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Axiological foundations of a journalist's professional activity

Kulakova Darina Vladlenovna

Postgraduate student; Department of International Journalism; St. Petersburg State University

199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9
Oleinikov Sergei Viktorovich

Doctor of Politics

Professor; Department of Journalism; State Educational Institution 'T.G. Shevchenko Pridnestrovian State University'

128 Pokrovskaya str., Tiraspol, 3300, Moldova
Puyu Anatolii Stepanovich

Doctor of Sociology

Professor; Department of International Journalism; St. Petersburg State University

199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9
Gromova Lyudmila Petrovna

Doctor of Philology

Professor; Department of History of Journalism; St. Petersburg State University

199034, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9









Abstract: The professional activity of a journalist has a clearly expressed value character, reflecting the ideological and ethical principles of this field. This article analyzes the following values of journalism: 1. The principle of humanity, based on humanistic ideals and responsible attitude towards people. 2. The principle of truthfulness, which implies the accuracy of information transmission and interpretation of facts as a professional duty. 3. The principle of honesty, which assumes not only the prevention of misleading the audience, but also the refusal to harm people. 4. The principle of responsibility, which includes a set of requirements for professionalism, text quality, objectivity and balance. These value orientations represent ideal entities existing in the world of due and target orientations. Being rooted in the philosophical tradition, they streamline and fill the professional activity of journalists with evaluative content, determining its orientation towards serving society and affirming humanistic ideals. The following methods are used in the work: 1. Theoretical analysis of philosophical and scientific literature on the problem of axiological foundations of journalism. 2. A comparative analytical method used in comparing various concepts of values in the philosophical tradition. 3. An interpretive method used for meaningful analysis and evaluative filling of the value principles that form the axiological basis of the professional activity of journalists. Summarizing, we can say that the value system of journalism is characterized by the principles of humanity, truthfulness, honesty and responsibility. These values reflect the ideological and ethical basis of the professional activity of journalists. The analysis allows us to conclude that the values of journalism are ideological and ethical. The key value principles in this professional field are humanity, truthfulness, honesty and responsibility. These values represent the normative guidelines of journalists' consciousness and behavior, which streamline and fill their professional activities with evaluative content. Rooted in the philosophical tradition, they are interpreted as ideal entities existing in a world of due and purpose. Thus, the axiological basis of journalism determines its orientation towards truth, service to society and affirmation of humanistic ideals. This value system sets the ethical vector of media communications, making journalism a socially responsible profession.


value content, journalism, axiology of mass media, principles, professional activity, axiological analysis, mass media space, ethics, ontology of journalism, information

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The role and influence of journalism values is often discussed in everyday speech, but less often studied in scientific research. According to some theories [12, 13], journalism contributes to the efficient allocation of resources and is necessary for democracy. According to other theories [11, 14], news organizations and journalists may have other goals, and measures to protect journalists may have negative consequences.

The solution of the main value orientations of modern mass media is in the focus of axiological studies of the mass media. However, the problem of studying these values is deeply rooted in the very nature of the mass media as a social institution. The question arises: what exactly is the subject of such a study – the content of the mass media or the mass media itself as a social phenomenon?

Modern media researchers and scientists talk about the allocation of a special subsystem of the media and information spaces, calling it the mass media space [1;259]. The mass media space is a space that is saturated with information of a mass nature. The sources of information in it are the mass media, consumers are the mass audience [1;259]. Being anthropological in nature, the mass media space "has a strong impact on the consciousness, will and actions" [1;304] of a person – his creator. From the point of view of this approach, the mass media is a space of collision (comparison, comparison) of values. Thus, the mass media space can be considered as an arena where the interaction and competition of various value systems transmitted through media content takes place. The study of such a value dimension of mass media is a promising direction in the theory of journalism.

The purpose and methods of the study

The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the value content of a journalist's professional activity.

The following methods were used to achieve this goal:

1. Theoretical analysis of philosophical and scientific literature on the problem of axiological foundations of journalism. This method made it possible to identify and systematize the key value principles that determine the ideological and ethical basis of the profession.

2. A comparative analytical method used in comparing various concepts of values in the philosophical tradition, in particular, the ideas of Immanuel Kant on the interpretation of values as ideal entities of the "world of due". This contributed to a deeper understanding of the specifics of the value orientations of journalism.

3. The interpretative method used for the meaningful analysis and evaluative filling of the value principles that form the axiological basis of the professional activity of journalists.

The combination of these methods made it possible to comprehensively investigate the value content of journalism, identify its structural components and determine their role in the ordering and evaluation of media communication practice.

The results of the study

The field of mass media axiology research includes the study of values promoted in the media, their perception by the audience and their impact on culture, society and the social sphere. As media researcher V.A. Sidorov notes, the analysis of "media destructions in the spiritual life of society" is of particular relevance for the axiology of mass media [9]. The mediatization of reality, when an individual is faced only with "media effects" and "media events", can lead to the "digital alienation" of a person, blurring the lines between genuine and imaginary, beauty and ugliness, good and evil [9]. Thus, the potential for the destruction of the spiritual values of society lies in the media, which determines the key problem field of the axiology of mass media.

One of the main problems facing the axiology of mass media is the difficulty of its scientific identification and isolation as an independent field of knowledge. This is due to the complex, multidisciplinary nature of journalism, which includes elements of philosophy, sociology, political science, psychology and other scientific disciplines. Therefore, it is not always possible to unambiguously determine which aspects should be attributed to the sphere of axiology of mass media.

The value orientations transmitted through the mass media can be very diverse and depend on many factors. These can be political attitudes, corporate interests, cultural and social traditions, and so on. Some media outlets strive for value neutrality by presenting different points of view, while others actively promote certain values, strengthening their influence in society.

This circumstance creates serious methodological and conceptual difficulties for the axiology of mass media as an independent field of research. Its subject field turns out to be blurred, intersecting with various socio-humanitarian disciplines, which requires a special theoretical and methodological approach to the study of the value aspects of the functioning of the media sphere. Overcoming these problems can be an important step towards the formation of the axiology of mass media as a promising area of media research that can deepen understanding of the role and influence of mass communications on the value-normative system of modern society.

Researchers rightly point out that the mass media occupy a leading position in the field of ideological influence on society and the individual. They become key translators of cultural achievements, actively influencing the acceptance or denial of certain values by society [8].

On the other hand, the axiology of media is the very system of values embedded in the media system. The main task of the axiological approach to mass media is to identify and analyze the dominant values prevailing in the media space.

The axiological analysis of the mass media is the study of a certain hierarchy of values reflecting priority ideals, inclinations and interests that are emphasized and broadcast in the information space.

Journalism as a special kind of socio-creative activity is based on a system of fundamental axiological guidelines that form the ideological foundations of this profession. Philosophical analysis allows us to identify the key values that define its value-normative essence.

The ontological values of journalism are associated with an adequate representation of objective reality. The journalist strives for maximum objectivity and reliability in presenting events and phenomena, avoiding subjective distortions and bias. It is focused on the inclusiveness and multidimensionality of the description of reality, on the disclosure of its essential characteristics.

The epistemological values of journalism are manifested in the desire to know the world around us, to expand knowledge and achieve the truth. The journalist acts as a researcher of social reality, aimed at its deep understanding and explanation. The cognitive activity of a journalist is aimed at identifying patterns of social development.

The axiological values of journalism reflect its social role and social purpose. Freedom of speech and independence of a journalist are considered as necessary conditions for an objective reflection of reality. Social responsibility to society determines the orientation of journalistic activity to protect the rights and interests of citizens, to promote the development of democratic institutions.

Ethical values determine the moral essence of the journalistic profession. A journalist should be a model of honesty, decency and integrity. He is obliged to follow ethical codes and norms, while remaining faithful to professional ethics.

The praxeological values of journalism include professionalism, competence and excellence. A journalist must constantly improve his skills, master new technologies, be creative and innovative.

The existential values of journalism reflect its importance for personal self-realization and self-expression. Journalism provides an opportunity to realize creative potential, gain public recognition and trust.

These values reveal the deep essence of journalism as a special kind of spiritual and practical activity. They reflect the axiological foundation of the profession, its orientation towards revealing the truth, serving society and affirming humanistic ideals.

The philosophical view emphasizes the ideological, intellectual and moral basis of the journalistic profession, which is of fundamental importance for understanding its social role and purpose.

Thus, in the journalistic environment, the first value principle can be identified – the value of humanity, which in a broader sense "comes from the meta-values of kindness and love" [5]. This principle implies following the "do no harm" attitude, when the word is considered not only as a tool capable of "killing", but also as a means of "salvation" [5]. The philosophical analysis of media communication shows that language is the main way of cognition and description of the world, reflecting a certain way of thinking and national cultural tradition [6, 7]. Accordingly, the main tool of a journalist's activity is the retransmission of various images and statements to a mass audience. However, violations in the communication process can lead both to the termination of communication and to distortion of the transmitted codes, facts and information. Consequently, the axiological aspect of journalistic activity is associated with a special responsibility for the language tools used, their impact on mass consciousness and socio-cultural processes.

Another important value principle of journalism is the principle of truthfulness, based on the value of truth. Accurate transmission of information and interpretation of facts are considered a professional commandment of journalists. At the same time, if the issues of format, style or presentation of the material may be subjective, then mistakes in professional activity are not justified.

The principle of truthfulness is closely related to the value of honesty, which is interpreted not only as "not to mislead", but also as "not to harm people and not to hurt innocent people" [5].

The third key value guideline of journalism is the principle of responsibility, which includes accuracy, honesty, objectivity, and text quality. The responsibility of a journalist is manifested in his attitude towards the audience he serves. At the same time, the principle of responsibility is based on "necessity" [2; 11], which brings it closer to the value of freedom. As Benedict Spinoza noted, freedom is inextricably linked to necessity, since man is limited by natural and social limits [10]. From an ethical point of view, the principle of responsibility correlates with the concept of moral duty, which fixes the moral necessity of certain actions [3].


Summarizing, we can say that the value system of journalism is characterized by the principles of humanity, truthfulness, honesty and responsibility. These values reflect the ideological and ethical basis of the professional activity of journalists.

These values represent the normative foundations of human consciousness and behavior. According to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, values are perceived as "ideal entities existing in the world of due and target orientations, but they also streamline and evaluatively fill reality" [4, p. 61].

The analysis allows us to conclude that the value system of journalism is the foundation that determines its ideological and ethical foundations. The key value principles in this professional field are humanity, truthfulness, honesty and responsibility.

These values represent the normative guidelines of journalists' consciousness and behavior, which streamline and fill their professional activities with evaluative content. Rooted in the philosophical tradition, they are interpreted as ideal entities existing in the world of due and purpose.

Thus, the axiological basis of journalism determines its orientation towards truth, service to society and affirmation of humanistic ideals. This value system sets the ethical vector of media communications, making journalism a socially responsible profession.

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The vector of journalism development is heterogeneous. Works related to deciphering the problems of value orientations appear again and again, but it is this perspective that supports the dialogic component of the problem. As noted at the beginning of the peer-reviewed work, "according to some theories, journalism contributes to the efficient allocation of resources and is necessary for democracy. According to other theories, news organizations and journalists may have other goals, and measures to protect journalists may have negative consequences," "The unraveling of the basic value orientations of modern mass media is the focus of axiological studies of the mass media. However, the problem of studying these values is deeply rooted in the very nature of mass media as a social institution. [Hence] The question arises: what exactly is the subject of such a study – the content of the mass media or the mass media itself as a social phenomenon?". The purpose of the research and the tasks of the work are formulated quite accurately; the main line of the topic is given in a stepwise constructive paradigm. For example, "1. Theoretical analysis of philosophical and scientific literature on the problem of axiological foundations of journalism. This method made it possible to identify and systematize the key value principles that determine the ideological and ethical basis of the profession. 2. A comparative analytical method used in comparing various concepts of values in the philosophical tradition, in particular, the ideas of Immanuel Kant on the interpretation of values as ideal entities of the "world of due". This contributed to a deeper understanding of the specifics of the value orientations of journalism," etc. The methodological basis of the work is connected with interpretative, comparative and analytical practice, I think it is interesting, productive, and actually competent. The text of the article is divided into semantic blocks, the logic of scientific narrative is justified, the coherence of the parts is supported by the author's inner desire to objectify the issue under study, to approach the spectrum of a receptive nature. References and citations are given in the format indicated by the publication: for example, "as media researcher V.A. Sidorov notes, the analysis of "media destructions in the spiritual life of society" is of particular relevance for the axiology of mass media [9]. The mediatization of reality, when an individual is faced only with "media effects" and "media events", can lead to the "digital alienation" of a person, blurring the lines between genuine and imaginary, beauty and ugliness, good and evil [9]. Thus, the potential for the destruction of the spiritual values of society lies in the media, which determines the key problem field of the axiology of mass media," etc. The style correlates with the scientific type: for example, "journalism as a special type of socio-creative activity is based on a system of fundamental axiological guidelines that form the ideological foundations of this profession. Philosophical analysis allows us to identify the key values that define its value-normative essence. The ontological values of journalism are associated with an adequate representation of objective reality. The journalist strives for maximum objectivity and reliability in presenting events and phenomena, avoiding subjective distortions and bias. It is focused on the inclusiveness and multidimensionality of the description of reality, on the disclosure of its essential characteristics." The work is holistic, original, interesting; it is advisable to use the material in university practice. The author concludes that "the analysis conducted allows us to conclude that the value system of journalism is the foundation that determines its ideological and ethical foundations. The key value principles in this professional field are humanity, truthfulness, honesty and responsibility [...]. Thus, the axiological basis of journalism determines its orientation towards truth, service to society and affirmation of humanistic ideals. This value system sets the ethical vector of media communications, making journalism a socially responsible profession." The main indicators of the publication have been maintained, the goal has been achieved; the work does not need serious editing. I recommend the article "Axiological foundations of a journalist's professional activity" for publication in the journal "Litera".