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Legal Studies

Methodology of the study of the characterology of delinquent behavior

Trush Vladimir Mihailovich

ORCID: 0000-0002-6352-7876

PhD in Psychology

Psychologist of the Psychological laboratory of FKU IK–16; Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for the Murmansk region

184355, Russia, Murmansk region, village Murmashi, Zelenaya str., 14-A
Gomonov Nikolai Dmitrievich

ORCID: 0000-0001-5773-4986

Doctor of Law

Professor; Department of Jurisprudence; Murmansk Arctic University

183010, Russia, Murmansk region, Murmansk, Sportivnaya str., 13
Other publications by this author

Timohov Viktor Petrovich

ORCID: 0000-0003-2306-5221

PhD in Law

Professor; Department of State and Civil Law Disciplines; Ryazan Branch of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V. Ya. Kikot

390043, Russia, Ryazan region, Ryazan, First Krasnaya str., 18









Abstract: In the framework of this article, the authors state the expediency of further searching for determinants of delinquent behavior at the junction of criminology and criminal psychology. Therefore, by clarifying and developing methodological tools, it is expected to significantly supplement knowledge about the mechanisms of committing crimes. The object of the study is the social relations formed in the process of the study of the characterology of delinquent behavior. The subject of the study is the characteristics of persons demonstrating offending behavior, criminal law, scientific papers reflecting the problems analyzed in the work. The research base was made up of convicts in special regime colonies, law-abiding citizens, as well as a set of scientific works on criminology and legal psychology by domestic and foreign authors. The purpose of this work is defined as the identification of the basic foundations, theoretical and methodological foundations of the characterology of delinquent behavior. The methodological basis of the work consists of the laws and categories of dialectical materialism and a historical approach to the interpretation of socio-legal phenomena. The methodology is represented by a complex of general scientific and private scientific methods. The main methods of work are extrapolation and the method of expert assessments. The novelty of the study lies in the proposals made to clarify the methodology used in the study of the characterology of individuals, which determines various variants of delinquent, including criminal, behavior. As a result of the conducted research, the authors conclude that further refinement of the methodological apparatus makes it possible to identify the essence of the mechanism of committing a crime. In addition, the presented basic principles can be used as the basis for studying the deviant manifestations of an individual, based on a phenomenological approach – consideration of the features of speech activity. Further specification of research tools will make it possible to more clearly identify the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of criminogenic infection of a person. This information will provide an opportunity to improve the quality and effectiveness of individual crime prevention. At the end of the work, the prospect of scientific research in this area was announced.


criminology, crime, research methodology, extrapolation, characterology, mind, delinquent behavior, criminogenic infection of the personality, bifurcation points, crime prevention

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Criminological problems of the conditionality of delinquent behavior have been attracting the attention of researchers for a century and a half. It seems most appropriate to search for such determinants at the junction of criminology and criminal psychology. The refinement of the methodology, the development of new scientific tools, presumably, should significantly complement our knowledge of the mechanisms of committing crimes. Therefore, we define the purpose of this work as the presentation of the basic foundations, theoretical and methodological foundations, as a special content in which it is possible to identify and determine the characteristics of the psychological property of any person (homo sapiens sapiens) – criminogenic infection of the personality [1].

We have been identifying, studying and substantiating this psychological and legal phenomenon using valid psychodiagnostic tools (test questionnaires and projective techniques) for more than 10 years, through a comparative analysis of the human structure [2, p. 3] of law-abiding citizens [3, p. 287] and persons convicted of crimes repeatedly committed by them and serving their sentences in a special regime penal colony.

However, it should be noted that the practical applicability of this psychodiagnostic procedure is insufficiently effective. Not always, in relation to persons who have shown delinquent behavior, there is an opportunity and conditions for its implementation. There are both the absence of a positive attitude of the subject of the examination, and the presence of various forms of distortion of the information provided – lies, dissimulation, aggravity.

Accordingly, we believe that the practice of identifying criminogenic infection of a person should be based on the characteristics that define the individual as such in its basic basis. Such a property, not just as a living organism, but presenting itself as a social phenomenon, can be thinking – "I understand what I understand."

In the most general form, we agree with the philosopher M.K. Mamardashvili that "thinking is a state associated with being and is a condition of some other human states" [4, p. 22]. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the "view", the perspective of considering an individual as a thinking subject of interaction with the environment in the general field of human relations.

In our opinion, the personality structure is considered quite fully and clearly, in procedural terms, by Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor V.V. Kozlov. The 3-component model proposed by him ("I am material", "I am social", "I am spiritual") of personality [5, p. 88] with our addition ("I am conscious") as an integral component of these 3 parts has the following form (see Fig.1.).

Fig. 1 The ratio of the structures of the "I".

The presented structural organization of personality is characterized by two basic properties that root it in the fundamental sense of identity and determine its isolation in the existential and semantic space of society:

- the uniqueness of any human being in the manifested Universe of the past, present and future; there is no second living being similar to the one under consideration, there has not been and will not be;

- The "I" always has a positive valence, an affirmative beginning. On his path of self-fulfillment, a person is always right for himself.

Briefly characterizing each presented structure, it is possible to note the following:

1. "I am material", represented by its center through the body and its subsequent representations determine the structures of "I" - "Not-I". In its ultimate meaning, "finiteness" is defined by the existential.

2. "I am social", as an integrative status, social position, the main activity and semantic field of a person, is determined by the existential "loneliness".

3. "I am spiritual", as the degree of involvement in individually intimate, sacred meanings that determine the core problems of existence – honor, duty, service, faith, absurdity, loneliness, ... . It is defined by the existential "freedom".

4. In the process of being self-actualization, the presented structures are integrated in the process of thinking into the "I am aware" in one degree or another of completeness. The result of this process is represented by the existential – "meaning/nonsense".

The presented structures are interdependent and mutually determined by the leading trends in their development:

The 1st trend is the desire to expand the space of self–realization;

The 2nd trend is changes in the quality of the structure of the living space;

The 3rd trend is the degree of rigidity of identification with the object;

The 4th trend is conservatism, as the immutability of belonging to personal space from external encroachment.

The ability of a person to norm-abiding life is determined by the internal balance of these structures and the environmental possibility of their implementation in the presented trends. In the case of a skew, an imbalance of the designated structures, negative, destructive, delinquent elements of behavior and, ultimately, the commission of a crime are possible.

It should also be noted that any crime is an individual's interaction with the outside world, which dynamically manifests itself through a cycle of contact [6, pp. 137-150]. However, this dynamic component is presented and described most adequately to the modern conditions of society by E. Kalitievskaya and D. Kopytov [7] (see Fig.2). The approach of these authors is in tune with our ideas about the mental organization of a person as a complex, multilevel open living system, which is genetic in nature, which is inherent in both an individual and social communities at micro and macro levels [1, pp. 77-78]. These dynamic processes are described in the theory of dissipative structures [8] as the passage of bifurcation points with a probabilistically higher level of energy and more susceptible to external influences. It is these positions that are more characterized by a probabilistic predisposition for an individual to make existential choices that can most radically affect the direction of his movement in the existential space.

Fig. 2. A new understanding of the contact cycle.

In previous works, based on the famous saying of the ancient thinker Parmenides "... the same being and the thought that recognizes it", we tried to develop a new toolkit for studying the peculiarities of thinking of persons who are carriers of stable forms of delinquent behavior in a comparative assessment with the thinking of law-abiding citizens - "The Concept is the Golden Section" [1, c. 230]. This methodology was based on the principle of linguistic relativity - the "Sepir-Whorf hypothesis" [9], the central element of which is the idea that the features of the structure of the native language affect thinking.

We proceeded from the assumption of primary inferiority as the basis of deviant behavior and the features of constructive conflict resolution of the following existential realities – "need" (PTR), - "value" (TSN), - "proximity" (BL). The presented components may have a different combination and degree of intensity, which implies various stable forms of manifestation of the individual. The following axes of polarities are possible for consideration:

1. the presence of proximity – the absence of proximity ("BL+" - "BL-");

2. Satisfaction of needs – dissatisfaction of needs ("PTR+" - "PTR-");

3. the presence of value – the absence of value ("TSN +" - "TSN-").

By examining the presented empirical text to determine its concepts, if there are enough samples, it is possible to identify the configuration of the conceptual sphere of the declared existentials - "+/-BL" ↔ "+/-CN" ↔ "+/-PTR" followed by the determination of stable characterological forms by mathematical analysis of secondary characterizing coefficients.

Determining the features of the individual/group movement in the declared space of the contact cycle (see Fig. 2) to overcome the existential challenge is possible in the process of passing a number of bifurcation points. This, in our opinion, can be determined by morphological analysis of semanthemes - units of the language content plan, determined by the values of the Fibonacci numerical sequence – integers, where each number is the sum of two previous numbers – 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144, ... and so on.

Thus, in the basic version, a starting methodology is presented for considering the characterology of deviant personality behavior within the framework of existential, conceptual and linguocultural approaches, considered from the perspective of "the world as a text". As a result, it represents:

- identification of a possible imbalance of personal structures – "I am material", "I am social", "I am spiritual", "I am aware";

- the presence of a possible conscious manifestation of certain tendencies in the above-stated personal structures;

- definition of stable combinations of existentials - "+/-BL" ↔ "+/-TSN" ↔ "+/-PTR" as a characterological basis of an individual's personality structure;

- the study of the contact cycle of overcoming an existential crisis/challenge as the passage of bifurcation points using morphological analysis of semantemes defined in the text based on the values of the Fibonacci numerical sequence.

Thus, the study of the characterology of delinquent behavior reveals the following perspectives to scientists. It is assumed that the presented basic principles can be used as the basis for studying the deviant manifestations of an individual, based on a phenomenological approach - considering the features of speech activity – text, personality, situation. Further specification of the research tools of the claimed approach will make it possible to identify qualitative and quantitative characteristics of criminogenic infection of a person, as well as derivative coefficients. The information obtained will improve the quality and effectiveness of individual crime prevention.

1. Trush, V.M. & Gomonov, N.D. (2023). Contaminatio criminalis personalitatis: monograph. Moscow.: Justitsinform.
2Ammonis experimentum sui ipsius structurae. (1993). Quaestionario ad perpendendas functiones personales centrales in gradu structurae: manuale pro psychologicis et doctoribus / auctoris. comp.: Yu. Ya. Tupitsin, V. V. Bocharov, T. V. Almazov and others. SPb.
3. Kabanov, M.M. & Neznanov, N.G. (ed.) (2003). Opera dynamica. Investigationes Transculturales. SPb.: Institutum nuncupatum. V.M. Bekhtereva.
4. Mamardashvili, M.K. (2002). Lectiones Philosophicae. Introductio tu philosophiam. St. Petersburg: ABC – Classics.
5. Kozlov, V.V. (1999). Social opus cum discrimine personalitatis: methodological manual. Yaroslavl.
6. Lebedeva, N.M. & Ivanova, E.A. (2005). Itinerarium Gestalt: theoria et praxis. St. Petersburg: Rech.
7. Kaliteevskaya, E. & Kopytov, D. (2023). Novus cycli contactus. Novam rem. Retrieved from htths://
8. Prigozhin, I. & Stengers, I. (1986). Ordo a chao: Dialogus novus cum natura. Moscow: Progress.
9. Sapir, E. (1993). Opera selecta de studiis linguisticis et culturalibus. Translation from English, edited and with a preface A.E. Kibrik. Moscow: Publishing group "Progres", "Univers".

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The review of the article "Methodology for the study of the characterology of delinquent behavior" The relevance of the research topic and its relevance to the specialization of the journal "Legal Studies" is not in doubt due to the trends in the transformation of Russian education, which determine the priorities of personal development of a modern person. The subject of the study is delinquent behavior. The analysis of such categories as "psychological and legal phenomenon", "criminogenic infection of personality", "thinking", "structural organization of personality", "crime", "deviant manifestations of the individual", etc. is presented as a problem field of research. The interaction of an individual with the outside world, which dynamically manifests itself through a cycle of contact, is analyzed in detail. The results of the analysis showed that the ability of a person to norm-abiding life is determined by the internal balance of these structures and the environmental possibility of their implementation in the presented trends. In the case of a skew, an imbalance of the designated structures, negative, destructive, delinquent elements of behavior and, ultimately, the commission of a crime are possible. It is assumed that any crime is an individual's interaction with the outside world. The advantage of the work is the key, cross-cutting leading ideas that the practice of identifying criminogenic infection of a person should be based on the characteristics that define the individual as such in its basic basis. Thinking can act as such a property, not just as a living organism, but presenting itself as a social phenomenon. The research is aimed at identifying, studying and substantiating this psychological and legal phenomenon. Of interest are the results of the study of the presentation of the basic foundations, theoretical and methodological foundations, as a special content in which it is possible to identify and determine the characteristics of the psychological properties of any person. The methodology of the reviewed work is based on theoretical methods: analysis and generalization of theoretical sources on the research problem; empirical methods of mathematical data processing. The article implements in sufficient detail the systematization and generalization of data related to the determination of the characteristics of the individual/group movement in the declared contact cycle space. The article has a scientific novelty associated with the study of the characterology of deviant personality behavior within the framework of existential, conceptual and linguocultural approaches. The structure of the article meets the requirements for scientific publications. A detailed qualitative analysis of the results obtained on the subject under study is presented. The content of the article, which examines the provisions on deviant manifestations, generally corresponds to its title. The style of presentation of the material meets the requirements for scientific publications. The bibliography corresponds to the content of the article and is represented by 9 literary sources. The results of the study substantiate the importance of theoretical and practical research of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of criminogenic infection of a person, as well as derivative coefficients. This information will improve the quality and effectiveness of individual crime prevention. The article arouses the reader's interest and can be recommended for publication.