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Philology: scientific researches

Syntactic position and functions of an adjective in the sentence structure in Persian compared to Russian

Yarzada Bibi Saliha

ORCID: 0009-0000-7342-4806

Postgraduate student; Department of General and Russian Linguistics; P. Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

15 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia









Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the syntactic position of the adjective in the structure of the Persian sentence in comparison with the Russian language. The article pays special attention to the functional aspect, which is implemented by adjectives. The syntactic roles of semantic units are also considered. In this article, the features of adjectives in the Persian language are analyzed on the basis of structural and syntactic criteria adopted in comparative grammar. By comparing the functions and features of adjectives, we can talk about the similarities and differences in Persian and Russian, the importance of adjectives for the formulation of thought and the place of adjectives in literary and journalistic texts. Attention is also paid to the dependence of the adjective on the noun and the placement in the preposition and postposition and the change of meaning in the context of these sentences. This article is based on a comparative analysis, when the evaluation of Persian adjectives is realized in comparison with Russian adjectives both in the field of functions and in the field of unit typology. The novelty of the research is manifested in the comparative aspect of the Russian and Persian adjectives. Morphologically, the most important difference between adjectives in Persian and Russian is the presence of grammatical gender in the Russian language and its absence in the Persian language. During the analysis, it was concluded that, although there is a great difference in the syntactic functionality of the Persian and Russian adjectives, we can say that the main function is to expand the meaning of the noun and clarify it, nevertheless it is respected. At the same time, an adjective in Farsi plays the role of other elements, in particular, a numeral, an adverb, or even a predicate.


functions, the adjective, Persian, language, syntactic, Persian language, the role of the adjective, specificity, implementations of adjective, differences

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In this article, the author conducts a comparative analysis of Russian and Persian adjectives both from the point of view of semantics and from the point of view of the structure and functions performed by adjectives. In order to obtain the necessary data, we conducted a study based on the Persian Speech Corpus [16] and the National Corpus of the Russian Language [13].

During the analysis, it was found out that the main function of adjectives in both Russian and Persian is the concretization of information about the lexical meaning of nouns. In Persian, an adjective is defined as: "a word that is added to a noun to express the form or quality of an object"[5]; it is always used with a noun or pronoun and defines it [7].

It follows from this characteristic that an adjective is considered dependent on a noun and describes it, and without a noun it cannot be considered an independent part of speech; unless it replaces a noun and performs the same role as a noun in a sentence [12]. Let's turn to the following two examples, which allow us to clarify this definition:

در ادبیات فارسی از عاشق خوب همیشه ستایش شده است. In Persian literature, a good lover has always been praised.

مردم خوب جهان هیچ رحمتی نمی شناسند. The good people of the world know no mercy.

In the first sentence, the word "مهربانی" [kind] is used as an adjective denoting a lover, and is considered a synonym. In the second sentence, the same word (of course, in the plural) plays a role in revealing the meaning of the noun and is part of the subject of this sentence. The dependence of the adjective on the noun in terms of the structure of the utterance has led some Farsi grammarians to consider the adjective as part of the noun, rather than consider it separate and independent.

Adjectives in most languages, including Persian, have recognition criteria. In Russian, it also has morphological features and is mainly placed as a dependent subject after a noun. The analysis of grammatical forms is of paramount importance in word formation and syntax. In this context, four linguistic formal criteria are studied as structural criteria: grammatical gender, postposition and preposition, primordiality and derivation, simplicity and complexity in the structure of the unit.

In the most general form, adjectives can be classified according to semantic, syntactic and structural. Classifications vary depending on the author.

Thus, M. Arjang divided the adjectives of the Persian language into 6 types (expressive, numeric, polysemous, interrogative, exclamation and indicative) and examined each of them in detail. However, this classification distinguishes the types of adjectives on various grounds: semantic, stylistic and communicative, and does not take into account the possibility of attributing an adjective to more than one class: so an adjective can be numeric and polysemous, expressive and exclamation. For our study, such a classification is of only historical interest, showing the undeveloped nature of the problem of consistently describing this part of speech in the Persian language. But the following classification will also be useful in terms of syntax.

From the point of view of syntax, M. Arjang considers adjectives of three categories: simple, complex and descriptive [5].

A simple adjective is usually qualitative, which consists of one word.

The old table

The old Order

A compound adjective consists of several words.

مختلف، متفاوت، گوناگون، متنوع نظرهای کاملا متفاوت (مختلف) a completely different point of view

This point of view is shared by Vahidian Kamiyar and M. Omrani, who consider the adjective dependent, because in syntax it manifests itself as one of the characteristics of the noun. According to the place of the adjective, in the order of words, divide them into prepositional and postpositional, characterizing the different types. According to the structure of the adjective, it is divided into four categories: simple, complex, derivatives and complex derivatives [3]. A simple adjective consists of a single base, without affixes. A complex one, as a rule, consists of several bases and in this it is close to the Russian adjective. A suffix adjective is an adjective that is formed from a noun based on joining the base of the suffix. The prefix method also allows you to form an adjective from a noun, but with the help of a prefix.

The second basis for distinguishing adjectives in both Russian and Persian is semantic classification, often based on the functions performed by the adjective. As for the functions of adjectives, two purposes of the morphological adjective (dependent adjective) and the syntactic adjective (nominal adjective) are mentioned today [5]. Some adjectives in Russian, including compound adjectives, have no equivalent in Persian. Adjectives in both these languages become definitions and have a descriptive and denotative function. The essential difference between the two languages is that in Russian there are forms of degree of comparison of adjectives that are not present in Persian. Most adjectives in both languages have formal grammatical features.

Azari Najafabad, based on the theory of generative grammar, considered adjectives to become semantically dependent units within a nominal group and listed some of their types. He mentions descriptive and possessive adjectives and gives the following examples:

A careful driver.

A beautiful castle

راننده معقول است. A reasonable driver [16].

The author in his dictionary first considered qualitative adjectives (qualificative) and numerical (numerals), and then in another chapter they considered demonstrative cases along with pronouns. Moreover, he studied adjectives related to colors for the first time. He also devoted a part of his book to the study of unclassified adjectives (ادون مدرک).

It should be noted that in Farsi it is often not possible to draw an exact line between the definition and the predicate. Adjectives sometimes act as nouns and adjectives, which will be presented in the example of the building standards. In most languages, criteria for the structural basis of an adjective can be used to recognize and classify adjectives. Persian and Russian are also considered to be among the languages in which structural criteria can be used to understand the structure of adjectives. We have put forward four criteria for evaluating the functions of adjectives, which will be explained further using examples from two languages.

There is no gender in the Persian language. In Russian, the masculine gender and the feminine gender are used to classify nouns. Verbs and adjectives must match in gender:

پیراهن خود Your shirt

One person

او دانش آموز است. He is a student (and in this case the adjective is implemented only in Persian).

Since grammatical gender does not exist in the Persian language and with the exception of some expressions borrowed from Arabic (which are beyond the scope of our discussion), we see that the semantic differentiation function by gender is not realized.

One of the important structural criteria of an adjective is the criterion of precedence and a posteriority of an adjective. In other words, an adjective stands before or after a noun in Persian. First of all, it should be noted that in most Indo-Romance and European languages, the adjective is placed in a postnominal position [5]. Persian is also one of these languages. In other words, in Persian, an adjective is usually placed after a noun and describes the noun in front of it:

A dangerous man

A handsome man

This place in the sentence has a dominant position and, although some exceptions can be found in the language in which such a state is not observed, the main function is to convey the emotionality and expressiveness of the utterance. Therefore, in the Persian language, in most cases expressive adjectives occur after the noun. Adjectives جوان، بلند، بزرگ، بزرگ، آخرین، کوتاه، is a، زیبا، کوچک، بد، بلند، زیبا و پیر are the main adjectives that stand in front of nouns and their use after the noun causes the formation of adjectives structures.

A good book

In addition, some adjectives in this language have different meanings depending on whether they stand before or after the noun.

As we can see, the adjective is used in two different meanings, depending on whether it stands after the noun or before it. Thus, it can be concluded that when this adjective is placed before a noun, it is closer to coercion and it is basically impossible to make an exact distinction between the two. The same applies to some Persian adjectives

این یک کتاب خوب است. It's a good book.

پدر بیچاره شما. Your poor father.

In this regard, the word "خوب" [Good] is important, which in itself is an adjective. It is placed before the noun and has a greater meaning in meaning. Also in this case, you can see the function of the accent, with which a kind of accentuation and aggravation occurs, which is a sign of highlighting the emotional meaning of the adjective compared to its usual use [18].

Among other adjectives that precede a noun, demonstrative adjectives can be mentioned. In the Persian language words such as "این"، "آن"، "چنین"، "پس"، "این"and "یکسان" are among the referential adjectives that cannot be placed in front of them. This type of adjective is considered as one of the dependent on the noun and is actually the furthest relative to the core of the nominal group. In Persian, these adjectives are not plural. They can be put together when they replace nouns:

The tree is a

The trees are

They are placed before nouns as clarifying information. The main function is informative. The same thing is preserved in Russian, but more often the function is performed by demonstrative pronouns. The most important difference in this area is the discussion of compatibility in terms of grammatical gender (and, of course, number). It is worth paying attention to the following examples:

این چمدان سنگین است. This luggage is heavy.

این خزندگان 14 متر طول دارند. These reptiles are 14 meters long.

Interrogative adjectives also take a position before the noun. In Persian, adjectives such as "چه"، "چند"، "چ@در"، "کدام" and, of course, "کدام" are interrogative adjectives that always stand before a noun and ask about the number or type of noun after it, performing a quantitative function.

چند روز سفر کردید؟ How many days have you been traveling?

چه کتابی به من قرض دادی؟ What book did you lend me?

چه ورزشی است که انجام می دهید؟ What kind of sports do you do?

از رنگ های دلخواه پشتیبانی می کند؟ Does it support custom colors?

These same adjectives are also used as exclamation adjectives and are the same in number and gender, except that there is no longer a question and an exclamation mark is placed at the end of a sentence or construction instead of a question mark:

چه گلهای زیبایی! What beautiful flowers!

In Persian, exclamation adjectives come before a noun:

چه خانه ای! What a house!

Ambiguous adjectives in Persian language are words like "هر کدام، "هر"، "همه"، "بعضی"، "دیگران", etc., which inevitably placed before a noun:

هر کاری می خواهید بکنید! Do whatever you want!

Possessive adjectives manifest themselves in Farsi in a similar way. In Russian, words such as my, my, my, etc., are nothing but pronouns. In Farsi, they manifest themselves as possessive adjectives, they are placed before the noun and describe the state of possession of the noun after it:

My other sister

In Persian, connected and disconnected pronouns can be equivalent to possessive adjectives that express the concept of belonging in the preposition state.:

He is our neighbor .

کتاب من - My book

Countable adjectives exist quite widely in Farsi and some of them are placed before and some after the noun. In Persian, countable adjectives can be divided into two general types: main and ordinal. Ordinal adjectives can be divided into two types: the first type of adjectives with the suffix "o-m" and the second type of adjectives with the attached suffix "o-min". Among these adjectives, only the countable adjective is placed after the noun.

Comparing such an adjective in Russian and Farsi, we find that in Persian there are countable adjectives from the category of adjectives in preposition and postposition. Because the main countable adjective and the ordinal countable adjective with the suffix "-o-min" occur before the noun, and ordinal countable adjectives with the suffix "o-m" are after the noun.

Preferred adjectives are also found before nouns in Persian. Thus, dependent noun clauses are:

The second large table

Adjectives as modifiers, at the same time, do not change the basic meaning of the word, but simply complement the noun or pronoun, describing, limiting and making its meaning more precise, for example, ماشینایاه is still the same. Just the adjectives or the modifier "اا ماشین" here can tell us something more specific about the next word. In a Farsi literary text, adjectives have four main functions depending on the position:

1. "Adjectives can occur in a predictive position and perform the function of complementing the subject and object.

2. Adjectives can occur in the attribution position and pre-complement the noun.

3. Adjectives can take the form of comparative and superlative degrees when changing or adding premodifiers.

4. Adjectives can be pre-modified by the amplifier.

Finally, the third type for separating adjectives is structural classification. This classification allows us to distinguish two large groups – simple and complex adjectives. Simple adjectives can be divided into basic and derivative adjectives, and complex adjectives can be divided into phrases and sentences.

(A) Simple adjectives

1. Simple adjectives: Basic adjectives in the Persian language are used as the bases of nouns, verbs, comparative and superlative forms, as well as adverbs. They include attributive, numerals, descriptive, subjective and objective adjuncts, demonstrative cases, colors, possessive, interrogative cases, etc. Most of them exist in basic forms, and some are formed using nouns, infinitives or imperative moods plus suffixes. They precede or follow the noun, depending on the role they perform. They contain one, two, three or four syllables that count as one word. The definite article in the Persian language has no representation in the form of a word or sign, and the infinite has the symbol "i" at the end of the noun [12].

For example: خانه house.

As a rule, they are located in the position before the noun: some adjectives that often precede the noun, for example: numeric, demonstrative, exclamation, interrogative, superlative and comparative, indefinite quantity and indefinite adjective. Let's turn to specific examples.

There are four houses here – it is necessary to focus on the number of houses. A numeric function is implemented.

این لباس قدیمیه This dress is old. Expresses an attitude, demonstrates a negative characteristic.

چه کتاب خوبی What a good book! An exclamation, an expression of a positive attitude towards the subject of speech.

چه لباسی میخوای ? What kind of dress do you want? Interrogative, establishes communication between respondents.

بهترین تولید در ایران است. The best production is in Iran. Superlative, conveys the speaker's attitude.

علم علی بهتر از ساره است . Ali's knowledge is better than Sarah's. The comparative degree conveys the speaker's attitude.

مقداری پول خرج می کنم. I'm spending some money. An indefinite amount conveys the relation to the subject of speech.

هر گلی یک خار دارد. An indefinite adjective conveys a relation to the subject of speech. Every flower has a thorn

• The position of the adjective after the noun: some adjectives mainly follow the noun that needs to be changed, for example: noun complement, shape, color, nationality, attributive adjectives, indefinite adjective and general description.

او یک بازیگر سینما است . She's a movie actress. An adjective in the complement function that allows you to characterize the subject of speech.

زمین یک دایره است. The earth is a circle. The adjective conveys the form.

کفش زردش زشته. Her yellow shoes are ugly. The adjective conveys color.

کارگران ایرانی سخت کار می کنند . Iranian workers work hard. The adjective conveys the nationality of the object of speech.

To see the flowing water. An attributive adjective.

گل خریدم . I bought a flower. An indefinite adjective is not indicated for the flower.

او یک لباس زیبا خرید . She bought a beautiful dress. General description.

In Persian, there are two types of adjectives that are correlated with ordinal numbers in Russian. The first type is those that precede nouns and are formed by adding the suffix "—آمین" to cardinal numbers, and the second type is those that follow the noun and are formed by adding the suffix "om" to cardinal numbers, with the exception of the first. the one that has an exceptional form, that is, /ævæl/.

من یک لباس سوم خریدم. I bought a third dress.

من یک لباس سوم خریدم. I bought a third dress.

The cardinal numeral in Persian has two roles (ordinal and numeric), and in fact the first type can be used for cardinal numerals in English.

• Predictive adjectives can play the role of a complement to verbs and include [2]:

In Persian, simple adjectives are used to complement a phrasal subject or object:

Learning the language is difficult.

او معتقد است که سخت کوشی خوب است She thinks hard work is a good thing.

The subject, expressed with the help of an adjective, is often supplemented with copula verbs (in Persian /bdæn/ and /daʃtæn/ in English "to be" and "to have"), etc., which can be equal to English. When infinitive forms are conjugated in different tenses, they always change.

For example: The following is the case: This picture is beautiful.

The object is supplemented after some words, such as to see, to make, to make, to find.

For example: The following is a good example: I found her sad.

2. Derived simple adjective: such adjectives are formed by adding suffixes to the base, the most common of them are:

/-an/, /a/, /ar/, /-e/, /i/, added to the main part of the verb after missing the sign of the infinitive (/i/dæn) or (/t/æn ), except the last, which puts /i/ after the infinitive: /pors an /, /gereft ar /, /ʃenæv a /, /poxt e /, /xordæn i / /-nde/→ oak /ʃærmæ nde /, /-gar/→ oak /pærhiz gar /, /gær/→ oak /dad gær /, /-kar/→ oak /tælæb kar /, /-saz/→ oak / kar saz /, /-jʊ/→ eg. /daneʃ /, /-sʊz/→ eg. /jan sʊz /, /-nak/→ eg. /dærd nak /, /-baxte/→ eg. /pak baxte /, /- i/→ eg (posttʃ i ), /-e/→ eg /yekʃæb e /, /-avær/→ eg /ʃærm avær /, /-æfza/→ eg /ʃadi æfza /, /-gʊ/→ eg /rast /, /-alʊd/→ eg /pæʃm alʊd /, /-men/→ eg /daneʃ men /, /-gir/→ eg /bæhane gir /, /-in/→ eg /næmæk in /, /-gan /→ eg. /Gero Gan / , /Ani/→ eg. / ir ani /, /ane/→ eg. /sal ane /, /-gin/→ eg. /rên gin /, /-ani/→ eg. /nʊr ani / , /-bæxʃ/→ eg /færæh bæxʃ /, /-ængiz/→ eg /vahʃæt ængiz /.

Compound adjectives

1. Adjectives can be used and formed in the following ways:

A combination of two nouns, for example: he is a brave man.

A combination of an adjective and a noun, or vice versa, for example: مغرور proud or خوش پوش well-dressed الین@ن خوب@باس پوشیده الست this woman is well dressed

Infinitives preceded by the Persian word /bæraye/ are used as adjectives, for example: Water for drinking.

Some prepositional phrases can serve as adjectives, for example:

A pencil on the table

The bank is in front of your house

Participial phrases are not common in Persian, but sometimes past participles are found in Persian with the word /ʃodæn/ (to become), for example:

He was killed

خواب washed

A rhymed compound in which the second part may be meaningless and the sound starting with /m/ or /p/ is used in Persian as an adjective, for example پراکندهاده الست scattered or مخلوط شده الست mixed.

Adjectives of different types are formed by combining:

Preposition + noun + adjective or adverbs, for example: متکبر vainglorious or الزود گذشتگی self-sacrifice.

Particle + noun, for example: the same position.

The noun + the past participle form an adjective, for example: the experienced one. And the adjective + the real base of the verb, for example: aرریییع быстрый быстрый быстрый быстрый быстрый fast

2. Adjectives in the composition of polynomial constructions. Adjectives of this kind have been used to modify antecedents or nouns such as: thing, person, object, subject, object of preposition or possessive form. In these forms of adjectives, the sound /-i/ was added to the antecedent if it was defined, with the exception of the proper, singular demonstrative, personal, word with a pronominal suffix, pronominal substitution, generic noun and unclassified plural [3].

These sentences were preceded by the Persian relative pronoun آن (=who, whom, who, whose, that), and the sound /i/ was added to the last modifying word if the antecedent was changed by adjectives or a group of words. adjectives. If the antecedent is a definite and direct complement to the main sentence, the word / ra / is used after it. If the antecedent was used as the predicate of the main sentence, the verb of the sentence followed /ra/ and went before /ke/.

Multiple antecedents relate to a group or class as a whole, but can be added to define a special group number.

The woman you saw is my mother.

The woman you saw is my mother.

این زنی است که کتاب را از او خریدی This is the woman you bought the book from.

In part, the pronoun /oʊ/ refers to her/him or her/him. Thus, the affiliation is stylistically transmitted and the emphasis is placed on the adjective.

زنی که دخترش دوست من است اینجاست. The woman whose daughter is my friend is here.

It is implemented in the same way as in the previous text, the emphasis is placed on the subject of speech.

نویسنده که نویسنده خوبی است این سبک را انتخاب کرد The author, who is a good writer, chose this style.

Thus, although there is a great difference in the syntactic functionality of the Persian and Russian adjectives, we can say that the main function is to expand the meaning of the noun and clarify it, nevertheless it is respected. At the same time, an adjective in Farsi plays the role of other elements, in particular, a numeral, an adverb, or even a predicate.

In the Farsi language, adjectives have four characteristics that distinguish them from Russian adjectives: Adjectives can occur in a predictive position and serve as a complement to the subject and object. They can occur in the attribution position and pre-complement the noun. Adjectives can take the form of comparative and superlative degrees when changing or adding premodifiers. Adjectives can be changed by the amplifier. Persian adjectives can be divided into two categories: simple and complex. Simple adjectives can be divided into basic and derivative adjectives, and complex adjectives can be divided into phrases and sentences.

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In the reviewed article, the subject of the study is the syntactic position and functioning of the adjective in a sentence in Persian in comparison with the Russian language, the relevance of which is beyond doubt and is due to the increased interest of the scientific community in the problems of comparative linguistics and the study of the adjective as part of speech in different structured languages, as well as "the undeveloped problem of consistent description of this part of speech in Persian". The theoretical basis of the work was the works of such Russian and foreign researchers as L. S. Peisikov, A. K. Usmonov, J. I. Edelman, A. N. Boldyrev, B. Biook, M. Z. Robabeh, E. G. Braun, M. Abbosi, R. Mexdi, P. Naseriddin, etc. The methodology is not disclosed in the article, but its traditional nature is obvious. The research methods are determined by the set goal, objectives and are complex in nature. The descriptive method and its techniques such as observation, generalization and classification of the compared material were used in the work; the method of comparative translation analysis (comparison of the source text and the translation text); the method of contextual interpretation. It should be said that a comparative approach to the problem under consideration allows us to notice such phenomena that would have gone unnoticed if each language had been studied separately. The analysis of the theoretical material and its practical justification allowed the author(s) to consider in detail the criteria for recognizing adjectives, their typology, and functions in a sentence in Russian and Persian. However, the final conclusion, in our opinion, is inconclusive: "although there is a great difference in the syntactic functionality of the Persian and Russian adjectives, we can say that the main function is to expand the meaning of the noun and clarify it, nevertheless it is respected. At the same time, an adjective in Farsi plays the role of other elements, in particular, a numeral, an adverb, or even a predicate." We recommend strengthening it. The structure of the article corresponds to the logic of presenting the results of scientific research. The style of presentation of the material tends to the scientific type, but poorly coordinated expressions are found: "In the Persian language, an adjective is defined as follows: "This is a word that is added to a noun to express its state and form," and another point is that...", "criteria for the syntactic role of an adjective", "One of the important structural criteria in determining the position of an adjective in the syntactic structure of a nominal group ...", etc. The theoretical significance of the study is determined by its contribution to the development of comparative linguistics, the theory of parts of speech, functional grammar and grammatical stylistics. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using its results in courses on linguistics, morphology and word formation of the Persian language. The bibliography of the study includes 20 sources, including foreign ones. The question arises about the relevance of works from 50 years or more ago in the bibliographic list. For example, L. S. Peisikov's work "The problem of the Dari language in the works of modern Iranian scientists" (Issues of Linguistics, 1960, No. 2). The design of the bibliography is also noteworthy. Firstly, a number of sources do not have the year of publication: 6. Khodabandeh F., Payame M. The Linguistics journal April [Text] / F. Khodabandeh, M. Payame - Volume 2. - Issue 1. - pp. 91-127. 8. Mohammad R. E., Tengku S. T. Mahadi and Forough Rahimi Textual Features of Persian Translational and Non-Translational Journalistic political news. [Text] / R. E. Mohammad, Tengku S. T. World Applied Sciences Journal 19 - Pp. 345-351. Naseriddin P. Tarix-e ruznamenegari-ye Iraniyan va digar parsi navisan. [Text] / P. Naseriddin– Tehran, 215. – 412 p. Secondly, bibliographic descriptions of publications in a foreign language should be drawn up in accordance with the APA standard (see editorial requirements). The material presented in the work has a clear, logically structured structure. The article is quite independent, original, will be interesting and useful to a wide range of people and can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Philology: Scientific Research" after eliminating the above comments.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study is the syntactic functionality of the adjective in the sentence structure based on the material of the Persian language in comparison with Russian. The study of theoretical and empirical material allowed the author to clarify the main types and categories of Persian adjectives, classify their main functions depending on the position in the word order. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical and empirical approaches using methods of linguistic analysis, generalization, synthesis. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that, as shown by the analysis of the available theoretical base, the problem of consistent description of the adjective in the Persian language is insufficiently developed today. A comparative analysis based on the material of the Persian and Russian languages allowed us to draw conclusions about the similarities and differences in the syntactic position and functions of the adjective in the sentence structure in these languages. The scientific novelty is due to the fact that the comprehensive analysis of the syntactic functionality of the adjective in the sentence structure in Persian, in comparison with the Russian language, makes it possible to identify and demonstrate the functional features of this part of speech by contrast. The results obtained are of interest not only to Farsi grammarians, but can also be used in teaching Persian to Russian-speaking students. The presentation style is scientific, structure, and content. The article is written in Russian literary language. The structure of the manuscript includes the following sections (not highlighted in separate paragraphs, not titled): introduction (the author provides a brief overview of existing classifications of adjectives in the Persian language); research results (the author clearly demonstrates how adjectives function in the sentence structure depending on the position in the word order, provides various types of classifications, the author's theoretical inventions are supported by actual illustrative examples are provided for clarity); conclusion (conclusions that there is a great difference in the syntactic functionality of the adjective in Persian and Russian, while its main function is to expand and clarify the meaning of the noun, while the peculiarity of adjectives in Farsi is that they can play the role of other elements − numerals, adverbs or even predicates); bibliography (includes 20 sources of domestic and foreign authors). The content generally corresponds to the title. Conclusions, the interest of the readership, the analysis of empirical material and illustrative examples give an idea of the syntactic functionality of the adjective depending on the position in the word order on the material of the Persian language in comparison with Russian. Data on similarities and differences in the syntactic position and functions of the adjective in the sentence structure in different languages are of interest not only for those who study grammar, but will also be useful in the practice of teaching Persian as a foreign language for Russian-speaking students, the materials can be used by teachers, methodologists and philology students in the development of methodological solutions, and can also be used in the compilation of various types of manuals for the study of the Persian language. Recommendations to the author: 1. It would be appropriate to identify the sources of empirical material, as well as indicate the primary sources of the presented classifications (there are references not everywhere in the text). 2. It is worth double-checking the choice of the language layout in the part where we are talking about the suffixes "o-m" and "o-min". 3. There is a continuous numbering of examples in the text of the article, which does not affect part of the illustrative material, perhaps there are some technical aspects of loading the text. 4. The design differs in the above classifications, it would be good to unify and think more carefully about the designations in a multi-level classification, perhaps it is worth first giving an abbreviated form, and then giving a detailed description of the text. 5. It would also be nice to unify the design of illustrative examples (in the text are: راننده محتاط Careful driver; This tree) این یک درخت است; کتاب من - My book; ب روان را ببینید/ to See the current water; saffron خریدم /mæn gol i xæridæm/. I bought a flower.) 6. It is appropriate to increase the share of works in the bibliography over the past 3 years. In general, the manuscript meets the basic requirements for scientific articles. The material is of interest to the readership and, after revision, can be published in the journal "Philology: Scientific Research".

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The article under review concerns the definition of the syntactic position and function of an adjective in the sentence structure. The language base is Persian and Russian. In my opinion, the method of analysis – the comparative studies mode – is the most convenient and objective, linguistic works should be designed precisely in comparison and comparison of different language systems. In general, the work has a finished appearance, the style of the composition corresponds to the scientific type. For example, "during the analysis, it was found out that the main function of adjectives in both Russian and Persian is the concretization of information about the lexical meaning of nouns. In Persian, an adjective is defined as: "a word that is added to a noun to express the form or quality of an object"[5]; it is always used with a noun or pronoun and defines it [7]"etc. As you can see, footnotes /citations are given in the correct mode; no serious editing is required. The judgments in the course of work are logical, verified, and the argumentation is competently built. For example, "It should be noted that in Farsi it is often not possible to draw an exact line between the definition and the predicate. Adjectives sometimes act as nouns and adjectives, which will be presented in the example of the building standards. In most languages, criteria for the structural basis of an adjective can be used to recognize and classify adjectives. Persian and Russian are also considered to be among the languages in which structural criteria can be used to understand the structure of adjectives. We have put forward four criteria for evaluating the functions of adjectives, which will be explained further using examples from two languages," etc. The material can be used practically, in part some positions can be used as an "impulse option" for writing new works of a thematically related orientation. The author seeks to expand the grid of examples, which, in my opinion, is correct. For example, "interrogative adjectives also take a position before a noun. In Persian, adjectives such as "چه"، "چند"، "چ@در"، "کدام" and, of course, "کدام" are interrogative adjectives that always come before a noun and ask about the number or type of noun after it, performing a quantitative function. چند روز سفر کردید؟ How many days have you been traveling? چه کتابی به من قرض دادی؟ What book did you lend me? چه ورزشی است که انجام می دهید؟ What kind of sports do you do? از رنگ های دلخواه پشتیبانی می کند؟ Does it support custom colors?" etc. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author stops at studying the "language situation" within the framework of comparisons, this, perhaps, can determine the significance of the study. The conclusions are given in conjunction with the main part, no contradictions have been identified: "thus, although there is a great difference in the syntactic functionality of the Persian and Russian adjectives, we can say that the main function is to expand the meaning of the noun and clarify it, nevertheless it is respected. At the same time, an adjective in Farsi plays the role of other elements, in particular, a numeral, an adverb, or even a predicate ...", etc. The basic/ mandatory requirements of the publication are taken into account, the work is independent, interesting, the choice of topic is scientifically justified. I think that the article "Syntactic position and functions of an adjective in the sentence structure in Persian in comparison with the Russian language" can be recommended for open publication in the journal "Philology: Scientific research" of the publishing house "Nota Bene".