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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Rybakova N.A. Objective Sources and External Activating Conditions for the Self-Actualization of a Teacher

Abstract: The article concerns the problem of identifying the conditions for ensuring the adequacy and efficiency of teacher's self-actualization in professional activity. Recognizing the fact of priority of personal factors therein, the emphasis is made on objective sources and external-activating conditions. According to the author, their complex is able to provide the necessary assistance to the teacher in his professional and personal development and growth through the self-actualization of his individual professionally significant potential.  The article is devoted to objective characteristics of the main sources of teacher's self-actualization in professional activity. Understanding and Using these resources are an important factor that influence the aforesaid process. A significant place is given to the principles of self-actualization of a teacher revealing the significance of the whole complex of external factors in unity with the internal ones. Rybakova pays special atention to justifying and describing external activating conditions. The research is based on the ideas of existentialism about the need to complete absolute freedom with total personal responsibility, activity approach, the theory and concept of personal growth and self-actualization, acmeological approach to teacher's self-actualization, axiological approach to teaching activity, etc. The main conclusion of the research are the following provisions: development and efficiency of teacher's self-actualization process to a high degree is determined by external factors. Important objective sources of teacher's self-actualization include being in deman socially, objective theoretical knowledge, society's culture, and professional activity itself. External activating conditions relate to stimulating professional environment and special teacher's training preparing a teacher for self-actualization under the conditions of continuous education.


principles, objective sources, self-actualization, factors, professional-pedagogical activity, student, teacher, external-activating conditions, personality, training

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