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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Blinova Yu.S., Kapranova M.V. On Methodic and Methodological Problems of Studying Professional Reliability of Drivers

Abstract: This article is devoted to the development of a conceptual and empirically grounded technology to evaluate and forecast professional reliability of drivers. The rationale of this topic is conditioned by the growing number of vehicles and increasing need of the society in professional drivers as well as the need to create accurate and validate evaluation tools for drivers and factors influencing efficiency of their activity. The authors bring about such goals as systematization of current researches devoted to drivers and driving; and development of a psychodiagnostic model for evaluating driver's professional reliability. The experimental research aimed at achieving the aforesaid objectives consisted of two stages. At the first stage the authors selected research parameters, prepared experimental tools and outlined the general plan of the experiment. At the second stage which is going on now the authors create experimential conditions for defining parameters of driver's reliability, collect statistical data to determine different parameters recorded in the course of the experiment and test the technology being developed. Expected results of the research can be used to increase road safety, train drivers at driving schools, increase economic efficiency of auto transport companies, and can be also used by drivers themselves to assess their own level of competence. Implementation of the hardware and software system based on this technology would increase reliability of the human factor and reduce risks of errors. 


performance evaluation, professional reliability, driver, professionally important qualities, operator reliability, operator, man-machine system, traffic psychology, set of techniques, hardware and software system

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