis that ensuring the development of physical qualities of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the level necessary in the professional activity of an employee of the Department of Internal Affairs is possible in a short time, in conditions of limited space and logistical support based on the application of functional all-around techniques based on kettlebell training equipment. In that case, if the training process is correctly built on the basis of such techniques, then the corresponding indicators increase significantly compared to the traditional approach to physical training of students. Research methodology. The following methods were used in the study: observation, generalization of independent characteristics, study of advanced pedagogical experience, experiment, generalization, concretization. The relevance of research. The relevance of the research is mediated by the fact that the scientific substantiation of such approaches to the organization of physical training, which could combine modern programming options for the training process, ensuring a high interest of students in the development and improvement of physical qualities, and regulatory requirements for the quality of training of police officers, is currently of particular relevance. From the point of view of opportunities for physical education of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the use of kettlebells as a sports equipment has a number of advantages. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the process of developing and improving the physical qualities of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is considered. Special attention is paid to the study of functional all-around techniques based on kettlebell lifting training tools adopted for implementation into the educational process with cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly traced, the author highlights the main semantic parts. The logic in the work is presented. The content of the article meets the requirements for works of this level. The amount of work is sufficient to reveal the subject of the study. The following positions were considered in the study: a brief theoretical analysis, described the methodology and results of the study, etc. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 16 domestic sources, most of which have been published in the last three years. The list includes mainly articles and abstracts, as well as educational and methodological publications. The sources are designed correctly and uniformly. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: to conduct a more detailed theoretical analysis of the sources dealing with the affected problem, as well as to describe in more detail the results of an empirical study and their analysis. Conclusions. The problems of the topic are characterized by undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value. The article will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of physical training of cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The problem raised was considered through the prism of the use of functional all-around techniques based on kettlebell training equipment. The article may be recommended for publication. However, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This will make it possible to submit scientific, methodological and research work to the editorial board, which is characterized by scientific novelty and practical significance.