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Philology: scientific researches

The path to grammaticalization of the phrase "taking into account": the specifics of lexical and semantic compatibility

Dai Syakhun

Postgraduate student; Department of Russian Language and Literature; Far Eastern Federal University

690922, Russia, Primorsky Krai, Vlaldyok, Russian Island str., building 11









Abstract: As a result of the constant process of grammaticalization, a large number of words have appeared in the Russian language that perform the function of prepositions. Modern linguists are paying more and more attention to such service words. The object is the word "considering" (phrase "taking into account"), which performs a function similar to the function of a preposition. The subject of the study is the semantics and syntagmatic properties of this word form. The purpose of the study is to identify the syntagmatic specifics of the phrase "taking into account". The task is to establish thematic groups of vocabulary, which occupies the positions of the left and right components of the structure, which is built using the phrase "taking into account". The author examines in detail the specifics of the lexical and semantic compatibility of the phrase "taking into account" and its grammaticalization stage. The source of the material is the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The results obtained can be applied in lexicographic practice. The study uses a descriptive method and a method of contextual analysis. As a result of the analysis of the material, several lexico-semantic groups with the highest frequency of occurrence in the left and right components of the structure were identified. It has been established that the following lexical and semantic groups are the most frequent in the position of the right component: verbal nouns denoting human action and activity; nouns denoting parameters; nouns naming various kinds of qualitative characteristics; nouns naming phenomena from the sphere of "finance". In the position of the left component, verbs or verbal nouns with the meaning of creative activity are most frequent; vocabulary denoting a change in state or quantity; verbs and verbal nouns with the meaning of doing something. The interrelationships between lexical and semantic groups in the position of the left and right components are revealed. This allowed us to conclude about the limited compatibility of the phrase "taking into account", which indicates the initial stage of grammaticalization. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the work presents for the first time the results of a study of the specifics of the syntagmatics of the word form "taking into account".


service word, derived preposition, otymene relativ, combinability, lexico-semantic group, right component, left component, lexicon, semantics, grammaticalisation

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In modern Russian, a large number of new units are fixed, which perform a function similar to the function of a preposition. Over the past two hundred years, a significant amount of scientific research has been conducted on this topic. In the XVIII century, M.V. Lomonosov already noted in the "Russian Grammar" that in the Russian language there are words that can perform both the function of a preposition and the function of an adverb: "Other prepositions are kupno and adverbs, because they are composed with cases and without them, outside addition, they are not relied on" [9, p. 552]. In the XX century, the classification of prepositions becomes more detailed. V. V. Vinogradov [3] identified the following types of prepositions: non-derivative, adverbial, nominative, verbal prepositions and complex types prepositional phrases. For a more objective description of this phenomenon, researchers raise the question of the very concept of "preposition", which leads to the fact that in a number of scientific schools the term preposition receives an expanded interpretation. The discussion of this issue is reflected in the monograph "Russian prepositions and prepositional means": it provides several definitions of the concept of "preposition", presented in various scientific publications and based on them, a conclusion is drawn about the functions of the preposition [12, pp.52-53]. M. V. Vsevolodova proposed the concept of "functional and grammatical field of the preposition"[7], which combines prepositions proper and units capable of performing the functions of a preposition under certain conditions. But it should be noted that researchers note "the fundamental impossibility of delineating the boundaries of the field of prepositions" [4, p.119]. In publications prepared within the framework of the project "Slavic prepositions in synchrony and diachrony", the broad term "prepositional units" is adopted[6], In the Chelyabinsk Scientific School it is customary to separate lexical and phraseological prepositions, the nomination "relational phraseological units" is used as a synonym for the latter[22]. E.S. Sheremetyeva, representative of the Far Eastern Syntactic of the school, believes that it is impossible to use the term "preposition" in relation to all prepositional units that are at different stages of transition to a preposition, in relation to units of nominal origin, she suggested using the term "nominal relatives", she refers to them as service units of "nominal origin, which perform functions similar to the functions of prepositions, but not equal to them" [20, p. 8].

In addition to discussing the very concept of "preposition" and what is included in this concept, the process of forming prepositions as a class of words attracts much attention of researchers. Researchers define the process of transition of significant words into prepositions as a process of grammaticalization. The works of E.T. Cherkasova, G.A. Shiganova, M.V. Vsevolodova, E.S. Sheremetyeva, E.N. Vinogradova describe in detail the conditions of transformation, as well as criteria for determining the degree of grammaticalization from the point of view of morphology, syntax and semantics. E.T. Cherkasova named two conditions for converting significant words into prepositions: functioning in conditions of bilateral syntactic relations and their loss of the categorical meaning of the original part of speech and stressed that "the study of the boundaries and conditions of the compatibility of these words is of particular importance" [16, p.17]. G.A. Shiganova notes the importance of context for determining changes in the meanings of words – "the meaning of the preposition is primary, and the context is a necessary and sufficient fragment of speech to determine that or another meaning of the preposition" [22, p.151]. M.V. Vsevolodova drew attention to semantic changes, "during which the non-grammatical meaning becomes grammatical, gradually expanding compatibility, becoming more general and abstract (the so-called generalization of meaning)" [5, p. 27]. E.S. Sheremetyeva also pointed out the need studying their compatibility: "For any preposition, one of the basic properties is its compatibility, which is closely related to its semantics" [21, p. 194]. Therefore, when studying specific prepositions and prepositional units, raising the question of the degree of their grammaticalization, researchers necessarily pay attention to their compatibility [8].

Results and discussion

The word form "taking into account", which is the object of description in this article, can be qualified as a noun preposition. From the formal point of view, it consists of the non-derivative preposition "c" and the noun "accounting" in the form of the creative case and corresponds to the definition: "nominal prepositions formed directly from simple forms of the noun or from combinations of the noun with the preposition" [3, p. 558].

Lexicographic information

In the "Great Universal Dictionary of the Russian language", "taking into account" is given as an independent dictionary unit and there is a separate dictionary entry: "Upotr. when pointing to a phenomenon, event, circumstance, etc., they are taken into account when performing an action, making an assessment of something" [10].In the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language" by S. I. Ozhegov and N. Y. Shvedova, the word form is presented as part of the dictionary entry of the sushch. ACCOUNTING,) and is qualified "in the meaning of the preposition" [11, p.846]. In the "Small Academic Dictionary" as well as in the "Large Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language" by S. A. Kuznetsov, for the noun "accounting", the derivative preposition "taking into account something" is given as an example: "The plan is drawn up taking into account our capabilities." [13, p.543]; "Act taking into account the circumstances (in accordance with the situation) " [2, p. 1411].

The preposition "taking into account" arose on the basis of the noun "accounting", which is derived from the verb "to take into account". The following meanings of the noun "accounting" are given in explanatory dictionaries:

1. "Action by value. the verb. take into account — take into account. Accounting of goods." [13, p.543; 15, p.715].

2: "To take into account - to take into account the needs of society. Not all expenses can be accounted for. U. bills (finance.)." [2, p. 1411].

3. "Registration with entry into the lists of persons or objects, etc., that are part of someone, something, or Registration with entry into the lists of persons intended for use somewhere, establishing the cash of someone, something" [13, p.543; 15, p.715; 2, p.1411; 11, p.846].

4. "Taking into account, in consideration of what-L." [13, p.543].

5. Establishing the presence, quantity of something by counting. [11, p. 846].

6. Control over the availability and use of funds, production and labor resources, production and consumption of products and goods, etc. [2, p. 1411].

It is obvious that most cases of using the noun "accounting" are related to the computational and financial sphere, and only in the "Small Academic Dictionary" there is a meaning of "taking into account, in consideration of something."

Compatibility of the word form "taking into account"

"Signs of serviceability in prepositional neoplasms are manifested in their ability to organize syntactic constructions and express certain types of syntactic relations" [19, p. 59]. Therefore, it is necessary to study how the newly formed preposition builds syntactic relations, how they combine with other components. Following E.S. Sheremetyeva, we use the terms left component and right component. The preposition cannot be used independently, it is always used in combination with nouns in the indirect case, occupying the right position. Therefore, these nouns are called right components. The left component is "unmarked by a preposition, located in an ideal linear sequence to the left of the preposition, but not necessarily standing in the left position as part of a particular utterance; formally the main one" p[14, p.78]. Next, we consider the lexical and semantic characteristics of the left and right components of the derived preposition.

The right component (in bold in the examples)

The right component of the preposition "considering" is always presented in the form of the genitive case of a noun, covers a fairly wide range of lexical and semantic groups. The division of vocabulary into lexico-semantic groups was carried out on the basis of the classification of the "Russian Semantic Dictionary" edited by N. Y. Shvedova [18] and the monograph "Theory of functional and communicative syntax" by M.V. Vsevolodova [7].

In the course of the work, 2,886 facts were collected with the preposition "taking into account" in the main body of the "National Corpus of the Russian Language".

According to the analysis of the examples we found in the National Corpus of the Russian Language, we can divide the vocabulary occupying the position of the right component into the following most common lexical and semantic groups: verbal nouns denoting human action and activity (more than 400 facts), nouns denoting parameters (more than 300), nouns denoting various kinds of qualitative characteristics (more than 300), nouns denoting finance (more than 200), nouns denoting a change in condition or quantity (more than 100 facts). All nouns included in the named groups are event-based or feature-based. However, there is another important lexico-semantic group: subject (less than 50 facts). This type of right component is characterized by the fact that the component appears at first glance as a person or thing, but in fact is their characteristic or quantity: in the proposal, taking into account ICT specialists, the share of representatives of these professions in the vast majority of developed countries already exceeds 20% 3 (Fig. 3). [I. P. Tsapenko. ICT and global labor mobility // "Information Society", 2011] Taking into account specialistsTaking into account (the number of) specialists.

Here are examples of lexical and semantic groups of nouns.

1. Lexical and semantic group "action and activity": requirement, change, proposal, restriction, use, provision, evaluation, application, preservation, creation, execution, development, refinement, processing, use, application, preservation, creation, execution, etc. As you can see, this group includes verbal nouns, which corresponds to the named semantics.

Examples: It was a small - of course, on a modern scale - steamer (and sailboat) "Glucauf" with a displacement of 3,000 tons, designed taking into account the operation of Russian Caspian tankers. ["Technika - molodezhi", 1974]; Previously issued birth certificate is canceled, and a new birth certificate is issued, taking into account the changes made to the record of the birth certificate. [Federal Law "On Acts of Civil Status" (1997) // 2004]; The CTP contract is concluded taking into account the limitation of the number of drivers allowed to drive. ["St. Petersburg Rush Hour", 09/10/2003];

2. The lexico-semantic group "change of state or quantity": development, increase, indexing, reduction, increase, decrease, trend, fall, decrease, etc. In this group, verbal nouns are also used, as they call processes.

Examples: For capital construction, it is necessary to increase the figures of the State Plan by 0.5 billion rubles. construction and installation works (the State Plan project is 2.5 billion rubles., at least 3 billion rubles are needed), taking into account the increase in the reserve, including for the development of nuclear energy. [P. S. Neporozhny. Diaries of 1935-1985 (1979)]; It is necessary to consider the levels of energy development taking into account the development of the entire national economy. [P. S. Neporozhny. Diaries of 1935-1985 (1977)Such potential is understood as a set of natural resources of a certain territory that can be used in the economy, taking into account trends in scientific and technological progress. [V. P. Maksakovsky. The geographical picture of the world. Book I. General characteristics of the world (2003)]

3. The lexical and semantic group "being, existence": presence, placement, distribution, existence, realization, presence, location, occurrence, manifestation, etc.

Examples: The Automobile Department (army Automobile Department), having received summary plans from the rear headquarters, draws up a basic transportation plan, taking into account the availability of vehicles, <>. [Collection of military documents of the Great Patriotic War. Issue 23 (1941-1945)]; The location of the centers was chosen taking into account the location of the population, the presence of interesting natural landscapes or unique historical and architectural monuments. ["Evening Moscow", 06/21/1971]; Clarify fuel costs, taking into account the distribution of the level of daily coal supply for the Ministry of Energy for 850 thousand tons established by the Commission of the Council of Ministers [P. S. Neporozhny. Diaries of 1935-1985 (1980)]

4. Lexical and semantic group "parameters": type, interest, height, character, age, degree, level, size, property, coefficient, term, principle, factor, specificity, etc. Such nouns belong to the signs [7, p. 49].

Examples: It will need to be adjusted taking into account the age of the car, the length of service of the motorist, etc., etc. [Autopilot, 09/15/2002]; Doses of dolomite fertilizers are determined taking into account the degree of acidity of the soil and depending on their type. ["Chemistry and Life", 1966]; In addition, MDK was carried out - a simulation of the process in a laboratory mill, taking into account the size of the balls, the loading of the balls, the loading of the product fraction, the addition of water and the speed of the mill during laboratory tests. ["Mining Industry", 12/31/2003]

5. Lexico-semantic group "qualitative characteristics": peculiarity, power, unevenness, humidity, thickness, heaviness, diversity, strength, vastness, portability, transparency, etc.

Examples: Therefore, the processing of carcass parts into semi-finished products should be organized taking into account the characteristics of autolysis in these muscles.["Meat Industry", 05/24/2004]; Electronic "controller" automatically adjusts the thickness of the material to be laid, taking into account the irregularities of the soil. ["Technique for Youth", 1977]; The amount of the fine is determined by the court, taking into account the severity of the crime committed <>. [The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (1996) //2004].

6. Lexical and semantic group "nuances": cost, discount, benefit, interest, tax, depreciation, price, income, debt, surcharge, import, export, transportation, reserve, fine, quota, commission, promotion, etc. This includes event-based and feature-based nouns.

Examples: Here, for example, is a situation that we face almost every day: compensation in case of an accident is calculated according to a certain method, taking into account the cost of the car and its wear and tear. ["Business Journal", 03/16/2004]; Whereas the total cost of a mortgage, even taking into account commissions, is usually significantly (also almost twice) lower. [Alexey Chebotarev. Mortgage housing // "Expert", 2014]; The final list of objects of control is formed on the basis of a rating of potential objects of verification, taking into account the quota of resources of the Service, <>. ["Information Society", 2014]

7. Lexical and semantic group "state and situations": emotion, comfort, indignation, position, hunger, situation, circumstance, adversity, situation, fatigue, etc. This group mainly includes featured nouns.

Examples: They understand this, but they are confused, they keep to the level of the supposed understanding of the higher authorities, taking into account the emotions of the latter. ["Znamya", 2002]; <...> the staff conducted an analysis of our economy, taking into account the situation in other countries. ["Inviolable reserve", 05/15/2002]; Taking into account the circumstances of the case and the identity of the convicted person, the court may impose a sentence of life imprisonment or imprisonment for a period of 25 years. ["Lawyer", 01/18/1999]

8. Lexical and semantic group "documents and their contents": article, program, decree, regulation, directive, rules, law, recommendation, instruction, norm, instruction, resolution, content, etc.

Examples: The editorial board selects and evaluates candidates independently, taking into account the recommendations of law firms. ["Lawyer", 12/01/2004]; The Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia updates educational materials for the training of students, organizes their training taking into account the provisions of the Law, <...> ["Professional", 08/16/1999]; The duration and frequency of crack observations are established taking into account the instructions of paragraph 4.54. [Operating instructions for building structures of industrial buildings of industrial enterprises (1995)]

9. Lexical and semantic group "people and objects": child, adjacent, militia, officer, opponent, specialist, understudy, rival, macaw, people, guard, Villner, Vitalik, bodies, card, product, toilet, ring, etc.

Examples: If you are interested in a highly diversified portfolio, taking into account countries, asset classes and sectors, then in our opinion it would be reasonable to start with $200,000 in this case. [Forum: Commodity Exchange (2009-2010)]; In total, taking into account people who do not own real estate, this just gives 40 different options. ["Information Technology", 12/29/2003]; The unfortunate model was outraged, they say, we still need to count and somehow figure out the result, taking into account the ring, the father agreed, <>. [Vladimir Makanin. Underground, or the hero of our time (1996-1997)].

The left component

The left component can be a verb or a noun. Russian Russian Dictionary of Verbs edited by L. G. Babenko [1] and Russian Semantic Dictionary edited by N. Y. Shvedova [17] were used in the work on the lexical grouping of verbs.

The lexical and semantic groups of the left component are characterized by subjectivity. Of the five groups, three (group 1,2,4) relate to actions performed by a person: to create something; to implement something; to define something, and only one group (3) is used to describe objective phenomena. The last group (5) can be used to describe both objective phenomena and human actions.

The vocabulary occupying the position of the left component (underlined in the examples) of the derived preposition "considering" can be divided into the following lexical and semantic groups:

1. Verbs or verbal nouns with the meaning of creative activity: develop / develop (development) / be developed, compose, form / form, establish, plan, create / create (creation), work out / work out, predict (forecasting), design, build, pave, form, do, turn out, organize and others .

In this group, verbs are often combined with nouns that name parameters, various kinds of qualitative characteristics, the content of the document and the situation. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the results of creative activity usually represent plans, documents and other intellectual achievements, rather than artifacts, therefore, in the position of the right component in such constructions, there is also a predominance of vocabulary denoting abstract concepts.

Examples: In this case, significant damage includes the destruction of individual natural monuments, individual complexes and similar objects, which is established in each specific case, taking into account the circumstances of the case. ["Forestry", 19.10.2004]; Our departments and departments were formed taking into account the specifics of our company and the vision of the logistics component of business processes. ["Personnel Management", 11/15/2004]; All instructions are developed taking into account the types of work performed <...> [Rules of technical operation of electrical installations of consumers // 2003]

2. Verbs of the implementation of any business or work: to be introduced / conducted, to perform / to perform / to be performed (execution), to carry out / to carry out / to be carried out, to carry out / to carry out / to be carried out (implementation), to accept / to accept / to be accepted, to realize / to be realized, to lead / to lead, to add up, etc.

These verbs have no special restrictions on the vocabulary of the right component. The implementation of any business or work can be based either on the instructions of the document, or on existing experience and actions, and can be based on parametric data, various kinds of qualitative characteristics, etc.

Examples: The provision of forest fund plots for lease should be carried out publicly, taking into account the interests of the population living in the relevant territory. [Forest Code of the Russian Federation (1997) // 2004]; The calculation is performed taking into account data on the chemical composition and density of minerals. ["Geoinformatics", 09/25/2002]; Without dwelling on the procedures for allocating Pareto optimal subsets, we note that, taking into account the possibilities of budget financing, a group of the most priority projects of the built series is accepted for practical implementation. ["Forestry", 12/23/2003]

3. Verbs, verbal nouns or a combination with the meaning of a change in state or quantity: increase / increase, rise, decrease, change / change, raise, shorten / contract, expand, achieve, grow, grow, exceed, appear / become + comparative, be + adjectives (creative pad.), etc.

The analysis showed that in constructions in which the left component is represented by the vocabulary named in this paragraph, there is a direct relationship with the vocabulary in the position of the right component: it also belongs to the lexico-semantic group "change in state or quantity", or to the lexico-semantic group "finance".

Examples: Labor productivity needs to be increased taking into account the reduction in material consumption (material consumption is higher in our country than in the whole world). [P. S. Neporozhny. Diaries of 1935-1985 (1970)But we are building a palace of justice, the estimated cost of which at the beginning was 120 million rubles, and after a few years it became more (taking into account inflation). [Bogatey (Saratov), 06/26/2003]; <...> to increase the effectiveness of collective action, taking into account the costs and degree of risk <...> ["Military Thought", 11/15/2004]

4. Verbs denoting measurement, calculation, definition of something: define, evaluate, assign, assign, calculate, qualify, limit, count, orient, provide / provide, calculate, compose / compose, etc.

The most frequent are nouns that are combined with verbs of this group, belong to the lexical and semantic groups "finance", "parameters" and "qualitative characteristics" and "subjects". As mentioned above, finance is often associated with calculations, for example, with determining prices and quantities of goods. At the same time, if we want to determine the nature of an object, event or phenomenon, we must rely on certain criteria, and therefore it is logical that these three types of nouns are often combined with verbs in this combination.

Examples: <...> taking into account the share of gas in the fuel and energy balance of the country, the potential for gas saving can be estimated at 180-215 million tons of cu/year. ["Gas Industry", 08/25/2004]; <...> a special method of setting a price, taking into account costs and a fixed percentage of profit. ["However", 2010]; <...> determine the final optimal capacities of thermal power plants, taking into account the characteristics of each region of the country. [P. S. Neporozhny. Diaries of 1935-1985 (1968)]; It is difficult to imagine, but let's assume that the number of contractors by 2007 will increase from 160 to 400-450 thousand, and taking into account officers and warrant officers in the optimized version, their number will be 750-800 thousand. [p. Zhuravlev. Trojan Messages (2003) // "Soviet Russia", 05/15/2003]

5. Verbs of ownership of something (physical and virtual): receive / receive, achieve, find, give, pay, transfer (transfer), acquire, deliver / deliver, provide, etc.

These verbs are often combined with the lexico-semantic group "finance". This is because most of the facts related to this group describe situations related to payments (movement of money and goods). But this does not mean that the right component combined with them cannot be different in semantics.

Examples: The amount of revenue, including exports, should reach $ 700 — 800 million.[Evgeny Ostapov. Press conference of KamAZ JSC (1996) // Kommersant-Daily, 01/19/1996]; But in your example, there will be penalties from the 6th on insurance premiums and from the 16th on the UST, if you have already paid it, taking into account the deduction. ["Accounting, taxes, law", 08/03/2004]; — equipment not manufactured in Russia is supplied on the terms "from the Alfa Laval Potok plant", that is, taking into account delivery, customs duties, import duties. [Revolution in Economy (2003) // Metals of Eurasia, 09/01/2003]

After analyzing the left component, we find that the relationship between the left and right components is not very clear: a certain thematic group in the position of the right component can be combined with different thematic groups in the position of the left component, and vice versa. But there is a connection between them. As shown above, each group in the position of the left component has one or more combinations with the vocabulary in the position of the right component.


The analysis of the interpretations of the word form "taking into account" in explanatory dictionaries and the identification of different thematic groups occupying the positions of the left and right components showed that "taking into account" has certain properties of the preposition. First, there is a tendency in the dictionary to treat "with consideration" as a preposition. Secondly, several lexical and semantic groups have been identified, which are most often used in the position of the left and right components. It also proves that the distribution of lexico-semantic groups does not contradict the basic lexical meaning of the noun "accounting". Finally, the relations between the left and right components are noted, and several common pairs of combinations are established, for example: if the left is verbs with the meaning of creative activity, then the right is often nouns denoting a parameter, various kinds of qualitative characteristics, the content of the document and the situation. A certain limited compatibility was revealed in the analyzed material. This indicates that it is too early to consider "considering" as a preposition, it is only in the process of converting a noun into a preposition.

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