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National Security

Current issues of industrial and technological cooperation in the EAEU countries

Ogloblina Elizaveta Valentinovna

ORCID: 0000-0003-1946-4385

PhD in Economics

Senior Researcher; Institute for International Economic Relations Research; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

121609, Russia, Moscow, Autumn blvd., 3, sq. 195









Abstract: The subject of the study is the integration of production processes and technology exchange between Russia and the EAEU countries. The purpose of the work is to analyse the organizational and economic mechanisms of industrial and technological cooperation in the EAEU countries and to determine the conditions for increasing their effectiveness in the context of sanctions policy aimed at restricting the access of the Russian economy to foreign markets. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach, methods of induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis. The article considers examples of successful activities of joint ventures – one of the leading forms of industrial and technological cooperation between Russia and the EAEU countries, common in the automotive industry, aircraft manufacturing, energy and petrochemistry. Their creation stimulates economic growth, promotes industrial diversification and strengthens the international positioning of the region. The analysis revealed the following positive results from the organization of joint ventures between Russia and the EAEU countries: expansion of markets and increased production volumes, technology exchange and high innovation potential, employment generation and competence development. The problems that reduce the positive effect were also identified, in particular, the lack of harmonized standards, financial risks, managerial and cultural differences. Solving these problems requires combining the efforts of business and government agencies. The results of the study demonstrate the importance of creating and improving the efficiency of joint ventures in the EAEU countries, they can be used to adapt Russia’s economic strategy to new geopolitical conditions.


EAEU, industrial and technological cooperation, technological exchange, industrial modernization, innovation, export potential, integration, international competitiveness, multipolar world, sanctions

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Industrial and technological cooperation at the interstate level is of particular importance in the context of the formation of a multipolar world, where economic diplomacy and strategic partnerships are becoming key factors of national security and sustainable development. Russia, which has significant scientific, technological and production potential, faces the need to rethink and adapt its economic strategy in new geopolitical conditions.

In the context of the sanctions policy aimed at restricting the access of the Russian economy to foreign technologies and markets, the analysis of organizational and economic mechanisms of industrial and technological cooperation with the EAEU countries is becoming particularly relevant. This is due to the need to search for new growth points, as well as the development and implementation of mechanisms and tools that contribute to strengthening Russia's national interests through the creation of joint production facilities, scientific clusters and technology parks [1, 2].

Thus, the study of microeconomic aspects of industrial and technological cooperation makes it possible not only to assess the current state and prospects for the development of cooperation with the EAEU states, but also to identify potential opportunities to increase the competitiveness of the domestic economy, strengthen economic sovereignty and expand Russia's export potential.

In addition, focusing on Russia's national interests in a multipolar world implies the need to develop an integrated approach to the analysis of industrial and technological cooperation. This includes the study of both foreign economic and internal factors influencing the formation and implementation of joint projects, including within the framework of the creation of preferential zones and technoparks on the territory of partner countries.

Industrial and technological cooperation is a form of economic interaction between states, organizations and enterprises aimed at the joint implementation of industrial, scientific and technological projects [3]. This type of cooperation covers a wide range of activities, including joint development and production of goods, technology exchange, joint research and development, as well as the creation of joint research and production complexes and parks [4, 5].

The key aspects of industrial and technological cooperation are the following:

– creation of joint ventures, production localization projects in which components or products are manufactured using the resources and infrastructure of partner countries.

– exchange of technologies and innovations, which helps to accelerate the technological development of participants. This may include the transfer of rights to use patents, licenses, technical knowledge, know-how and other intellectual resources.

– joint research and development of new products and technologies, which leads to innovation and improvement of the competitiveness of products in the international market.

– development of joint infrastructure, such as industrial parks, technoparks, innovation clusters, which creates favorable conditions for the development of production and innovation activities.

It is worth noting that according to the results of the analysis conducted by the Eurasian Development Bank, which compared Russia's economic development with other countries exporting, including production and energy resources, as well as with developed countries, Russia has made significant progress in economic diversification over the period from 2000 to 2022, and the country has significant untapped potential for further increase the diversification of production and foreign trade [6].

In order to implement a more systematic policy in the field of industrial cooperation, a specialized commission on cooperation and import substitution in priority and high-tech industries in the EAEU was established at the end of 2022, whose work should combine and harmonize existing ones, as well as develop new regulatory and instrumental measures to deepen economic cooperation in the field of industry [7].

The creation of joint ventures is one of the leading areas of industrial and technological cooperation between Russia and the EAEU countries. The peculiarity of joint ventures lies in their ability to effectively combine the technological, production and management competencies of different countries to create competitive products and services. The advantages of joint ventures include access to new markets, cost optimization, technology sharing and strengthening technological cooperation. It is also an important step towards deepening integration between the EAEU countries, as they contribute not only to the economic, but also to the technological development of the region. Joint ventures based on the principles of reciprocity and common interest can serve as a powerful tool to enhance international competitiveness and overcome economic challenges, including sanctions pressure and geopolitical instability.

The successful experience of joint ventures can be noted in such areas as automotive, aircraft, energy and petrochemicals.

Thus, the production partnership between Russian and Belarusian enterprises in the automotive industry allows combining the technological potential and production capacities of both countries. Such projects are aimed at the development and production of new models of vehicles, ensuring their competitiveness in the market. An example of such cooperation is the implementation by Belarus and Russia of a joint project for the production of logging equipment on the basis of Amkodor-Onego LLC [8]. Russia has a similar cooperation with Kazakhstan: the implementation of such large-scale investment projects as the production of electric locomotives and mainline locomotives in Nur-Sultan, Vector combines in the Akmola region and various types of KAMAZ vehicles in Kokshetau, the construction of a full-cycle automobile plant and a technopark for the production of automotive components in Ust-Kamenogorsk, the launch of Kirovets tractor assembly workshops in Kostanay [9, 10].

Joint energy projects, such as the development and operation of energy facilities, including thermal power plants and power grids, are key to ensuring energy security and stability in the region. An example is the cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan in the framework of the development of the oil and gas industry. Kazakhstan, in particular, is interested in the participation of Russian companies in the modernization of the country's gas transportation system, gasification of the northern and eastern regions, and an increase in the volume of transportation of Russian energy carriers to third countries. In 2023, Kazakhstan announced work on legislative changes to improve the conditions for participation of Russian contractors in joint projects, including in the field of development of hard-to-recover oil fields in Kazakhstan [11, 12].

Cooperation projects in the field of aircraft engineering are being implemented, among other things, in a multilateral format. Thus, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan created a single aviation technology platform in the Ulyanovsk region: the agreement was concluded by the aircraft repair plant of Baranovichi and Kazakhstan Aviation Industry LLP, and in turn, key Russian enterprises in the field of development and production of aviation equipment and airline components are located on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region [13, 14].

Taking into account the wealth of the EAEU countries in raw materials, the potential for cooperation in the field of petrochemistry and trade in products of a high degree of conversion is high. As an example, the following projects can be cited: the construction of a complex for the production of phosphorus fertilizers in Zhambyl region, the opening of a Lukoil plant for the production of lubricants in Almaty [10, 15].

An analysis of the effectiveness of joint ventures between Russia and the EAEU countries reveals both significant successes and certain problems that need to be taken into account for the further development of this type of cooperation. From the point of view of efficiency, joint ventures demonstrate a number of positive results.

First, the expansion of markets and an increase in production volumes. Joint ventures often allow you to enter new markets, providing an increase in sales and production. This contributes to the economic growth of the participating countries and strengthens their international positions.

Secondly, the exchange of technologies and the increase of innovative potential. Such cooperation facilitates the exchange of knowledge and technology, which is critically important for the development of innovation and industrial modernization.

Thirdly, the creation of new jobs and the development of competencies. Joint ventures contribute to the creation of jobs and the development of professional skills, improving the quality of the workforce in the region.

At the same time, certain problems should also be identified. First of all, differences in legislation and standards, which can make it difficult to coordinate procedures and slow down the process of project implementation; problems in coordinating policy measures in response to international sanctions and lack of readiness for fundamental changes in production systems necessary for the transition to a new technological level (for example, lack of qualified specialists, use of outdated equipment).

It is noteworthy that the countries also have a low level of domestic consumption of products produced by enterprises of the EAEU countries.

Investments in joint ventures are also associated with financial risks, especially in conditions of economic instability and a changing political environment. For example, conditions for cross-border settlements, freezing of funds in partner banks, stabilization of exchange rates during payments, etc. As part of the development of conscientious enterprises, it is worth considering the further use of digital currencies of central banks, financial assets of high interest to countries [16].

Managerial and cultural differences can pose a serious problem. Effective management of a joint venture requires overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers, as well as establishing effective communication and management processes.

Thus, in order to increase the effectiveness of joint ventures, it is necessary to develop strategies to minimize risks, improve coordination of actions and harmonize regulatory requirements. It also seems advisable to consider the possibility of including national representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in sectoral production networks and stimulate the creation of new links in production chains in those regions where it is economically justified. This will require efforts on the part of both business and government agencies to create a favorable investment environment and a stable regulatory field.

Within the framework of the international association, such financial institutions as, for example, the EDB, the Eurasian Digital Platform for Industrial Cooperation and Subcontracting, the Eurasian Technology Transfer Network, and the Eurasian Technology Platforms are already contributing to improving the effectiveness of existing administrative, technological, economic and innovative tools to stimulate the development of joint ventures and strengthen technological cooperation between countries.

The considered examples of cooperation demonstrate how joint ventures can contribute to technological exchange, market integration, as well as the development of production and research competencies of the EAEU countries. The creation of such enterprises stimulates economic growth, promotes industrial diversification and strengthens the international positioning of the region [17].

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The article is devoted to the study of topical issues of industrial and technological cooperation in the EAEU countries. The research methodology is based on the generalization of scientific publications on the studied problem, the study of the experience of joint ventures in various sectors of the economy. The authors rightly believe that "in the context of the sanctions policy aimed at restricting the access of the Russian economy to foreign technologies and markets, the analysis of organizational and economic mechanisms of industrial and technological cooperation with the EAEU countries is becoming particularly relevant." The scientific novelty of the reviewed study, according to the reviewer, consists in identifying the potential to increase the competitiveness of the domestic economy, strengthen economic sovereignty and expand Russia's export opportunities through industrial and technological cooperation with the EAEU countries. In the text of the article, the authors adhere to the point of view that industrial and technological cooperation is a form of economic interaction between states, organizations and enterprises aimed at the joint implementation of industrial, scientific and technological projects. The publication highlights key aspects of industrial and technological cooperation, noting that Russia has made significant progress in economic diversification over the period from 2000 to 2022, and there is significant untapped potential in the country to further increase the diversification of production and foreign trade. The authors consider the creation of joint ventures to be one of the leading areas of industrial and technological cooperation between Russia and the EAEU countries, and such areas as automotive, aircraft, energy and petrochemicals are noted as successful experiences of joint ventures. As a result of the study, it was concluded that in order to increase the effectiveness of joint ventures, it is necessary to develop strategies to minimize risks, improve coordination and harmonize regulatory requirements, consider the possibility of including national representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in sectoral production networks and stimulate the creation of new links in production chains in those regions where it is economically justified. The bibliographic list includes 17 sources – scientific publications on the topic of the article in Russian and foreign languages, as well as Internet resources to which there are address links in the text confirming the existence of an appeal to opponents. As a comment, it should be noted that the text of the publication is not properly structured – it does not highlight such sections generally accepted in modern scientific articles as "Introduction", "Material and methods", "Research results and their discussion", "Conclusions" or "Conclusion". The article reflects the results of the research conducted by the authors, corresponds to the direction of the journal "National Security / nota bene", contains elements of scientific novelty and practical significance, may arouse interest among readers, and is recommended for publication after proper structuring of the text and presentation of research methods by which the source materials were transformed into research results.