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Pedagogy and education

The Study of Leadership Development in Schoolchildren in the Late Twentieth Century

Vaganova Valeriya Mikhailovna

Postgraduate student, Department of Pedagogy, Murmansk Arctic University

183010, Russia, Murmansk region, Murmansk, Sportivnaya str., 13









Abstract: This article is devoted to studying leadership in the context of the school environment in Russia in the second half of the twentieth century. Special attention is paid to analyzing various aspects of school leadership, including its impact on the educational process, the development of students' personalities, the formation of team spirit, and social responsibility. The article also discusses methods and approaches to developing student leadership skills and the impact of school leadership on public life and success in future careers. The results of the study reveal the importance of school leadership for the formation of values, skills, and qualities necessary for successful social adaptation and professional development of students. The article provides an opportunity to consider the aspect of school leadership in various historical periods of the country's development. The work uses theoretical research methods, such as the analysis of the literature under study, the synthesis of the data obtained, and the method of summarizing information. Scientific novelty: Identification of development patterns of leadership qualities in schoolchildren in the educational process in the second half of the twentieth century in Russia. Leadership is a truly complex social phenomenon. The development of this area is relevant in this period of time. Society and its dynamics present new challenges and form new requirements for a true leader. The ability to manage a group, interact with each of its members, take responsibility, and lead a team to its goal can be called an art. Leadership issues are key to achieving effective work organization. On the one hand, leadership is considered as the presence of a certain set of qualities attributed to those who successfully influence others; on the other hand, leadership is a process of predominantly non-forceful influence in achieving a group's goals. Leadership is a specific type of managerial interaction based on the most practical combination of various power sources and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals.


leadership, school leadership, leadership development, the history of leadership development, features of leadership development, the typology of leadership, features of the development of leadership studies, development of school leaders, lead, periods of leadership development

References (оформлена автором)
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7. Markova, M. Y. (2014). Development of leadership qualities and organizational abilities in a children's public association.
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14. Smekalova, E. M. (2001). School of leadership: Methodological recommendations.
15. Timonin, A. I., & Timonina, L. I. (2008). School of the leader: A cycle of educational and developmental classes for high school students.
16. Umansky, L. I. (1980). Psychology of organizational activity of schoolchildren: Regional high school camp named after A. N. Lukoshkin "Komsomol".

Peer Review

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The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The object of research in the work submitted for review is leadership as a pedagogically formed quality, while the subject is the corresponding pedagogical process in the socio-historical space of the second half of the twentieth century. The relevance of the research is undeniable, since leadership as a significant quality is very often talked about nowadays, while, as a rule, in a managerial context, nevertheless, coverage of this issue in a purely pedagogical context in the modern publishing field is relatively rare. The author managed to briefly review leadership as a formative quality over a relatively long period against a very extensive socio-historical background, and this, in our opinion, is the main merit of the work, which determines its novelty. From a methodological point of view, the article has a purely theoretical character, which is natural for historical works, however, it should be noted that a "bridge" to modern realities and problems would enhance its relevance and significance. The main method of research is historical and pedagogical analysis, the effectiveness of its application is determined by the fact that the specific features of each decade in the pedagogical context are clearly visible from the text. From a linguistic point of view, the work was done at a good level. Despite the scientific nature of the presentation, the text is not overloaded with specialized terminology, is easily perceived even by an unprepared reader and can thus arouse the interest of a very wide public. A detailed review of the authors who have researched this topic, indicating their specific contribution to its development, deserves attention. The list of references meets the requirements and finds semantic reflection in the text of the work. From a substantive point of view, the article is of great interest and is executed at a high level of quality, although, once again, we emphasize that the work would greatly benefit if the author showed how the experience of the past era resonates with modern realities. However, there are a number of structural observations. The text is not divided into separate interrelated parts, which is customary in scientific and analytical works. The solid text makes the article look more like a textbook fragment and gives the text an educational touch. In conclusion, in fact, the author once again emphasizes the relevance of the work, meanwhile the text contains very good material for thesis conclusions. The article lacks a methodological block with the justification of research tools. Taking into account the specifics of the material, it suggests a tabular presentation in the final part with a synthesis of the main specific features of the decades under consideration in the pedagogical context. These comments are generally of a recommendatory nature and do not negate the understanding that the article is a richly informative work and deserves publication in a peer-reviewed journal in the psychological and pedagogical field.