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Man and Culture
Strigin M.B.
The connection between esotericism and science, or how the second "parasitizes" the first. Science as a reproducible quantum entanglement of the real trajectory and trajectory of thinking
// Man and Culture.
2024. № 6.
P. 170-184.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.6.72161 EDN: OCHGTO URL:
The connection between esotericism and science, or how the second "parasitizes" the first. Science as a reproducible quantum entanglement of the real trajectory and trajectory of thinking
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8744.2024.6.72161EDN: OCHGTOReceived: 01-11-2024Published: 05-01-2025Abstract: The paper shows that esotericism is the area of bifurcation of knowledge in which new trajectories of thinking are born. Further, in accordance with the principle of Occam's Razor, some of them are eliminated as not corresponding to the principle of least action. The rest move into the field of regular science. It is shown that our world is a system of nested resonators, which is consistent with Descartes' idea that the world is built from a hierarchy of vortices. This also explains the great importance of boundary conditions in mathematics, since the boundaries of the resonator define the shape of the vortex. At the same time, the discreteness of energy, which is a characteristic feature of all quantum processes, becomes clear, since only isolated structures can persistently exist in the resonator. The general wave function of an entity is proposed as the product of a number of wave functions corresponding to each scale of the Universe. A model is proposed in accordance with which knowledge becomes scientific when the trajectory of thinking and the real trajectory of the system correlate with each other. A model is proposed in accordance with which knowledge becomes scientific when the trajectory of thinking and the real trajectory of the system correlate with each other. This correlation is built using mathematical signs. Since both the real trajectory and the trajectory of thinking are cyclical, their synchronization indicates the quantum entanglement of the real and the symbolic. The Jungian concept of synchronicity is being clarified. At any moment, by explicating a sequence of signs, we reproduce reality. All particles are entangled with each other to varying degrees. Therefore, the task of the experimenter is not to create entanglement, but rather to disentangle the object of study so that it can be studied autonomously. Keywords: esotericism, the science, system, frequency, correlation, synchronicity, entanglement, mind, mathematics, mathematical signsThis article is automatically translated. It is very common to hear naive arguments between scientists and people associated with esotericism. The former claim the weakness and unpredictability of esotericism, while the latter speak of the limitations and ridiculousness of science. As always, the truth is in the middle, or, in the language of quantum mechanics, in the superposition of these judgments. Both describe different parts of the elephant from the parable of the blind sages who try to feel the animal and describe their feelings. The word "parasitic" used in the title of the article is in quotation marks, for the reason that this word has no objective basis. In the book [10] we have shown that parasitism is always mutual, and the process described by this word is actually a symbiosis. It is possible to talk about in what proportion, and what benefits each participant receives from this symbiosis. However, it is necessary to take into account that this situation is very dynamic, and in different periods of time this ratio may differ significantly. This pattern is analogous to superpositions of states in quantum mechanics, when, as a result of measurement, the system is found in one of the basic states (for example: you use, you are used), and this picture changes over time. This work can be difficult to understand, since its verbal structure has to be synthesized from concepts from various fields of science: physics, mathematics, linguistics, and psychoanalysis. Let's try to put forward several theses that reconcile science and esotericism and, above all, explain why science is a science and why the word "symbiosis" should appear in the name. In the book [10] it was shown that symbolic forms, even in the form of raw ideas, are born in the field of poetry, then evolve in science, and finally "freeze" in philosophy. Any idea demonstrates the connection of something with something, which is revealed in a symbolic form [4], in other words, functions, like a mathematical formula connecting two quantities. Mathematical formulas are one of the types of symbolic forms. We can use a metaphor and say that the symbolic form in mathematics consists of RNA, a mathematical formula, and the proteins surrounding it, a series of sentences that embed this formula in the context of thinking. On the one hand, any formula demonstrates a certain connection between two spaces, on the other hand, these spaces must be determined, which cannot be done with the help of mathematical symbols alone. This metaphor is well-founded, since Dawkins [3] similarly compared memes and genes. Poetry (as a field of knowledge that reveals new symbolic forms – metaphors) and esotericism are similar epistemological fields. Thus, esotericism generates ideas, each of which has its own reserve of cognition, but, according to the principle of Occam's razor, only a part of them survives. The rest are not "wrong", rather they are not effective in describing this moment and place of reality. For example, several interpretations of quantum mechanics have emerged, and all of them still exist, competing with each other. And each of them better clarifies certain aspects of the existence of matter. Ideas are born in several ways: as a challenge to resolve a paradox in regular science ("Often a new paradigm arises, at least in the bud, before the crisis has gone too far or has been clearly realized" [6, p.110]) and as an accidental insight when thinking about something that has already become a classic. And at the moment of the crisis of regular science, its development stops and a point of bifurcation of the symbolic form appears, and this, in turn, leads to scientific revolutions. The bifurcation point always ends with the generation of a new order. The key characteristic of science is its predictivity, in other words, the correlation between expectation and reality. A striking example of such prognostication was, for example, Edmund Halley's prediction of the next arrival of the comet named after him in 1758. When the calculation was "almost" justified, it was one of the triumphant proofs of the effectiveness of science. The word "almost" is very important in this context, because its understanding forms the demarcation line between science and esotericism. Here are two examples related to the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator. In order to accept the existence of a fact, it is necessary that it be repeated a certain number of times. Physicists say they need 5 sigma, or a confidence level of 99.9999 percent. Obviously, the number of nines after the decimal point is a purely contractual number, in this case there are five of them. The second interesting point was the statement made by scientists from the LHC a few years ago that particles with a speed exceeding the speed of light had been discovered. Quickly enough, this information was veiled and forgotten, since information can only be defeated by the following information. "Like is treated like like." It can also be mentioned that the fact that a gas jet moves faster than the speed of light during a supernova explosion is often discussed in the scientific community. But this evidence allegedly violates Einstein's principle of the ultimate speed of light, which is dominant in science. The discovered motion of Halley's comet is one of the verifications of Descartes' principle or the cyclical nature of all natural processes. To be more precise, the trajectory of arbitrary motion may not be closed, which is also the case with a comet, since it also moves at least around the center of the galaxy. The essential difference between a three-dimensional system and systems with a smaller dimension is that the trajectory can contract and stretch without intersecting with the previous turns. The basic mathematical principles of mechanics – the "Poincare return time" and Liouville's theorem [2] – speak about the limitation of the phase volume and the mandatory return of the system to the vicinity of the initial position. The phase space as the sum of the coordinate space and the dynamic momentum space is necessary for a complete description of the evolution of the system. For a clearer understanding, it is necessary to introduce the concept of scale, as these principles need to be clarified. As can be seen in the example of the comet, it returns to its own neighborhood on the scale of the Solar System, but on the scale of the galaxy, the time of return will be fundamentally different, and this will happen after many revolutions of the Solar System inside the galaxy around its center. In this case, the time of return will be determined by the ratio of the frequency of rotation of the comet around the Sun and the Solar system around the center of the galaxy. Obviously, there are larger-scale oscillations of our galaxy around the intergalactic center. For what follows, we need to introduce a few concepts. And the first of them will be the trajectory of thinking in the semantic space, the space of meanings. The trajectory of thinking is no better or worse than the trajectory of a comet. It is also cyclical and can also return to its original position after some time. Moreover, this is what happens for the most part. Since thinking is also a multi–level process, closure occurs after a certain number of cycles at all levels. In the case of the brain, at least formally, Liouville's theorem on the limitation of phase space is fulfilled, due to the obvious limitation of the size of the cranium. For us, the cyclical trajectory means its wave behavior, since any wave is characterized by its own frequency, which is the inverse of the repetition period of the process. The wave behavior of thinking has been shown, among other things, in [10]. Here, as always, there is a nuance: another interpretation of cyclicity is possible, in addition to repeating the process in time at regular intervals: time is not a Newtonian absolute straight line, but a certain curve that can close, which obviously topologically resembles a circle. This is what R.I. Pimenov sees as the difference between cyclicity and periodicity: "It's just that after a certain period of time, starting from the moment t, we get not to a new date, but to the previous t" [9, p.61]. But this is not essential for our constructions. The term "topology" means "the science of form and its differences." For example, closing time in the form of an oval would mean the same thing to us, since the length of this curve is important to us, or the time after which everything repeats. Cyclical thinking has been observed by all people, and it is obviously related to memory. In the same area of existence there are many "mental disorders" diagnosed by psychiatry. The phrase in quotation marks means that the norm of behavior is a very fluid concept. And for what was praised and encouraged in the Middle Ages, in today's society they will be condemned and can be imprisoned (for example, the attitude towards an African-American). Nevertheless, everyone paid attention to their own attempts to get rid of "obsessive", cyclical thoughts, because after a certain time a person feels tired and irritated by them. Fantasy comes to the rescue, which introduces irrationality into the trajectory of movement and opens it. Let us recall Lacan's three basic concepts or three registers of thought, the idea of which he developed throughout his life, focusing on one or the other. He introduced the concepts of the imaginary, the symbolic and the real, reproducing the ancient metaphor of a flat earth standing on three elephants; esotericism, the spiritual and the material. Within the framework of these ideas, we can assume that the trajectory of thinking is located in the semantic space, and is determined by the order of the symbols used. Within such a process, a person moves from a sign to a sign of one nature (nouns), connecting them with signs of another nature (verbs, adjectives). We can assume that the former define the geometry (statics) of the semantic space and are the points that line it. The latter determine the dynamics of the space of meanings, and they can be represented by arrows (vectors), similar to impulses in mechanics [10, p.258]. The simplest semantic constructions have been studied in detail by linguists and logicians: propositions, syllogisms, predicate logic of various orders, etc. On the contrary, many complex sentences are still outside the field of analytics (especially complex sentences in Russian). Science itself is trying to find correlations between such semantic trajectories and the trajectories of reality. This comparison is related to the real case. Since sooner or later the trajectories diverge (as indicated, for example, by Gödel's theorems or Popper's concept of the falsifiability of scientific theories), the scientist investigating them comes to a paradox, for the resolution of which the register of the imaginary is connected, as a result of which the trajectories converge again. The crucial point is that both trajectories are cyclical. If we use the terminology of quantum mechanics again, then we can assume that any person's thinking is in a superposition of these registers. The esotericist has a greater "projection" on the register of the imaginary, whereas the scientist from regular science uses the register of the symbolic more. Therefore, at the moment of the bifurcation of the trajectory of thinking (the crisis of science), esotericism is more involved. Let's try to formulate the main idea of this work so that it is clear what we will combine and with what. It consists in the fact that a scientist is able to synchronize his own trajectory of thinking and the trajectory of movement of the "real" and fix it with mathematical signs, which allows reproducing such a trajectory in the future. Whereas the "esotericist", adjusting to the trajectory of reality and synchronizing with it, is able to reproduce it only once, which allows him to shout "eureka", but at the same time not get into the "beat" in the next experiment and get disappointed. He can reproduce the trajectory twice, but it doesn't matter in the context of 5 sigma confidence or 99.9999 percent. The word "esoteric" is in quotation marks here, because esotericism can be understood as a multitude of scientists from fields of science that have not yet become a regular science, for example, scientists involved in cold fusion today. Why can't you get into the "beat"? Here we will need to turn to quantum mechanics, since, as we argue, any experiment is the formation of certain boundary or boundary conditions, which, in turn, are determined by the walls of a certain resonator, which determines the natural frequencies of the experiment and its own cyclicity, and, accordingly, the behavior of the experiment. (The boundary conditions of the experiment imply many factors: the materials used, their shape, their environment and placement in space, etc.). Obviously, such a resonator is always formed by the researcher, and it is for this reason that it is impossible to exclude human influence on the experiment. The inability to accurately reproduce the initial data leads to the irreproducibility of the experiment, which is observed by "esotericists". At the beginning of the twentieth century, the belief in predictive science was severely undermined by quantum mechanics. It turns out that the behavior of each microcosm entity is described by a wave function that oscillates, and at the time of measurement may have a different state (direction), which is diagnosed by the device [11]. Physicists have discovered that, whereas previously it was possible to accurately calculate the trajectory of an entity, now it turns out that it is (just as accurately) possible to determine the dynamics of the probability of detecting an entity at a given point in the trajectory. For a long time, there was a huge gap between macrophysics and the microcosm, and it seemed that the laws of classical physics still applied at the macro level. But over the past twenty years, these two worlds have become significantly closer, and in many works it has been shown that macrorealism obeys the same quantum laws. Here, for example, there are works on quantum dots, where the object of research is entities several hundred nanometers in size. The work of Zeilinger, the 2022 Nobel Laureate in physics, showed that the convergence of microphysics and macrophysics is inevitable [1]. His group stated that their immediate plans are to scale up to one micron. As mentioned above, the main breakthrough of quantum mechanics is the discovery of the wave function inherent in each particle of matter and the fact that this wave function is quantized. That is, its energy spectrum is discrete, unlike classical physics, where the energy of a body can change continuously (we can smoothly accelerate a body and slow it down, for example, car). This means finding a quantum system in a discrete, stable state, but at the same time, transients also exist, and practically no one has learned how to describe them, for example, the time of transition of an electron between different energy levels in an atom is unknown. On the contrary, the belief in continuous dynamics in classical physics is also wrong, since most experiments do not take into account time scales. For example, the Titius-Bode law, discovered by Johann Titius in 1772, shows that even on planetary scales there is no continuity in the classical sense (systems evolve to some energetically favorable trajectories), and quantum laws also apply there, which are not yet fully understood, and energy cannot take arbitrary values either. Titius discovered a pattern in the diameter of the orbits of the planets of the Solar system, and it is related to the resonances of the trajectories of various planets, in other words, the diameters of the orbits of planets have a well-defined meaning, like the orbits of electrons in atoms. Already in modern times, a similar discreteness has been found in the movements of exoplanets. For the same reason, the resonance of different trajectories in Saturn's rings is characterized by an intermittence of empty rings with rings filled with matter. The essential difference between the macrocosm and the microcosm is the time scale: if transients between two stable states in the macrocosm are observed with the naked eye, then in the microcosm this happens instantly and creates the impression that systems are located only at quantum (stable) levels. Let's try to bring macrophysics and microphysics even closer. The ideal classical quantum model is a string model, the wave motion of which is decomposed according to its own harmonics inherent in the configuration of this string. Each harmonic has its own wavelength, which is perceived by humans. We always hear a set of such eigenvalues in a certain combination forming a melody. These harmonics, as shown in Fig. 1, are determined by the extreme points of the string attachment. When the string attachment is shifted to , as shown in the figure in red, the wavelength and frequency of the wave change. And thus it becomes clear why boundary conditions (including experimental ones) or boundary are important, because they determine the natural frequencies and eigenfunctions of a given system, in this case the length of the string. The violinist plays the role of a scientist or an esotericist and, by moving his fingers along the fingerboard, "changes the conditions of the experiment" and gets new sounds.
Fig.1 After long training sessions, the violinist learns to accurately reproduce the initial data and extract the required sounds, which theoretically should be done by a scientist in an experiment – to get the same results. The one-dimensional string model can be expanded to a flat one and represent the vibrations of a surface, such as a drum, and to a three-dimensional one, representing the vibrations of a three-dimensional structure, such as boiling broth in a saucepan. For example, there is a well-known and still poorly studied effect called "Bernard cells", when a heated dense liquid such as chocolate in a mug acquires an internal structure with hexagonal cells. These cells significantly depend on the shape of the circle, i.e. on the boundary conditions that determine the natural frequencies for this experiment. The shape and scale of ordinary cyclones and anticyclones are also determined by the boundary conditions and are intrinsic functions of the atmosphere, where the walls of the circle are, on the one hand, the Earth, on the other hand, outer space. It is in three-dimensional space that the Coulomb potential, known to everyone from the school physics course, sets the spectrum of the wave function of an electron in an atom, where it is quantized both along the radius, like the aforementioned string, and along the angles, which is determined by more complex spherical functions. And each such configuration has its own energy, according to the well-known Planck formula. The Coulomb potential defines the shape of a potential well, the shape of a "circle" where electrons oscillate. One-dimensional quantization of energy is schematically depicted in the lower part of Fig.1, which shows a potential well with a parabolic potential. In the same drawing, the string corresponds to a potential rectangular pit with infinitely high walls, since the string is rigidly fixed at the edges. The lowest energy level corresponds to the first harmonic, the next to the second, and so on, according to the image of the string. In the multidimensional case, this picture becomes extremely complex. The chemical elements that make up the periodic table differ from each other in that the possible locations of electrons have a complex three-dimensional topology of voids and matter-filled regions. In places of voids, the probability of detecting an electron is zero, on the contrary, in the so-called "antinodes" it is maximal. Recall that for a topologist, for example, a ball and an ellipsoid are the same thing. Whereas the ball and the torus are fundamentally different shapes, since, unlike the first example, it is impossible to obtain one from the other by compression or stretching. This is because the density of the torus in the center goes to zero, unlike the ball. Similarly, the motion of a string oscillating at the second harmonic also goes to zero in the center, as can be seen from Figure 1. Therefore, the topology of the wave functions of the first and second harmonics differ fundamentally. There are already two such zeros for the third harmonic. Similarly, in three-dimensional space, the wave functions of an electron in an atom for different energies differ topologically. Figure 1 shows an experiment conducted within a certain string length scale. In fact, any experiment takes place on multiple scales simultaneously and has a complex topology of the resonator hierarchy. Figure 2 schematically shows for an arbitrary electron a hierarchy of potential wells in which it exists depending on its energy, for example, in a certain crystal. In our metaphor of the violinist, a higher level of scale would be the room in which the violinist plays. It is easy to guess that the artificial conditions of temperature and humidity in the concert hall also affect the behavior of the violin and set its own sound. In addition, the acoustics of the hall (the shape of the room) determine the sound. Similarly, the wave function of an electron in a crystal is determined, on the one hand, by an atom (a small resonator), on the other hand, by a crystal (a larger resonator), and therefore is the product of the wave function corresponding to the atom and the wave function corresponding to the crystal (the well-known Bloch function). And, as can be seen from the picture, there is a complex three-dimensional map of the energy levels of such an electron. In the case of a violinist, one can imagine, for example, how a violin (the scale of an atom) itself participates in oscillations of a larger scale (the scale of a crystal). Accordingly, the motion of each element of the string would be a superposition of these two scales. (In a sense, this is true, if only because the violin oscillates with a period of 24 hours, moving around the center of the Earth. And these oscillations also affect the sound of the violin. This is an even higher scale than the scale of the room) Fig.2 It is obvious that the crystal is also located in some artificial external conditions created by the experimenter, which also moderate the wave function of the electron. Such conditions may include, for example, the shape of the crystal faces, their processing, the presence of impurities, etc. In a sense, the task of a scientist is to find conditions under which this external moderation is close to the set one, or rather, changes in these conditions from experiment to experiment are close to zero. This will allow achieving good reproducibility of the experiment. The highest level of reproducibility is achieved, for example, when printing microchips. It should be noted that the concept of a "resonator" under discussion is an analogue of the term "closed system" in classical physics. A closed system is unitary, i.e. it has a certain energy, or, using the terminology of quantum mechanics, a certain set of frequencies. At the same time, it can exchange energy with the outside world. This discretization of energy is crucial for quantum mechanics. For example, a vessel acts as a closed system for Bernard cells, while absorbing heat from the outside. In this case, the vessel is a resonator, and the heat supports the self-oscillation of the mixture with the frequency of the vessel. Figure 2 shows that when the scale changes, the potential does not change uniformly, but has jumps (drops), therefore, "boundary" (in physics they are called valence) electrons, whose energy is near the transition levels, are of maximum interest to the experimenter, since they can move to the next scale level: atom-molecule; molecule-crystal; crystal is a free space. "Boundary" here refers to electrons located at an energy level near a jump in the resonator scale. For example, as the temperature increases (the effect of a larger scale on a smaller one), the insulator begins to conduct an electric current, and its electrons move from the molecular level to the energy levels of the conduction band of the crystal. Such substances have been called semiconductors. And thus, there is a convergence of the microscale and the macroscale. The most important point for further discussion is the hypothesis that the wave function of an electron located at all energy levels, including the lower ones, is the product of the wave functions of the entire scale hierarchy. In other words, an electron located in an atom also senses the entire crystal, its boundaries (just as a string senses its own boundaries, rearranging itself in sound when they change). Therefore, if the boundaries of the crystal change, then the frequency of the corresponding multiplier of the wave function will also change. This can be expressed by the formula , where is the wave function of the corresponding scale. It follows that by the behavior of an electron, we can judge the entire hierarchy of resonators within which this electron oscillates: an atom, a molecule, a crystal, a laboratory room, etc., up to the galaxy and above. In other words, from the behavior of an electron in the laboratory, we can extract information about the behavior of, for example, a galaxy. It would seem that this violates Einstein's postulate of the ultimate speed of light. The electron wave function has a complex topology, which is the result of quantization in the existing dynamic boundaries, which the electron feels moment by moment. Recall that Einstein's postulate of the ultimate velocity of matter means that it is impossible to transfer energy at a higher speed than the speed of light. But you can transfer the phase. As we know from quantum mechanics, the phase of a wave function of an arbitrary entity disappears when calculating the probability of an event, since, according to the Born formula, the probability is equal to the product of the wave function and its conjugate. It is also known that the phase velocity of an object (at this speed its shadow propagates) can exceed the speed of light. Phase transfer does not violate the law of conservation of energy, but it redistributes energy due to interference, since the latter occurs due to the phase difference of different trajectories. According to the above, any entity has a whole set of natural frequencies. You can use a metaphor and say that any entity, like an orchestra, sounds with many voices. By creating experimental conditions, the scientist adjusts a part of this sound, forming the resonator of the experiment, in other words, its boundary conditions. It must be borne in mind that the scientist repeatedly reproduces the experiment, either for himself or for someone else. Unlike the esotericist, whose resonator "floats". Returning to the metaphor of the violinist, we can say that the esotericist resembles a master who has created a new instrument resembling a violin and expects it to play like the previous instrument. Or an esotericist can be likened to a student who picked up a violin for the first time and tried to play it. At the same time, there is always some chance that the student will produce a quite tolerable melody. Hence the well-known rule: "beginners are lucky" because they are not yet limited by the trajectory of thinking and can switch to a neighboring trajectory with a different topology. The examples of an experimenting master and a student differ at least in scale: a master working with a new instrument uses a larger scale and therefore is at a higher level of energy, or, what is the same thing, as can be seen from Figure 2, at a higher level of capabilities. Similarly, two independent situations are also observed in science. The first is when a scientist starts a new experiment, and the second is when a student conducts research on an old installation, and unknowingly jumps from one experimental trajectory to another. There are a lot of such happy stories in the history of science, when the "open-mindedness" of a student allows you to discover something outstanding. The scientist is limited by the experimental trajectories known to him, which arose in previous generations. For example, the evolution of the violin has come a very long way. Many tools of different shapes were created from different wood. Some could play harmonious music, while others were out of tune. The history of the violin's birth is hidden by controversial judgments, but it is believed that it originated from ethnic instruments. Of course, an interesting question arises as to how to tune in to this harmonious melody. Obviously, this is related to the concept of resonance. Only under this condition will the trajectory of thinking and the actual trajectory be coherent. At the same time, it is obvious that a scientist can tune in to such an interaction of thinking and reality, provided that he understands the process behind the signs of mathematics. Just as the comma in ordinary speech slows down the process of thinking, similarly mathematical signs affect its speed. One of the important evidence confirming our idea of the correlation of mental and real trajectories, which occurs in the case of a scientist on an ongoing basis, and in the case of an esotericist by chance, is the Jungian concept of synchronicity [12]. Jung noted that "accidents are not accidental," and a person can synchronize with some real cycles by strengthening thinking or, conversely, relaxing it (for example, in a dream). Such a picture is shown in Figure 3. This diagram was used in the book [10] and illustrated the fractality of social processes in which each person participates (family, enterprise, city, country, humanity). Here, a bold dot indicates a person through whom the trajectories of many social processes pass, indicated by circles. Naturally, social processes are also cyclical and also have their own wave function, and the whole of humanity is a crystal. Whereas the free space indicated in Figure 2, in this context, is, apparently, space. Judging by Jung's numerous examples, a person can synchronize with many such social processes. For example, he gave an example related to fish. Fig.3 Petrenko and Suprun [8], who tried to model mental processes, also drew attention to the quantum nature of consciousness. For example, the process of meditation can be perceived as a Fourier transform produced by the brain and a transition from time space to frequency space. In other words, the transition to the perception of only one frequency, but in the entire temporal range. And as we have already pointed out, this frequency is determined by the mental resonator. In the context of our work, the question is much more interesting: how do we learn to synchronize with cosmic-scale processes? Let's imagine the circulation of matter (planets, asteroids, meteorites, comets and various dust, etc.) around the Sun. This is a single cyclical process, and if thinking can get in time with this process, then it is possible to predict the next comet arrival without resorting to calculations, which, in fact, esotericists do. We can go to an even larger scale and imagine a supernova explosion somewhere inside our galaxy. Since its various particles are synchronized after the explosion, the behavior of the cosmic rays that reached the Earth allows us to imagine the entire explosion and monitor the particles currently flying in another part of the galaxy. Recall that the trajectory of a scientist's thinking differs from that of an esotericist in that the former "nailed" it with signs, decomposing it "into atoms", while the latter is only trying to do this (or not trying). In the field of synchronism research, there is a central concept of modern quantum mechanics – the theory of entanglement or connectedness, when two particles behave coherently until one of them is examined. In other words, the moment of preparation of one of the particles. At the same time, the second one is in a well-defined state at this moment. Such connectedness appears at the moment of their extreme interaction. For example, there is an entanglement of the resulting gamma quanta in the process of electron and positron annihilation. Obviously, the particles produced by a supernova explosion are also entangled. Therefore, by examining a particle that arrived as part of a cosmic ray, it is possible to measure what happens to a related particle on the other side of the galaxy. A similar effect occurs on a larger scale (macroscale) in plants when their grains are exposed to a general extreme effect [7]. Subsequently, one plant can predict the behavior of another. It can also be assumed that two people who have experienced a powerful event become confused. Let us recall the essence of the quantum entanglement effect. Entangled particles behave as a whole, even if they are separated by a large distance. If at some point a measurement is performed on one of the particles, then at the same moment the other acquires parameters that depend on the measurement data of the first one. One can roughly imagine how these two particles are connected by some kind of "cord" and oscillate synchronously, at the moment when one of the particles stops, the second one is also in a certain phase. Klyshko removed some of the mystique of this effect in his work [5], where he pointed out that ordinary macro processes are also associated with quantum entanglement. For example, the exchange of momentum between two objects is their entanglement, because due to the law of conservation of momentum, measuring the momentum of one of the objects automatically reveals the value of the momentum of the second. But since the exchange of momentum between all entities occurs continuously (everything affects everything, Coulomb's law has no range limitation), all particles in different measures are entangled with each other. This is where the Mach principle manifests itself. In a sense, the experimenter's task is not to create entanglement, as opticians in the field of quantum information see it, but rather to untangle the object of study so that it can be observed independently from the entire universe. The entanglement of the symbolic and the real must also occur in some extreme conditions, when mental activity is strained and when the built-up system of signs along a certain trajectory of thinking becomes coherent with reality. Then the detection of a particle in a certain state corresponds to a certain state of the theory. But in the context of what has been said, it is not even the entanglement of the real and the symbolic that is more interesting, but the fact that, by examining, for example, particles from cosmic rays, we can remotely imagine another part of the galaxy and moderate it.
Conclusions. The paper shows that the main difference between a scientist and an esotericist is the possibility of a systemic coupling between the trajectory of his thinking and the real trajectory of an arbitrary dynamic process. The basic agreement between these trajectories is a mathematical description (a sequence of mathematical signs). This coupling is possible due to the cyclical nature of real and mental processes that have a certain period of repetition. Synchronization with an arbitrary process allows you to feel its boundaries, and, accordingly, expand the boundaries of your own thinking. This confirms the commonality of the principles of science and esotericism. But at the same time, science draws its ideas from esotericism, since the latter is located on the border between the known and the transcendental. For the most part, this happens at a time of scientific crisis. An attempt is made to bring Jung's work out of the field of mysticism and show why synchronization between the trajectories of thinking and various social processes is possible. References
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