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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Verba Yu.V. Conceptual Configurations in Viktor Frankl's Philosophy

Abstract: The subject of the research is a number of conceptual configurations in Viktor Frankl's philosophy. The author of the article pays attention to the spiritial unconcious as an in-depth part of the human psyche with all the essential desires such as love, freedom and responsibility. The author also focuses on the fact that alienation from one's spiritual unconcious leads to the loss of the meaning of life and existential vacuum. The term 'meaning' is viewed as the core that brings together a broken human being and unites body, spirit and soul. The author also touches upon such issues as 'God' and 'faith' that have a special meaning in Viktor Frankl's philosophy. In this research the author has used the principle of historicism as well as methods and approaches of philosophical anthropology. In the course of the research the author reveals new sides of the problem of existential vacuum and outlines positive ways for overcoming existential vacuum. The author also defines conceptual configurations that play an important role for a better understanding of human nature as well as describes so-called 'anti-meanings' that are usually reflected in 'hyper' and 'pseudo' tendencies. 


love, humanism, anti-meaning, spirit, God, faith, logotherapy, existential vacuum, spiritual unconscious, meaning

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