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Approaches to creating native advertising texts in modern media (based on publications of the online media «No, that’s normal»)

Prokhorova Elena Nikolaevna

Lecturer; Department of Television, Radio and Internet Technologies; Russian State University for the Humanities
Senior Editor of the Commercial department; LLC 'No, this is normal'

6 Miusskaya Ploshchad str., Moscow, 125047, Russia
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of creating native advertising texts in the Russian-language segment of online publications. Since in existing Russian-language studies and works devoted to native advertising there are no specific criteria for creating high-quality text with advertising integration, and native advertising itself has long become an important part of the content of modern media, there is a need to analyze existing approaches and prepare a list of aspects that will help editors prepare high-quality materials that solve several problems at once: both editorial and commercial. The first important criterion is the selection of a relevant topic, the relevance of which may be related to seasonal requests or informational occasions. The second criterion is the uniqueness and novelty of the information, which can be achieved through the involvement of experts, the experience of the authors, or the presence of advertising integration, since often the advertised product or service can become an unexpected solution to the audience’s request. An important part is the position of the author, which is an effective tool for attracting an audience in the modern media space, but in the Russian-speaking segment this method is used quite rarely, which reduces the value of materials in the eyes of the audience. The third criterion is the stylistic correspondence of native advertising texts to the editorial policy of the media. There is a liberalization of journalistic style, widespread use of jargon, anglicisms and vernaculars, which is motivated by an attempt to become closer to the target audience and speak the same language with it. The last – fourth – criterion is related to visual design, which must also comply with editorial canons.


native advertising, media, online publications, media space, text, visual, journalistic style, integration, audience, informational occasion

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The term native advertising is interpreted by researchers in different ways. But, given the specifics of the Russian-language media market, native advertising should be understood as a text written according to editorial rules, but at the same time containing advertising integration. Such advertising is focused on value for the audience and is educational, informative and media in nature [8, p. 193]. On websites, such materials are usually labeled as "partner material", "sponsorship material" or "advertising", and genre originality is not limited to problematic articles: native advertising can be interviews, reports, collections and even author's columns.

One of the first texts of native advertising in the online publication "No, this is normal" in 2022 was published on February 14 and is dedicated to atopic dermatitis in children - "Atopic dermatitis: what is it, where does it come from and how to treat it" (Atopic dermatitis: what is it, where does it come from and how to treat it [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/19/2023)). From the title, the user can immediately understand which questions he will be able to find answers to inside, and what benefit this material will bring him. The text is marked as "partner material", which immediately indicates its commercial basis. The publication date is the winter period in which the topic becomes most relevant, fits into the context of current audience requests. Most likely, this factor is due to the number of views — 12,692 unique users, according to the statistics of Google Analytics (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/19/2023)).

The material itself is a guide in the form of a script, which provides detailed answers to all questions related to a common childhood disease. This version of the presentation of the material attracts modern consumers of information, as it allows them to navigate the text using visually highlighted subheadings and look for answers to their questions.

The first thing the reader sees when opening the material is the title, illustration and a small lead. It is important to note that the image is completely made in the visual style of the publication and does not contain any colors or details of the advertiser. It also reflects not only the topic, but also, in a sense, reveals the content of the material. In the lead, the reader sees that the text was prepared together with a pediatric dermatologist, which makes the material unique through the use of expert commentary.

The text itself, despite the complex medical topic, is written in a journalistic style, it practically does not use scientific terminology (and if complex definitions are present, then they are all explained) [4, p. 112]. In some places, you can notice ironic formulations that are often used in editorial materials: "ATD is not treated over the weekend on a strict diet or with the help of conspiracies and drugs according to a "time-tested" recipe" or "Believe me, during an itch attack, the child experiences no less suffering than you listening to him cry." Fragments of native integration look organic here — after a recommendation about the need to find a good doctor, readers are given links to the centers of expertise that deal with issues of atopic dermatitis. There is also an imperative in this block — that is, a call to action in the form of a button that motivates users to go to the advertiser's site. At the same time, the main purpose of the text is not to sell, but to establish emotional contact with the audience and build loyalty.

The text itself, as already mentioned, is conveniently divided into parts using subheadings. Important quotes are visually highlighted using color blocks, as is often done in editorial materials, and in some places a numbered list is used to facilitate the perception of content. The main theses or numerical values are confirmed by hyperlinks to various Russian and English-language studies, but in addition to them there are endnotes to the numbered list of references presented at the end of the native article. It is important to note that in this online publication, special blocks are always used inside and at the end of the text, in which other relevant materials are offered to readers. This way of formatting multimedia text enriches the user experience of interacting with articles. The absence of these elements in native advertising also visually indicates a deviation from the editorial canons of content design. Of the tags that allow classifying this material into different categories, the following are used: "0-6 months", "7-12 months", "1-2 years", "2-3 years", "research" and "advertising".

The second native article was published on March 2, 2022 — "6 mistakes that all parents make during a pandemic" (6 mistakes that all parents make during a pandemic [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/22/2023)). The lead indicates an informational reason, in connection with which the editorial board prepared this material, — the appearance of a new strain of coronavirus affected the entry of children into the risk group. Considering that it was at this time that most kindergartens and schools were closed for quarantine, as the percentage of morbidity of children was really increasing, the topic was really relevant for the parent audience. This is confirmed by statistics — the material has gained 11.759 views (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/22/2023)). It is important that the illustration here reflects the general content of the text, because it shows an anxious parent who is in doubt about what to do with viruses, high temperatures, germs and other signs of the disease in a child. The first sentence after the lead says that the text was prepared on the basis of an interview with a pediatrician, there is also a link to the profile of this specialist, which immediately confirms his personality and qualifications in the eyes of readers, makes the information presented unique and evidence-based.

Despite the fact that the topic of the article is again connected with a complex medical topic, the text adheres to a journalistic style, based in this case on documentary evidence and lack of evaluative and emotional coloring — the interviewee appeals to statistical data and research, and not to personal experience. It is important to note that the form of using the word "doctor" is classical, but if the text were editorial, the form of the feminitive would most likely be used. As in the editorial materials, "percentages" are spelled out in words, not a sign, and hyperlinks are given to various scientific facts. The material is designated as "partner", and not only age ranking is used from the tags, but also "research". Integration, as in the previous example, is located in a relevant place for it — in the middle of the material and at the end, where it mentions the need to double-check test results or do special tests at the clinic so that parents can be sure that the child is not a carrier of the disease; there is a link to the advertised clinic. In addition to forming loyalty, it contributes to a better understanding of the product — as it contains clear and simple instructions for readers on how and why to use the service. There are no links to materials on the topic inside the text and at the end, and the maroon color of the subheadings is selected from the client's color palette - which visually does not correspond to the editorial canons of the materials design. But nevertheless, even without commercial integration, it brings certain benefits to the audience, falls within the scope of its interests by appealing to an urgent problem and the proposed variable ways to solve it.

Another example of native material is a text published on April 28, 2022 under the title "Take Olivier with you, but don't take a stroller!" 18 non–banal life hacks from parents who travel a lot with children" ("Take Olivier with you, but do not take a stroller!" 18 non-banal life hacks from parents who travel a lot with children [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. - Access mode: / (accessed: 11/22/2023)). In it, as in the previous example, an illustration is immediately visible that reveals the content of the text: the child has a toy in his hands, so one of the tips will be about it, and the mother has a hiking backpack on her shoulders, but there is no stroller, so it is not necessary to take it with her. Also, the lead immediately raises a problem that is understandable and close to parents with young children — "there are a huge number of places that you want to see for yourself and show to children," but it is not easy to organize movement between cities with a small child. At the same time, the relevance of the topic is also explained by the fact that in April 2022 many of the popular destinations for holidays with children were closed — people had to look for alternative options within Russia, which are just suggested in the text, but chosen based on the relevant audience requests. The number of views here is about the same as the previous native text — 12.665 (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/22/2023)).

The uniqueness of the material is confirmed by the personal experience of the interviewees — the lead notes that the text was prepared on the basis of advice from parents who travel a lot in Russia with children. The characters turn to their own practical experience, which is confirmed in the text in the form of references to the duration of trips with children, directions and the number of places visited. The data about the interviewees are placed in highlighted yellow blocks, the color of which corresponds to the visual editorial canons. Given that the material contains photos of the characters in different places with children, the level of trust and loyalty to this text among the audience increases — as well as to the brand itself. The native article is labeled as "partner material", and tags allow you to classify it into categories: "7-12 months", "2-3 years", "3-6 years", "parents" and "travel". It is important to note that the "advertising" tag is missing.

Thanks to the use of colloquialisms ("super") and informal formulations ("Otherwise I just turn into some kind of pack camel: a child in front, a backpack in the back, a suitcase and a stroller in addition" or "Beautiful nature, cool excursions, historical sites and villages of craftsmen (although it's not so easy to pull children out of them)"), the text becomes close and understandable to readers. At the same time, the use of reduced vocabulary correlates with the journalistic style, which is undergoing democratization in modern media. The last example of the quotation also indicates the author's appeal to the communicative model of "encoding" information, since only the target audience can decode the explanatory part of the sentence [3, p. 89].

Commercial integration "Avito. Real estate" is embedded after the advice of one of the heroines about the fact that when traveling with a child, it is best to rent apartments with a kitchen, not hotels, — it is suggested to look at the options that are offered on the service. Moreover, after blocking several popular rental platforms, it is such advertising that increases the relevance and relevance of the subject of this text.

As in the previous example, there are no blocks with recommended materials on a similar topic in this material. This deviation from the editorial canons distinguishes this text from the background of all published content, and the audience recognizes the commercial basis in it precisely due to the visual design, which does not fully correspond to the general style of the online publication.

The first commercial text on school topics appeared in the online edition on August 8 - "Leave the backpack on wheels for travel. How to choose a briefcase for a first grader?" (Leave a backpack on wheels for traveling. How to choose a portfolio for a first grader? [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/22/2023)). The relevance of the topic is immediately explained by the fact that parents of school-age children are thinking about buying all things by the beginning of the school year at this time. The publication of an article responding to one of the popular search queries "How to choose a portfolio for a first—grader?" and the well-chosen time led to high indicators - the text scored 40.231 views (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/22/2023)). The uniqueness of the information here is confirmed not by the presence of expert comments, but by the fact that the article is immediately contrasted with texts that are most often published on a similar topic: "Open any article on backpacks and there will be the same list — a solid orthopedic backrest, wide straps and ... well, you already know. But experience tells us that this is not always the most convenient and practical option!" That is, the author of the material intrigues readers with the expectation of really unexpected and unique information. It is also important to refer to personal experience, which distinguishes the text from similar ones.

In the material itself, we are talking about four types of backpacks: a frame satchel, a satchel on wheels, a sling backpack and a bag-shaped backpack. In the illustration, the reader sees three schoolchildren with briefcases of different sizes, but not different models. It turns out that neither the meaning of the title is disclosed in it (it talks about a backpack on wheels and a variety of portfolio options on the market), nor the meaning of the text (none of the listed models is illustrated). The text adheres to the journalistic style, implemented through the following formulations: "And you can put a lunchbox in the compartments, the contents of which will then not have to be collected all over the backpack and other important little things: a phone, money for a bun in the dining room and a travel card" or "No, we are not joking, it is convenient to carry it by the handle along the corridors, it does not add extra weight to already heavy textbooks and does not tear during portfolio fights." The integration unit maintains the same friendly tone: "Choosing everything with a child online and ordering delivery is much more convenient and faster than standing in huge queues in stores before the start of the new school year." That is, syntactically, even commercial integration is fully consistent with editorial policy. Also, the use of such expressions speaks about working with the model of "encoding" information. The full context of such expressions can only be decoded by the target parent audience, which helps to make the entire content of the text more effective for them.

It is important to note that at the end of the text there are blocks with relevant materials on the topic that were not integrated into all the previously analyzed examples. The selection itself generates demand for the product, for the convenience of users, links to all the products listed in the material lead to the advertised site, but even this does not distinguish it from the background of editorial content, because in such collections made by editorial resources there are texts identical in design with collections of goods. The material uses three tags: "6-10 years old", "10+" and "advertising", there are no "school" and "purchases" that would help rank the text in other categories and make the user experience with it deeper.

On August 10, "No, this is normal" published another of the texts on the school theme "What will grow out of them?! Or why the traditional school system doesn't work anymore" (What will grow out of them?! Or why the traditional school system no longer works [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/23/2023)). The time period for publication was not chosen well, since in the last month of summer, families with children begin to prepare for school, and do not choose it. The purpose of this material is to talk about alternative learning systems and show why this is one of the best options for modern children. Despite the high number of views (19.716) ((Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/23/2023)), a more appropriate time to publish such a text could increase its potential number of views and conversion.

The wording of the title does not reflect the problem that this material could potentially solve, and there is also no definite benefit and surprise. The first phrase is written in a journalistic style, but it does not appeal either to search queries or to typical questions from the target audience. A more common formulation about the reluctance of children to study and attend an educational institution could make the material more relevant, arouse more interest and increase the readability and opening rates of this native article.

The text contains not only different facts about the traditional and new education system, but also appeals to the personal experience of two employees of this online publication, which makes the material unique. The use of monologues with an identical position slightly distorts the genre typology of the material, because the problematic article uses expert comments that help reflect different points of view on the question. People's personal experiences may also be present, but they should be polemical — that is, they should form a complete picture for the reader, and not unambiguous, as in the analyzed example.

An unusual view of the topic is expressed in the enumeration of the advantages of new educational approaches in comparison with the traditional educational system. This helps to confirm the thesis about the need to change the school education system and make the text more relevant and interesting. At the same time, there are no links to new research that could give the text more value and improve the readers' experience when interacting with the presented content.

Of the tags, only two are used: "6-10 years old" and "advertising". It turns out that because of this, readers whose children are over 10 years old can close the material and not read its content, although it is relevant for middle and high school students. There is no "school" tag, although it is always present on other educational editorial materials. The label "partner material" is present.

The journalistic style of presentation corresponds to editorial standards, which is expressed in the use of colloquialisms and colloquial expressions: "Someday Masha, a runner, will enter the Institute of physical education and she will have to seriously sit down for anatomy lessons, and a bun lover in ten years will take his department to a charity race and get so carried away with preparing for it that he will accidentally overtake all his sports colleagues." All complex theses are explained using simple examples. Moreover, the positions of editors commenting on the text are written in the form of feminitives: "editor-in-chief" and "supervisor". This corresponds to the uniform editorial standard for the use of women's positions in this media and makes the native article close to editorial policy. This means that it increases the trust and loyalty of the audience both to the main content of the text and to the commercial block.

Speaking of the commercial block, it is worth noting that its volume is almost one third of the volume of the entire text. This has not been observed in other native articles, and visually such a block does not look organic. It is large, there are no accentuated highlighted phrases in it. The imperative expressed in the presence of a button with an incentive to "explore programs" is lost against the background of unstructured text that is not visually worked out. At the same time, the entire text is devoted to online learning, and the stories illustrate different situations in which it can be suitable for a child, which means that the main purpose of this text is to tell about the service and generate demand for it. There are no links to relevant materials after the block and inside the text.

The next native article was published on September 1, 2022 — "Reminder: Call Mom in two hours. Why would a student need a smartwatch" (Reminder: call your mom in two hours. Why does a student need a smartwatch [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/23/2023)). The relevance and relevance of the topic is expressed in the use of the question form in the title, the designation of the audience ("schoolchildren") and the selected period of publication of the material. At the same time, it is likely that publishing such material a few days before the start of school could be more effective and conversion, since many parents are thinking about buying gifts for school before the first school day. The number of views is 9.467 (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/23/2023)), which differs from the indicators of previously analyzed texts. The page immediately indicates that the reader has "affiliate material" in front of him, there is also an "advertising" tag and age tags: "6-10" and "10+", there is no "purchases" tag, which could potentially identify this material in a more relevant section and increase its visibility. In the illustration there is a hint about which functions will be discussed in the text: alarm clock and messages. The lead identifies one of the most common problems of parents — "a gadget that helps a child not to miss calls from parents even when the sound on the phone is turned off. Read (and most importantly see!) all messages are on time." This approach helps the authors of the material to establish an emotional connection with the audience, as readers understand that the authors of the text are close to their problem and they are trying to solve it. This model of communication with modern consumers of information is important, as it helps to attract their attention and build loyalty. There are also several phrases in the text itself that indicate the use of specific expressions specific to the target audience: "You don't have to waste your energy on this: get up, you'll be late! Your five minutes have passed a long time ago!.. And calmly drink your morning coffee. Profit" or "With gadgets, you can forget about the excuse about the sound turned off on the phone or a noisy place where the call was not heard. You can receive incoming messages through the clock (for example, in GTS 3, GTR 3, GTR 3 pro models) — parents will definitely like it!". The integration of borrowings and jargon does not reduce the professional value of the material, but on the contrary, makes it understandable to readers. Since the text is aimed at a narrow target audience, and all the facts are based on the functions of the watch, the material really turns out to be unique. But it is important to note that native advertising is considered to be those articles that benefit the audience without commercial integration. This cannot be said about this material, since all the content is based on useful, but still on the functions that sell the product. And from this side, it turns out that readers are being deceived to some extent.

Also, the clock integration itself is at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the material. And if, as usual, it is visually highlighted at the end, then at the beginning and in the middle the mention of the company goes along with the main text, which is unusual for readers. Since the entire text is devoted to the functions of the product, then, as in the previous example, this native article contributes to a detailed story about the product and the formation of demand for it. But in this material, unlike the previously analyzed examples, blocks with relevant materials are integrated directly into the text, and at the end, readers are offered three more potentially interesting texts. These links help to make the layout visually close to editorial materials and enrich the experience of readers interacting with the main content.

Another native text on the school topic was published on September 13, 2022 under the title "Online school: stories of parents who chose and did not regret" (Online school: stories of parents who chose and did not regret [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. - Access mode: (access date: 23.11.2023). It contains three stories of different people who decided to choose an alternative education option for their children — which immediately indicates the uniqueness of the material and the original choice of approach to the disclosure of the topic. But at the same time, all three stories (combining school with additional classes, moving to another country and drawing up an individual curriculum) automatically exclude the polemic of the material, which is important for a journalistic work: the lack of an alternative point of view does not give readers the opportunity to build a holistic picture of the presented learning format.

It is important to note that the material was published on September 13, at the moment when the school year has already begun in all schools. Of course, the integration section says that you can transfer a child to an online school at any time, but not all parents know about this, and therefore the topic may not be so attractive when the reader sees only the title during this period of time - in this case, the text does not fit into the context. Nevertheless, he scored 12,871 views (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of appeal: 11/23/2023)), all the rules of editorial policy are observed inside it: forms of feminitives for women's positions are used ("editorial"), the letter "e" is missing, all values and numerical values are written in words ("percentage").

Stylistically, as in the previously presented examples, the text contains elements of colloquial style, expressed in the use of inversion ("it goes well ahead of schedule"), diminutive forms of words ("a little bit"), anaphora ("I liked that at school they really think about the psychological state of children and understand how work with teenagers. That the lectures and lessons were done interestingly — I didn't even think that it was possible to explain school material in this way! That you can listen to any lesson as many times as you want, and then ask the teacher a question if you don't understand something"). Such lexical techniques indicate the democratization of the journalistic style, but at the same time, in this case, they help to make the text alive, close to readers, and also reflect compliance with uniform editorial standards. It is important that in the commercial block, the text editor does not change the manner of presentation, while maintaining its author's style: "Maybe your story is similar to some story from the text. Or maybe she's completely different." The beginning of integration with such an eyeliner looks very organic against the background of the text already read by the audience, as it logically follows from it. As in the previously analyzed example with online school advertising, there is also an increased demand for the service and its main properties are described.

It is important that this native article indicates who exactly the author of the text is: "Our editor Alina Farkash collected the stories." And mentioning the name adds value to the material, since some part of the audience in modern media often follows certain authors [6, p. 112]. Each of them has an individual narrative "intonation" that readers can decode and follow. The absence of an indication of the authors on all other commercial texts slightly reduces the number of potential readings and distinguishes them from the general editorial canons, since almost all editorial texts are signed with the names of the editors.

On November 17, the international day of premature babies is celebrated — those who were born prematurely, and on November 11, the material "Premature babies" was published in "No, this is normal".: what parents need to know if a child is born prematurely" (Premature babies: what parents need to know if a child was born prematurely [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: (date of access: 11/25/2023)). The material collected 28.794 views (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of appeal: 11/25/2023)), and this was most likely influenced by several factors: firstly, its publication fits into the information context and is tied to a specific occasion. Secondly, the title reflects the main essence of the material and is formulated in accordance with the search queries of the audience — which increases the relevance of the chosen topic. Thirdly, the illustration accompanying this text accurately conveys its content: it depicts a child on a human palm, symbolizing a premature baby.

The native article is designed in accordance with the stylistic canons of editorial materials: the text highlights subheadings that improve the reader's experience, each mentioned scientific research has a hyperlink proving the uniqueness of the information and confirming the facts presented. In general, this approach to writing materials based on scientific research correlates with the editorial approach to working on such texts: experts are not involved for comments, but their opinions are replaced by links to proven and evidence-based sources. At the same time, in this native article, in some places the links are designed as hyperlinks, and in others as opening blocks. The second design option is not found in editorial materials, and it is impossible to go to the specified site using them — this can only be done if you copy the link and paste it into the browser yourself. This approach complicates the user's path and makes information verification inconvenient — most likely, it even reduces the level of trust in the sources used. At the end there are links to three materials that may also be of interest to readers.

The main part of the text is written in a journalistic style with an emphasis on documentary evidence, which is confirmed by the presence of facts, rather than appealing to emotions and value judgments. Highly specialized definitions are explained, which makes the material accessible to a wide audience, despite the complex medical topics: for example, "cuvez (incubator) with a special "nest" — a soft hemisphere in which the newborn assumes a position close to the intrauterine one, or a heated crib" or "this reduces risks and allows timely use of drugs that will help the child at birth (for example, a course of injections to prevent respiratory disorders in a child)."

At the end of the material, cards (illustrations with text) with a summary of the article are published. They were intended for publication on social networks, and appeared on the site as an addition. This format is really convenient on the platform for which it was originally invented, and given that the cards are no longer in any of the materials published in the online edition, their unexpected appearance misleads readers.

Nevertheless, the analyzed text of native advertising is indeed one of the illustrative examples of serious journalistic work, since it uses a lot of scientific facts, new research, and provides useful and important information for the audience. And two commercial blocks without imperativeness — in the middle and at the end of the text — only slightly complement it, without interfering with the consumption of the main content, contribute to the formation of audience loyalty and the establishment of an emotional connection between the advertiser and it.

The following native advertisement was published on November 24 — "I'm smacking in the evenings": 10 non-banal road games (save!)" ("I'm smacking in the evenings": 10 non-banal road games (save!) [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: (date of access: 11/25/2023)). Despite the fact that there are no personal stories in the text, there is no involved expert and a certain information occasion, it has gained 9.639 views (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/25/2023)). This is lower than the indicators of all other materials already analyzed, but in this case less time has passed since publication. The decision to choose this topic is due to the fact that games with a child in the car are popular media content for parents regardless of time and season. The word "non-banal" in the title reflects a unique approach to the study of the chosen topic and immediately indicates the uniqueness of the content presented to the audience. Some of these games can be found online, but some of them were invented by the author himself: "the editor of this text in childhood could play this with her parents all the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg (and this is seven hours without a break!)". Also — in the blocks with commercial integrations there are comments from drivers from the children's taxi fare (the text is dedicated to advertising): they not only talk about the advantages of the company, but also share some word games that they themselves periodically play with their passengers, which also makes the material unique.

It is also important to highlight that this is a material that is almost completely designed according to editorial canons, both stylistically and visually: in the above example, the form of the feminitive is used, the numbers are written in words (for example, "569: five + six + nine = 20"), and at the end of the article there are links to three relevant on the topic the text. The use of colloquialisms, reduced vocabulary and the "coding" model of some information messages in this material allows you to establish emotional contact with the audience and make the text as understandable and relevant as possible for it. There are no links to interesting texts on the topic inside the material.

Visually, the integration here is small, but stylistically it is also written like the text itself: "And they will also play if suddenly a parent needs to make an important work call." But at the same time, there are some integrations inside the descriptions of the games themselves — which, on the one hand, can strain readers, and on the other, gives the text some uniqueness, because the drivers about whom it is written in these blocks share tips on how to improve a particular game. The perception of such a design by the audience will depend on the level of their loyalty to native advertising in this media. Globally, the purpose of the text is to establish an emotional connection with readers and a story about the product.

It is important to note that the illustration that the reader sees along with the title and lead in the general feed of materials is made on a yellow background — the corporate color of the client. Some readers may not know this, and then the chosen color scheme will not seem irrelevant to them, and a regular audience visiting the website of this online publication can most likely identify a color that does not correspond to the stylistic canons of the media.

The following text of the native advertisement was published on February 15, 2023. These are stories about pets, prepared together with the Four Paws company — "Put your paw on your heart. Touching and funny stories about life with animals from the editorial board of NAN and our readers" (With a paw on your heart. Touching and funny stories about life with animals from the editors of NAN and our readers [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: (date of access: 11/27/2023)). The first thing worth noting is the content created based on readers' comments on social networks and editorial stories. That is, in part, it is UGC (user generated content), which is an important part of the modern media space and allows the audience not to be passive consumers of content, but to participate in its creation. The use of user-generated content in commercial material, as is usually done in editorial materials, also increases trust and confirms the thesis that the approach to working with native advertising works is built in the same way as with any editorial texts.

The views on this material are 10.852 (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/27/2023)), which is approximately identical to the previously analyzed examples. The title uses a language game — a well-known phraseology has been reformulated, which attracts the attention of the audience. The use of the word "touching" intrigues readers, as it appeals to a certain emotional spectrum. The text does not solve a certain problem, but at the same time it is interesting content, since it is based on the personal stories of the users themselves. In this example, there is just a lot of emotionality, surveys based on personal experience — all these factors indicate an original approach to working out a given topic.

The visual design of this native article also corresponds to the editorial canons: the text contains links to relevant materials on the topic, important phrases and quotations are highlighted. The use of feminitives to describe the positions of the editors who gave their comments for this text allows you to identify the text as an editorial work. Jargon and reduced vocabulary are often used in expressions: "So Chewbacca is the ambassador of my cuckoo in our time of troubles" or "The dog is the foundation of my days, my fur bead, a delightful whiner and a collector of compliments from passers-by." In this context, the choice of this style makes the text closer to the spoken one, helping to convey the features of the characters' oral speech in writing. This text mentions all the necessary tags: "society", "parents", "advertising" and "animals", the text itself is not designated as "partner material", but as "advertising", and the integration fits very organically into the content: "We are sure that you also have a story about how animals have made your life better — perhaps literally saved you!" The only point that visually distinguishes this text from similar editorial content is the absence of photos of the characters. It does not bring benefits and practical value, but it helps to form an emotional connection with readers, as it appeals to certain feelings.

Native advertising in the online publication "No, this is normal" is not published on a regular basis. An analysis of ten materials for 2022-2023 showed that the approaches to creating commercial materials in this online publication almost always meet the criteria of high-quality journalistic material. Important factors are the relevant topics, the uniqueness of the content, the stylistic and visual compliance of the materials with the editorial canons.

Relevant topics — that is, the creation of texts based on the requests and interest of the audience — is expressed in the wording of the title, an unusual approach to the presentation of the topic, and the publication date is chosen based on calendar information occasions or social phenomena that increase the visibility of texts in the information space. The uniqueness of the information is based on the use of links to research, appealing to the personal experience of the author of the material or the presence of an expert comment. Stylistically and visually, almost all materials are written in accordance with the editorial policy of the online publication and correspond to the canon of the design of editorial texts. The use of reduced vocabulary, jargon and colloquialisms indicate the democratization of the journalistic style, which, in turn, makes texts more accessible to a mass audience. This style is observed even in texts on complex medical topics, however, unlike other materials, they do not have an emotionally expressive coloring.

It is important to note that not all criteria are met in one text at once: somewhere there may not be expert comments, but there are links to research and a specific information occasion that served as an incentive for the preparation of the material. Sometimes it is the commercial integration of a product or service that makes the text unique, since the advertised products offer the audience new, unusual approaches to solving a particular problem. This approach also increases the visibility of the material among other content. It is important to note that all native articles are published under the authorship of the editorial board, without singling out specific people — this can reduce the potential number of reads, since the author's voice is important in the modern media space. Also, in some native articles, it is possible to trace the presence of integration of different genres into each other, which is one of the trends in the development of modern journalistic text.

Following the basic laws of working with journalistic materials in the preparation of native advertising helps to make commercial texts professional materials that are of some benefit to the audience, do not interfere with the consumption of familiar content, but become part of it and at the same time solve various commercial tasks.

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11. Lovell, D. (2017). Native Advertising: The Essential Guide. London, UK: Kogan Page.
12. Native advertising playbook 2.0. Interactive Advertising Bureau (2019). NY, USA: IAB.
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The reviewed article is devoted to the problem of creating native (natural) advertising in modern media. The author pointwise stops at the "No, this is normal" platform, while vectorially considering approaches to the formation of advertising "texts". The information component of the work is high, explanations and comments during the development of the topic are voluminous. For example, "one of the first texts of native advertising in the online publication "No, this is normal" in 2022 was published on February 14 and is dedicated to atopic dermatitis in children - "Atopic dermatitis: what is it, where does it come from and how to treat it" (Atopic dermatitis: what is it, where does it come from and how to treat it [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/19/2023)). From the title, the user can immediately understand which questions he will be able to find answers to inside, and what benefit this material will bring him. The text is marked as "partner material", which immediately indicates its commercial basis...", or "the second native article was published on March 2, 2022 — "6 mistakes that all parents make during the pandemic" (6 mistakes that all parents make during the pandemic [Electronic resource] // No, this is normal, 2022. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/22/2023)). The lead indicates an informational reason, in connection with which the editorial board prepared this material, — the appearance of a new strain of coronavirus affected the entry of children into the risk group. Considering that it was at this time that most kindergartens and schools were closed for quarantine, as the percentage of morbidity of children was really increasing, the topic was really relevant for the parent audience. This is confirmed by statistics — the material has gained 11.759 views (Google Analytics [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: / (date of access: 11/22/2023)). It is important that the illustration here reflects the general content of the text, because it shows an anxious parent who is in doubt about what to do with viruses, high temperatures, germs and other signs of disease in a child..." etc. I think that the author quite consistently deciphers the question chosen for analysis, stepwise reveals the mechanisms / approaches to creating native advertising texts. The research style tends towards the scientific type proper, terms / concepts are introduced into the work in the unification mode. For example, "the uniqueness of the material is confirmed by the personal experience of the interviewees — the lead notes that the text was prepared on the basis of advice from parents who travel a lot around Russia with children. The characters turn to their own practical experience, which is confirmed in the text in the form of references to the duration of trips with children, directions and the number of places visited. The data about the interviewees are placed in highlighted yellow blocks, the color of which corresponds to the visual editorial canons ...". I think that the material will be appropriate to use in the mode of acquaintance / study of disciplines related to the theory and practice of media. The examples / illustrations are full-fledged, it is fortunate that the background material is literally open to readers: "in the material itself, we are talking about four types of backpacks: a frame satchel, a satchel on wheels, a sling backpack and a bag-shaped backpack. In the illustration, the reader sees three schoolchildren with briefcases of different sizes, but not different models. It turns out that neither the meaning of the title is disclosed in it (it talks about a backpack on wheels and a variety of portfolio options on the market), nor the meaning of the text (none of the listed models is illustrated). The text adheres to the journalistic style, implemented through the following formulations: "And you can put a lunchbox in the compartments, the contents of which will then not have to be collected all over the backpack and other important little things: a phone, money for a bun in the dining room and a travel card" or "No, we are not joking, it is convenient to carry it by the handle along the corridors, it does not add extra weight to already heavy textbooks and does not tear during portfolio fights." The available text volume is enough to reveal the topic and achieve the final result. The work has signs of constructiveness, the evaluation of methods / approaches for creating naive advertising takes place in volume – this is both visual, texting, and language game techniques, etc. For example, "stylistically, as in the previously presented examples, the text contains elements of colloquial style, expressed in the use of inversion ("it goes well ahead of schedule"), diminutive forms of words ("a little bit"), anaphora ("I liked that at school they really think about the psychological state of children and they understand how to work with teenagers. That the lectures and lessons were interesting — I didn't even think that it was possible to explain school material in this way! That you can listen to any lesson as many times as you want, and then ask the teacher a question if you don't understand something"). Such lexical techniques indicate the democratization of the journalistic style, but at the same time, in this case, they help to make the text alive, close to readers, and also reflect compliance with uniform editorial standards ...". The material is quite relevant, new, non-trivial; a certain dialogue with opponents has been built, a critical assessment has been given. In my opinion, the dialogue with the reader has been successfully formed, and the ease of rhetoric distinguishes this study. In the final, the author comes to the following conclusions: "relevant topics — that is, the creation of texts based on the requests and interest of the audience — is expressed in the wording of the title, an unusual approach to the presentation of the topic, and the publication date is chosen based on calendar information occasions or social phenomena that increase the visibility of texts in the information space. The uniqueness of the information is based on the use of links to research, appealing to the personal experience of the author of the material or the presence of an expert comment. Stylistically and visually, almost all materials are written in accordance with the editorial policy of the online publication and comply with the canon of design of editorial texts", "following the basic laws of working with journalistic materials in the preparation of native advertising helps to make commercial texts professional materials that are of some benefit to the audience, do not interfere with the consumption of familiar content, but become part of it and at the same time, they solve various commercial tasks." The list of bibliographic sources is sufficient, the basic requirements of the publication are taken into account. I recommend the article "Approaches to creating native advertising texts in modern media (based on the publications of the online publication "No, this is normal")" for publication in the scientific journal "Litera".