Philology: scientific researches
Latishev, K.I. (2025). Teaching biomedical terminology using binary texts: linguocognitive and translation aspects. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 25–33. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2025.2.70261
Teaching biomedical terminology using binary texts: linguocognitive and translation aspects
Latishev Kirill Igorevich
Student, Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Sechenov University)
105187, Russia, Moscow, Peschanaya str., 8, sq. 22
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2025.2.70261
The purpose of the study is to form language competence as one of the main factors of professional growth of a future specialist. In particular, the research is based on the terminology of the field of biomedical engineering. Therefore, they need to be organized in order to simplify the definition process, to effectively highlight specific meanings and their translations, which in turn will allow scientists to explore certain phenomena and concepts with extraordinary accuracy. The article examines the peculiarities of cognitive and translational aspects of studying English and Russian terminology of biomedical engineering. It is noted that the specialized language of such an interdisciplinary field as biomedical engineering contains concepts that concentrate specific knowledge of technical, medical and topically scientific experience. In cognitive linguistics, concepts are considered in connection with the background knowledge. The specialized language of biomedical engineering is presented as a cognitive-communicative organization of concepts, notions and related terms in such highly specialized fields as bioinstrumentation, biomedical cybernetics, biomechanics, system physiology, rehabilitation engineering, diagnosis of diseases and disorders, etc. Translators should always take into account the following context criteria in the translation process: linguistic context, situational context and cognitive context. Based on the comparative analysis of binary texts – texts of the same genre and issue – the concept “sleep disturbance” is considered as a certain matrix of the terminological base of the concepts of the specified issue and basis for compiling highly specialized thematic mini-dictionaries. We must find as many unifying characteristics as possible, organizing the terms into conceptually similar groups, linking them with certain research methods, etc.
biomedical engineering, specialized language, concept, term, terminology, translation, specialized terminology glossaries, binary texts, language, text
This article is automatically translated.
1. INTRODUCTION The interest of modern scientists in the study of professional languages arises not only within the framework of linguistic science. It is also caused by the needs of growing professional communication based on the interdisciplinarity of knowledge, "when there is a problem of harmonizing interlanguage factors and at the same time there is a need to standardize certain layers of a particular professional language for the successful process of professional communication between specialists speaking different languages" (Fedorenko, Sheremeta, 20221, p. 42). In modern conditions of globalization, the quality of professional training of a future specialist is determined by the fluency of a highly specialized foreign language terminology, because this is a condition for successful professional and scientific activity, therefore there is a need for a linguognitive analysis of English and Ukrainian professional texts of the same problem (binary specialties. conclusion of highly specialized thematic mini-dictionaries) (Matko, 2009). After all, "today the vector of research in the field of studying industry terminological systems is multidirectional, however, the issues of terminology in different sciences are still insufficiently studied, in particular, it concerns the problems of their formation and systematization" (Fedorenko, Maslova, 2022, p. 44). The features and basic concepts of professional languages, the formation of terminological systems and scientific and technical translation, are described in the research of domestic and foreign scientists, among which are the works of such linguists and translators as Bern, Bosman, Vasenko, Vakulenko, Ostrov, Dubichinsky, Duryo, Dyakov, Zubov, Klimzo, Kiyak, Kozlanyuk, Krymets, Komarova, Kuleshova, Mishchenko, Montero, Pavlyuk, etc. "The ideas of cognitive linguistics have changed the perspective of terminology research, focusing on the inner nature of the term. Today, the term is considered as a unit related to professional communication, industry knowledge and professional activity" (Fedorenko, Maslova, 2022, p. 45). Modern linguistics researchers (Jabotinskaya, Kabre, Langacker, Temmerman, Faber, etc.), studying the functioning of terms in certain professional languages, increasingly integrate the provisions of cognitive linguistics and psychology in their scientific works on the study of concepts. The purpose of the article is to consider some translation aspects of studying the conceptual sphere of biomedical engineering in the field of sleep disorder research. Two completely different phenomena can be seen in medical terminology: 1. precisely developed and internationally standardized anatomical nomenclature and 2. rapidly developing non-standardized terminology of individual clinical branches. Previously, new medical terms were formed mainly morphologically by the formation and addition of Latin and Greek word-forming components, but now the syntactic method prevails - the formation of terminological compounds, which later turn into abbreviations. This article discusses how semantic information can be automatically assigned to composite terms, i.e. both a definition and a set of semantic relations. This is especially important in the development of multilingual databases and in the development of multilingual information retrieval systems. It presents a system capable of labeling terms with morphologically related words, i.e. defining them, and grouping them by synonymy, hyponymy, and proximity relationships. 2. METHODS The research methodology includes: defining criteria for the selection of material, which include temporal characteristics (texts should represent studies of the same period); genre characteristics (texts should be of the same genre); cognitive characteristics (the texts should present a common conceptual sphere); linguognitive and translational analysis with the conclusion of a matrix of subconepts as the basis for concluding a thematic glossary. The analysis of the conceptual sphere of biomedical engineering in the field of sleep disorder research was carried out on the basis of binary texts of review articles in English and Russian on the problems of diagnostic methods of sleep disorders, in particular: “A survey on sleep assessment methods. Global. Health. Neurology” (Ibáñez, Silva & Cauli, 2018), “Review of modern technologies for sleep quality diagnostics" (Ivanova, Fedorin & Vdovichenko, 2021), “Types of bioprinters for organ printing" (Kulyavets, Bespalova, 2020). 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The field of biomedical engineering has many areas, among which are: clinical engineering, medical radiology, medical technology, microelectromechanical systems, biomaterials, biomechanics, etc. Biomedical engineers and scientists focus on advances in technology and medicine to develop new devices and equipment to improve human health. For example, they can develop software for the operation of medical equipment or computer simulations to test new treatments. It should be noted that the professional language of such an interdisciplinary field as biomedical engineering contains concepts that concentrate specific knowledge of technical, medical and scientific experience. In cognitive linguistics, concepts are considered in connection with background knowledge and are created in the process of conceptualization (Faber, Leon Arauz, Prieto Velasco, Reimerink, 2007). The concept as the main unit of consciousness is a cognitive phenomenon, the content of which is formed in the process of structuring knowledge and experience (Prikhodko, 2008). Concepts form domains that can be considered as conceptual complexes that exist independently of their linguistic representation (Langacker, 2008). Accordingly, the professional language of biomedical engineering can be represented as a cognitive and communicative organization of concepts, concepts and related terms in such fields as bio-tools, biomedical cybernetics, biomechanics, systems physiology, rehabilitation engineering, diagnosis of diseases and disorders. The linguistic and cognitive analysis of concepts presented in the professional language contributes to the clarification of the conceptual framework and the correct use of highly specialized terminology. Based on Langacker's assumption (2008) that most concepts have a significant array of interrelated meanings that can be represented as a chain, let's present an array of interrelated meanings in the texts under study in the form of a chain: sleep – sleep disturbance. Sleep monitoring is a sleep monitoring device. The results of a comparative analysis of the speech representation of these concepts were entered into a schematic dictionary table. Here are some examples (see Table 1): Table 1 – Linguistic representation of the concepts studied № English 1
Russian. eng. 2 Russian engl. 3 eng. rus. 4 eng. | See Way Name of the tool (device) sleep monitoring disorder of the sleep method Restless legs Comprehensive test Polysomnography Piezoelectric sensors syndrome – RLS used to diagnose sleep disorders Comprehensive Test Syndrome, Polysomnography and piezoelectric sensors of the restless legs (SNN) used for diagnosis sleep disorders Delayed sleep phaseDiagnosing the Multiple Sleep disorder (DSPD) disorder with a sleep Latency diary or actigraphy Test (MSLT) The syndrome Diagnosis with Multiple Test delays by using a sleep latency diary sleep sleep or actigraphy or polysomnography. Obstructive apnea orRecordING eye electrooculography Wearable another sleep-related innovations, which are or respiratory electrooculography breathing disorder important monitor
for identifying the different sleep stages Eye Movement Fixation syndrome, which is an electrotechnical device and an obstructive important element of oculography applications for monitoring sleep apnea or others to identify various and track indicators of respiratory disorders, sleep stages, and sleep disorders Sleep bruxism A cable-based sleep Electromy Electromyograph or periodic recording system is ogram limb used to monitor the (EMG) movement electrical activity disorder produced by skeletal muscle during sleep Bruxism or Electromyography monitoring Systemelectromyograph periodic electrical activity disturbance of skeletal muscle movement during | limbs. Increased heart rate during sleep | Sleep time via a wired system A test used to measure Pulse oximetry, oxygen levels (blood pressure oxygen saturation) during monitor sleep | 5 rus. | Rapid | Test for level control Pulse Oximetry, |
heartbeat during oxygen (blood saturation) measurement oxygen sleep) during the first heart attack contractions and heart rate variability | eng. rus. 6 | Sleep quality Sleep questionnaires, “nap study” Sleep quality check, Questionnaire, monitoring of scheduled daytime sleep | eng. 7 rus. | “overlap syndrome” measures and graphicallyCapnography Sarcophagus device displays the inhaled and exhaled CO2 concentrations at the airway opening A combination of certain measures and graphically Capnography The monitor is a capnograph of disorders or diseases.displays the concentration of CO2 in the lungs when inhaled and | | | exhaling air during sleep | | | | eng. 8 Russian. |
Provides real-time Transcutaneous information on blood monitor oxygenation levels Provides information on the obstructive level of oxygenation Real-time blood monitoring | Severinghaus electrode The Severingause electrode | | | | | | | | | Thus, in a comparative analysis of two articles on the same topic, the adequacy and representativeness of the two-way translation of modern biomedical engineering terminology is evidenced. Working with binary texts, we were able to identify some of the advantages of reproducing terminological units during the analysis. In our opinion, specialized dictionaries do not pay enough attention to the functioning of terms in specialized discourse. According to linguist Durieux (1994), translators should always consider the following criteria of context in the translation process: linguistic context, situational context and cognitive context. Of course, no one denies the importance of specialized dictionaries, but it should be noted that the linguistic context allows the translator to pay attention to both the specifics of using the term in a particular context and its compatibility. In the situational context, the author takes into account the cultural and psychological characteristics of the recipient, as well as various types of specialized discourse. Terminology in an article that is explanatory in nature or that highlights certain research results will differ significantly from the lack of vocabulary definitions. As confirmation, let's pay attention to some of the examples given in the table above, certain phenomena and concepts do not have a fixed dictionary translation. For example, the term overlap syndrome means a combination of certain disorders or diseases, this phrase is transmitted in the UKR text by the method of replication, and Nap study in the UKR text is monitoring scheduled daytime sleep. This research is motivated primarily by the fact that the field of biomedical engineering is relatively new, an industry with a terminosphere that is in its infancy. It should be noted that a significant number of terms of Latin and Greek origin have indisputable equivalents: polysomnography – polysomnography, capnography – capnography, bruxism – bruxism, electromyograph – electromyograph, piezoelectric – piezoelectric. A comparative analysis of the terminology of binary texts showed a different number of components of terminological phrases in Ukrainian and English. For example, if you look at the equivalents of many English-language three-component terms, most often the number of term components in Russian is higher. Here are some examples from binary articles on the topic of bioprinting, selected for the study.: laser-assisted bioprinting – bioprinting with partial laser use; extrusion-based bioprinting – bioprinting based on extrusion; additive manufacturing – additive manufacturing technologies; selective laser sintering – selective laser sintering technology; human adipose-derived stem cells are human adipose tissue stem cells. On the other hand, we have also noted the opposite cases, when in the Ukrainian language A shorter equivalent was chosen (often a compound word or a phrase containing a compound word). For example, a three–component term in English corresponds to a one–component or two-component term in Ukrainian: zeolite water softening plant – zero picket, computer aided design - automated design, laser-based bioprinting - laser bioprinting. By the way, a distinctive feature is that experts are increasingly trying to avoid calculations and literal translation, which means that instead of reproducing the term bioprinting in a literal transliteration method, we see a preference for a more Ukrainian version, namely bioprinting. 4. CONCLUSIONS AND DIRECTIONS OF FURTHER RESEARCH To summarize, it should be noted that biomedical engineering focuses primarily on the latest advances in technology and medicine to develop new devices and equipment to improve human health. Specialists continue to develop new software for the operation of medical equipment, create computer simulations to test new treatment methods. Considering the relevance and intensive development of this new industry, as well as the fact that information from foreign sources is theoretically insufficiently represented in Ukrainian translation, we consider linguognitive analysis of binary professional texts to be a relevant method for concluding highly specialized thematic dictionaries. We see the prospect of further research in expanding the genre and thematic palette of linguognitive translation analysis based on binary texts in the field of biomedical engineering to compile highly specialized thematic dictionaries.
1. Durieux, C. (1994). Texte, contexte, hypertexte. Cahiers du CIEL 1994–1995, 214-228. [in French]
2. Faber, P., León Araúz, P., Prieto Velasco, J. A., & Reimerink, A. (2007). Linking images and words: the description of specialized concepts. International Journal of Lexicography, 20, 39-65. [in English] Maslova, T. (2022).
3. Fedorenko, S. URL: https://doi.org/10.20535/2617-5339.2022.9.259836. Advanced Linguistics, 9, 43-50. Scientific Kohnityvnyy pidkhid do mizhdystsyplinarnoho doslidzhennya terminolohiyi [A cognitive approach to the interdisciplinary study of terminology] notes of the National University “Ostroh Academy”. Philology series, 11(79), 42-45.
4. Ibáñez, V., Silva, J., & Cauli, O. (2018) A survey on sleep assessment methods. PeerJ, 6, 1-26. URL: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4849
5. Ivanova, Ya. O., Fedorin, I. V., & Vdovichenko, O. V. (2021) Oglyad suchasnyh tehnologiy dlya dIagnostyky yakosti snu [Overview of modern technologies for diagnosing sleep quality]. Biomedical engineering and technology, 6, 1-10. URL: https://doi.org/10.20535/2617-8974.2021.6 [in Ukrainian]
6. Kuliavets, V. R., & Bespalova, O. Y. (2020). Vydy bioprinteriv dlia druku organiv [Types of bioprinters for printing organs]. Biomedical engineering and technology, 3, 68-73. URL: https://doi.org/10.20535/2617-8974.2020.3.195694 [in Ukrainian]
7. Langacker, R. W. (2008). Cognitive Grammar: A basic introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8. Matsko, L. I. (2009). Kultura ukrayinskoyi fahovoyi movy: Navchalniy possibnyk [The culture of the Ukrainian professional language: a study guide]. K: Akademy. [in Ukrainian]
9. Pryhodko, A. M. (2008). Kontseptiy i kontseptosystemy v kognitivnodiskursivnyy paradigmi lingvistyky [Concepts and conceptual systems in the cognitive-discursive paradigm of linguistics]. ZaporIzhzhya: Premyer. [in Ukrainian]
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The material presented for publication is focused on a possible option for teaching biomedical terminology using binary texts (the title should be corrected). As noted at the beginning of the work, "the interest of modern scientists in the study of professional languages arises not only within the framework of linguistic science. It is also driven by the needs of growing professional communication based on interdisciplinary knowledge." The author indicates that "the purpose of the article is to consider some translation aspects of studying the conceptual sphere of biomedical engineering in the field of sleep disorders research." The point type of the goal also determines the correct logic of the unfolding of the topic: the article "examines the question of how semantic information can be automatically assigned to composite terms, that is, both a definition and a set of semantic relations. This is especially important in the development of multilingual databases and in the development of multilingual information retrieval systems." I think that the problem that has been stated is quite relevant, but the approach to assessing the issue has a new methodological twist: "the analysis of the conceptual sphere of biomedical engineering in the field of sleep disorders research was conducted on the basis of binary texts of review articles in English and Russian on the problems of methods for diagnosing sleep disorders." The main provisions of the research are scientifically justified, the proper justification takes place. No serious factual violations have been identified in the text of the work; thus, it can be noted that the requirements for scientific papers have been taken into account. The style of the essay is focused on the scientific type itself. For example, this is evident in the following fragments: "in a comparative analysis of two articles on the same topic, the adequacy and representativeness of a two-way translation of modern terminology of biomedical engineering testifies. Working with binary texts, we were able to highlight some of the advantages of reproducing terminological units during the analysis. In our opinion, specialized dictionaries do not pay enough attention to the functioning of terms in specialized discourse," or "here are some examples from binary articles on the topic of bioprinting selected for research: laser-assisted bioprinting – bioprinting with partial use of a laser; extrusion-based bioprinting – bioprinting based on extrusion; additive manufacturing – additive technologies production; selective laser sintering – selective laser sintering technology; human adipose-derived stem cells – stem cells of human adipose tissue", etc. The illustrative background is enough to argue the point of view. The conclusions of the text correspond to the main part; the author notes in the final that "biomedical engineering focuses primarily on the latest advances in technology and medicine to develop new devices and equipment to improve human health. Specialists continue to develop new software for the operation of medical equipment, create computer simulations to test new treatment methods." It is worth agreeing that "given the relevance, intensive development of this newest industry, as well as the fact that information from foreign sources is theoretically insufficiently represented in Ukrainian translation, we consider linguognitive analysis of binary professional texts to be a relevant method for concluding thematic highly specialized dictionaries. We see the prospect of further research in expanding the genre and thematic palette of linguognitive translation analysis based on binary texts in the field of biomedical engineering to compile highly specialized thematic dictionaries." The basic standard of the requirements of the publication has been taken into account, the text does not need serious revision. The material can be used in higher education, and it is advisable to consider a number of positions further in related thematic research. I recommend the article "Teaching biomedical terminology using binary texts: linguocognitive and translation aspects" for publication in the journal "Philology: Scientific Research".