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Philology: scientific researches

Russian language in the educational environment of the Republic of Tajikistan

Khalimzoda Ziyovidin Amirkhudzha

Postgraduate student of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

19 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia
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Abstract: This article is devoted to the issue of studying the Russian language in the field of education of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as in secondary schools, where education is conducted entirely in the Tajik language, taking into account the increased efficiency of mastering the Russian language. The question is raised about the need to take into account the native language of students when teaching Russian to Tajik schoolchildren. The grammatical categories of number, gender and case of the noun in the analyzed languages are analyzed, and the similarities and differences of the concepts under consideration are determined. Particular attention is paid to the issues of teaching the Russian language due to the fact that in the linguistic conditions of Tajikistan, in the absence of a natural Russian-speaking environment, the education system bears the main burden in learning and preserving the language. Today, among the various directions of socio-economic development of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the issue of learning languages, especially Russian. Indeed, every year in our country the number of people interested in learning Russian and other languages of the East and West is increasing, and the number of young people interested in learning several languages is increasing every year. In the Republic of Tajikistan (RT), the educational process in the Russian language in secondary schools is built on a new program.Today, among the various directions of socio-economic development of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the issue of learning languages, especially Russian. Indeed, every year in our country the number of people interested in learning Russian and other languages of the East and West is increasing, and the number of young people interested in learning several languages is increasing every year.


Russian, education, internal motivation, the post-Soviet space, the language of international communication, textbook, Tajik language, comparative typology, Tajik school, Russian school

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Today, among the various directions of socio-economic development of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the issue of learning languages, especially Russian. Indeed, every year in our country the number of people interested in learning Russian and other languages of the East and West is increasing, and the number of young people interested in learning several languages is increasing every year. In the Republic of Tajikistan (RT), the Russian language educational process in secondary schools is based on a new curriculum. It is based on the teaching aid of Professor T. V. Huseynova. The manual has been developed in accordance with the legislative documents of the Republic of Tajikistan. Russians Russian Language Educational Standard, the Law on Language, On Education, and the State Program for Improving the Teaching and Learning of Russian and English in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2003-2014 are included in the list of this documentation. In this regard, the number of schools in Tajikistan, which teach in Russian, is increasing from year to year. According to statistics, the Russian-speaking population of Tajikistan is not very large. However, experts believe that the increase in the number of Russian schools is due to the growing demands of parents, the desires and tastes of local residents.

To our question, "Why do they give greater priority to Russian schools in Tajikistan?" the answers were different. According to some parents, it is more profitable to study in Russian schools, because along with language skills, their children are raised by responsible, free-thinking and healthy people, and have more opportunities to enroll in higher education institutions abroad. That's why we interviewed some residents of the center of the capital to determine how important it is to learn Russian. Madina Makhmudova, a resident of the capital, says that her son studied in kindergarten in a Russian-speaking group, and also received primary education in the Russian class of the capital's secondary school No. 51. For this reason, he wants his son to continue his studies at Lyceum No. 1 for gifted students in Dushanbe, where education is conducted entirely in Russian. "The students who study in Russian classes are relatively smart, disciplined and literate," Madina said. - They have more opportunities in the future, because the educational conditions in Russian schools are much better than in Tajik schools. In order for my child to continue his studies abroad, he must know Russian well."

"My child wants to study at a Russian school," said Sangali Mirov, another of our interlocutors. Russian Russian is a common language in our family, so his sisters and brothers graduated from a Russian school, so I sent him to a Russian school. I know from experience that the quality of education in Russian schools is comparatively better, Russian-speaking teachers are very responsible, demanding and strict, and this also makes the student responsible and strong-willed.

The lack of qualified Russian-speaking teachers remains one of the most acute problems in the field of education, and it is more noticeable in the regions. Analyses have shown that the best Russian-speaking teachers work mainly in lyceums and gymnasiums, where tuition is paid, and not all families have the opportunity to send their children to such prestigious educational institutions.

As is known, Russian has no official status in Tajikistan and is used as a language of communication between peoples. Documentation in all government organizations and institutions is conducted in the Tajik language. However, over the 34 years of Tajikistan's independence, the Russian language has not lost its importance and popularity, and its prestige and influence are growing every year. Ask. Mukhtorov, a lecturer at the National University of Tajikistan, says: "The Russian language still dominates our scientific environment. Most of our scientific sources are written in Russian. Russian Russian scientists, whose works are written primarily in Russian, believe that it is easier and more convenient to express their opinions on the development of scientific materials in Russian. Since they have difficulty using scientific terms in Tajik, on the other hand, they have no difficulty using Russian terms."

Russian Russian and English languages were studied in connection with the study of Russian and English languages, a Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan was issued back in 2003, on the basis of which the "State Program for the Improvement and Study of Russian and English languages for 2004-2014" was adopted. At the initiative of the country's top leadership and relevant authorities, all conditions have been created in the country's educational institutions for learning foreign languages, especially Russian and English, so that our youth can enjoy learning several foreign languages. languages.

The Government of Tajikistan always supports and promotes knowledge of several languages along with the State language. Knowledge of foreign languages at the required level should be the motto of every young person and every professional.

There is no language environment in the "Tajik schools" where it is possible to use Russian in everyday situations. Russian Russian is actually a compulsory foreign language, but compared to the conditions of teaching other foreign languages, the number of students in Russian classes is extremely high. For example, when learning English, the class is divided into several groups, which makes it easier for the teacher to work with students. As for the Russian language, the teacher cannot pay attention to each student, which reduces the quality of teaching and understanding of the language by students.

The following sections are prescribed in the school curriculum:

Russian Russian language 1) explanatory note, which examines the most important aspects of the educational process aimed at mastering the Russian language in general education institutions at school (it contains the goals and objectives of the educational process, the principles of pedagogical influence, the specifics of the presentation of the Russian language, etc.);

2) programs that provide language material, as well as requirements affecting the speech skills of students in grades 2-4, 5-11;

3) examples of text material within the framework of the academic discipline under consideration;

4) a list of scientific, methodological and educational literature that a teacher of the Russian language should rely on in the course of his professional activity.

The program includes new trends in the educational process of mastering the Russian language in secondary schools of the Republic of Tajikistan. It clearly states the goals and objectives of teaching the discipline "Russian language" in general education institutions of the country. The program also contains pedagogical principles and methods of teaching the Russian language.

The principles of teaching the Russian language have been developed in accordance with the program. These include, first of all, didactics and linguodidactics. In addition, the principle of integrated teaching of the Russian language and literature should be noted. It is one of the most important activities in teaching the Russian language. Using an integrated approach, it is possible to understand reality at various levels and the role of the Russian language, which in this case acts as a foreign language. "An integrated approach motivates schoolchildren to master the Russian language, promotes the development of a rich humanistic outlook" [Atnabayeva 2015, 4:134]. Russian Russian language teaching in the Republic of Tajikistan is carried out on the basis of an integrated principle, i.e. on the basis of the text material of Russian writers.

In 2014-2015, there were certain difficulties with learning Russian in the Republic of Tajikistan. They consisted of a lack of study hours. The previous (2014-2015 academic year) and current situations (2022-2023 academic year) are reflected in Table No. 1.

Table 1. Number of hours per week for mastering the Russian language in the national schools of the Republic of Tajikistan.


Provisions of the educational standard

2014-2015 academic year

2022-2023 academic year


3 hours

2 hours

3 hours


3 hours

2 hours

3 hours


3 hours

2 hours

3 hours


3 hours

2 hours

3 hours


3 hours

2 hours

2 hours


2 hours

2 hours

2 hours


2 hours

2 hours

2 hours


2 hours

2 hours

2 hours


3 hours

2 hours

3 hours


3 hours

2 hours

3 hours

Total weekly

27 hours

20 hours

26 hours

Based on the table, it can be concluded that the number of study hours for mastering the Russian language has increased significantly over time (up to 30%). In general, this corresponds to the provisions of the educational standard "On the mandatory introduction of study hours for learning Russian and English," signed by the President of Tajikistan in 2003 for all secondary schools in the country" [Kudoyarova 2010, 1:37].

The main purpose of textbooks is to gain the skills to use the Russian language in practice, i.e. as a means of communication.

In recent years, necessary measures have been taken to study the Russian language in the republic. In 2014, 26 schools operated entirely in Russian, while in 2022 this number will reach 39. Russian Russian Teachers Abroad project is considered to be one of the factors contributing to the development of this area. It is based on this project that teachers from the Russian Federation are involved in teaching Russian and natural sciences in Russian at educational institutions in the country. It consists of 72 people.

Currently, 16 secondary vocational educational institutions train pedagogical specialists in the field of teaching Russian language and literature. In 2023, 273 people graduated from these educational institutions with a degree in Russian Language and Literature. Russian Russian language PhD and doctoral dissertations are being intensively offered in the field of scientific research, which indicates the expansion of the study of the Russian language in the country.

Russian Russian is actually a foreign language in the educational system, because, firstly, the number of hours spent on its study has been reduced, Russian literature is not taught in schools (as it was in Soviet times), and secondly, because there is practically no Russian speech environment, especially in rural areas.[Huseynova 2015, 4: 60].

The Russian language is studied on the basis of preschool education, in general education and higher educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan. For secondary schools, learning Russian begins in the 2nd grade. The Russian language has the status of a compulsory school discipline, regardless of the language in which the educational process is organized. The issue of including the Russian language in the general education curriculum is under the control of the Government and the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

There are four affiliated universities in the country. Lomonosov University in Dushanbe, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Moscow Power Engineering University in Dushanbe, Slavic University of Russia and Tajikistan, where the educational process is conducted entirely in Russian. The increasing demand for learning Russian has led to the need to train highly qualified specialists and linguists. Russian Russian groups are gradually being created in the country's professional educational institutions to address this issue, and in the 2023-2024 academic year, Russian groups are operating in the country's higher schools in various fields. specialties. Currently, 16 secondary vocational educational institutions are training pedagogical specialists in the field of teaching Russian language and literature. In 2023, 273 people graduated from these institutions with a degree in Russian Language and Literature and 299 people with a degree in English. According to statistical analysis, almost 68 percent of Tajikistan's population speaks Russian.

Every year, 920 people enroll in higher education institutions of the Russian Federation through the Scientific and Cultural Center of the Russian Federation (Rossotrudnichestvo). It follows that the interest of citizens in learning the Russian language is increasing in the republic. However, there are still some problems in improving the teaching of the Russian language. According to international experts, unfortunately, the number of Russian speakers in Tajikistan is decreasing compared to other Central Asian countries.

With the departure of a large number of scientific intellectuals from the republic, the writing and publication of educational materials has significantly decreased, which has led to a shortage of textbooks, educational tools and other manuals, bilingual and trilingual communication between children and adults. There are not enough educational films and videos, CDs and linguistic recordings for comprehensive study of the Russian language. Russian Russian-language educational, methodological, and scientific newspapers and magazines for educational institutions operating in the Russian language have a negative impact on the development of language authority.

In order to strengthen the study of the Russian language in the country, it is necessary to carry out a number of actions. In this regard, we propose that the Russian Federation increase the number of quotas for citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, and teachers of natural sciences, mathematics, and precision.

Student exchange has been established in many universities and institutes in Tajikistan and Russia, but this process requires improvement in the field of teaching among higher professional educational institutions. To do this, it is necessary to expand the 2+2 learning process in professional educational institutions. In other words, a student who wants to become a teacher must study for two years in Tajikistan and two years in Russia.

In this process, comprehensive cooperation is carried out between professional educational institutions of the pedagogical sphere of Tajikistan and Russia on the exchange of students and teachers, at the same time, cooperation on internships for students in the host country of the language is facilitated by the training of specialists in all academic subjects of the language.

Currently, there is a shortage of internal staff in the field of teachers of various Russian subjects, especially natural sciences and mathematics subjects.

This problem forces us to take urgent measures to attract talented students to the teaching profession. We would like to note that with the annual support of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, teachers' salaries are growing year after year, and in our opinion, we must find ways to motivate them even more in the future. In addition, it is necessary to increase significant social benefits for teachers with extensive teaching experience. Because such actions can make the teaching profession attractive and desirable for young people. Another problem is related to the accessibility of learning Russian throughout the country, especially in rural areas. Russian Russian language learning in urban areas is very widespread, but it is necessary to create favorable conditions for learning Russian in rural areas. Russian Russian language teachers are not so lacking, but the problem is the lack of highly qualified teachers in rural areas, because most of Tajikistan's population lives in rural areas, and the lack of Russian language teachers and Russian speakers leads to a decrease in Russian language proficiency in rural areas. In towns and villages far from the center, the language environment is often absent.

First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the material and technical base of rural schools and attract talented young people to the teaching profession. At the same time, in order to attract talented young people to the teaching profession, it is proposed to grant participants of all national competitions, regardless of the place of honor, a privilege to enter secondary and higher educational institutions in the field of teaching through interviews. Such benefits can help attract talented young people to teaching activities.It is worth mentioning the competition that has emerged between English and Russian in the countries that were formerly part of the USSR. American educational programs are being actively implemented in a number of countries. They allow students to get an education in the United States, after which they can find a job either in America or in their homeland.

Given the fact that the Republic of Tajikistan is in the initial stages of becoming an independent state, all the claims about the predominance of English over Russian are currently unconfirmed. An example of this is the fact that learning Russian begins in the second grade at 26 hours per week, and English begins in the third grade at 18 hours per week.

The school system for assessing the quality of the educational process in the Republic of Tajikistan is based on educational assessment. It is based on the form of surveys, discussions, quizzes, etc. Final exams have been introduced in educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan (in grades 4, 9, 11).

For secondary schools in the Republic of Tatarstan, the assessment is based on a 5-point system.

Russian Russian is an important language in the lives of people throughout the post-Soviet space. Today, the Russian language is undoubtedly the key to the development of interethnic and intercultural relations. Therefore, the practical integration of Russian language curricula into the education system of both the Republic of Tatarstan and all post-Soviet countries is natural and appropriate. These training and methodological programs should meet the requirements of the time and improve as interethnic relations develop.

1. Abdullaeva, M.N. (1989). Comparative characteristics of nouns in Russian and Tajik languages: Method. manual for students. Dushanbe: People's Ministry. education of the TajSSR.
2. Atnabaeva, N. A. (2015). A work of art in integrated foreign language teaching at a non-linguistic university. Bulletin of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN). Series: Russian and foreign languages and methods of teaching them, 4(2), 134-139.
3. Guseinova, T. V. (2015). On sociolinguistic and didactic problems of teaching the Russian language in the Republic of Tajikistan. Sociocultural space of Russia and abroad: society, education, language; edited by A. V. Shchetinina-Vyp – p. 59-67.
4. Guseinova, T.V. & Samadova, I.N (2019). Multilingualism and problems of linguistic didactics in Tajikistan. Bulletin of the Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University, 4(68), 113-123.
5. Kudoyarova, T. V. (2010). Problems of functioning and learning the Russian language in post-Soviet Tajikistan. Bulletin of RUDN University, series Russian and foreign languages and methods of teaching them, 1, 36-44.
6. Moskvicheva, S.A., & Gasanov, M.M. (2021). Language practices and language ideologies in language transmission in the Azerbaijani community in Moscow. Tomsk Journal of Linguistic and Anthropological Research, 3(33), 59-69.
7. Nozimov, A.A. (2010). Language situation in modern Tajikistan: state, features and development prospects: dis. Doctoral Sciences. Dushanbe.
8. Resolution. (2021). Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 268 “On the rules of spelling of the Tajik language and symbols of the Tajik language”. Retrieved from
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10. Russian language program for general education institutions with Tajik as the language of instruction (grades 2-11) – Dushanbe, 2008. – 124 p.
11. Khomidova, Z.F. (2015). Formation of spelling rules of the Tajik language in the 20th century: PhD thesis Khujan.

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Coverage of problems and issues related to learning the Russian language abroad is necessary for the objective identification of a number of difficulties that need to be solved. The article under review concerns the status of the Russian language in the educational environment of the Republic of Tajikistan. The author of the study notes in the beginning of work that "today, among the various directions of socio-economic development of Tajikistan, special attention is paid to the issue of learning languages, especially Russian. Indeed, every year in our country the number of people interested in learning Russian and other languages of the East and West increases, and the number of young people interested in learning several languages increases every year by year. In the Republic of Tajikistan (RT), the educational process in the Russian language in secondary schools is based on a new program", "it is based on the teaching aid of Professor T. V. Huseynova. The manual has been developed in accordance with the legislative documents of the Republic of Tajikistan. Russian Russian Language Educational Standard, the law "On Language", "On Education", "The State Program for improving the teaching and learning of Russian and English languages in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2003-2014" are included in the list of this documentation. In this regard, the number of schools in Tajikistan where education is conducted in Russian is increasing from year to year." Thus, the reviewed material has a vector of scientific, actually factual significance; the direction of assessment / analysis of the topic is verified, the main constructive is accessible and understandable. I would like to note that the work is structured in the mode of an unconventional scientific article, but in a kind of discussion format. The question-and-answer view, the so-called internal logic of accents, talking to oneself, etc. that's what distinguishes this material. And this, in my opinion, is not bad. The analysis of the problem of the dissemination and study of the Russian language in the Republic of Tajikistan has a syncretic form: statistics alternate with analytics, practice with systematization. At the same time, the author creates the effect of a dialogue with the reader. For example, the following block: "the lack of qualified Russian-speaking teachers remains one of the most acute problems in the field of education, and it is more noticeable in the regions. The analyses showed that the best Russian-speaking teachers work mainly in lyceums and gymnasiums, where tuition is paid, and not all families have the opportunity to send their children to such prestigious educational institutions," etc. The main purpose of the research is achieved using relevant methodological positions; in my opinion, the assessment of the situation is also given successfully, and one's own point of view is expressed, which is important for scientific research: "The Government of Tajikistan always supports and promotes knowledge of several languages along with the state one. Knowledge of foreign languages at the required level should be the motto of every young person and every professional," or "The Russian language is studied on the basis of preschool education, in general education and higher educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan. For secondary schools, learning Russian begins in the 2nd grade. The Russian language has the status of a compulsory school discipline, regardless of the language in which the educational process is organized. The issue of including the Russian language in the general education program is under the control of the government and the President of the Republic of Tajikistan," etc. The actual data are accurate, consistent, and the openness of the material is remarkable. The style of work is oriented towards the scientific type: "in order to strengthen the study of the Russian language in the country, it is necessary to carry out a number of actions. In this regard, we propose that the Russian Federation increase the number of quotas for citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan in the fields of pedagogy, psychology and teachers of natural sciences, mathematics and precision. Student exchange has been established in many universities and institutes in Tajikistan and Russia, but this process requires improving the field of teaching among higher professional educational institutions. To do this, it is necessary to expand the 2+2 learning process in professional educational institutions. That is, a student who wants to become a teacher must study for two years in Tajikistan and two years in Russia," etc. I would like to note that the article is quite interesting, informative, it clearly reveals the topic, and the main tasks are fully solved. The ways of further resolving the situation with the study of the Russian language in the Republic of Tajikistan are also partially outlined. Russian Russian is undoubtedly the key to the development of interethnic and intercultural relations. In the final part, the author notes that "today there is no doubt about the importance of the role of the Russian language in the lives of people throughout the post-Soviet space. Therefore, the practical integration of Russian language curricula into the education system of both the Republic of Tatarstan and all post-Soviet countries is natural and appropriate. These educational and methodological programs should meet the requirements of the time and be improved as interethnic relations develop." No serious violations have been identified, the material can be used practically when studying, for example, philological courses within the framework of the RCT program. I recommend the reviewed article "The Russian language in the educational environment of the Republic of Tajikistan" for publication in the journal "Philology: scientific research".