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Police and Investigative Activity

Interdepartmental Commission on Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation: scientific and practical aspects of its activities and issues of its optimization

Vasnetsova Anastasiya Sergeevna

Senior Researcher; University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

15 Zvenigorodskaya str., office 203, Moscow, 123022, Russia
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Abstract: The object of the study is public relations related to counteraction to extremist activities. The subject of the study is the organizational and legal basis for its provision, both in modern Russia and in foreign countries. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive theoretical study of the fight against extremism and its prevention by the Interdepartmental Commission on Countering Extremism, to study the mechanisms of countering extremism, to analyze the available scientific literature, to develop a theoretical design of the support system. Theoretical and other sources considered together are a common information base that contributes to the achievement of scientific validity and reliability of the formulated provisions. The empirical basis of the study is formed by documents and materials of federal government bodies, public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, information and analytical materials that allow assessing the state and level of protection of the state and society from extremist threats. The methodological basis of the research consists in the use of a set of existing methods of cognition, the basis of which is the dialectical method. General scientific techniques (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) are used in the study of individual issues of the topic. Special legal methods of scientific cognition are also widely used: formal legal, historical legal, comparative legal, structural and functional. The use of a set of methods allowed us to explore the theoretical aspects of countering extremism. The scientific novelty of the study is that it is one of the first scientific papers addressing the issues of the Interdepartmental Commission on Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation by analyzing various aspects of its activities and legal regulation. The article proposes the author's own approaches to the systematic study of problems related to legal regulation and the mechanism for exercising the powers of the Interdepartmental Commission on Countering Extremism in the context of analyzing the essence and issues of implementing specific areas of activity, building interaction with public authorities and public organizations, examines the problems of anti-extremist work, their content and relationship with the operational situation, suggests specific directions for improving legislation and directions for new scientific research in this area.


Interdepartmental Commission, extremism, prevention of extremism, prevention of extremist activities, National security, extremist crime, terrorism, operational investigative activities, international cooperation, public authorities

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In modern conditions, countering extremism is carried out with the full understanding that this phenomenon is multidimensional in nature, and requires, accordingly, the development of systemic and long-term measures.

Extremist crimes are directed against political stability, national security of the State and sustainable development of the entire world community. Violent extremism is certainly a radical political ideology, and therefore the social and ideological unity of extremist communities and terrorist organizations is widely recognized in the scientific literature [1,2,3].

There is a consolidated view among Russian scientists and experts that crimes committed under the influence of extremist ideology are characterized by a high degree of public danger caused by physical and mental violence against an indefinite circle of law-abiding citizens and traditional social institutions [3]. A wide range of political relations becomes the objects of encroachment of extremist crimes. Extremism affects not only the state power and the order of its implementation, but also the entire system of national traditional values that has developed in a particular country. The ideology of violent extremism is increasingly becoming a catalyst for political transformations and upheavals, as a result of which the principle of justice is being pushed into the background, against the background of irrational claims to the exclusivity of resolving controversial conflict-related issues, not always by thoughtful, reasonable and objectively acceptable methods and methods. It should be noted that the problems of combating extremism are typical not only for Russia, in the last ten years, law enforcement practice against extremists (as they are called in the West – "internal enemies of democracy") and in foreign countries has significantly increased, the number of scientific publications on this topic has increased significantly [4].

The variety of forms of extremist ideology and activities (as the authors of the monograph "Extremism in the modern world" rightly point out, there are various types of extremism that are in complex interdependence and interdependence: national, racial, religious, political, environmental, economic, youth, informational, etc. [3]) creates difficulties not only in their assessments, the development of response measures, but also in the organization of the national law enforcement system. It is extremely difficult to build work in the field of countering extremism, since the task of neutralizing and eliminating extremist threats is extremely difficult and significant. To solve it, it is necessary to solve problems in such areas as economics, politics, social sphere, culture, interethnic and interfaith relations, mental health of the nation, etc. It is important to implement both theoretical and practical, legislative and other approaches. Nevertheless, let us express some thoughts on this matter.

Threats of destabilization of the socio-political and socio-economic situation, violation of the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, destruction of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, as well as assistance to the activities of international extremist and terrorist organizations have become particularly relevant issues facing Russian law enforcement agencies in the modern period. The development of extremist processes in Russia is facilitated by: ongoing attempts by nationalist, radical public, religious, ethnic and other organizations and associations, individuals to carry out extremist activities to achieve their goals; spreading the ideology of violence, inciting, recruiting or otherwise involving Russian citizens and foreign citizens located in the country in the activities of extremist communities, sabotage andsubversive and other illegal activities; the formation of closed ethnic and religious enclaves on the territory of the Russian Federation, whose representatives ignore the laws of the Russian Federation and generally accepted norms of behavior; the presence of interethnic and territorial contradictions and conflicts in certain subjects of the Russian Federation, due to historical and socio-economic characteristics and leading to separatist manifestations; the situation in certain regions and localities the unfavorable migration situation, which leads to the destabilization of the labor market and the socio-economic situation, has a negative impact on interethnic and interfaith relations; the involvement of destructive individuals (radicals) and representatives of banned organizations of various groups of the population, including minors, in the commission of extremist actions and sabotage and terrorist crimes; the revival of the ideas of Nazism and fascism; destructive activities of individual officials related to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations to citizens in socio-economic, labor, environmental, law enforcement and other spheres, and inspiring protest activity of the population.

Despite the fact that the number of extremist crimes in 2023 It decreased by 14.4% and amounted to 1,340 (in 2021 – 1,057, +26.9%, in 2022 – 1,566, +48.2%), the public danger of extremism remains high. By the end of 2023, the number of terrorist crimes, the commission of many of which are closely interrelated and caused by extremist activities, increased by 6.7% and amounted to 2,382 (in 2021 – 2,136, -8.8%, in 2022 – 2,233, +4.5%). The number of terrorist acts has tripled (Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which amounted to 410 crimes (in 2021 – 41, in 2022 – 127, +209.8%), of which 140 were suppressed at the stage of preparation and assassination. The results of the work of the prosecutor's office in 2023 show an increase in the number of detected violations in the field of interethnic relations by 1.7% to 6054 (in 2021 – 5618, -1.2%, in 2022 – 5952, +6%), countering extremism – by 10.4% to 95,920 (in 2021 – 64,028, +17.6%, in 2022 -86,867, +35.7%) and terrorism – by 4.5% to 197,122 (in 2021 – 174,219, +9.8%, in 2022 – 188 660, +8,3%)[5].

Despite the lack of clear success among extremists and extremist groups in interfering in the internal affairs of the country, attempts to aggravate the criminal situation will continue. Therefore, we need to be prepared for new provocations and attempts to negatively influence the domestic political situation in the country.

The multidimensional nature of countering extremism and the impossibility of comprehensively solving problems only by law enforcement agencies led to the creation of a single interdepartmental body for coordinating activities in the field of countering extremist manifestations, normalizing interfaith and interethnic relations – the Interdepartmental Commission on Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation (established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07/26/2011 No. 988) (hereinafter – the Interdepartmental Commission).

The Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission is the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the executive secretary is the head of the GUPE of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The Interdepartmental Commission includes the heads of 20 ministries and departments: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Culture Ministry of Defense of Russia, Ministry of Communications of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia, Ministry of Sports of Russia, Ministry of Justice Of Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the IC of Russia, the Federal Customs Service Russia, SVR of Russia, FADN of Russia, Rosmolodezh, Rosgvardiya, Rosfinmonitoring, Roskomnadzor, the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

The Interdepartmental Commission has become an important tool for combining the efforts of various government agencies, which makes it possible to respond more effectively and comprehensively to all kinds of threats related to extremist manifestations. The creation of this commission was a response to the obvious need to coordinate the actions of law enforcement and other public authorities in the field of countering extremist activities.

The members of the commission, representing key ministries and departments, periodically meet to discuss topical issues related to ensuring national security, crime prevention and strengthening cooperation between various authorities. The most important aspects of the commission's work are the analysis of the current situation in the field of law enforcement, the development of recommendations to improve the interaction of law enforcement agencies and the submission of reports on the implementation of decisions taken. Every year (the first quarter of the year following the reporting one), a corresponding report is prepared to the President of the Russian Federation based on the results of the Commission's activities.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of the Regulations on the Interdepartmental Commission on Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation, approved by By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 988 dated 07/26/2011, the main tasks of the Interdepartmental Commission are:

a) preparation of proposals to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation on the formation of a state policy in the field of countering extremism, on improving the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area;

b) preparing annual reports on manifestations of extremism in the Russian Federation and submitting them to the President of the Russian Federation no later than the second quarter of the year following the reporting one;

c) development of measures aimed at countering extremism and eliminating the causes and conditions contributing to it;

d) ensuring coordination of the activities of federal executive authorities in the field of countering extremism, as well as organizing their interaction with executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations;

e) development of draft concepts, strategies, programs, plans and other documents in the field of countering extremism;

f) participation in international cooperation in the field of countering extremism, including in the preparation of drafts of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation;

g) monitoring, analysis and assessment of the state of countering extremism in the Russian Federation, as well as the development of measures aimed at improving the activities of federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations and organizations in this area;

h) organizational and methodological guidance of permanent working groups on the harmonization of interethnic relations in the subjects of the Russian Federation;

i) solving other tasks provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of countering extremism.

In order to implement the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as to determine the vector of development of state policy in the anti-extremist direction, in accordance with the List of strategic Planning documents in the field of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation to be developed (adjusted) and approved in the period 2019-2021, dated 12/28/2018 No. Pr-2533 in cooperation with federal government agencies of the Interdepartmental The Commission is working on the implementation of the provisions of the Strategy for Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation until 2025 (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05/29/2020 No. 344).

Thus, the Interdepartmental Commission represents a significant step forward in the fight against threats arising from extremist factors, providing a basis for stability and security in the country. The Interdepartmental Commission implements a wide range of powers, similar to those of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee

Meanwhile, there are a number of difficulties in the work of the Interdepartmental Commission:

1) the previously mentioned multidimensional nature of the problem of countering extremism and the need to develop solutions to problems on a wide range of issues (social, economic, political, interethnic, interfaith, youth and migration policy, etc., which requires planning, programming, consistency, special knowledge, etc.

2) the involvement in solving the problems of countering terrorism of a large number of subjects of countering extremism, their multitasking and multifunctionality, which requires the development of special approaches to the organization of coordination activities in this area.

Thus, the subjects of countering extremism are:

FADN, federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, their subordinate organizations, state extra–budgetary funds and local self-government bodies that are users of the State Information System for Monitoring Interethnic and Interfaith Relations and Early Warning of Conflict Situations (hereinafter - GISM), provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 10/28/2017 No. 1312 "On the state information system for monitoring interethnic and interfaith relations and early warning of conflict situations" and thus acting as subjects of early detection and prevention of extremist manifestations;

the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, identifying extremist offenses and taking the necessary response measures;

the Prosecutor's Office, which oversees the legality and validity of the decisions taken, as well as the coordinating function;

The Security Council of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Department for Internal Policy of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, which solve, within their competence, a wide range of issues of legislative, legal, scientific and practical counteraction to extremism;

educational and scientific organizations, mass media.

In addition, in the Russian Federation, at the regional and municipal levels, there are programs for the prevention of extremism and terrorism, its ideology, which also involves a large number of co-executors at various levels.

Within the framework of this article, far from all subjects of countering extremism and its prevention are named, but even those already presented demonstrate a fairly large-scale list and level of them, which requires the Interdepartmental Commission to do a significant amount of work on building mechanisms and procedures for interacting with them. Only in this regard, it is obvious that the organs of internal affairs in this part are entrusted with a huge amount of tasks that require fundamentally new approaches to its organization;

3) increasingly accelerating digitalization, the transition of most spheres of human life to the Internet, the negative impact of the Internet on improving the methods of committing extremist crimes, gaps in legislation regarding the regulation of anti–extremist activities on the Internet force attention to the need to reform the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission in this area by solving a number of organizational issues - the creation of a specialized website (by analogy with NAC of Russia), training of specialists, informational counter-propaganda materials, preparation of scientific and educational events, etc.;

4) the difficult geopolitical situation, the need to maintain economic, social, interfaith and interethnic stability dictate the need for the adoption of program-target and strategic documents with a list of necessary measures of a socio-economic, interethnic and inter-confessional nature, etc.

5) there are problems related to internal and external migration in a separate block, which requires new approaches in the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission and the development of meaningful proposals;

6) the desirability of resolving issues in the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission related to financing, personnel and scientific and analytical support for the prevention of extremism, the preparation of information and analytical documents, manuals, methodological recommendations, monographs, the dissemination of which is possible in an open mode;

7) sufficiency of information support for preventive activities, granting the Interdepartmental Commission the authority to request the necessary information and establish a list of such information;

8) the obligation to use the results of the analysis of operational investigative, intelligence and counterintelligence activities in the prevention of extremism and, accordingly, the development of mechanisms for obtaining such information, the specifics of its analysis and use;

9) establishment of mechanisms for international cooperation of the Interdepartmental Commission;

10) and, perhaps, the key issue is to empower the Interdepartmental Commission to develop solutions to those problems that produce extremist manifestations (achieving socio-economic stability and social justice, resolving territorial disputes, interethnic and interfaith conflicts, educating the younger generation, etc.)

In the scientific community, in terms of improving activities in the field of countering extremist activities, many ideas are expressed about the need to increase its effectiveness in various areas.

Thus, T.Z. Imakov and G.B. Magomedov propose to strengthen the prevention of manifestations of extremism and solving the problems that generate these threats, increasing the efficiency of public authorities, the political and legal culture of civil servants, the level of socio-political responsibility of civil society institutions [6].

The monograph edited by A. I. Bastrykin, V. P. Kirilenko, V. A. Shamakhov notes that the mechanism for implementing the "Counteraction Strategy in the Russian Federation until 2025" should be supplemented with an indication of the ways in which the authorities interact with the expert community and scientific institutions, which, like all healthy social forces, are interested in eradicating extremism and preserving democracy in Russia [3].

M.K. Archakov emphasizes that the state system for countering manifestations of extremism in Russian society requires immediate reform. A distinctive feature of the reformed system should be the regulation not of separate isolated areas in countering extremism, but an integrated approach to solving this problem: mutually coordinated regulation of all subsystems of countering extremism while simultaneously using updated legal tools [7].

E.A. Kovalchuk notes that the effectiveness of police interaction with public youth associations depends on its organization, which at the city and district levels should be entrusted to local governments (interdepartmental commissions for the prevention of offenses, anti-terrorist commissions). And the leading role of organizational support for the main forms of such interaction (joint exercises, other types of classes, meetings, briefings, planning, development of targeted programs, conclusion of agreements (contracts) defining the grounds and procedure for information exchange, involvement of public associations in ongoing events) should be performed by the police [8].

A.V. Byazrov, having analyzed the practice of functioning of the current national system of countering terrorism and extremism, proposes measures to improve the GIMS [9].

E. N. Bystryakov, E. V. Ionova, N. L. Potapova, A. B. Smushkin are considering the possibility of creating a new draft law on countering extremism, which, due to the complexity of the problem, will entail amendments and additions to the existing system of anti-extremist legislation in Russia [10].

G. I. Demin, A.V. Snegovoy, V.M. Shchukin analyze the problems of countering extremist activities that create extraordinary circumstances of a criminal nature, as a result of which they come to conclusions about the need to ensure coordinated activities of subjects of countering extremism aimed at preventing the formation of an unfavorable criminal situation [11].

O.V. Damaskin argues that in order to improve law enforcement in the field under consideration, it is advisable to introduce general social statistics, including all forms of deviant behavior, create new structures in law enforcement agencies capable of adequately acting in new conditions, ensure adequate regulatory legal regulation and the legality of the practice of applying norms, etc. The need to implement comprehensive measures in all areas is emphasized — legal, organizational, managerial, educational, etc. [12].

V. L. Shultz, V. A. Sobolev, N. A. Makhutov propose the formation of an information model for monitoring possible terrorist threats and crisis situations on the territory of the Russian Federation, taking into account their relationship with the activities of international terrorism, cross-border challenges and threats, and also develop proposals for classifiers of objects of the Russian Federation in respect of which terrorist acts may be carried out or on the territory of the Russian Federation. which may lead to crisis situations [13].

M.V. Permyakov, V.V. Polovka, A.M. Zatsepin, having comprehensively reviewed the activities of the operational units of the Department of Internal Affairs in the fight against terrorism and extremism, propose broad anti-extremist and anti-terrorist mobilization by, first of all, strengthening the interaction of operational units and the population [14].

V.V. Krasinsky, considering the multilevel prevention of terrorism (among vulnerable categories of citizens, at potential targets of terrorist attacks, etc.), sees an outstanding potential for the development of this area of work, primarily in the field of prevention of the ideology of extremism and terrorism [15].

R.H. Mirzazyanov notes that within the framework of the gradually emerging multilateral model, it is highly desirable to create a coordination mechanism to strengthen interaction between the CSTO and SCO member states in order to strengthen Eurasian security and taking into account the situation around Afghanistan [16].

V.V. Lomakin and A.V. Karpov proposed systemic forms of activity of public authorities to use the experience and internal potential of fellow countrymen and national diasporas to form national and ethnic identity, support moral foundations and ensure equal legal, social and legal status of the peoples of Russia, overcome national protectionism and discrimination in certain regions. In addition, it is proposed to adopt a federal law "On regional and municipal development in the Russian Federation", which would provide for socially significant projects that would contribute to the early prevention of extremist manifestations [17].

I.L. Khromov emphasizes the need to combine the efforts of interested public authorities in strengthening appropriate legal mechanisms and deepening international contacts in the field of countering illegal migration and extremism generated by it [18].

According to A.V. Agutin, understanding the strategic goals of ensuring national security and countering extremism allows us to conclude that such a basic emphasis in ensuring national security is the unity of the people (community) and the state based on the culture of the Russian people as a whole, which should contribute to building an effective system of countering extremism exclusively taking into account traditional values and national interests [19].

S.I. Chudinov, examining several classifications of forms of extremism, notes that modern society is an unbalanced transforming system, and therefore responding to extremist threats is an ambiguous and complex process. At the same time, the author convincingly proves the inconsistency of the views that scientific support for the fight against extremism is serving the interests of the government and "official quasi-science" [20].

Foreign scientists are not lagging behind their Russian colleagues in terms of finding ideas on overcoming extremism and radicalism. They express many promising ideas and concepts about improving the effectiveness of social and law enforcement work.

Thus, B. Blakemore (B. Blakemore) notes the need to strengthen the interaction of police structures with the public in the field of combating terrorism and extremism [4], A. Sroka, F.C.-R. Garrone and R.D.T. Kumbrian specifically points out the need to maintain a balance between the active role of the state in countering extremism and respect for the rights and interests of society [21].

Zh. In his work, J. Shashi comprehensively explores the possibilities of public involvement in the fight against violent extremism among young people, as well as issues of preventing radicalization, analyzes the Singaporean approach to religious deprogramming. J. Shashi emphasizes the expediency of a fruitful exchange of views between various communities working in the field of combating terrorism and extremism, and also calls for creation of structurally integral deradicalization programs with instrumentally measurable impact on extremist and terrorist groups [22].

In his work, J. Richards calls for overcoming excessive standardization and bureaucratization, loss of critical thinking and flexibility on the part of large government agencies in the fight against terrorism and extremism. The need for critical analysis and discourse in the field under consideration is pointed out in order to avoid myth-making and stereotypes about terrorist and extremist activities. The paper substantiates a gradual shift away from the fight against crime and terrorism to methods of regulating society and cultural practices in the context of solving the distributive conflict in the politics of post-industrial capitalism. At the same time, the inadmissibility of a possible transition in post-industrial societies to totalitarianism and the persecution of political dissenters as a result of anti-terrorist and extremist activities is noted [23].

A comprehensive analysis of the current state and trends in the development of counteraction to extremism, scientific literature in Russia and abroad has shown the need to increase the effectiveness of this type of activity. The solution of this complex science–intensive task is a fundamental factor in an adequate response to challenges and threats to the national interests of the Russian Federation.

In terms of scientific and theoretical approaches, we consider it necessary:

1. To develop the theoretical foundations of the structure and activities of the Interdepartmental Commission, legislatively constructing its model in the form of an organization performing organizational, informational, analytical, coordination functions based on taking into account extremism and countering it as a complex multi-object system, historically conditioned and comprehensively interconnected with various sectors of human activity, society and the state (economics, politics, social the sphere, law enforcement work, etc.) and, accordingly, the public authorities in charge of these areas, as well as citizens and public organizations.

2. To substantiate and formulate theoretically sound principles of the Interdepartmental Commission, among which it is necessary to reflect the consistency, efficiency, scientific, modernity, high-tech, rational openness, taking into account the opinions, legitimate interests and rights of all opposing social groups in conflict resolution, motivating the population to constructive social activity, etc.

In terms of improving the modern legislative regulation of the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission, we consider it necessary to supplement the regulation on it with the following innovations:

1) reflect the mechanisms of scientific and analytical support for counteraction to extremism;

2) in connection with the rapidly changing situation, the emergence of new challenges and threats in order to stop them in a timely manner, consider increasing the number of reports to the country's leadership from once to twice a year or quarterly;

3) one of the meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission must be held with the participation of representatives of the public, public organizations, and the blogging community. Taking into account the opinion of the public, creating a platform for dialogue and cooperation between various social groups will not only improve control mechanisms, but also adjust public consciousness to the side of law-abiding and conscientious performance of their duties by citizens, reduce the level of tension and discontent in society;

4) include a representative of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Interdepartmental Commission;

5) organize information coverage of the work of the Interdepartmental Commission by creating an independent website or a separate subsection on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

6) determine the procedure for interaction of the Interdepartmental Commission with other coordinating bodies (the NAC of Russia, permanent coordination meetings under the head of the subject on law enforcement, coordination meetings of heads of law enforcement agencies, etc.) involved in countering extremism and ensuring national security;

7) establish the procedure for obtaining and using the results of operational investigative, intelligence and counterintelligence activities to coordinate anti-extremist work;

8) identify the mission of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Organization of International Cooperation in the field under consideration, primarily for the prevention of offenses related to illegal migration.

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23. Richards, J. (2017). Extremism, radicalization and security: an approach based on identity theory. Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-55203-3

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The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as its name implies, the Interdepartmental Commission on Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation. The author focused on the study of scientific and practical aspects of its activities, as well as issues of its optimization. The declared boundaries of the study have been observed by the scientist. The methodology of the research is not disclosed in the text of the article. The relevance of the research topic chosen by the author is beyond doubt and is justified in sufficient detail by him: "In modern conditions, countering extremism is carried out with the full understanding that this phenomenon is multidimensional in nature, and requires, accordingly, the development of systemic and long-term measures. Extremist crimes are directed against political stability, national security of the State and sustainable development of the entire world community. Violent extremism is certainly a radical political ideology, in connection with which the scientific literature widely recognizes the social and ideological unity of extremist communities and terrorist organizations [1,2,3]"; "It should be noted that the problems of combating extremism are characteristic not only for Russia, in the last ten years law enforcement practice against extremists has significantly intensified (as they are called in the West – "internal enemies of democracy") and in foreign countries, the number of scientific publications on this topic has increased significantly [4]"; "Despite the fact that the number of extremist crimes in 2023 decreased by 14.4% and amounted to 1,340 (in 2021 – 1,057, +26.9%, in 2022 – 1566, +48.2%), the public danger of extremism remains high. According to the results of 2023, the number of terrorist crimes, the commission of many of which are closely interrelated and caused by extremist activities, increased by 6.7% and amounted to 2,382 (in 2021 – 2,136, -8.8%, in 2022 – 2,233, +4.5%)," etc. The scientific novelty of the work is manifested in a number of the author's conclusions: "Thus, the Interdepartmental Commission represents a significant step forward in the fight against threats arising from extremist factors, providing a basis for stability and security in the country. The Interdepartmental Commission implements a wide range of powers, similar to those of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee. Meanwhile, there are a number of difficulties in the work of the Interdepartmental Commission: 1) the previously mentioned multidimensional nature of the problem of countering extremism and the need to develop solutions to problems on a wide range of issues (social, economic, political, interethnic, interfaith, youth and migration policy, etc., which requires planning, programming, consistency, special knowledge, etc. 2) involvement in solving the problems of countering terrorism of a large number of the subjects of countering extremism, their multitasking and multifunctionality, which requires the development of special approaches to organizing coordination activities in the field under consideration"; "3) increasingly accelerating digitalization, the transition of most spheres of human life to the Internet, the negative impact of the Internet on improving methods of committing extremist crimes, gaps in legislation regarding the regulation of anti-extremist activities on the Internet force to draw attention to the need to reform the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission in the field under consideration by solving a number of organizational issues – the creation of a specialized website (by analogy with the NAC of Russia), training of specialists, information counter-propaganda materials, preparation of scientific and educational events, etc.; 4) the difficult geopolitical situation, the need to maintain economic, social, interfaith and interethnic stability dictate the relevance of adopting program-oriented and strategic documents with a list of necessary socio-economic, interethnic and interfaith measures", etc.; "A comprehensive analysis of the current state and trends in the development of countering extremism, scientific literature in Russia and abroad has shown the need to increase the effectiveness of the type of activity under consideration. The solution of this complex science–intensive task is a fundamental factor in an adequate response to challenges and threats to the national interests of the Russian Federation. In terms of scientific and theoretical approaches, we consider it necessary: 1. To develop the theoretical foundations of the structure and activities of the Interdepartmental Commission, legislatively constructing its model in the form of an organization performing organizational, informational, analytical, coordination functions based on taking into account extremism and countering it as a complex multi-object system, historically conditioned and comprehensively interconnected with various branches of human activity, society and the state (economy, politics, social sphere, law enforcement, etc.) and, accordingly, the public authorities in charge of these areas, as well as citizens and public organizations. 2. To substantiate and formulate theoretically sound principles of the Interdepartmental Commission, among which it is necessary to reflect the consistency, efficiency, scientific, modernity, high-tech, rational openness, taking into account the opinions, legitimate interests and rights of all opposing social groups in conflict resolution, motivating the population to constructive social activity, etc. In terms of improving the modern legislative regulation of the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission, we consider it necessary to supplement the regulation on it with the following innovations: 1) reflect the mechanisms of scientific and analytical support for activities to counter extremism; 2) in connection with the rapidly changing situation, the emergence of new challenges and threats in order to stop them in a timely manner, consider increasing the number of reports to the country's leadership from once to twice a year or quarterly; 3) one of the meetings of the Interdepartmental Commission is mandatory conduct with the participation of representatives of the public, public organizations, and the blogging community. Taking into account the opinion of the public, creating a platform for dialogue and cooperation between various social groups will not only improve control mechanisms, but also adjust public consciousness to the side of law-abiding and conscientious performance of their duties by citizens, reduce the level of tension and discontent in society," etc. Thus, the article makes a definite contribution to the development of domestic legal science and, of course, deserves the attention of potential readers. The scientific style of the research is fully sustained by the author. The structure of the work is quite logical. In the introductory part of the article, the author substantiates the relevance of his chosen research topic. In the main part of the article, the scientist examines the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission on Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation and determines the directions for its optimization. The final part of the work contains conclusions and suggestions based on the results of the study. The content of the article corresponds to its title and does not cause any particular complaints. However, there is a typo in the work. So, the author writes: "A comprehensive analysis of the current state and trends in the development of counteraction to extremism, scientific literature in Russia and abroad has shown the need to increase the effectiveness of the type of activity under consideration" - "abroad". The bibliography of the study is presented by 23 sources (monographs, dissertations, scientific articles, analytical materials), including in English. From a formal and factual point of view, this is enough. The author managed to reveal the research topic with the necessary completeness and depth. There is an appeal to the opponents, but it is of a general nature, which is due to the focus of the study. The scientific discussion is conducted by the author correctly. The provisions of the work are justified to the appropriate extent.
There are conclusions based on the results of the study ("A comprehensive analysis of the current state and trends in the development of counteraction to extremism, scientific literature in Russia and abroad has shown the need to increase the effectiveness of this type of activity. The solution of this complex science–intensive task is a fundamental factor in an adequate response to challenges and threats to the national interests of the Russian Federation. In terms of scientific and theoretical approaches, we consider it necessary: 1. To develop the theoretical foundations of the structure and activities of the Interdepartmental Commission, legislatively constructing its model in the form of an organization performing organizational, informational, analytical, coordination functions based on taking into account extremism and countering it as a complex multi-object system, historically conditioned and comprehensively interconnected with various branches of human activity, society and the state (economy, politics, social sphere, law enforcement, etc.) and, accordingly, the public authorities in charge of these areas, as well as citizens and public organizations. 2. To substantiate and formulate theoretically sound principles of the Interdepartmental Commission, among which it is necessary to reflect the consistency, efficiency, scientific, modernity, high-tech, rational openness, taking into account the opinions, legitimate interests and rights of all opposing social groups in conflict resolution, motivating the population to constructive social activity, etc. In terms of improving the modern legislative regulation of the activities of the Interdepartmental Commission, we consider it necessary to supplement the regulation on it with the following innovations: 1) reflect the mechanisms of scientific and analytical support for activities to counter extremism; 2) in connection with the rapidly changing situation, the emergence of new challenges and threats in order to stop them in a timely manner, consider increasing the number of reports to the country's leadership from one to two times a year or quarterly,"etc.), have the properties of reliability, validity and Undoubtedly, they deserve the attention of the scientific community. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by specialists in the field of criminal law and criminology, provided that it is slightly improved: the disclosure of the research methodology and the elimination of typos in the text of the article.